• 2 months ago
Islam Aur Naujawan | Ba-Mutaliq Hazrat Khuwaja Ghareeb Nawaz RA

Host: Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi

#IslamAurNaujawan #KhuwajaGhareebNawazRA #ARYQtv

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00:00In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:28May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
00:37Where there is light, there is a place of refuge.
00:47Where there is faith, there is a place of refuge.
00:51With your grace, there is light upon light.
01:00Where there is a flower, there is a place of refuge.
01:04Jadd-e-Amjad, who is Maula Ali, then?
01:13Why should there not be a Mehrwa, a place of refuge?
01:18On that street, there is a place of sacrifice, Mehro, Maho, Nujoom.
01:27Where there is glory, there is a place of refuge.
01:31Everyone is eager to take alms.
01:35Where there is water, there is a place of refuge.
01:40Where there is light, there is a place of refuge.
01:49Respected viewers,
01:52A very beautiful program of Islam and Najwan,
01:58In which the questions that arise in the minds of the youth,
02:04Which are related to Sufism, which are related to the saints,
02:08They are addressed.
02:10In which our well-known scholars,
02:12On different topics, which are the topics of Sufism and spirituality,
02:16They talk about them, and then in the light of that,
02:19Our students ask questions.
02:23The question is very important.
02:25The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
02:29That there is a great knowledge of asking questions.
02:33So in the minds of our youth, especially,
02:36The questions related to Sufism and spirituality,
02:39The questions related to the purification of one's self,
02:44The questions related to self-purification,
02:46The questions related to the purification of one's self,
02:48How can one connect with his Lord?
02:51How can one develop sincerity in one's actions?
02:56How can one purify one's actions for the sake of Allah?
03:04This is Sufism.
03:06This is spirituality.
03:08And it takes a person to the level of sincerity in one's actions,
03:12The actions that are fulfilled by it.
03:14Any good deed, any good deed,
03:17If you remove the sincerity from it,
03:20Then that good deed is no longer a good deed.
03:23So Allah watches over all our deeds,
03:27Our hearts and souls,
03:30So that our deeds become pure.
03:32So the topic of today's discussion is very important.
03:36The basic spirit of Sufism in the purification of one's self.
03:40And we are fortunate that Dr. Shoaib Arif,
03:42Assistant Professor, University of Gujarat,
03:45is here with us today.
03:47He will guide us on the topic of Sufism and the saints of Allah.
03:56Dr. Shoaib Arif, please come forward.
04:01And guide our students and viewers on the topic of Sufism and the purification of one's self.
04:07We praise and salute the Holy Prophet.
04:12I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
04:16In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
04:19He who purifies himself is successful.
04:23Allah is the Greatest.
04:25O Allah, bless our master and master Muhammad.
04:29And the family of our master and master Muhammad.
04:33And the companions of our master and master Muhammad.
04:36And the companions of our master and master Muhammad.
04:39My esteemed viewers and listeners.
04:44Today we are present in a very important program of ARYQ TV,
04:49Islam and the youth.
04:52And Khawaja-e-Khawajagan, Hazrat Khawaja Mahmood Chishti Ajmeri,
04:56in relation to you,
04:58the topic we will discuss today
05:02is about Sufism and the purification of one's self.
05:04This is because
05:06the path on which these pious people of Allah
05:11have reached a level that we are remembering them even after centuries.
05:17How did they attain that status and rank?
05:21What was the path on which they were given the nearness of Allah,
05:27and they were called the saints of Allah?
05:29My esteemed viewers,
05:31in the presence of the University of Gujarat,
05:34we are in the leadership of our host, Dr. Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi.
05:40First of all, I would like to tell you about Sufism and the purification of one's self.
05:46Sufism means
05:48purification of one's heart and soul.
05:50That is, purifying one's mind,
05:53purifying one's heart,
05:55purifying one's mind,
05:56purifying one's thoughts,
05:58one's views,
06:00one's beliefs,
06:02one's heart,
06:04and all the powers that Allah has bestowed upon man,
06:07purifying them from all kinds of impurities,
06:10and purifying them,
06:12and this act of purifying one's heart and soul is called Sufism.
06:16This is called the purification of one's self.
