• last month
👉 La inseguridad en el conurbano no tiene fin. Un joven de 19 años fue asesinado a balazos en la noche del jueves en la localidad de Virrey del Pino, partido de La Matanza, cuando dos motochorros lo interceptaron para robarle su moto.

El ataque ocurrió en la intersección de las calles Escribano y Ruta 3, y quedó registrado por las cámaras de seguridad de la zona.

En las imágenes se observa cómo los delincuentes se ponen a la par de la víctima y, sin mediar palabras, uno de ellos le dispara a quemarropa, impactándolo en el brazo y provocando su caída.

Acto seguido, su cómplice, que esperaba unos metros atrás, se acerca rápidamente, toma la moto y huye junto al agresor, dejando al joven tendido en el suelo.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Security in La Matanza, see these images.
00:04Yes, I have to tell those news that we never want to tell.
00:08Celso Coman, 19 years old.
00:11A boy who worked, lived in the Pirrey del Pino neighborhood
00:15and used a motorcycle of very low speed, at 110.
00:19A very small motorcycle to move from here to there,
00:22in what was his work and his home.
00:25Well, two motorcyclists chased him
00:28at night on Route 3,
00:31when he was arriving at the corner of Escribano,
00:33very close to his house.
00:35And to steal the motorcycle, he was shot by a lighter.
00:38We are only putting this part.
00:41Because everything that follows is...
00:42It's tremendous.
00:44It is an editorial decision of the program
00:46not to put more than up to here.
00:49Because what you see is a tragedy
00:53in the foreground and I think it does not contribute,
00:57except for the fact that we are discussing...
00:59Seriously, it is not a priority issue.
01:01Matanza is one of the areas with the highest rates.
01:04It is the highest rate.
01:05Matanza, Moreno, Loma de Zamora come in that order,
01:09the highest rate of homicides in the province of Buenos Aires.
01:12The province of Buenos Aires tells you
01:13that the number of homicides decreased the previous year,
01:15and it is true, it decreased it and tells you,
01:17well, I have a rate of homicides that is at 4.10,
01:21of course, but that is averaged with rates of 8,
01:24that is what I am telling you,
01:25with very low rates in the interior of the province.
01:29That is why we are talking about the three hot spots
01:32of the Buenos Aires suburb,
01:34especially Matanza,
01:35especially this area of Virrey del Pino.
01:38Celso immediately falls off the motorcycle,
01:40they barely shoot him,
01:42they steal his motorcycle,
01:44and the neighbors approach him,
01:45because I told you he lived there,
01:47a few blocks from the place where they shot him,
01:51and they take him,
01:52they see him, they recognize him,
01:54they take him to a car,
01:55they take him immediately to the hospital,
01:57simply Vita,
01:58it is the largest hospital in the area,
02:01but unfortunately when he entered,
02:03he had already died,
02:04he had lost a lot of blood,
02:05the bullet had entered through the axis.
02:07I don't know if it happens to you, Gustavo,
02:08but do you hear yourself repeat the same things?
02:10Every day.
02:11And we also tell you the same thing,
02:12that they pay a safety rate in the Matanza,
02:15the neighbors.
02:17I say, of course,
02:18there is a security secretary of the Matanza,
02:21of course Javier Alonso, the minister,
02:24but I say, it's a joke.
02:25Yes, yes, and that they are not going to approach the neighborhood,
02:27this happened this morning,
02:29until now the mayor,
02:31who is the one who should.
02:32It has to be a priority issue,
02:33because it is what worries people the most,
02:36much more than not reaching the end of the month
02:38when they don't have enough money.
02:39And Luis, I am left with something,
02:41that you said these days,
02:42that hurts,
02:43when I dedicated myself to the issue of older people,
02:47and you said this week,
02:48older people, many decide not to go out,
02:51or not to go out alone.
02:53Does anyone have any idea
02:55of how bad it is for an older person to isolate themselves?
03:01That hits directly on the quality of life.
03:04The person who is alone,
03:06who isolates himself, who does not go out,
03:08gets sick.
03:10And we are not talking about this,
03:11we are not talking about this fact,
03:12of an absolutely more regional area,
03:14we are talking about Route 3.
03:16Let's see,
03:17which is one of the routes,
03:19of the west,
03:20of the Buenos Aires conurbation,
03:21more used.
03:22You have in that area,
03:23Route 3 and Route 21.
03:24Then you have inner streets.
03:26This did not happen in an inner street.
03:28No, it is not.
03:29Route 3 and Route 21,
03:31you notice that the street is lit,
03:33because it is a route of great use,
03:35it is incredible,
03:36that there can not give security,
03:38in this case,
03:39the mayor of La Matanza,
03:40Fernando Espinoza.
03:41Before we talked about Ituzaningo,
03:43and the neighbors themselves told us,
03:45if they approached,
03:46no one approached,
03:47it is the mayor of Escalso,
03:48in this case it is Pablo Escalso,
03:49it is the relative,
03:50the son of Alberto Escalso,
03:52the eternal.
03:54The mythical man of the conurbation.
03:56No one approaches.
03:57Yesterday we talked about Morón,
03:58Lucas, yes,
03:59and they did not approach us.
04:00On February 3 we also talked,
04:01because it is not one game or another,
04:03and Valenzuela was not there either.
04:05I tell you,
04:06first no one,
04:07I always say,
04:08they do not prevent,
04:09they do not stop,
04:10and they do not appear
04:11to give you a hand later.
04:12I say,
04:13one of the three,
04:14the ideal would be that they prevent.
