• 2 months ago

👉 Una familia y un trabajador de delivery fueron víctimas de la creciente ola de inseguridad en Morón. Los delincuentes irrumpieron en la casa de Adrián y su esposa, robando su auto y otros bienes, incluyendo un aire acondicionado recién comprado. En otro incidente, motochorros rodearon a un repartidor hasta que un policía de civil intervino. El vehículo robado fue posteriormente localizado en Fuerte Apache gracias al teléfono que los ladrones inadvertidamente se llevaron.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
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00:00in the house of a family, look at you, they end up knocking, they are moments of terror, those who
00:06lived in what we see in the cutout of the camera, which is terrifying, and the other thing that is not
00:13seen because it is some that you saw them run and shoot, well, they are going to get into one of the
00:18houses, the houses of Adrián and his wife, the victims who were in that white car, the one that was
00:23parked there on the left, the other one in which they arrived, obviously in a hurry,
00:28criminals, and they went for everything, Pablo, they went for everything, because they went for the vehicle, the woman who
00:36comes out, shot towards the house in front, they handcuff her, to the house in which they were
00:42arriving and they were going to meet another colleague from a company that works linked to
00:48them, the one they take advantage of and also obviously the car, but they get into the house,
00:53they put them on their knees, they handcuff them and they took away from the air conditioning that they had just bought, the
01:00money with which they were going to pay the installer, which you saw that today you get almost the same as
01:04the equipment, and even a couple of crocs, that is, if you find a jota, I'll take it, a pot, I'll take it,
01:10if a turtle crosses, I'll take it and I'll take it too, everything was so violent and in the middle we
01:15take it seriously, they handcuffed the victim, let's hear the testimony of the victim of this new
01:20attack in Morone, Iván, how many are there in this municipality of the province of Buenos Aires, attacks
01:26all very similar and then in a little while we will tell you the plan that exists to stop the
01:32crime in the province and in the rest of the country, let's listen to the victim, I was about to take her to work and I got off
01:41because one of the boys who works with us came to look for a machine and at that moment
01:46that I went down to look for the machine for a volkswagen nivus with six people above, they were for me,
01:54for what we saw with my lady, they were all minors because they did not reach me at this height and they got off
02:00as if they were all armed, as a type of command group, my lady was in the car, they put me
02:05inside, asking for money and the truth is that I am a worker, I do not have much money inside my house and well,
02:12they took out what I had, which was to pay for the installation of the new air conditioning that I had in the
02:16box, they took the air, they took the computer, they took some, imagine, one of them was
02:22inside your house for a long time, who gets off, who is one who does not have a hood or a hat, they were like
02:26two or three minutes but they were eternal, that is, because at that moment when I tell him that I no longer had
02:30more money, the guys loaded the two weapons and one of them, before I did, he made me throw to the floor and
02:35he triggered me as if nothing and the weapon, that is, I do not know if the weapon was not loaded or if it did not come out
02:43sincerely and well at that moment they had the boy who came to bring the machine that I had to
02:48return the machine, they had it there reduced in the garage and they left, they left, they took everything from me, they took
02:53the air, she is your lady, well, we said, we said again a similar case of the neighbors, the
03:03neighbors of Morón are experiencing a wave of insecurity, but also many criminals who come
03:09from elsewhere, Bobby, Leo and now we are going to the other video, but tell us how is this, where did this car appear?
03:15The car of this family appeared in Morón, it appeared, sorry, in Fuerte Apache, how? Because in one of the
03:22cars that are taken, they take the phone, when it arrives, if this person who was going to install the air, who
03:27was a friend of the man who had bought this from the victim, they say, we are going to locate it, it starts with the
03:34location, they go to Fuerte Apache and there they go to the police station, the sixth that is there at the entrance of
03:40Fuerte Apache, from the Army neighborhood of the Andes and they ask the police to accompany them to the
03:46interior, if from the neighborhood, to recover the car and there they recovered it, because the phone had remained,
03:54obviously the air, all the rest of the things were not there and there was also the news with which they were
03:59stealing at the beginning, the first car with which they arrive at the place and then the two of us are taken.
04:03Well, tell me, tell me Fito, please. Yes, I have good news for the people of Morón, they have just changed the
04:11Secretary of Security and he is being advised by someone I know and who knows a lot about security,
04:20a lot. Well, welcome. To the point that the other day I had dinner with one and I told him this idea that with a
04:32whatsapp, every time a motorcycle is going to come out in two, the municipal government puts a whatsapp,
04:40then I send him, I'm going to go out with Ponzone, I leave the canal and I go to the Ponzone house,
04:45anyone stops me and I show on my phone that I had noticed that we were two, with what simple resource
04:54can you start, at least the motorcycle of two. At least the first step. The first step does not take you
05:00where you are going, but it takes you out of where you are. So you don't need big programs,
05:06big technology or anything. A simple whatsapp that stops you. Five people in a car. Pablo,
05:13you have to be arrested. Five got out of this car. There were six in total for the driver who also ended up getting out.
