• last year
Chasing The Wind - Episode 2 (English Subtitle)
00:00How can I be so weak that I accidentally make a mistake?
00:27It's all because of you, turning around with a smile
00:31Please close your eyes and escape
00:33I understand that I'm being captured
00:35But how can I escape?
00:38You repeatedly touched me, as if it were a storm
00:42Turning and turning, I can't help but fall again
00:47How can I be so profound in my life?
00:50I heard the wind say this winter is very suitable
00:56I want to be with you, I want to be with you all night, seven fireworks
01:01I want to hear you say the sweetest words on the street
01:05I want to be with you, your heart, I want to be with you, your me
01:09I want to be with you forever, sweetly, individually, without weakness
01:13I want to be with you all night, seven fireworks
01:17I want to be with you, to break through all the world's blockades
01:21想你的每一天 想你的每一刻 I miss you every day, I miss you every moment
01:24可是我 都有我爱在星空下放过 But I have my love in the starry sky
01:51在星空下放过我 I miss you every day, I miss you every moment
02:21星空下放过我 I miss you every day, I miss you every moment
02:52没有太大理想和抱负 I don't have too big of a dream or ambition
02:56在天堂平安我已驻足 I have been safe and secure in heaven
02:59四方长路的玉桥时六六六 The road of the four directions is six six six
03:03全是四月以来的顶梁柱 It is the top two pillars of the four seasons
03:07平凡生活并不是认输 Ordinary life is not a number
03:10无名之处照样可以幸福 We can still be happy even if we are not famous
03:13稳稳当当 走好每一步 Steady and steady, take every step
03:17让每一天都过得让每一天都过得 Let every day go by
03:20有温度 有温度 With warmth
03:24我只想做一个疯人 I just want to be a crazy person
03:27不悔不怯 不忘不悔 No regrets, no regrets, no regrets
03:32敢爱敢恨 心有阳光 No regrets, no regrets, no regrets
03:34心有阳光 No regrets, no regrets, no regrets
03:35又怕什么乌云 No regrets, no regrets, no regrets
03:37我只想做一个疯人 I just want to be a crazy person
03:40不老不娇 不孤独善战 No old, no young, no lonely, no lonely, no lonely
03:45停 回去 Stop, go back
03:52停 Stop
03:55320.6块钱 一块钱 320.6到一 533.333 320.6到一 533.333
04:05小方 你工作不到位呀 Xiao Fang, your work is not in place
04:08领导批评得是 马上给您换一个 The leader's criticism is that I will change it for you right away
04:12给您 领导 Here you are, leader
04:16领导 咱这次的采购资金还剩多少钱呢 Leader, how much money is left in our purchase fund this time?
04:20咱们现在一共花了372块吧 We spent a total of 372 yuan now
04:22372块吧 372.8 372.8
04:24哎呀妈呀 还剩一百来块钱呢 Oh my god, it's still more than a hundred dollars
04:27那行啊 那咱仨买衣服去呗 That's fine. Let's go shopping for clothes
04:31买衣服 师娘不是给你买新衣服了吗 Buy clothes? Didn't your wife buy you new clothes?
04:34我不是寻思你要走了吗 Didn't I think you were leaving?
04:36龙龙 晚上咱仨去买个一样的衣服 过年穿着一起照个相留个纪念啥的 How about we buy the same clothes and take a picture together for the New Year?
04:43多好 That's great
05:06你刚不是说要去上厕所吗 你现在去吧 Didn't you just say you were going to the bathroom? Are you going now?
05:25我说要上厕所了吗 Did I say I was going to the bathroom?
05:27说了 Yes
05:30你这么一说 我还真有点想去呢 When you say that, I really want to go
05:34那啥 你拿着啊 晚上外边等我啊你俩 Take that. Wait for me outside
05:50干嘛这么省钱啊 Why are you so stingy?
05:52省钱不行啊 Can't I save money?
05:54我就问问 I'm just asking
05:56要你管 I don't care
05:58还不能管吗 Can't I care?
06:00幼稚 Childish
06:02咱俩要是不幼稚的话就不会认识了 If we're not childish, we won't know each other
06:06第一次见面是你先挑衅的吧 刚刚也是你先撞我的吧 你更幼稚 You provoked me the first time we met. You hit me first. You're more childish
06:12你说得对 You're right
06:18严哥 我有个事想问你 Yanke, I have something to ask you
06:28咋的了 叹啥气啊 What's wrong? Why are you sighing?
