• last year
दिल्ली – बीजेपी सांसद रवि किशन ने प्रियंका गांधी की बैग राजनीति पर हमला बोलते हुए कहा कि अब देश इससे नहीं चलेगा। देश चलेगा तर्क—ितर्क और अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चर्चा करने से।

उन्होंने संभल को लेकर सीएम योगी के बयान का समर्थन करते हुए कहा कि ये बहुत ही आश्चर्यजनक है कि उस जगह पर एक परिवार का राज चलता है। उनके डर से कितने कुओं को ढक दिया गया, मंदिरों के ऊपर घर बनाए गए, कितने हिंदुओं को पलायन करना पड़ा ये आश्चर्यजनक है।



00:00Now politics will be based on the bag, the country will run on the bag, this is the problem.
00:06Now if there is a bag, I will take it with me, if there is no bag, I will also wear the bag.
00:11Now the country will not run on this, the country will run by reasoning, by thinking, by vision.
00:16The country started running on the bag, what message has come from the bag?
00:19I don't understand this.
00:21Now that era has gone that show the bag and show the cap and show the cap, that did not work.
00:26Now Modi ji will run the country with his words, deeds, work, honesty, vision, far-sighted thinking.
00:35The country has to be strong economically.
00:38The country does not run on the bag.
00:40184 Hindus were killed by taking off from a motorcycle and burnt.
00:46There have been riots there for many years.
00:48One administration, one local leader had made his entire empire.
00:53The wells were covered, houses were built on the temples.
00:57Seeing this visual, my heart trembled.
00:59I did not know that there is such a place in the country where a separate man's family rules.
01:06According to him, thousands of Hindus ran away from there, kept running.
01:10This was shocking.
