• 2 months ago
প্রতিবেশীদের দাবি, গত 10 দিন ধরে ওই বাড়ির ভেতরের আলো জ্বলছিল এবং নিভছিল ৷ চারিদিকে মদের বোতল পড়ে রয়েছে ৷ আলমারির দরজা ভাঙা ছিল ৷


00:00This is the 1 by 126 in the Kanishk Road of Durgapur, Ishpat Nagar.
00:04A long time ago, this was a locked Abbasan.
00:07This Abbasan of Durgapur Ishpat Karkhana,
00:0910 days ago, the residents of this area saw the door behind it being broken.
00:14There is a mysterious sound coming from there.
00:17The residents of this area saw such an incident.
00:19In between, the light of this house was on and off.
00:23There was no one in the house.
00:27And in this house, suddenly, in the morning,
00:30seeing the smoke coming out, the residents of this area
00:33suspect that there is a fire and inform the Damkhal and the police.
00:36Two Damkhal and the police came.
00:38The Damkhal department, after about 4 hours of effort,
00:41brought the fire under control.
00:43Go inside the house and see.
00:45There is a lot of mud bottles.
00:47And the mud, cupboard, all of them,
00:50are burning in the fire.
00:52So, was there any unsocial activity going on here?
00:56After breaking the door behind the house,
00:59was there any unethical activity going on here?
01:02For a few days, such a mysterious sound was heard
01:05in this locked Abbasan of Durgapur Ishpat Karkhana,
01:08after the fire was put out.
01:10What is the Damkhal department saying about the reason for the fire?
01:13We will listen.
01:16We came and saw that there was smoke coming out from all four sides.
01:19We were trying to break the lock on all four sides.
01:21Automatically, at the last minute, the fire was put out.
01:24Was there fire inside?
01:25Yes, there was fire inside.
01:26From where did the fire start?
01:28Is this a closed area?
01:29Yes, it is a closed area.
01:31The information we got from the local people,
01:33it has been closed for about 4 years.
01:36The local people did not give any information.
01:38Probably, they got the information from you.
01:40We heard that there is a lot of destruction in the back yard.
01:43Yes, there is.
01:44There is a lot of destruction in the back yard.
01:46People can go and work there.
01:47Sir, the back yard is destroyed.
01:49And most of the local people saw that there was blue water,
01:52blue water.
01:54Was there a regular presence of people inside?
01:57Can you guess?
01:58I can't say that.
01:59Because we saw that there was a lot of destruction in the back yard.
02:03The local people are still doubting.
02:05We will find out.
02:07What do you know?
02:08Two hours ago, there was smoke coming out from the back yard.
02:10At first, it came out from the back.
02:11People from the back yard saw it first.
02:13Then, it came out from the front.
02:14Then, all together…
02:15This is a quarter.
02:16This is a quarter.
02:17Kena quarter.
02:18How many people?
02:19One person has 126.3 crores.
02:21The owner's name is J.P. Sengupta.
02:23Rukini Sengupta.
02:24Both of them are above 80 years of age.
02:26I don't know where they are now.
02:28They are in the ashram.
02:29They are with their sons.
02:30This is a quarter.
02:31This is a quarter.
02:32This is the biggest quarter.
02:33The back yard is completely destroyed.
02:34This is the biggest quarter.
02:35Everything inside the house is destroyed.
02:37From the cupboard…
02:38The cupboard was open.
02:39It was all open.
02:40The cupboard…
02:41The door…
02:42Everything is destroyed.
02:43Only the TV was left inside.
02:44It was in this house.
02:46TV or…
02:47There were two cylinders.
02:48The back yard was also destroyed.
02:49The fuse box was also destroyed.
02:50The fuse box was destroyed.
02:51It was destroyed in about 10 seconds.
02:52There was no destruction prior to that.
02:53The house was dark.
02:54The light…
02:55The light…
02:56The light…
02:57It turned off.
02:58It turned off.
02:59MCB was switched off.
03:00The MCB was switched off.
03:01What will happen in presence of God?
03:02It is possible.
03:04After this report by the salvation department,
03:05But firstly, it should be clear that
03:06Ten days ago, this house was destroyed.
03:07Maybe after this report,
03:08Dhamkal bhibhagya,
03:09The house was destroyed.
03:10After this report,
03:11Dhamkal bhibhagya,
03:12he has left his home.
03:13He has left his home.
03:14He has left his home.
03:15that ten days before the earthquake, after the back door was demolished,
03:18the people of Dushkirti were protesting again and again
03:21and the bottles of alcohol that they had kept, who were those?
03:24The empty bottles of alcohol that were lying around,
03:27who were those people who were drinking alcohol here?
03:29This is the question that has arisen.
03:31From Durgapur, Soumen Bandobad dai, ETB Bharat.
