• 2 months ago
We watch Tyler Herro post game in the locker room... What does he think about Jimmy Butler's comments and request? The gang gives their interpretation of how Tyler handled the media. We hear from the team captain Bam Adebayo and his thoughts on Jimmy Butler drama while focusing on the "Main thing." How is the locker room handling all these trade rumors?
00:00Marcos you said you want to hear what Tyler had to say last night in the after the game
00:03So yeah to set the scene
00:08Heat lose
00:10Spo talks, you know, it kind of
00:14Somebody asked him about it. I think it was I think it was Wes Goldberg from lockdown about the Jimmy thing and he goes
00:19That's an easy storyline, you know, some other guys were asked about Jimmy and he goes no, no, no, you know
00:24Maybe we'll get the ball in his hands more, you know
00:26Like you understand it's basically no selling it you and you understand
00:35These are not questions you have
00:38With your supposedly star
00:41There's never been a question
00:44Since Jimmy has been here about getting the ball in his hands more never
00:50And now all of a sudden all these other situations present themselves and you use that line
00:56Yep, I'm not buying it because I've never heard this with Jimmy never
01:02Never heard this with Jimmy's usage rate or Jimmy having the ball in his hands
01:07What have you ever heard suppose say this in six years? Yeah, it's a convenient thing to put out there for sure
01:14So Jimmy talks he says this whole I can't find my joy probably can't find it here. So then Tyler
01:21You know is speaking in the media speaking to the media afterwards and
01:26Here was boy wonder in the locker room afterwards answering his deal with his very bright orange glasses in itself and
01:34Defensively you have been so much better
01:36Consistently and then tonight happens what changed tonight that all of a sudden the Pacers got out there with the assist with the shooting percentage
01:43and everything I
01:44think just a
01:46lack of urgency
01:48Lack of focus a bunch of things combined
01:57After the game Jimmy said he feels that the way he's being cast and used on this team
02:01He can't be him but his best self and that he might never be able to find
02:06For someone in the locker room who's been with him for such a long ride now a year six years
02:12What's your reaction when someone says something like that in the postgame interview?
02:19I don't even know surprised by that
02:23Not really
02:29We all trying to find joy in it at the same time so we'll see
02:41I'm not sure. I have no clue. I'm not the coach. We try to get him involved. I thought
02:48Have you felt that in the locker room?
02:58Feel like the vibes are great. I don't know vibes are great to me. I'm about to enjoy my night
03:04All right, thank you
03:16So Wow, but but here's the deal like
03:23You could tell by the way to come the the questions and the answers we're gonna go by based on the first question
03:31yep, when
03:33He smiled. Are you bleeping kidding me? That was a slow smirk, right? That was devious. Hey
03:47These sizzle said it perfectly
03:50Tyler like thank God. I'm not knows trade rumors, right? See what it felt like Jimmy
03:58But Jimmy ain't in trade rumors I
04:01Think he wants to be a traitor. He's drumming up his own trade rumors, but like I
04:09Would say this
04:11Jimmy is not gonna put pressure on Pat Riley to do anything
04:17but Pat Riley's gonna look in this locker room and
04:21See how the guys are responding to it and that's gonna affect his decision and it has to it really does
04:30Right, we've seen throughout sports
04:33Some of your star players. What do they say? It started to affect the way everybody else was playing
04:41How you play a game where you score 100 points Tyler shoot the ball 12 times
04:47Don't know you see what I mean? So it was basically like you you played a game
04:53You know against a team that you really need to beat. I mean you're jockeying for position with them in the East
04:58I think that was your third game. So you want to get the jump on them two out of three?
05:03you know and and I mean
05:05What is it?
05:06What have you heard that Indiana Pacers team that team put the the clamps on you?
05:10That team put it on that team likes a track meet every single time. They don't like to stop anybody, right?
05:17You know, oh, I I just think it's
05:22Here's where this team is
05:24This team is where
05:29When teams
05:31Let's be clear Indiana got out to a hot start they were making everything that happens
05:37But this team has been through that and they're fighting
05:41Claude and fought to get back into it rather quickly
05:48Now you see that game last night
05:52it's like
05:54The soul got sucked out of them within the first
05:57Seven minutes of the game. Yep, and that never usually happens. So now you ask yourself why?