06:32你咋走成这样啊 How did you end up like this?
06:34你舍得咱闺女啊 You don't want to leave our daughter?
06:36江南那么大老远的 她就不能进咱们省队吗 Jiangnan is so far away. Can't she join our province team?
06:40只能说有希望吧 关键江南队好久没出好苗子了 I can only say there's hope. The key is that Jiangnan hasn't made a good seed for a long time
06:45而且他们也挺看好林格的 给凯特条件也贼好 And they're pretty optimistic about Lin Ge. The conditions for Katie are also very good
06:49又是高津铁 又是外教 换我我也动心呢 是不是 It's a high-level post and it's a foreign coach. I'm also moved by it, isn't it?
06:54而且这对于林格来说确实是个挺好的选择 And it's a good choice for Lin Ge
07:03是 这大事啊 还得她自己拿主意 这人生的路怎么走 咱们得尊重闺女个人的意愿 对吧 Yes. She has to decide for herself how to go about her life. We have to respect her personal wishes, right?
07:15我想知道你为什么要去江南队 短道速滑最好的明明是咱们省的 我知道江南队给的工资更高 但也没有高多少人 这些钱就能买你的职业生涯了 I want to know why you want to go to Jiangnan. The best thing about short track speed skating is our province. I know Jiangnan has a higher salary, but it's not much higher
07:33这些钱就能买你的职业生涯了 职业生涯 I can buy your career with this money
07:37职业生涯 我就没想过职业生涯这回事 当初跟你进体校就是为了奖金 打比赛能挣钱 我就想尽办法提高成绩 争取能多上比赛 我的情况你也知道 我就是靠比赛生活的 现在江南队开出来的条件 我无法拒绝 反正我这成绩也未必进得了咱们省队 干嘛还要去江南呢 Why do I have to go to Jiangnan? I can't refuse the offer from Jiangnan
08:01反正我这成绩也未必进得了咱们省队 干嘛不先抓住眼前百分之百的机会 多抓一点试一点 你有职业生涯可以考虑 我替你开心 我呢先想着生存 我觉得也没什么不好的
08:18那咱们就只说钱 省队上面还有国家队 你留在水平更好的省队 进国家队的几率就会更大 到时候你不仅可以拿到省队的工资 还能领一份国家队的津贴 如果你拿了世界冠军的话 奖金几十万也是有可能的
08:38聂驰 你知道咱们省队有个运动员叫猪猪吗 听说过 他五百米的最好成绩是四十五秒 省队的平均成绩是四十七秒 你知道我的成绩吗 我连四十八秒都进不了
08:55对一个运动员来说 一个强大的对手更能激发他的潜能 你天赋比我好 这是我第一次遇见你就知道的事
09:04我当时在体校 同龄人没有人能划得过我 而你呢 你穿着花滑鞋都能追上来 什么追上来 那是超过
09:17行 超过 你为了赢还直接拿身体去撞线 整个人都飞了出去 那是我第一次见到有人好胜心那么强 划着玩的 小命都不要了 我就是要证明自己划得比你快 摔了我也乐意
09:35你那么好强 想要划得更快的话 真的应该争取一下咱们省队
09:41我知道 我说这些你不爱听 但如果你是因为钱的事 训练赢的那两千块钱我可以帮你
09:50好了 别浪费钱了 我又不是去外星 咱们之后常联系就好了 没准寒暑假我还会回师傅这儿来蹭住的 走吧
09:59走吧 兵哥 你喜欢划冰吗 别恶心了 回答我
10:14你把钱藏哪儿了 你妈走的时候没给你留钱 没有钱 那你还让她回来 吃喝不挖钱呢 水电不挖钱呢
10:27喜欢 但是有些事不是光靠喜欢就可以的
11:05我坚持看到我心中压抑的火苗 可他不仅不闭嘴 还往上喝了一桶汽油
11:26师傅 你找我 进来
11:30你拿着呀 你让我说你什么好 两千块钱说交就交了 我着急忙慌的一路追到财务我真是追不回来了 那咋办呀 你还不收欠条 你到底什么意思啊
11:47清讯银本来就是我自作主张 没想让你真还钱
11:51你要是不让我还我还就不去了 反正你随随便便就能帮我把钱给交了 我估计你也不差钱
11:57就让你那两千块钱打水漂玩去吧 等会儿 只要你去听你的 那你把欠条给我占回来 一模一样的 回宿舍占 现在就去占 反正我现在就等江南那边的回函 只要他们答应我就收拾东西 总之等我占了今天我就会慢慢把钱还给你
12:21行 多慢都行 忘不了 慢就是个形容 多慢都行
12:58你这不都要去江南队了吗 还来训练营干什么呀
13:02我联赛单人第三 能去的省队多了 你管得着吗你
13:06你可太失纳哥了 你能不能离我远点 一天没学完
13:10自作多情吧你 嫌我不顺眼你滚一边去啊
13:13我跟你说话了 我话没说完了 你可太失纳哥了 我真应该给你一个勇气攻武力 我跟你说你个小咖了蜜 你可太失纳哥 我真
13:25咋的啊林凤 想我是不
13:41我俩刚才去问去了 我爸说的没错 到这就得比赛
13:45这么快 都没有个什么省队教练之类的出来说两句
14:26那个就是珠珠 你说省队划得最快的那个
14:57是 是的 我想挑战
15:06今天不以名次为准 就看大家的测试成绩
16:05Come on!
