• last year
संसद का शीतकालीन सत्र जारी है। संविधान के अंगीकरण की 75वीं वर्षगांठ के अवसर पर लोकसभा में आज संविधान पर चर्चा जारी है। प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने लोकसभा को संबोधित करते हुए 11 संकल्प सदन के सामने रखे। उन्होंने कहा, "भारत के भविष्य के लिए संविधान की भावना से प्रेरित होकर मैं आज इस सदन के पवित्र मंच से 11 संकल्प सदन के सामने रखना चाहता हूं...।"

#PMModi #NarendraModi #Constitution #Samvidhan #Parliament #ParliamentWinterSession #LokSabha #ParliamentSession


00:00The first commitment is that whether it is a citizen or a government, everyone must fulfill their duties.
00:16The second commitment is that every region, every society should benefit from development.
00:25The third commitment is that there should be zero tolerance towards corruption.
00:38The fourth commitment is that there should be no social acceptance of corruption.
00:55The fourth commitment is that the citizens of the country should be proud of the laws, rules and traditions of the country.
01:12The fifth commitment is that slavery should be freed from mentality.
01:18The nation should be proud of its heritage.
01:21The sixth commitment is that the politics of the country should be freed from family ties.
01:32The seventh commitment is that the constitution should be respected.
01:43The constitution should not be used as a weapon for political selfishness.
01:52The eighth commitment is that those who are receiving asylum should not be deprived of it.
02:06The ninth commitment is that India should be a model for the world in terms of women-led development.
02:26The tenth commitment is that the development of the nation should be the mantra of our development.
02:39The eleventh commitment is that one India, the best India should be seen by all.