06:04Like why why you could put it on some of the young players being in there and being a little green
06:10or you can just put it at the young players were in there because
06:14Like yeah, they had no guidance
06:18Fernando says issues in the locker room with Jimmy and Tyler and I'd be surprised by that
06:21I mean those guys have been they've seemed pretty tight all year
06:25It was just what a couple weeks ago. They were joking about who's 1a who's 1b Jimmy had said in his media that you know
06:31He was she was at the melee so he would dive on the floor for Tyler even who was on the bench
06:35He'd he'd get suspended probably want to miss a game, but he gets suspended for Tyler hero
06:40I don't think there's a rift
06:42I don't amongst the players, but it has gotten to this point with the front office where Jimmy
06:49Kind of feels like this is only lever left to play and that's the dog it
06:56I don't know how that goes over with your players. You kind of heard Kevin love in the background there
07:01I don't know if you seem to have a problem with it or not
07:04But it kind of felt like if he did they would have went over there. They would have went over there and asked him
07:09I don't know. It was frosty. Yes, but but here's here is
07:14It the players don't have a problem with Jimmy
07:20Lesbian he's not
07:23But at the same time it doesn't mean that he's not affecting their play
07:29It was a here was BAM yesterday. I'm Jimmy came in postgame and
07:34Said he wants to find his joy wants to get his joy back from playing basketball
07:39And when he was asked if he can get that joy here, he said probably not
07:43as the captain as somebody who's in the room, obviously just how
07:48Much has this relationship deteriorated or is this just a case of a couple bad nights back-to-back?
07:54I mean, is there something big here or is it just a bad night all around?
08:00Things a bad night all around lose the game
08:04Obviously, he's frustrated he feels like he's you know standing in the corner
08:10So he's got a lot of things going on in this corner
08:14For us
08:16Keep the main thing the main thing like our coach always tells us
08:19You know, we play to win and that's what it's all about
08:24BAM is a captain when you hear a teammate saying he can't say whether he prefers to be here and then talks about that
08:29He might find his joy somewhere else
08:32How do you as a team that are trying to play together that are going to be here that are pushing through all this?
08:38How do you as a locker room deal with someone like that?
08:41When one of your leading men says he's not so sure he wants to be here
08:48How else you gonna do it we go out there and play basketball still, you know, it's still our job is still it's still what
08:56Pays our family take care of family take care of a lot of us. So, you know, we can't
09:03We can't slow down
09:06We have to figure out how to win games and push through
09:11And I know this is more for the coaching staff to figure out
09:14But how do you feel like you guys can get Jimmy?
09:17More involved in the offense when he says he feels like his role changed within the offense this season
09:21I mean, it's gonna take time. That's the one thing is
09:25It's all this going on because it's it's it's a glaring effort that we need to make as a team just to get him the ball
09:33You know, like you said, it's a coach. It's a coaching thing, but I feel like spoiled figure that out
09:38And Jimmy obviously just told us that he's not sure that he wants to be here long term but I
09:45Is that the first time that you guys are hearing of that as he indicated or told you guys that?
09:49You might not want to be here
09:52Yeah, I
09:54mean you hear all the
09:56outside noise and we black it out as a team because
09:59At the end of the day, like I said, we still got to go out and play basketball and try to win games
10:06Us we let
10:09Jimmy Pat's bow. We let them handle that situation and for the rest of us. We still gotta go out there and try to compete in
10:18There you go bam out of bio yesterday after the game it seems like soon as there's a follow-up
10:26That could add to a comment
10:30You hear thank you, ma'am. Thank you Tyler
10:34All right, yes, so but
10:39The thing
10:42The thing that I hate about this, okay
10:46This is a situation
10:53In the heat, right
10:58But it's affecting
11:02Tyler Jaime Kahlil K love
11:07All these up yo rich right is affecting these guys
11:14At what point is the franchise or the organization?
11:21Gonna have to look at it that way that hey
11:25Do something because otherwise we throw in a season away
11:32And and and just look we'll we'll deal with the ramifications of it
11:37But right now we need to be focusing on
11:42Well, let's say other stuff. Let's say nothing happens today, right? Like let's say there are no trades. There's a game tomorrow
11:51Then what like what how does that locker room what are you gonna do with what are you gonna do with Jimmy?