16:12Come on!
16:41see you
16:44Second place.
16:45Good job, Hua.
16:46Second place.
16:47Fall in.
16:50Now I'll announce the results.
16:52First place, Zhu Zhu.
16:5446.67 seconds.
16:56Second place, Ling Ge.
16:5747.97 seconds.
17:00I'm already 48 seconds.
17:03I'm already 48 seconds.
17:05I passed.
17:08That's all for today.
17:10Ling Ge.
17:12Ling Ge.
17:14Stay here.
17:18Why are you so happy?
17:20You're so different from Di Ming.
17:23You think you're glorious?
17:26You underestimated me.
17:29Do you know what the average score of the provincial team is?
17:3247 seconds.
17:33You didn't even reach the average score.
17:36Is that all you ask of yourself?
17:40You did pretty well among these kids.
17:44Your center of gravity, position, and angle of squatting are all wrong.
17:48Your stamina and endurance are also average.
17:50Someone like you...
17:51You might be able to play in the Southern Provincial Team.
17:54But you're nothing to me.
17:59I'll put it this way.
18:01If you achieve your goal,
18:03I'll accept you.
18:05But if you come here,
18:06you have to start from scratch.
18:10There's a girl in your sports school who wants to join the Southern Provincial Team.
18:13It's you, right?
18:15But I haven't decided to join the Southern Provincial Team yet.
18:17The Southern Provincial Team wants you.
18:19Why did you come to the military camp?
18:21Just to see if you can make it to the provincial team.
18:23Do you think I'm a candidate?
18:27Actually, you should join the Southern Provincial Team.
18:29I think it suits you.
18:32Let's go.
18:36Actually, the coach is right.
18:39It's okay.
18:40If you can't make it, let's go to the Southern Provincial Team.
18:44But my movements are all wrong.
18:47Your movements are all wrong?
18:49Maybe the Southern Provincial Team doesn't require you to be so strict with your movements.
18:52I don't think so.
18:54I don't think so.
18:56I don't think so.
18:58Maybe the Southern Provincial Team doesn't require you to be so strict with your movements.
19:09Lin Ge.
19:10Lin Huixin.
19:15Who do you think is better among the boys?
19:17Let's take the second one, No. 3.
19:19He has the best foundation.
19:22Nie Chi.
19:23But I think he's a little timid.
19:26He has had several opportunities to surpass others.
19:28But he didn't make it.
19:29He does have this problem.
19:31Let's observe him.
19:32Coach Han Bing.
19:35What's the matter?
19:37Coach, can I stay in the provincial team?
19:39On my way here, I already refused the Southern Provincial Team.
19:41I don't have a way out for myself now.
19:43If I can't make it,
19:45I can go back to the gym for another year.
19:46I'll sign up for the provincial team again tomorrow.
19:48Why do you want to stay in the provincial team again?
19:50I don't want to.
19:52Have you made up your mind?
19:57I'll give you three months.
19:59Three months later, you have to pass the exam.
20:00Then you can stay in the provincial team.
20:04Three months later,
20:05I will definitely stay in the provincial team.
20:07Thank you, coach.
20:15Don't have too much ambition and ambition.
20:18I wish everyone good health and safety.
20:21Although it is a small task in other people's eyes,
20:24it is the pillar of the family.
20:28Ordinary life is not a number.
20:32Uncertainty can still be happy.
20:35Be steady and take every step.
20:38Let every day be warm.
20:45I just want to be a crazy person.
20:48Be steady and take every step.
