• last year
00:00would love to see the ratings from last night like was i the only one watching
00:04the cup the emirates cup oh was it last night
00:09you were watching i was watching no and you know what
00:15i was watching the best sport on television football well i was watching a college football
00:24well uh what'd you think about tulane why were you watching it honestly why i was watching it
00:32is because memphis just beat tulane and i wanted to root for memphis against west virginia see
00:38that's the kind of fan i am lately i beat you in the fantasy playoffs and on the vine and i stare
00:44at it you go guru bring it home even if you didn't mean it but i absolutely hope you win it i felt
00:50like rocky why wouldn't i hope you win it you're going well hell no uh daryl in alameda what's
00:59going on daryl how you doing hey what's going on steinmetz how you doing guru hey hey i was
01:06hoping you said my name how you doing oh of course you know i couldn't you know i ain't gonna forget
01:13hey uh comment on two things number one on uh on uh dennis schroeder i'm a diehard laker fan
01:23it was horrible when the lakers literally let him go they kind of low balled him on an offer
01:30and he was a little greedy but still they low balled him he was coming off a european championship
01:35he literally ran the team you guys are getting a great player and when you say who's gonna suffer
01:43with him coming nobody's gonna suffer he is a true point guard he is a real asset to this team
01:51and i think he's gonna bring you kind of put you guys over the top now i have a comment about
01:58brock purdy oh okay if anybody gives brock purdy 50 million dollars a year they are out of their
02:07minds i told i called into you guys before he got hurt before his elbow blew up and i said this dude
02:17is small i said i don't know if he's gonna have the durability and it's proven that he doesn't
02:25i mean i remember guru a couple of days ago you made the comment about him doing a jump pass
02:33oh he oh he he has all the tools except one critical thing he doesn't have the height
02:44he does not have the height he can't see over tall and look at the games
02:51when they rushed this dude some of the guys just sit back and wait for him to cock that arm and
02:57they bat it down that's very astute i get it man i get it appreciate it yes donnie and that's been
03:05happening man like and i know all it happens they do it but it just seems like it's happening
03:10all year long in critical times and you know if you can't get to them just stand back there and
03:16play volleyball so i again i i'm you know what for 2025 i'll share with you my new year's
03:23resolutions i'm gonna lose no shade i don't like that because it's shade okay but uh i mean this
03:30is a big well if you lose that what are they gonna offer man i know we're talking if you lose
03:37no shade you'll just then you will you'll never criticize anybody
03:43well because you always have to put it oh please i don't hold the players accountable
03:49that that was for a fact i don't know what i don't know what that was yeah i'd like to get
03:56to origin to that but let's go to uh darryl in san san jose what's up darryl how you doing
04:03hey guru how you guys doing what's up call about schroeder sure and shooter i i think
04:09schroeder is going to be really good for uh a pick and roll situation that may pick up with
04:15the warriors uh that pick and roll will work out really good with draymond and curry in that because
04:22he did really wonderful with uh la in that um but i think looking at pause he seems like a fast
04:31version of anderson i mean when you put him out there against people that have been in the league
04:37for two years he looks a little tad bit slower for some reason i don't understand that but i
04:42think that may be affecting i mean he was brought in for a 40 three-pointer but uh you know his
04:49speed i think needs to be uh picked up somehow but in all schroeder is going to be good to open up
04:57all these lanes for lindy moody and for wiggins all that all that attention is going to be on
05:03schroeder penetrating so that's going to open up a lot and i think cominga if he gets involved in
05:09the pick and roll with schroeder that's going to be deadly too so i think they got an upside coming
05:14up but you don't need a big man we're in protector man maybe maybe darryl i i agree i think i think
05:21what the warriors got is a quality pro player uh i put schroeder on a different level than the three
05:29guys they got in the offseason i think he's a better player or let's say more impactful than
05:34kyle anderson or heald or melton and you know he's a passer to schroeder now he he he likes to have
05:42the ball in his hands there's no doubt about it and that's gonna and that's where i think draymond
05:49green is talking about it's up to us to adjust to him because they need what he can give them man
05:57i mean i just i just said this tongue-in-cheek to to evan schroeder better pick and roll guard
06:03than curry i won't i won't say yes of course not right no i'm just well they're different
06:10but that's how he gets on he's good at schroeder can't play off the ball like stef can't not a lot
06:16can so that means so evan thinks schroeder's better at the pick and roll and curry no that's
06:24what i heard no what i'm saying is he has to run it more yeah if like efficiency wise curry is a
