• last year
मुंबई – वीर सावरकर के पोते रंजीत सावरकर ने जवाहर लाल नेहरू पर आरोप लगाते हुए कहा कि माउंटबेटन की बेटी ने खुद ये बात कही है कि नेहरू ने लगातार 12 सालों तक लेडी माउंटबेटन को खत लिखा। नेहरू देश की सारी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियां लेडी माउंटबेटन को भेजते रहे। ये देश का अबतक का सबसे बड़ा हनीट्रैप था। उन्होंने कहा कि सावरकर और अंबेडकर की विचारधारा इस वक्त के लिए प्रासंगिक और गांधी की विचारधारा इस समय अप्रासंगिक है। रंजीत सावरकर ने राहुल गांधी के आरोपों पर कहा कि अगर राहुल गांधी बाहर वीर सावरकर पर आरोप लगाने की हिम्मत करें तो मैं उनके ऊपर कानूनी कार्रवाई करूंगा।



00:00After India got independence, Nehru... Pakistan made Govt. Gen. Jinnah
00:06But he kept Mountbatten as the first Govt. Gen.
00:10And when he went to Mountbatten, Nehru wrote a letter to Lady Mountbatten every morning at 2 am
00:19I am not saying this, this is Mountbatten's daughter, she has a book, Daughter of India
00:24She used to say that in those letters, the first and last one was romantic
00:30And in the middle, there was a diary of Nehru
00:33So this went on for 11-12 years till his death
00:37And this is the biggest honey-trap operation in the world
00:40When the Prime Minister became an agent for 12 years
00:43The entire information, the entire diary of the Prime Minister
00:47Everything important was going to Lady Mountbatten
00:51See, Ambedkar and Savarkar have very similar thoughts, very nationalistic thoughts
00:56And I think they are most relevant today and Gandhi's thoughts are most relevant
01:00They do it purposely for Muslim voters
01:02They think that if they abuse Hinduism, Muslims will vote for Congress
01:07This is the helplessness of power, what else can they do?
01:09See, the people who keep their father's ideology aside
01:12I don't believe that anything will happen by telling them
01:15I have already filed a case yesterday
01:18My cousin has filed a case in Pune and in Lucknow
01:22And I can't legally file a case for what I did yesterday
01:26Because Rahul Gandhi has a health insurance
01:28He was saying it in Saunsar
01:30If he dares to speak out at this time tomorrow
01:34Then I will definitely take legal action against him