20:52Let every day be warm.
20:55I just want to be a crazy person.
20:59I just want to be a crazy person.
21:03Come on.
21:04Thank you, thank you.
21:05Come on, babies.
21:06Dumplings are wine.
21:07The more you drink, the more you have.
21:10What's going on?
21:11The kids are drinking, too.
21:13I'm going to the provincial team soon.
21:15Have a drink to celebrate.
21:17Just one bite.
21:18Just one bite.
21:20One bite.
21:21Come on.
21:22Congratulations to my babies.
21:23I'm going to the provincial team soon.
21:25Congratulations to me, too.
21:26I have three good apprentices with a bright future.
21:31You can never forget to praise yourself.
21:33It's my credit.
21:36It's your credit, too.
21:41Eat dumplings, eat dumplings.
21:42Eat while it's hot.
21:43Come on, come on.
21:48Dad, you're ugly.
21:50Look, this dumpling is too ugly.
21:51It's too ugly to eat.
21:53You think it's ugly, don't you?
21:54Give it to me.
21:55I'll give it to you.
21:56The uglier the dumplings, the uglier they are.
21:57What's the matter?
22:02What's the matter?
22:08Why is there a cigarette butt?
22:10All right, all right, all right.
22:12It's good.
22:13I won't give it to you.
22:14Do you regret it?
22:15Come on.
22:16Come on, come on.
22:17I wish my babies all the best.
22:20It's great.
22:21Come on.
22:22All the best.
22:31I'm dying.
22:47I'm dying.
23:00Where are Lin and Nie Chi?
23:01Lin said he was hot after drinking.
23:04Then he went out for a walk.
23:06Nie Chi went out with him.
23:10My son is sleeping like this.
23:11You don't put him up, do you?
23:14I tried.
23:15I can't move.
23:16Silly son.
23:17When can you wake up?
23:21You'll regret it.
23:25What's up, son? Come on up.
23:26You scared me.
23:27Don't drink, dad.
23:28Don't drink.
23:29Don't drink, don't drink.
23:33What did you mean just now?
23:35What do you regret?
23:39Lin Ge.
23:45Lin Ge.
23:52I didn't say I wanted ice cream.
23:54Aren't you hot?
23:55I'll put it on your face.
24:05Why didn't I think of that?
24:07It's much better.
24:15It's much better.
24:22This is the old one.
24:23I know you can't buy a new one.
24:25Take this away.
24:26Buy a new one for your aunt.
24:28After washing your hair,
24:29you must blow dry it.
24:30Girls can't catch a cold.
24:32It's easy to catch a cold.
24:38Good girl.
24:41Do you know?
24:43When I was pregnant with Fang Chao,
24:44I dreamed of having a daughter.
24:46I could braid her hair
24:49and buy her pretty clothes.
24:51But who would have thought it was a bad boy.
24:54I just want to
24:55realize these wishes on you.
24:58But you don't want anything.
25:01When I make money in the future,
25:04I'll buy it for you.
25:07Let's wear sister makeup.
25:09That's not enough.
25:14Today, the Songbei Provincial Team
25:16welcomes a group of new players.
25:18First of all, on behalf of the team and the old players,
25:20I would like to welcome you warmly.
25:24For many years,
25:25our Songbei Provincial Team
25:26has been a strong team in the winter season.
25:28We have sent a large number of excellent players to the national team.
25:31In the future, there will definitely be
25:33more excellent junior players
25:35coming out of you.
25:38You are the hope of Songbei's short track speed skating.
25:41I believe that in the future training and competitions,
25:44you will definitely
25:45promote the glorious tradition of Songbei.
26:07Fengfeng, don't eat alone.
26:09Eat with your roommates.
26:13Grandma Lin,
26:14the coach doesn't allow us to eat these things.
26:16I'm afraid there will be a problem with the performance check.
26:19they are just looking for too much.
26:20We just came and didn't go to the game.
26:22Who's looking for you?
26:23That's right.
26:24Eat less.
26:25It's okay.
26:26By the way,
26:27I made my own red intestines at home.
26:30Don't worry.
26:31This meat
26:32I picked it up
26:33piece by piece in the market.
26:34It's all good meat.
26:36You guys eat it separately.
26:38Come here.
26:45You go in.
26:46It's okay.
26:47We are all here.
26:48He won't do anything to you.
26:50I'm not afraid of him.
26:51I don't want to see him.
26:53This is the night light I bought.
26:55Buy one, get one.
26:56I'll get one for you.