06:19That is, purifying one's self from all kinds of impurities,
06:22removing all the impurities of one's self,
06:24and in the form of
06:26the form of
06:29the inbuilt qualities of goodness and evil,
06:35by eliminating the qualities of vice,
06:39by weakening them,
06:41by reviving the qualities of goodness, righteousness, and purity,
06:46when a person reaches the state of purification of one's self,
06:50this is also called the purification of one's heart and soul.
06:52but it is also said that it is the same spirituality, the same path on which people walk and attain the nearness of Allah and call themselves the saints of Allah.
07:04The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, explained it in his own words that when Gabriel came,
07:13he asked questions about Islam, Iman and Ikhsan.
07:19The Prophet explained the beliefs in the form of Iman.
07:24He explained the teachings of Islam in the form of Islam.
07:29After Islam and Iman, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, explained Ikhsan.
07:37If it was enough to just bring Iman and act upon it, then Gabriel would not have asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, these questions, nor would he have answered them.
07:51The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said that he brought Iman and established these things in his mind that he has to believe them with his heart and mind.
08:01He also followed the teachings of Islam.
08:05After following these teachings, he asked the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, what is Ikhsan?
08:12The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
08:14O Gabriel, Ikhsan is to develop such sincerity in your actions, to develop such excellence in your actions,
08:32and to establish such a relationship with Allah while you are worshipping, as if you are seeing Allah with your own eyes.
08:41If this is not enough, then at least your heart and mind should be in such a state that Allah is seeing you.
08:53So, this relationship with Allah that is established in our actions and worship with our physical body,
09:03this is called Tazka-e-Nafs.
09:06The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said in the Qur'an,
09:15The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
09:28The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
09:58The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
10:13So, after reciting the verses of the Qur'an, the first thing to do is to do Tarbiyyat.
10:20After doing Tarbiyyat, the teachings of the Qur'an will become effective.
10:27And when the teachings become effective as a result of Tarbiyyat,
10:31then as a result of this Tarbiyyat, man will be given wisdom.
10:34And then all the secrets of the universe, which man has come to discover in this universe,
10:46then Allah, the Lord of the Universe, opens a window of understanding in his mind.
10:53And there is another point in this.
10:55The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
10:58The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
11:07The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
11:23So, Allah changed the order of the teachings of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
11:28The first teaching of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was Tarbiyyat.
11:33But the importance of Tarbiyyat in the religion of Islam is that
11:38when Allah, the Lord of the Universe, sent the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
11:43then the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, explained the duties of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
11:47and brought the purification first, and the teachings later,
11:51so that it is known that the teachings do not have an effect until the purification of man is done.
11:59Therefore, dear students, viewers,
12:04the most important thing is that the purification of man's mind is done,
12:08the purification of his heart is done,
12:10the purification of his inner self is done.
12:13In order to explain this point,
12:16in order to explain its importance,
12:19Allah, the Lord of the Universe, has explained the importance of this purification in a very unique way in the Quran.
12:25And in the Quran, you will not find any other place where Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
12:30where Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:00Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:03Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:06Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:09Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:12Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:15Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:18Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:21Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:24Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:27Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:30Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:33Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:36Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:39Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:42Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:45Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:48Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:51Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:54Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
13:57Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
14:00Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
14:03Allah, the Lord of the Universe,
14:06and may He lead us on this.
14:09And nothing is upon us except doctrinal involvement.
14:12Thank you very much Dr Shoaib Al-Harith,
14:15for giving this very wonderful leading
14:19to the level of self dlatego
14:22and how a human being can purify
14:28In that regard, you guided us in a very short time.
14:32Let's take questions from the students.
14:35Please ask whatever questions you want to ask.
14:38Peace be upon you, Sir.
14:40My question to you is that,
14:42is the mention of the saints in the Quran and Hadith as well?
14:45Right. Yes. Any other question?
14:49Peace be upon you, Sir.
14:51My question to you is that,
14:53why are the saints glorified?
14:55Is it permissible?
14:57Right. Any other question regarding this topic?
15:01Peace be upon you, Sir.
15:03My question to you is that,
15:05what is the purpose of the mention of the saints?
15:08Are they mentioned in the Quran?
15:10Thank you very much.
15:12Your questions are very good.
15:14I request Dr. Shoaib Arif to give a brief answer.
15:19Regarding the topic,
15:22the first question that was asked,
15:25which is a very important question,
15:28is the mention of the saints in the Quran and Hadith?