04:15Because Luis,
04:16we are going to raise the penalties again
04:18in the criminal code,
04:19as we said the other day
04:20with Rubén and Lucía,
04:22that does not modify.
04:24Those who go out to steal
04:26are not with the criminal code.
04:28Let's see if I kill,
04:29they give me so much,
04:30I better not kill.
04:31It does not exist.
04:32I mean,
04:33it does not exist because really,
04:34and apart,
04:35I do not like to talk,
04:36you see,
04:37that the robbery codes were modified,
04:38the crime codes.
04:40come on,
04:41the use of the firearm
04:42in the first instance,
04:43before there was,
04:45like a,
04:46I do not know,
04:47of a care,
04:48apart from the criminal,
04:51this image,
04:52this image is tremendous.
04:55I insist,
04:56we decided,
04:58let's see it
04:59as far as it is not
05:01for our television to see it.
05:02I tell our producer
05:03who tells me,
05:04I do not want to put it on air,
05:05with all reason.
05:06He says,
05:07Maxi Russo,
05:08I pass you,
05:09pleasure to work with you,
05:10all these deities.
05:11He says,
05:12I do not want to put it on air
05:13because it is horrible.
05:14But look at this,
05:15this is the fireman
05:16on the move.
05:17They are following him.
05:18On the move.
05:19They start following him
05:20and as soon as they find him,
05:21they kill the fireman.
05:22They do not even try
05:23an alternative method
05:24of robbery
05:25that could be
05:26trying to
05:27throw him
05:28off the motorcycle.
05:29This is what I tell you,
05:30push him off the motorcycle.
05:31That's why,
05:32they do not even try that.
05:33There is also
05:34aggravating the penalties,
05:35it does not discourage
05:36the commission of rights,
05:37because there are areas
05:38that are
05:40and the neighbors
05:41themselves say so.
05:43that is also
05:44a topic to consider.
05:45It has nothing to do
05:46with how many
05:47written laws
05:48or how hard
05:49the penalties are.
05:50It does not exist.
05:51But that you
05:52really have
05:53a concrete policy
05:54of struggle
05:55against criminality.
05:56And first,
05:57I say,
05:58last year
05:59we worked
06:00on the other channel
06:01with the teacher
06:02and more with another
06:03dear colleague
06:04who is Gustavo Carabajal.
06:06And I said,
06:07how easy
06:08it is to have
06:09a very powerful
06:10caliber weapon
06:11or buy it
06:12or rent it
06:13in the black market.
06:14How much
06:15does a hitman
06:18In economic terms,
06:19for many people,
06:20you can say,
06:23If one
06:24dedicates himself
06:25to this,
06:26and you think
06:27that because
06:28the penalties increase,
06:29it is attacking
06:31you do not understand.
06:32Speaking with
06:34Matías Ederi
06:35last year,
06:36you know,
06:39he told me,
06:40a hitman,
06:42a little boy,
06:43because we have seen
06:4416, 15-year-old
06:46who are coming out
06:47between 60 and
06:4870 thousand pesos.
06:49Of course.
06:50But how can it be?
06:51Do you remember
06:52the one who entered
06:53the service station?
06:55The one who was taken
06:56by the security camera?
06:58the service station.
07:00I want to remember
07:01that to go to Rosario,
07:02he attacked
07:03the federal court,
07:04I say,
07:05which is emblematic,
07:06he shot
07:07and he left
07:08as such,
07:09nothing more happened.
07:10TV channels,
07:11the 305.
07:12The one who solves
07:13the security
07:14stays to live.
07:15He stays to live.
07:16He stays to live.
07:17But it is seen that
07:18no one understands it.
07:19I'm sorry
07:20that you did this
07:21with a subject,
07:22there are none of the
07:23crimes that you
07:24just described
07:25that are not reached
07:26or do not reach
07:27with the penalties
07:28of the Penal Code
07:30The problem
07:31is not that,
07:32the problem
07:33is not that.
07:34It cannot be solved
07:35because if not,
07:36he would stay to live.
07:38it is not simple
07:39because above all,
07:40and this is a personal position,
07:41I insist,
07:42I am bored
07:43to hear you say it,
07:44there is a policy
07:45of deliberate security
07:46for this to happen.
07:47You free the street,
07:48you discredit
07:49the police
07:51and socially.
07:52You generate
07:53a concept
07:54of the Penal Code
07:55is bad.
07:56You are a fascist
07:57if you ask
07:58a criminal
07:59to go to jail.
08:03is the derogation
08:04of all norms.
08:05You concentrate
08:06the drug market
08:07in the hands
08:08of a few.
08:10Of course,
08:11there is a problem.
08:12I am not going to give the name
08:13because this was
08:14an on-off talk.
08:15A very important
08:16Minister of Security
08:17of one of the many
08:19there is in Argentina
08:20told me,
08:21the crime
08:22you have to control
08:23from the State.
08:25How do I control you?
08:27because if not,
08:28it will fall apart.
08:29The State is the one
08:30who has to decide
08:31in which areas yes,
08:32in which areas no,
08:33in which areas no.
08:34We can't get to this.
08:35Do you want me to tell you more?
08:36We can't get to this
08:37because if not,
08:38they have done worse.
08:39Isn't there a parallelism
08:40with football
08:41and what happens
08:42with the clubs
08:43controlling their clubs
08:44within the clubs themselves?
08:45Yes, of course.
08:46That many times
08:47they tell you,
08:48if you don't control yourself,
08:49you are a parallel bar,
08:50another faction
08:51that fights you
08:52from the outside.
08:53We are talking
08:54about the same Minister
08:55who told me,
08:56you can't attack
08:57everything at the same time.
08:58It is probable.
08:59If you attack
09:00drug trafficking,
09:01I assume we are talking
09:02about the administration
09:03of crime finally,
09:04instead of managing
09:05a policy of fight
09:07it is managed.