11:55What do they do exactly do they play him or do they say hey the heat have never here think about this
12:03Regardless of how disgruntled the player has been
12:07It's never been to the point where he didn't play
12:11Well, Dion James Johnson Hassan
12:15Okay, but they were ancillaries. I
12:18Paid ancillaries. Yeah
12:20Right. They weren't
12:22Like stars on your team. Yeah, that's why I'm asking like but how does the locker room handle it, right?
12:27Like put all the put all the Pat stuff aside. Like is there anything the guys in there can say to him?
12:34That would get him to actually try to play basketball. No because Jimmy's always been the one talking to them
12:40Jimmy's was the one talking to Tyler through the trade rumors, right? So the shoes on the other foot
12:47I'm guessing Tyler never went out there and cruised
12:51Right, I know but he was asking about I'm asking about can anybody talk to him about like hey
12:57Whatever happens happens, but like are you gonna go which is his words, which was his words to that?
13:03Yeah, I know. I'm talking about microphones away forget about what he said
13:08I'm talking about when the door shuts on the on the locker room before you're supposed to go out there and play the jazz
13:13Who has that cash a BAM?
13:16I don't know
13:18That's that's it when when you're leader
13:23Right. I think Nico has to say it with tears in his eyes
13:28Dude this ain't a Lifetime movie. I think that's what has to happen
13:33Yo, you think go he walks in and like we gather around the locker room
13:38That's not if I'm honest
13:40Yeah, you honestly think that Jimmy will fall for that, I don't know no
13:46For it, but it's like I'm just saying like
13:49But nobody in that locker room. Let's just say okay the pattern Pat's like we don't have a deal
13:54There's nobody trading for you right now. You know what this is. This is the equivalent to you ever play
14:00What's the the game with the ball roulette?
14:03Yes, they spun the ball, right?
14:07The ball is coming to a stop
14:10No more bets
14:11That's where we are right now. We're in the fact that
14:15Jimmy is where he is the heater where they are. There's nobody can put no more
14:21Wagers or move their bets somewhere else. It's it is what it is right now and
14:28Everybody's just gonna have to kind of deal with it. I think Spoh
14:35Is gonna have to make a decision
14:39Or have a conversation with Jimmy. I think if there's one player that person that could do it it would be Spoh
14:47Right, but is Spoh already saying something
14:53right by
14:56Putting him in the corner. I don't think it is a Spoh thing though
14:59I feel like it has to be one of the guys in the locker room
15:02Because I feel like Spoh's probably had those talks. I feel like
15:05Who because so far as long as Jimmy's been here Jimmy's been on the other side it is talking
15:13That's what a captain is supposed to do. So
15:16BAM's opportunity to step up it is
15:20agreed man like but I don't like
15:25Life I understand it's not a movie but I but I also think like I'm just saying in the situation of hey
15:32There's no trade tomorrow
15:34You can either do two things the Heat could ignore all this and be like Jimmy just go away, dude
15:40And when you if we figure this out, we figure it out and we just pay you 50 million to go away for right now
15:48We're gonna play basketball if a trade happens a trade happens
15:52Fine, you're gonna have your riff with Pat. You're gonna have your riff with Spoh. But what about the guys you play with?
15:58but in the end
15:59Okay, it's about winning games not proving a point but it kind of doesn't feel like that right now, right so
16:08Point that
16:10my point is this a
16:12decision or
16:15Conversation is gonna have to be had
16:18That shows that it is about winning and not about proving a point
16:29The best thing Jimmy could have done was to play Jimmy basketball
16:36Because that helps all the other stuff that he wants if he would have went in and said I'm a ball out
16:44Let's get something done
16:48Then it would make it easier for everybody to to kind of do that, right?
16:55But the fact how the damage is done there though, right so so what do you like so now
17:01What do you do? Because here's the other problem
17:04The other problem is if you look at Jimmy's last two years and he's 35
17:10Who does he think gonna sign him to an extension, I don't know
17:15You'd have to have a reckless owner. I guess at this point. I mean, there's always the Clippers
17:20There is the Clippers