26:57You can use it as you need.
27:03I'm leaving.
27:08I'm leaving.
27:15Let me introduce myself.
27:16I'm your main coach, Han Bing.
27:19I'm an assistant coach, Ding Yi.
27:21Hello, coach.
27:22Today is your first day in the team.
27:24Do a physical test first.
27:26Old team members and new team members go together.
27:28We'll talk about the results of the other tests later.
27:31Let's warm up first.
27:32Let's go.
27:33Lin Ge,
27:34wait a minute.
27:37you don't have to test.
27:38You practice the basics first.
27:40why don't I take part in the test?
27:42Don't you understand?
27:43You practice the basics first.
27:45How long do I have to practice?
27:47Until I say yes.
28:08Hurry up.
28:09It's a little slow.
28:11Hurry up.
28:12Speed up.
28:14Hurry up.
28:19Hurry up.
28:20Hurry up.
28:22Hurry up.
28:24Pay attention to the speed.
28:26Hurry up.
28:28Speed up.
28:31Control the rhythm.
28:33Hurry up.
28:38Hurry up.
28:51I think the coach is right.
28:53You really can't do the basics.
28:55What else?
28:56Say it.
28:57I can take it.
28:58I want to tell you
28:59that the coach is paying attention to you.
29:01When you do basic training,
29:03the coach has been observing you.
29:05Go on.
29:06Occasionally, he will look at you
29:08and write on the notebook.
29:11So you mean
29:12he treats me like this
29:13because he thinks highly of me.
29:14I think so.
29:21Xiao Ni,
29:22well done.
29:24Got it.
29:37I'm so happy.
29:56My goodness,
29:58You're so courteous to me.
30:00Hello, senior.
30:01My phone just fell.
30:02I picked it up.
30:03It's OK.
30:04I was just kidding.
30:06Come here.
30:08I was busy with training today, so I didn't tell you.
30:11She's just like that.
30:12Don't take it to heart.
30:14I'm the only one in the team who can stand her.
30:17That's why this room has an empty bed.
30:20It's okay.
30:22I knew someone before.
30:23She didn't like to talk, but she was nice.
30:26Then you have a good experience.
30:27Maybe you can stay longer in this room.
30:32I left the lights in the bathroom for you.
30:43That's how domineering she is.
30:44If she wants to sleep, she has to turn off the lights.
30:46If I want to brush my teeth, I have to hide under the blanket.
30:52You've cleaned up quite a bit.
30:59Zhu Zhu, look at the night lights in the neighborhood.
31:01It's quite nice.
31:04Senior Zhu Zhu,
31:05why don't you take a look at my night lights?
31:07Go to bed early.
31:08You have a long day tomorrow.
31:10Thank you, Senior.
31:26That's how domineering my idol is.
31:33Time to sleep.
31:37Where did you get this pink toy?
31:40Brother Lin gave it to me.
31:41What kind of toy do you want?
31:44Why don't you pick it up?
31:45Don't you have eyes when you're ugly?
31:47Why do I have eyes when I'm ugly?
31:51I know I'll close my eyes when I sleep at night.
31:54It's mainly during the day.
31:55During the day, in this pure man's dormitory,
31:57you have such a pink toy.
31:59What is it?
32:05I'm going to sleep.
32:09What are you doing?
32:11Lin Feng.
32:12Hurry up.
32:14I'll be right there.
32:15Don't worry.
32:21It's been a long day.
32:23Where are you taking me?
32:25We'll be there soon.
32:26I want to practice my squatting angle later.
32:29You want to practice again?
32:30I'm nervous.
32:32I haven't practiced for a long time.
32:34I haven't gotten good grades.
32:36I can't even take the exam.
32:37I used to think it was embarrassing
32:39when I got the lowest score.
32:40Now I realize it's even more embarrassing
32:42when I don't get good grades.
32:44Everyone knows
32:45whether they've improved or not.
32:47I'm the only one who can catch up.
32:54You're going to plant flowers?
32:58Don't you like to plant flowers?
33:00This is a delicate root, right?
33:03I didn't buy it wrongly.
33:05Didn't the seller tell you
33:07it's not the season to plant flowers?
33:09This is frozen soil.
33:10You're a northerner.
33:11You don't have common sense like me.
33:13How are you going to dig it out?
33:16I'll dig it out little by little.
33:17I'll find a hole.
33:18And then?
33:19Dig it out, water it, and then freeze it.
33:21Are you going to freeze it to death?