06:31better pick and roll player yeah those are the analytics i i use the eye test unless line unless
06:41it doesn't prove what i'm saying numbers are numbers i gotta say numbers are numbers yeah
06:45spadoni brought up because a lot of people are saying why the lakers didn't value uh schroeder
06:49they did they offered him spadoni brought it to my attention four for 84 an extension he turned
06:55it down i don't know if you heard him talking here lately said his representation at the time
06:59advised him to do so and he regrets not signing that but that's so my point is the lakers that
07:06was respect four for 84 that was back man i i think they wanted him still on the team he chose
07:12to do something else took way less money but stony if i if i'm a doctor in the white coat i'm giving
07:19you the best medicine that you possibly could have penicillin for what ailed the warriors during
07:26this last 11 or 12 game stretch this dude is perfect he's not michael jordan or kobe you don't
07:32need him to be but he's a point guard he can pass he got speed he could defend and let's go all right
07:41you want to know it's on my mind right now goo yeah and not not that i'm multitasking but i'm not
07:47but i got a i got something in my inbox and there's a great writer in the bay area ethan
07:53sherwood strouse okay lives in san diego did he move he used to live in oakland i'm gonna let you
08:01in heaven he lived in oakland as of like six months ago but his area code was san diego
08:07oh now i don't know who he lives in oakland
08:11he lives in oakland okay anyway he's got a story about he says there are more people
08:19interested in why they're no longer interested in the nba than are actually interested in the nba
08:28um we got a problem here with uh with our product and i was thinking this
08:34is adam silver
08:39he's in trouble yeah he's and he's taking ales like he he's he's in trouble not in terms of
08:45they're gonna oust him but i'm talking legacy we're gonna remember the league is being great
08:51under david stern he's rolling a real turn for the worse with with adam silver so you you've
08:58wanted to get into this and and i have two so i don't i don't know the exact numbers but they're
09:05so they're so obvious that we don't even have to we don't even have to get into specifics ratings
09:11are down in a monster way right for the nba a monster way and we got to figure out why
09:21and you've been asking that question because everybody i know in my circles watching
09:26except for the other day i i i disagree well i mean i i disagree with my circle i don't know
09:32about your circle but i i certainly would acknowledge i'm not watching uh as much bass
09:39as much non-warriors basketball as i have in the past and i believe you i texted last night the
09:46other night did you watch sack denver no it was a great game no you said no all right so the
09:52question i have at eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seven zero is why has this product
09:59become more unwatchable why are fewer why are only people like you watching as much as they
10:07as they always did why are most normal people um you know tuning out i'm gonna let evan go first
10:15because he had the uh the gambling component that i i didn't think this was it but i thought it was
10:20interesting that he brought it up here and you might evan you mind sharing that well one of the
10:24reasons why i asked why stein he was watching college football last night is because i know
10:28his neighbor had money on the game right and i think that's a big reason why people watch sports
10:33in general is because they bet and i was talking to one of our engineers justin beltray earlier and
10:39he said he doesn't bet on the nba because it's really difficult to figure it out because there's
10:45so many interchangeable parts players are hurt guys aren't playing as much or different stuff
10:52it's a very i don't know if it's a more complicated game but it feels like it's harder to figure out
10:57what you're watching and so if you're a gambler you might be less inclined to bet on that i i'm
11:04not mad at that evan but i'll say this i didn't hear one iota of the love of the game from that
11:12clip that evan just went on but because he was talking about gambling but stanley i'm talking
11:16about the love of the game for who the fans the fans let's just let's just say they don't get
11:21good enough and that why because it's not good enough this evolution i believe every game is
11:28played the same well that's just it's boring now it's all it but i thought i'll watch but let's be
11:34honest man a three-on-one break with lindy waters pulled up and i'm not even mad at him sundale
11:39three-on-one he made the three but do you really believe that's pissing or turning people off like
11:46what do you believe the numbers oh you don't think ratings are down i i i i man like i don't i gotta
11:59be dead dead honest with your job i feel like you're playing a role right now oh i've never
12:04done that like what do you mean i can't be that of course that's because i'm the guy that tells
12:10you guys well the checks are cashing the commercials are big who's losing because
12:15they just re-up the deal that's all i guess i really want to say is okay what's the big deal
12:20everybody's getting theirs well the advertisers aren't getting theirs okay now they can't do
