• 2 months ago
👉 Ian, un joven de la Zona Norte del Gran Buenos Aires, entre Garín y Del Viso, fue víctima de un robo violento en el que delincuentes sin mediar palabras le dispararon. El joven relató su desesperada carrera hacia casa después de ser baleado y cómo sus padres le ayudaron a aplicar un torniquete para detener la hemorragia. Sin embargo, denuncia que tras ser llevado al hospital, fue dejado en una camilla ensangrentada durante 15 horas sin recibir atención médica adecuada.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00In the north of the great Buenos Aires, between Garín and Delviso.
00:08And he desperately asks for help from his parents.
00:14Dad! Dad! Dad, they shot me! They shot me in the chest, Dad!
00:20I need to go, Dad! Dad! They shot me in the chest!
00:26They shot me in the chest! They shot me in the chest!
00:28Where are you? Where are you?
00:31Take me to the hospital!
00:33What happened, Dad?
00:35They shot you! Who?
00:37I don't know! I don't know!
00:39Take me to the hospital!
00:45Why? Why? Why? Why?
00:50Hurry! Hurry! Take me to the hospital or I'll die!
00:54No, Dad! No, Dad!
00:56Let's do a tourniquet! Come on! Come on!
01:03Let's do a tourniquet! Let's do a tourniquet!
01:06Let's do a tourniquet!
01:08Mom! Mom! They shot me!
01:12Take me to the hospital or I'll die!
01:17Let's do a tourniquet!
01:18Let's do a tourniquet!
01:22Dad, open me up! Take me to the hospital!
01:29The desperate phrases that this situation leaves us
01:36recorded as everything is recorded today
01:39in the video cameras
01:44at dawn
01:48and in an attempt to rob
01:51they shoot him
01:54They shot me!
01:56Open the door! Open the door!
01:59Open the door!
02:01What desperation, huh?
02:03You have to start a day like this
02:05You have to wake up a married man
02:08desperate for the cry of a son
02:10who tells him, open up, they shot me
02:13the father who goes out in underwear
02:15who does not even understand what is happening
02:19and in a sequence that does not last more than a minute
02:23they get up, they wake up
02:26they recognize the voice of their son with a desperate cry
02:29they have to go out to assist him
02:31transport yourself to that situation
02:33it is not known what happened to him
02:35but it is the voice of your son who tells you
02:37open me up please
02:39take me to the hospital or I'll die
02:41he himself sees how he is bleeding
02:43and as far as we knew
02:45he had his leg compromised
02:48and a bullet lodged
02:50that they were debating with the doctors
02:52whether it was better to leave it
02:54and there was no rejection
02:56or they evaluated
02:58remove it
03:00because it was lodged there
03:02in the leg
03:04what a situation
03:06and there is no right to have to live like this
03:08to start a day like this
03:10that a family has to face
03:12a situation like this
03:13that a family has
03:15to look at the leg
03:17and that he realizes
03:19make me a tourniquet
03:21because he is bleeding
03:23well for the first time
03:25break the silence
03:27and let's get in touch
03:29with the victim
03:31with the protagonist of the video
03:33the young man, Ian is a man
03:35his parents are also there
03:37who had to face
03:39absolutely dramatic hours
03:41Ian if you are listening to me
03:45Roberto, how are you?
03:47Good afternoon
03:49well, what to say
03:51the truth is that
03:53quite overwhelmed
03:55by everything that happened
03:57beyond the physical pain
03:59that I am suffering
04:01these last days
04:03and the recovery
04:05that I will have ahead
04:07is more than anything
04:09the feeling of pain
04:11of anger
04:13that I have lived here
04:15and one feels the impotence
04:17of not feeling safe
04:19not even in the corner of his house
04:21unfortunately it is a situation
04:23that is repeated day by day
04:25in this area
04:27we do not have enough security
04:29we can not leave our houses
04:31there are no controls and so on
04:33so it's a little bit
04:35what we are asking
04:37both my family
04:39and all the neighbors
04:41who are giving us
04:43the indifference of the rest
04:45towards the life of a 27-year-old kid
04:47who all he did was run away
04:49how old are you Ian?
