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لغز الكدمات المفاجئة- ليه بتصحى تلاقي علامات غريبة
على جسمك؟

“استيقظت يومًا لتجد كدمات غامضة على جسمك بدون أي تفسير؟ هل هي مجرد ضغط نوم خاطئ، أم أن هناك أسباب خفية وراء هذه العلامات؟ في هذا الفيديو، نكشف لكم الحقيقة وراء الكدمات المفاجئة التي تظهر على الجسم وأسبابها غير المتوقعة. استعدوا لاكتشاف الإجابات التي قد تغيّر مفهومكم عن أجسادكم!”

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00Have you ever woken up from sleep, found a lump on your body, and asked yourself
00:05What happens when I sleep?
00:07The lump is a blood clot that occurs under the skin
00:10when small blood vessels break
00:13and the blood can't get out of the body
00:15so it accumulates and turns blue or pink
00:19So why does this happen when you sleep?
00:21Don't be fooled
00:22This can happen as a result of many problems
00:25Some are simple, and some are dangerous
00:28Lack of certain vitamins such as vitamin C and K
00:32which are responsible for strengthening the blood vessels and blood clotting naturally
00:37If there is a deficiency, the blood vessels become weaker
00:40and any small lump makes a big lump
00:43And if the lumps appear a lot without a clear reason
00:46it can be a problem in the blood vessels
00:49or in the causes of blood clotting
00:52There are things like a lack of blood vessels
00:54or diseases such as hemophilia that can cause this
00:57And if you take antibiotics
00:59it can make your body unable to stop any small fluid under the skin
01:04and the lumps appear quickly
01:06And we can't forget fatigue and stress
01:09When your body is fatigued or suffers from lack of sleep
01:12the immune system becomes weaker
01:15and the blood vessels become weaker and less resilient
01:18Unfortunately, the formation of these lumps can be a sign of a more dangerous problem
01:24such as liver problems
01:26because the liver produces proteins responsible for blood clotting
01:30and any defect in it can make your body more prone to lumps
01:35Leukemia or serotonin
01:37One of the symptoms that can occur is unjust lumps
01:40But of course, this is very rare
01:42and not every lump means something dangerous
01:45Anyway, if these lumps happen everywhere and go away
01:50it's probably a simple matter
01:52But if they appear a lot or grow quickly
01:55or have other symptoms such as dryness or fatigue
01:58then you should go to the doctor
02:01The most important thing is to understand our body
02:03and follow any strange symptoms
02:05to always be safe
02:08Understand your body and listen to it
02:11because it always tries to tell you something