12:24anything about it now okay no but this is gonna be a big issue this is a monster issue the final
12:31numbers are down last year's finals it's like what's going on stop it stop like that's what i
12:37mean stop saying what's going on we know what's going on there's a myriad of issues going on
12:45you're listening to 95.7 the game kgmz fm and hd1 san francisco always live on the free odyssey app
12:51twitch and youtube powered by first norcal credit union can i i gotta like i got a list of nine
12:57things okay i'm gonna give you one on mine can i just give you mine and you can't judge it so i'm
13:03just gonna share with you i can judge it because i'm a black man in america yeah so for the last
13:08five to ten years our world i believe our society bigger than sports has changed and i do remember
13:15coming up as a young toddler watching the nba because of race relations in our country the
13:22finals would come on tape delay because you know why nine out of ten guys black guys on a court
13:29didn't play well in certain places and i'm just wondering what's going on in the political world
13:35what's gone on who's left who's got in i'm just wondering stony and i just you don't have the
13:41answer but i'd like you know your thought or crack at it do you think maybe eight or ten guys on a
13:48basketball court with tats and different hairstyles may not be playing in certain places because of
13:54what's taking place in our society here in the last 10 years that would no okay well because i feel
14:02like there's something to it i have nothing but it's a feeling i have the game stinks that i agree
14:08with has far less to do with the color of a guy's skin the other thing i'd be a part of it right but
14:14okay when the league had michael jordan as its face and early in lebron james's career and early
14:19in curry's career the league was blossoming so the league has blossomed when when the league has been
14:26primarily black and now well the league is probably i don't even know it's probably still primarily
14:33black but jordan wasn't divisive black guy's divisive but we had the bubble and they put all
14:40the uh uh you know uh what not black power but you know they had all the sayings that were a
14:47turnoff for for other i'm just saying for some that didn't you know what i mean i'm putting it
14:51right on the table stanley i'm not saying i'm right but jordan wasn't divisive that whole bubble thing
14:56maybe that was i mean everything that they had freedom and fight which i agree with it all but
15:02stanley just think if you were in the midwest or even out here and you're like the hell with this
15:07crap you know i don't want to play i want to get away from all this crap and you guys got t-shirts
15:12on and all the stuff that was jumping off in the streets i'm just wondering have those chickens
15:17maybe come home to roost i just like i said just you know what and i got to be careful how i say
15:24this but if you take that view that assumes that the game is good that assumes the game's fine
15:34but there's prevalent essentially racism going on that will never be overcome is that a small
15:43part of it i would say it's probably a much smaller part of it than we believe i mean
15:51to me the league has been has thrived when they're when it's been primarily black and now
15:59it's it's a joke and it's got it to me it's way more about the game which i agree with the game
16:07is suffering i mean it's how about like over empowering the players people are sick of that
16:14people are sick of the players determining where they're gonna play the three-point line
16:22has jumped the shark and it jumped it five years ago uh physicality they've legislated
16:29it completely out of the game it feels like the all-star game the the emirates cup people
16:36are smart enough to know that that those are gimmicks those are flat-out gimmicks and you
16:42know what did you see what they're doing with the all-star weekend this year there's going to be
16:45four teams they're going to play a game three games on sunday and it's like people are smart
16:51enough to know you're trying to regulate the game or you're trying to draw uh you're trying
16:56to make the players care about something they don't care about and you're concocting all this
17:01crap to do it um load management has been ruined in the nba uh here's the other thing there's
17:09there's there's two things that are going on that i think are really can't you know we always say
17:16we always say well that guy's athletic and then maybe another guy well that guy's a really smart
17:24player meaning meaning that that guy's not really athletic on the right and the guy or and the guy
17:30who is athletic isn't the smartest player in the world the reality is the way the game is played
17:36right now there's no there's far less athleticism and there's actually far less basketball iq
17:45because these guys are just playing one way they're running to the three-point line
17:50they're getting into the corner they're standing in the corner and it's there's no there's no
17:55there's no creativity hey 82 games guys don't want to play 82 games anymore it's yeah i mean
18:04here it is yeah did you see the pelicans in one of their games the top six guys were out
18:10well injuries okay well but when you talk about the nfl i'm not going to say major league baseball