04:51I am 27 years old
04:5327 years old
04:55in what context did this situation occur?
04:57I understand that you were living outside the country
04:59if you came on a visit
05:01or if you are already eradicated here
05:03and you had gone out for a while
05:05yes, I came back two months ago
05:07I was living in Italy for two years
05:09precisely because of this type of situation
05:11I remember having conversations
05:13with my mother
05:15to tell her
05:17I prefer you cry me
05:19for being away
05:21and not that you have to cry me
05:23inside a drawer
05:25for having gone out
05:27and not having returned
05:29then everything adds up
05:31to the impotence
05:33of saying well
05:35you come back after so long
05:37to be outside
05:39to meet your family
05:41to spend the holidays
05:43to make the decision
05:45to come back to my country
05:47to try to move forward
05:49with my life here
05:51and to meet this
05:53is a blow that gives you
05:55a very hard reality
05:57very difficult
05:59but nothing
06:01trying to put the best of the waves
06:03and trusting in the recovery
06:05and that everything will go well
06:07before continuing your story
06:09and the context of why it happened
06:11how was the attack
06:13was there a debate
06:15between the doctors
06:17if they extracted the bullet
06:19if they left it
06:21how is your leg
06:23how is your health
06:25beyond the emotional
06:27beyond the emotional
06:29my situation
06:31I am out of danger
06:33I do not run the risk of life
06:35which was important at that time
06:37when I see the impact
06:39that I have on the leg
06:41and the amount of blood
06:43that could exist
06:45the possibility of bleeding
06:47that's why the despair
06:49of wanting to solve it
06:51as quickly as possible
06:53when I get to the hospital
06:55they stop the bleeding
06:57after a long work
06:59of the doctors
07:01they manage to stop the bleeding
07:03they do a tomography
07:05and I was lucky
07:07if you can say it that way
07:09of not having suffered
07:11major damage
07:13to the right leg
07:15I have the projectile exit
07:17in the front of the right leg
07:19and by the position
07:21in which I was running
07:23while I was escaping
07:25the bullet hits the left leg
07:27and ends up lodged in the knee
07:29the doctors
07:31what they say is that
07:33it is not necessary
07:35at least now
07:37to undergo surgery
07:39because it could complicate
07:41the situation a little more
07:43due to the intervention
07:45that I would have to do
07:47so at the moment
07:49it is only to control it
07:51to try to encapsulate the leg
07:53to encapsulate the projectile
07:55so that an infection does not occur
07:57to keep me with the necessary care
07:59and if everything goes well
08:01in theory I would not have
08:03major conflicts
08:05then we need to see
08:07how I continue
08:09to see if this can bring me
08:11some ailment
08:13or not
08:15now forgive me
08:17to see if I understand well
08:19did you have an exit hole
08:21or do you still have the bullet in your leg?
08:23I have an entry and exit hole
08:25in the right leg
08:27and the same bullet
08:29as it enters and leaves the right leg
08:31impacts the left leg
08:33and that is where it is lodged
08:35in the left knee
08:37I have the bullet thrown
08:39behind the left knee
08:41is the same bullet
08:43that is your mother
08:45who makes you a tourniquet
08:47and helps you
08:49but then it stays lodged
08:51in the other leg
08:57if I have to be honest
08:59the one that causes me the most problems
09:01and hurts me the most
09:03is the leg in which I have
09:05lodged the bullet
09:07I imagine that there is a great inflammation
09:09inside the knee
09:11and this is generating a lot of pain
09:13with very few centimeters
09:15of the femoral artery
09:17in that case you would have bled
09:19I do not want to stop mentioning
09:21while we go through what happened
09:23and now we are going to tell us
09:25we understand that it was a robbery attempt
09:27in which hospital did they attend you
09:29to highlight the work of the professionals
09:31they attended me in the central hospital of Pilar
09:33the reality is that
09:35if I have something to highlight
09:37it is the immediate attention
09:39they gave me at the time
09:41to stop the bleeding
09:43leaving me
09:45lying on a stretcher
09:47where they had made me the cures
09:49and the stretcher was full of blood
09:51and liquids with which
09:53they had stopped the bleeding
09:55and they had me another 7 hours
09:57lying on top of the stretcher
09:59in those conditions
10:01without changing even a sheet
10:03without giving me any kind of attention
10:05where I asked please
10:07to give me some analgesic
10:09for the pain I was suffering
10:11and there was no doctor
10:13and there was no emergency
10:15with which the case was treated
10:17in the first minutes
10:19since they stopped the bleeding
10:21until they gave me the stretcher
10:23which was 15 hours later
10:25I did not have any kind of attention
10:27from the doctors who were there
10:29I am here with Yan
10:31we are talking with Yan
10:33the protagonist of this video
10:35of what we are seeing there
10:37the despair of asking the parents
10:39to open it, that they had shot him
10:41to see the wound
10:43and he takes it as if he were
10:45an emergentologist
10:47a young man who was living in Italy
10:49who decides to go back to the country
10:51who returns to Argentina
10:53and finds himself with this cut on the jaw
10:55or this bullet to the leg
10:57which is much worse
10:59my colleagues are also here
11:01Fabian Rubino who wants to greet you
11:03and wants to ask you some questions
11:05How are you Yan?
