• 2 months ago
The Jimmy Butler saga continues to get weird... It appears Jimmy Butler has only one destination that he doesn’t want to get traded to and that is... the Memphis Grizzlies. Rumblings are spreading that Jimmy was spotted in NYC serving coffee to fans...


00:00Tears K86 is Tobin versus Joe Cronin. Oh Joe Cronin has to be howling this week
00:05He beat the heat and then Damian Lillard dropped all those all those bombs on Miami
00:13Sometimes the bad guy wins. I don't know what to tell you not suffocating dogs
00:21What are you doing
00:25Unless it was a terrible showing mighty heat though. Yeah, it was a terrible show was and when the game started
00:30Here's what they do. Here's what they do now to me
00:33Every first quarter the game starts and I'm like, uh-oh. We ball in the night
00:40now we not only have a
00:43third quarter
00:45But for some reason it has leaked into the second quarter going into the half
00:51Yeah, and the heat have been really bad defensively this month
00:54I'm sure Jimmy Butler being in and out of the lineups has not
00:58Done that any favors?
01:01From a connectivity standpoint
01:02I do like the idea of BAM and where and I do not want to move off of it
01:08But I do think that's gonna take some adjustment because BAM is that you know back line of communication for everybody
01:14So you wonder how that's that's gonna take a little bit of adjusting to of getting things going
01:18But also I do think from a defensive standpoint, I think when you shoot what do they end up shooting last night from three?
01:24I mean it was
01:27Horrific. I mean, I think that that Gary Trent was
01:31Yeah, yeah, Gary Trent was was incredible. But like from the heat standpoint, I think
01:36They shot like 23% from three yesterday
01:39It was insane like they
01:42Good looks
01:45Twenty three point five percent thirty four of ninety two yesterday from three-point land. Sheesh
01:56What the hell Duncan was three for twelve Tyler was four of thirteen
02:03Terry Rozier over for
02:07Kalel two of seven
02:12Damian Lillard five of fourteen Gary Trent seven of ten
02:16Well, it was a tough one to watch for sure
02:19That even warm up. Oh, man. I know I mean they warmed up
02:24It was the first three minutes when the heat were up twenty to five
02:27That was their warm-up
02:30Pretty much that's what happened
02:33The other thing with the Jimmy Butler news, so this was weird yesterday
02:37Jimmy Butler, is there anything in this situation that could be considered weird?
02:43All of it, but that's what no I'm saying like when you get to it a certain point
02:49Like as where we are right now with the Jimmy Butler thing
02:53Like the only thing weird you could say to me is is Jimmy Butler and he made up and he's gonna stay
02:59Okay. Well this the reason this is I guess I use the term weird. It's just it's it's just funny, right is
03:06So yesterday there was this just throwaway line again from Marcus Spears on
03:12ESPN NBA Today
03:14Where he says the only place Jimmy Butler doesn't want to go is
03:21It's the only place he doesn't want to go. Why?
03:25Yes, I don't know where he would fit better than the Suns
03:29It I mean from a basketball standpoint seems to make
03:33the most sense and
03:34you know the way that that would fit but I
03:38think that
03:39The reason he doesn't want to go there and the reason that he wants to go to
03:43Phoenix is because Phoenix is gonna pay him and I don't think Memphis is Memphis is maybe even looking
03:48This is like a rental
03:49Like just bring him in and hope he opts out. Like we will see if we can bring him in for the stretch run
03:54But he said yesterday
03:55I was told today from someone close to the situation that his wish list is just out of Miami with the exception to Memphis
04:01He does want to finish his career wherever he goes
04:06So my question is is is why
04:16Why is he
04:18Like does he not think that?
04:22He's turned a lot of these teams off to
04:25warning him
04:27because of how he's
04:29Played and acted the last six months
04:33Um, yeah, I'm sure that's turned off a lot of teams except for one
04:37Right. Well because because what did he say? You're only as good as your options
04:43Yeah, and and so like they're looking at do we want to pay Jimmy Butler?
04:4850 million or do we want to play Bradley Beal 50 million? So that's that's how they can justify this
04:56Brian Winters
04:57Said today the Grizzlies are lurking in Butler trade talk sources said and have been in contact with Miami during the process
05:04Sources have theorized if Memphis can acquire him for the playoff run and also free up cap space this summer
05:10That's where their interest might lie
05:12So none of that is about extending Jimmy Butler, which would tell you why he's not interested in going to Memphis. And so
05:21It still remains that he only wants to go to the but like the thing would be interesting and I don't know what this is
05:26The gamble that Memphis would want to take if he did go to Memphis if they did trade for him
05:29If we all just said hey be damned the heat they get off of Jimmy Butler
05:33You know, they don't have you know much money to take back or whatever
05:38From that standpoint does Jimmy show up to Memphis, right? That's that's what I'm saying
05:43I'm like like on one side of your mouth. You're saying anywhere but
05:48Here and then on the other side you say but I have a list of teams I won't go to right it's not anywhere but
05:55Does he have beef with Justin Timberlake?
05:58No, I think they were hanging out this summer in Sweden. Yep, and Timberlake's part of Memphis, right? He is. Yeah. So what's the problem?
