• last year
八点最热报 | 法国总理巴尼耶绕过国民议会,强行通过一项社会保障法案,引起极右翼和左翼政党的强烈不满,并各自提交了一份针对巴尼耶政府的不信任动议。法国国民议会昨天下午,就针对这两项不信任动议,进行投票表决。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:04Just last Monday, French Prime Minister Banier bypassed the National Assembly and forcibly passed a social security bill,
00:11which caused great dissatisfaction among the far-right and left-wing parties,
00:14and each submitted an unfaithful motion against the Banier government.
00:18Last afternoon, the French National Assembly voted on these two unfaithful motions.
00:23Among them, the right-wing camp's unfaithful motion received 331 votes of support from the left-wing parties and the right-wing National Alliance,
00:33exceeding the threshold of more than half of the 288 votes required,
00:37making the Banier government the first French government to be overthrown by the Parliament since 1962.
00:43It is understood that Banier will resign on May 10 on behalf of the government to French President Macron.
00:49The minority-led Banier government only took office for three months and collapsed,
00:54putting France in a deeper political crisis.
00:58Yesterday, the French National Assembly voted on two unfaithful motions against French Prime Minister Banier.
01:04Before the vote, Banier said that he called on MPs to make decisions that are beneficial to the country.
01:09But perhaps he knew that his time was up.
01:12Banier changed his mind and said that he was honored to serve the French people.
01:17You have come to this moment of truth.
01:21Finally, allow me to tell you more personally at this moment,
01:28that I feel like an honor.
01:31Right-wing National Alliance leader Marine Le Pen said
01:34that this is a key moment that the French National Assembly has never seen in the past 62 years.
01:39Please, please.
01:40We have arrived at the moment of truth,
01:42an unprecedented parliamentary moment since 1962,
01:46which will inevitably seal the end of an ephemeral government,
01:51a government of circumstances and, in the end, of appearance.
01:54As expected, after the result of the vote came out,
01:57the French Parliament announced that one of the unfaithful motions raised by the Left-wing Alliance
02:01was passed with 331 votes in favor,
02:04more than half of the 288 votes required.
02:07This is the first time since 1962 that the Banier government has been overthrown by parliament.