11:07Do you want to go back to Italy quickly?
11:09Are you disappointed?
11:10How is my body right now?
11:12I'm not going to discuss it with you
11:16I consider myself a strong enough person
11:18to face this
11:20and understand that unfortunately
11:22and sadly
11:24this is the situation we live in every day
11:26and although I don't want to go back
11:28I also feel
11:30so surrounded by support
11:32from my family
11:34from my friends
11:36from my neighbors
11:38it makes me feel very good
11:40and it doesn't take away
11:42the desire to keep betting for my country
11:44because I know
11:46beyond the situation we live in
11:48and that this happens every day
11:50I love my land
11:52I love my country
11:54and I love the people I surround myself with
11:56it's a good example
11:58it's a good message
12:00it's a good message, totally
12:02now we see the inside
12:04the outside
12:06how does it originate?
12:08how do they rob you
12:10they didn't rob me
12:12I was on my way back
12:14I had met two friends
12:16in the house of one of the guys
12:18here in the neighborhood
12:20a few blocks from my house
12:22with whom I had shared the night
12:24after toasting
12:26I went back to my house
12:28I left my dad's car in the garage
12:30I rent an apartment
12:32a few blocks from where my parents live
12:34I left the car in the garage
12:36of my house
12:38of my parents' house
12:40when I look to the side
12:42I realize that a motorcycle had stopped
12:44next to me on the street
12:46the guy who was behind
12:48got off with a gun
12:50the first thing he did
12:52was to shoot me in the air
12:54without saying a word
12:56I, analyzing the situation later
12:58what I understand is that
13:00he did it somehow to scare me
13:02I'm tall, I'm big
13:04I'm 1.91 meters tall
13:06and this guy was a young man
13:08who was no more than 22, 23 years old
13:10so I guess his idea
13:12was to scare me with a shot
13:14or to make me notice
13:16that the gun was loaded
13:18and that it was real
13:20which generated in me
13:22a completely reactive attitude
13:24and instead of paralyzing me
13:26the first thing I did
13:28was to grab my head
13:30and run away
13:32that's when he tells me
13:34stay still, give me everything
13:36don't run, don't run
13:38and since I didn't stop
13:40what do you do for a living?
13:42I'm an independent worker
13:44I work in construction
13:46ok, and
13:48let's see, you went out to have fun
13:50you had a meeting with friends
13:52so many friends
13:54with whom you will surely meet again
13:56little by little
13:58after having returned to the country
14:00after having been abroad for a long time
14:02and you find yourself in this situation
14:04you already said that
14:06it comforts us in part
14:08that you want to stay and fight
14:10what welcome are we giving you?
14:12we repeat, this happened in Manuel Alberti
14:14for those who do not know much
14:16by name the locality
14:18I was going to ask you if you had raised there
14:20or is it a place where your parents went to live
14:22it used to be, it used to be
14:24I think we can't say it now
14:26a quiet place between Garín, between Delviso
14:28there it is, right Manuel Alberti?