06:08There's only
06:11Okay, we know what the problem is the money but
06:15Only one team that would extend him
06:18Because they're already putting that money into Bradley Beal, right? I don't know really another situation for that
06:23Did you see inside the NBA and I'm Shaq and Barkley and Kenny going at it?
06:27I was Shaq was representing the player side even though and I and I respected that he took the player side and
06:34Because he's done the same
06:36similar thing so he's he was expressing how he would look at it and
06:40Charles and Kenny looked at it the way Leroy and pretty much everybody else is looking at it
06:46You want a contract for two years from now?
06:48Like you you're you already signed your contract you're going to get paid for this year next year
06:53You should honor it when you have a hundred million dollars guaranteed for two years. I
06:58Understand everybody makes a lot of money in this league, but it's not gonna garner a lot of sympathy for why you're not playing hard
07:04But it's just it's just not I don't have a problem with Jimmy being upset that he didn't extend him
07:10I don't have a problem with any of that right get as much money as you can
07:14Where I fall and where I get I have an issue with this whole thing is
07:19You told you was gonna come out and ball. You did not yeah, okay, and now
07:26You're refusing to play and earn the money
07:29They're paying you this year because they won't pay you two years from now
07:33And you don't want a hard thing to swallow for me and the other thing that's hard to swallow is like, okay
07:39You don't want to go to the number two three team in the West like
07:43Wouldn't everything that would shut up about anybody paying you would be be on an incredible team go on an incredible postseason run
07:51Who wouldn't then give you your your sweetener deal like by the end of that, right?
07:55Like someone's gonna do it if you are able to take the Grizzlies to the Western Conference finals
08:01You don't think somebody's gonna pay Jimmy Butler that extra whatever the hell he wants in the offseason. So
08:07That has been the thing that's been
08:09The most interesting about it is I'm like Jimmy basically seems like he has gone about this. I have found my sucker
08:16I have found my big fish. It is in Phoenix. I want to get there
08:21That's the most important thing to me not proving it to anybody else. I feel like I've proven all I've had to prove
08:26I don't want to prove anything else now that I have a guarantee or a wink-wink guarantee from somebody else
08:31That's where I want to go
08:32But if you really wanted to go prove it you could have done it this year with Miami like Pat Riley told you to you
08:37Didn't want to you feel some type of way about it. Okay, fine. You won't do it with a team
08:41That's very clearly in line to contend
08:49He didn't do anything to help
08:53Facilitate the trade he wanted and that is by not playing you raise more questions
09:01By other teams who may have been interested and maybe given Jimmy that extension
09:08Which I don't think there were very many. I
09:11told you the only reason why I think ones do it because they're looking at is it would you rather have Jimmy Butler for the
09:1660 million or the 110 or would you rather have Brad the view and they're like we're paying it
09:22Anyway, let's get Jimmy Butler. That's it
09:31Hmm it just give you
09:34Yeah, I was all right. I'm sorry. I was looking at something
09:38To do with your mouth. I was clearing my throat
09:40Okay, and you were yackety-yack and so I was clearing my throat and then I got distracted by this picture online
09:47This picture is I don't know what I don't know if this is real or not
09:51Okay, okay
09:53Apparently there's a picture going around right now from something
09:58What is this this is this is today
10:02It's it's something called enjoy
10:06Basketball enjoy b-ball. They have a photo
10:10This is from at Drew Starr who's like number one
10:13Trey rumor aggregator on heat Twitter and they retweeted this photo. It says Jimmy Butler is in New York City today serving coffee
10:22and it's Jimmy Butler in a winter coat and
10:27Heat take on the Nets tomorrow
10:30Is he gonna pull a WWE and buy a ticket?
10:33See, I like that, but you know, no, no, no, don't say that because we all thought he was gonna do that in LA
10:38So I did that in New York. It's not we can't say it's not out of the realm of possible. He hasn't done it
10:43Yeah, he hasn't pulled that card yet, though
10:46So you might not want to be
10:49If you're if you're suspended
10:52Mm-hmm. Are you allowed? I know some in some sports if you suspended you're not allowed in any arena. I don't know
11:00Hmm you might be rightly right? I don't know. Maybe he goes Bobby Valentine mustache
11:12And by the way
11:14You think Jimmy Butler's following rules right now
11:20Jimmy but what if Jimmy Butler just drops it on the Nets broadcast?
11:24So I'm talking to Richard Jefferson
11:29I would guess Richard is not a fan of
11:34Not playing for the money you making now
11:37shock was supporting Jimmy that
11:42mean, it's hard to
11:45See I get what Shaq is trying to do and I kind of preface my whole argument when I have it is
11:52I'm all for a player trying to get as much money as possible
11:58But also doing it while earning the money they paying you now
12:04This is not the last year of your contract
12:06Right this year and next year. You're guaranteed 100 100 million
12:12So that's your starting point
12:15to get mad at a team
12:18Because they wouldn't pay you after the contract by not playing
12:24And it just doesn't feel right, you know what I mean
12:30Like it's not like it's not like football
12:34Football, you don't have these guaranteed contracts. No