15:33The short answer to this is that,
15:35yes, absolutely.
15:36In the Quran and Hadith,
15:38Allah's pious servants and his saints are mentioned extensively.
15:44For example, I will mention a few places in the Quran and Hadith.
15:49One is the mention of Allah's Prophets.
15:52There are 26 Prophets mentioned in the Quran.
15:57But other than the Prophets,
15:59there are also mentions of Allah's pious servants and his saints.
16:09In fact, Allah has commanded us to mention them.
16:23These are not Prophets, but saints.
16:25Allah has commanded us to mention them.
16:28For example, mention Maryam in this book.
16:31Similarly, Allah has mentioned the attributes of saints in the Quran.
16:38The greatest saint of the Prophet,
16:41Hazrat Asim bin Barkhiyah,
16:44is mentioned in the Quran.
16:46In Surah Al-Kahf,
16:48Allah mentions not only the incidents of those young men,
16:51who were the saints of Allah,
16:53who left the city,
16:55and when they found themselves in the cave,
16:57they were saved from the tyrant king.
16:59But Allah also mentions the miracles that took place because of them.
17:04And the dog that was sitting with them in the cave,
17:07is also mentioned in the Quran.
17:09So, in the Quran,
17:11it is the Sunnah of Allah that
17:13he mentions his friends and his saints.
17:17And Allah has also commanded us to mention them.
17:20There are many Ahadith,
17:22in which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:25has mentioned the Prophets of the Israelites.
17:28Since we don't have much time,
17:30I won't go into the details.
17:32You can read the books of Ahadith.
17:34In them, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
17:37has mentioned the first Ummah,
17:39the saints of this Ummah,
17:41their attributes, their statements,
17:43their entry into Paradise,
17:45and even their places in Paradise.
17:52The second question,
17:54which is also very important,
17:56is in regards to Gosh-e-Nashini.
17:58Is it permissible to adopt Gosh-e-Nashini?
18:01Not only is it permissible to adopt Gosh-e-Nashini,
18:04but it is also the Sunnah of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.
18:09Allah mentions Moses, peace and blessings be upon him,
18:12in the Quran.
18:14He was called to the Mount of Sinai.
18:16For 30 days, he remained in Gosh-e-Nashini.
18:21Allah Himself commanded him
18:23to spend another 10 days and complete 40 days.
18:26The Prophet himself would go to the Cave of Hira,
18:29and for 40 days, he would remain in Gosh-e-Nashini.
18:35The purpose of this was
18:37to establish a relationship with the Creator.
18:40To establish a relationship with the Creator,
18:42one must cut himself off from the creation,
18:44and completely worship Allah,
18:46to gain His knowledge,
18:48and to abstain from all kinds of delusions and thoughts,
18:51and only worship Allah,
18:53this Gosh-e-Nashini must be adopted.
18:55The saints of the Ummah also followed this.
18:58The third question is also very important.
19:01It was asked,
19:03is there a purpose in mentioning the saints,
19:06and is it a form of worship?
19:08Yes, it is a form of worship.
19:10The saints of the Ummah are mentioned
19:12because they remind us of Allah.
19:17Because they remind us of Allah,
19:19because they are beloved to Allah,
19:21because they are saints of Allah,
19:23and because they are connected to Allah,
19:26when we mention them,
19:28we will also receive His blessings.
19:30The second question was,
19:32is it a form of worship?
19:34Yes, it is a form of worship.
19:36If you mention the saints of Allah,
19:38in this way,
19:40then reciting the Holy Quran
19:42is a form of worship.
19:44It is also a form of reward.
19:46When the saints of Allah
19:48are mentioned in this way,
19:50then it is a form of worship,
19:52and it is also a form of reward.
19:54JazakAllah Khair.
19:56Thank you very much,
19:58Dr. Shoaib Arif,
20:00for your guidance,
20:02and for this beautiful discussion
20:04on today's topic.
20:06Ladies and gentlemen,
20:08this special program of
20:10Islam and Naujawan ARYQ TV
20:12is being broadcast
20:14at the University of Gujarat.
20:16Thank you very much
20:18for being here.
20:20We will meet again
20:22with Dr. Sarwar Hussain Naqshbandi
20:24in the next program.