14:30exactly, this is part of Pilar
14:32I have lived here since I was 10 years old
14:34in fact, we lived in San Martín
14:36and my parents decided
14:38they decided to change airs
14:40because the situation
14:4220 years ago in San Martín
14:44it was already quite complicated
14:46and we came to these places
14:48looking for a little more tranquility
14:50but the reality is that
14:52with the passage of time
14:54in the last period
14:56in recent years
14:58the situation is getting worse here too
15:00and it is sad to have to escape
15:02from one place and another
15:04when one forms its roots
15:06and forms ties with its environment
15:08for situations like this
15:10I prefer you to cry for me
15:12because I am far away but I am fine
15:14and not that you have to cry for me
15:16inside a drawer because they killed me
15:18to steal my phone
15:20almost fulfilled, almost fulfilled
15:22luckily not
15:24by one or two centimeters of difference
15:26because also if it had affected the femoral
15:28it bleeds at the moment
15:30nomadic families
15:32but notice how a young person
15:34almost fulfills his own prophecy
15:36that he misses him and does not cry for him
15:38almost dead
15:40and he does not want to consult
15:42or talk to you
15:44I wanted to know if they have
15:46they have identified this criminal
15:48if you remember the face of the criminal
15:51no, unfortunately
15:53it was all very very fast
15:55when I look to the side
15:57and I see him getting off the motorcycle
15:59at that precise moment
16:01without measuring a second
16:03he raises the gun and shoots
16:05therefore I closed my eyes
16:07I turned around and ran
16:08I remember his face
16:10I remember the context
16:12but I do not remember his actions
16:14I do not remember his face
16:16the criminals are not identified
16:18from what I understand
16:20today the DDI of Pilar approached
16:22to request the residential chambers
16:24of the shops
16:26to work with the material
16:28that they have at their disposal
16:30anyway 15 or 20 meters
16:32from where they try to assault me
16:34there is a dome of the municipality
16:36that is strategically positioned
16:38to take the position
16:40in which this happens to me
16:42you have to see now
16:44if that dome is working
16:46if I was casually looking
16:48to the side where the event happened
16:50or not, but the reality is that no
16:52absolutely nothing is known
16:54they have no information
16:56of the criminals
16:58the motorcycle could not even be identified
17:00at the moment
17:02so we are in the nothing
17:04they continue their lives quietly
17:06and I am the one who is locked
17:08I am the one who is locked
17:10Ian, how are you?
17:12Look, what I wanted to tell you is this
17:14in 2024 more than 20,000 motorcycle thefts
17:16per day
17:18more than 20,000
17:20192 retirees murdered
17:22in the neighborhoods I looked
17:24in front of your house
17:26electric wire, wire of pikes
17:28we no longer know what to put
17:30cameras, etc.
17:32and seeing you young
17:34I thought you said
17:36the other person was also young
17:38what a terrible situation
17:40we are living
17:42I ask you this question
17:46would you like there to be
17:48tougher laws for criminals?
17:50of course, yes
17:52of course, how not
17:54we are the ones who deserve
17:56go out to the street without fear
17:58every day to work
18:00to visit our family
18:02and be able to walk quietly
18:04even going out shopping
18:05because there is a lot of trouble
18:07and a lot of impotence
18:09the fact of being me
18:11who today cannot go out
18:13who is not able to leave his house
18:15because of what happened
18:17and they are probably walking
18:19or continue to commit crimes
18:21in the way they do
18:23without any kind of power
18:25Ian, I see the sequence again
18:27I don't know, I didn't time it
18:29but I think in less than two minutes
18:31minute and a half
18:33we have there almost a tent
18:35someone who quickly
18:37sets a trap
18:39with the first thing he has at hand
18:41with a shirt
18:45stops the bleeding
18:47another who in parallel
18:49moves, opens a gate
18:51takes out a vehicle
18:55in the way leaves something else there
18:57a bandage, a cable, something to tie
18:59and it's a family
19:01a father, a mother
19:03and a son
19:05and it's a job
19:07I think it unites you to your father
19:09that is
19:11that you yourself are aware
19:13at the moment of seeing
19:15that you are bleeding
19:17and ask for a tourniquet
19:19does any of you have knowledge
19:21of some matter
19:23of some medical aspect
19:25or does reality drag you to this?