18:18because it's not as they they're risking almost their life so to hear you say if you're right
18:25these players are getting all this money and they don't care for the most part i mean it starts
18:31there but you know then how do you how do you know if what you're watching i don't know man i know
18:36lebron james cares i know steph curry cares and maybe that's another rat on the table study those
18:42guys are still stewards of the game kevin durant and uh but i guess you got luca and then you know
18:50who else give me somebody else some young guys coming up but it was supposed to be zion i don't
18:55know but i i'm telling you bj armstrong said it i've heard many people say what we're watching
19:01right now study this is the worst version of hoop ever i'm all in 24 7 but my goodness
19:07well you're part of the problem you're supporting this crap so they'll keep doing it
19:14i'm kidding no it's so we should just boycott the nba i love yeah but study you don't boycott it we
19:21can't well we love it right i'm down to the warriors so what is silver what can he really do
19:26today a million to a headline okay you know what's on my desk i'm gonna take a look at the
19:31three pointers in our league move that son of a b back do something what else can you do but
19:37move it back don't do what i pull up to the softball field in my coming up hey you only
19:43get one home run no and i'm a hit four i hated that stony move that thing back and bring the
19:50essence of the game back why don't you just make a dunk three no no that's no nothing's being
19:56changed like that well there the league went more than went half its history without a three-point
20:02line there was no three-pointer up until 1980 even missed it nobody even knew that they were
20:10what they were missing and now the game has become a three-point shooting contest we can't get a
20:16record we can't i know they i know they did burns in fremont get us going oh man what's up
20:23birds gentlemen gentlemen hey man i i told i totally agree you know lifelong fan of the nba
20:29but i don't really watch it i mean i i'll tune into the warriors and and reasons why let's start
20:35off with uh the one and done in college there's no players coming from college that i even know
20:39really because they're they come in from this great high school career and i play one year
20:44in college and they're into the pros on the bench right um there's also uh to me there's
20:49no real good rivalries anymore uh back in the day you had uh celtics lakers you had all sorts
20:55of different little uh pistons were bad but you know there's no real rivalry and the players all
21:01love each other right they all love each other they don't no one hate no one really dislikes
21:06the other guy and wants to really beat them uh they all like each other they all hang out in
21:10the summertime and do all their things and what really gets me about you guys and this is your
21:15guys is that you guys know the nba um is declining and their numbers are bad but you guys force feed
21:23the warriors to us every single day and i know you guys are the warrior station but it gets
21:28annoying i have to i have to switch the station because it's just too much nba it's boring
21:33what should we be talking about instead you think uh there's a college football playoff
21:38um we have uh uh um uh what what kurt cousins just uh getting demoted i'd rather talk about
21:45that that's on my list nba and the lawyers i got you know hey bernsie appreciate it
21:51i ain't mad at bernsie but i do wonder because i'm all about empowerment and i just went on a
21:57diatribe about love thy neighbor study i can't have it both ways i feel like a hypocrite help
22:04me here if it's beyond sports in the court in the fields you want this love or unity
22:12but i do want it separated to where when i'm playing you on a night i don't want to see ig
22:17either we're doing a podcast and our guards are down or we're breaking bread and i guess that's
22:23just the evolution of life with the cameras and stuff but i mean the guys are more it's a fraternity
22:29now it's like there is not what it that that that that piece but i do wonder about do you think if a
22:35guy stayed in college and you got to know him in college you would gravitate to him more than if he
22:42went to he went to standard prep in in el paso texas and he hit the lead you're asking a question
22:47you know the answer i i what you don't know but i'm the guy that says if you're ready to play
22:53moses malone but nobody knows who the guy is nobody knows who the guy nobody knows who sar is
23:00or risa shay but i guess and then if they pop in the nba then you do but that's the point it's too
23:07late yes i mean everybody knew that christian leitner went to the minnesota timberwolves
23:17and you had a strong fit i mean the closest guy to that right now is cooper flag and he's
23:22gonna play one year in the nba and the in college but the but the internet has made that one year
23:28like it did zion he was a he was a phenom stony on the internet it feels like he's been in the
23:34league two or three years that i guess that's i mean the whole thing is there the whole thing
23:38with a race i i'm just i don't buy that i mean i'm not saying you're wrong but i think what the
23:44percentage of people we're talking about is marginal
