• 2 months ago
The Miami Dolphins are getting ready for the New York Jets. Tua Tagovailoa will start the week limited in practice with Snoop Huntley at QB1 according to Mike McDaniel.
00:00the Miami Dolphins quarterback to a
00:02Limited in practice as he's dealing with this hip injury
00:05Doesn't seem great. I mean Snoop is gonna take most of the reps this week
00:11Don't feel very confident that he's gonna play against the Jets this week
00:14It doesn't sound based on what Mike McDaniel was talking like it didn't sound
00:18Like a QB who's gonna be playing this I told you what you need to watch for
00:26It's something it just seems like something he tweaked something and they got to fix it
00:33Sounds like that
00:35Which is not like don't read into it. It's it with rest or fix it with surgery. I don't know
00:40I don't know but but it's
00:45If you injure something you have surgery on I don't know exactly what he had done
00:50But sometimes like
00:53You might need to have it fixed
00:56Because we could or do something along those lines so
01:01I don't know. I don't know things that aren't things that aren't great for having a quarterback who may be a little bit vulnerable out
01:08They just put Kendall lamb on IR. So
01:11They're gonna have to have another
01:13On week 18 when I are dude, he's done
01:18They signed some dude from the Dallas Cowboys practice squad
01:22They're also trying to see if Toronto their offensive line suck too sure did
01:27They're trying to see if Tehran Armstead can go this week
01:30although it feels like his his knees been like a wind-up toy the last couple of weeks because
01:35Just stops working basically at the first quarter if he does go
01:40Then they're thinking Patrick Paul can go on the right side if he has to go for Tehran Armstead
01:47Who knows they may have carbon, San Diego out there again. I don't know. That's
01:51And that's the now
01:54Didn't Paul play right tackle in college. No, no, he played left tackle. No, but he started getting reps at right tackle
02:01They said the so but he's only gonna start they've but that's only if Tehran can go
02:07Right. I would have in all of these experiments. I
02:12Told you what I would have what I would have done. I
02:16Would have tried to keep Patrick Paul as close to Tehran Armstead as possible
02:23Right and
02:25In in have him learn all of the intricacies of playing
02:33Tackle by playing next to
02:39They can't do it now you can't do it now now that now they got to figure out do they even have tackles for this
02:46No, you got like
02:51Happening why why is the line doing this every year we're doing we're doing like scrabble chairs
03:04I would say I would say this
03:09You can plan for injuries and
03:14And you usually have a couple of utility guards like like baseball you have
03:19Utility infielders or utility players like you have a couple of offense. Yeah, you have a couple of offensive linemen like that
03:26that being said
03:32Your utility guys
03:34have to be formidable and
03:37Let's just say
03:39We can we've been I can bird. Yep
03:46This entire linesman I can burn for the last four years and so from that standpoint it gets to a point where I
03:54Don't care who you are. If you have enough injuries at a position
03:58Right, it's scramble mode
04:03Weird place because you have to get into the you have to win
04:07You somehow need the Chiefs backups to beat the Broncos
04:10To get it which is which is not
04:15It's not but it's also not it's not like the favorite thing to happen. Like what's the line of that game this week?
04:22Let's see. Aren't isn't Denver favorite. I got all yeah, if I'm not mistaken, I think Denver's favorite by like 11 last night
04:30I'm telling you it's crazy. Someone asked me should I bet 10 and a half? I'm told there's no way
04:37Denver's favorite by 10 and a half
04:42Ten and a half point favorite dude. They're not playing anybody and I'm bringing anybody
04:47But my homes might be in Aruba you you do realize right?
04:52that part of
04:54this dominance
04:56For this team the last few years
05:00Has been with a boatload of injuries. Mm-hmm
05:04So these guys coming in
05:08have played
05:11And you could go in there and think that they can't win a football game with their backups and
05:17I'm telling you the way they play football all year
05:20It seems like they've been winning games with their backups all those games all these squeaking them out all these
05:29This is like
05:31This is how they play
05:33So it's not unreasonable
05:36that being said
05:40I'm more worried about the Dolphins
05:45Beating the Jets
05:48With because they still got
05:52You know a good pass rush oh
05:55Yeah, listen, that was the Dolphins. It took two incredible two drives to beat the Jets from when they played a couple weeks ago
06:03Now I will say this although it doesn't seem like Aaron Rodgers is ready to go. Yeah, we go
06:09It seems like he is ready to go
06:12He's ready to go to the Amazon again and lay it. Yeah
06:16That was the grossest part of that documentary he's just sitting in a in a in a jungle Creek
06:23It's just like yeah
06:28I'm scared to put my um, I'm scared to put my toe in a creek behind my house
06:34And this guy's in Amazon. Yep
06:38You know what kind of stuff is in that water
06:41Dude piranha leeches. Yes
06:44Can't can't trust it
06:47Take a break. It's certainly not peanut Bay