33:23What should I do?
33:25Plants have their own growth patterns.
33:27What's the rush
33:28to plant it in spring and harvest it in autumn?
33:30Now that you know it,
33:32why are you so anxious?
33:35Here you go again.
33:37You added a little story
33:38in front of common sense.
33:39You've improved a lot.
33:43I've been thinking about it for days.
33:45I'm going to the bird market
33:46to buy props.
33:48It's kind of sincere.
33:50Waste of money.
33:52Let's do it for the money.
33:54Can you let me finish
33:55the rest of the common sense?
33:57You say it.
33:58It's up to me.
34:01I've read Coach Han Bing's notebook.
34:05You peeped at the coach's notebook?
34:07He showed it to me.
34:08He wrote down every time you train.
34:10And he did an analysis.
34:12It doesn't look like he's going to give up on you.
34:14Why did he show you the notebook?
34:16He showed me my own score curve.
34:18I looked at it a little bit more.
34:20Looked at it a little bit more?
34:22Because we have different personalities.
34:24I can objectively deal with
34:25my own score fluctuation.
34:27And you will be anxious.
34:29The coach showed me the notebook.
34:31It's good that you don't take the exam.
34:33These are all to improve our grades.
34:36You said the coach didn't like you.
34:38But if the coach really didn't like you,
34:40he wouldn't give you a data analysis.
34:43When we were in physical school,
34:45we had a great relationship with our master.
34:47Always bargaining.
34:49This is a bad habit.
34:50We have to change it.
34:52What should I do now?
34:54Trust the coach.
34:56100% trust him.
34:58Do whatever he says.
35:00This is the only way.
35:02I'll try.
35:22Today's training is over.
35:26Everyone disbanded.
35:28Let's clean up the activity.
35:30Let's go.
35:32Let's go.
35:34Let's go.
35:36Let's go.
35:38Let's go.
35:40Let's go.
35:42Let's go.
35:44Let's go.
35:46Let's go.
35:48Let's go.
35:51Let's go.
36:18What's wrong?
36:20Did Fang Chao make a mistake?
36:22No, your son is good.
36:24Strong muscles, good endurance.
36:26He's a good long-distance runner.
36:28I'm observing.
36:30I'm thinking about letting him reach 1,500.
36:32Nianchi is also good.
36:34He's good at running, and he's fast.
36:36He's especially good at ice skating.
36:38There's no problem with short distances.
36:40Isn't that good?
36:42I want to ask you.
36:44What's wrong with Lin Ge?
36:50Lin Ge.
36:52Lin Ge.
36:54Lin Ge.
36:56Lin Ge.
36:58Lin Ge.
37:00Lin Ge.
37:02Lin Ge.
37:04Lin Ge.
37:06Lin Ge.
37:08Lin Ge.
37:10Lin Ge.
37:12Lin Ge.
37:14Lin Ge.
37:16Lin Ge.
37:18Lin Ge.
37:20Lin Ge.
37:22Lin Ge.
37:24Lin Ge.
37:26Lin Ge.
37:28Lin Ge.
37:30Lin Ge.
37:32Lin Ge.
37:34Lin Ge.
37:36Lin Ge.
37:38Lin Ge.
37:40Lin Ge.
37:42Lin Ge.
37:44Lin Ge.
37:46Lin Ge.
37:48Lin Ge.
37:50Lin Ge.
37:52Lin Ge.
37:54Lin Ge.
37:56Lin Ge.
37:58Lin Ge.
38:00Lin Ge.
38:02Lin Ge.
38:04Lin Ge.
38:06Lin Ge.
38:08Lin Ge.
38:10Lin Ge.
38:12Lin Ge.
38:14Lin Ge.
38:16Lin Ge.
38:18Lin Ge.
38:20Lin Ge.
38:22Lin Ge.
38:24Lin Ge.
38:26Lin Ge.
38:28Lin Ge.
38:30Lin Ge.
38:32Lin Ge.
38:34Lin Ge.
38:36Lin Ge.
38:38Lin Ge.
38:40Lin Ge.
38:42Lin Ge.
38:44Lin Ge.
38:46Lin Ge.
38:48Lin Ge.
38:50Lin Ge.
38:52Lin Ge.
38:54Lin Ge.
38:56Lin Ge.
38:58Lin Ge.
39:00Lin Ge.
39:02Lin Ge.
39:04Lin Ge.
39:06Lin Ge.
39:08Lin Ge.
39:10Lin Ge.