19:27No, absolutely none of us
19:29had any kind of medical training
19:31in our life
19:33in fact I think
19:35it was urgent
19:37that they pass me a belt
19:39or something to make me a tourniquet
19:41it was pure instinct
19:43and high survival
19:45perhaps more
19:47for having seen it on TV
19:49in situations that happen daily
19:51or in a movie
19:53but the reality is that none of us
19:55ever had a medical training
19:57to know how to act
19:59it was despair that took me
20:01in fact I still don't understand
20:03how I got home running
20:05and with a blood clot
20:07that came out
20:09that was completely impressive
20:11but I think what made us act
20:13that way was the impulse
20:15the instinct, the adrenaline
20:17and wanting to solve in the moment
20:19and stop the hemorrhage
20:21in a moment I'm going to say
20:23but in the moment
20:25when I start to put pressure
20:27with the white shirt
20:29that my mom gives me
20:31I uncover
20:33and I see how
20:35my heart was pumping
20:37how I lost a lot of blood
20:39that's when I say
20:41please take me to the hospital
20:43because I'm dying
20:45because I really thought
20:47I was bleeding
20:49look at what that house is
20:51that house is surrounded
20:53inside it has
20:55blackboard, bars
20:57bars again in the window
20:59those spikes that now
21:01have become a classic
21:03exactly, but you live in prison
21:05and yet from the outside
21:07you find, I'm not telling you
21:09the tragedy in this case
21:11but the insecurity
21:13where are you sure?
21:15I'll tell you something
21:17when we wanted to check
21:19where it was to evaluate
21:21if we were going or not
21:23we checked the addresses
21:25and when you see the name
21:27of the streets
21:29the same thing happens
21:31with Ciudad Jardín
21:33with so many other places
21:35in the past it was
21:37Casa Quintas
21:39now there are more people
21:41who live permanently
21:43it gives you a profile
21:45of a neighborhood
21:47that once was calm
21:49today it is not
21:51it has this physiognomy
21:53the palm tree
21:55is an anecdotal detail
21:57from the inside
21:59but the rest is
22:01a real strength
22:03I think that
22:05it is also
22:07the desire to live
22:09and the love for your family
22:11that family you met
22:13that had to become
22:15almost an ER
22:17in an improvised tent
22:19in the backyard of your house
22:21but today you can find it
22:23and they are all together
22:25Jorge wants to say something
22:27and if you have it at hand
22:29I would like to ask your mother
22:31if you have it nearby
22:33but before saying goodbye
22:35it is clear in the image
22:37that the criminals
22:39are on the street
22:41and the neighbors live isolated
22:45electric wire
22:49neighborhood police
22:51until a decision is made
22:53to leave the neighbors isolated
22:55we will continue like this
22:57Yanda, do you have your mother nearby?
22:59we can talk to her
23:01what happened with her?
23:03thank you very much for the communication
23:05and a quick recovery
23:07thank you very much
23:09she wants to live, to work
23:11to bet back to Argentina
23:13hello, good afternoon
23:15hello, how are you?
23:17sorry to bother you
23:19the worst has already happened
23:21so we are relieved
23:23the worst moment, the scare
23:25has already passed
23:27you were very kind to attend us
23:29on the weekend, Andrea
23:31thank you
23:33because it was the only medium
23:35that I could use
23:37it is to them
23:39to whom I am going to give the note
23:41the truth is that right now
23:43we do not want to know anything
23:45we want to lower the changes
23:47we thank you
23:49apart I do not want to imagine
23:51the anguish of waking up
23:53I do not know if I was already drinking some mate
23:55something to hear
23:57no, I was completely asleep
23:59I had gone to bed at 1.30 in the morning
24:01my 79-year-old mother
24:03in another room
24:05open, close, do not look
24:07because it was heartbreaking
24:09that my mother
24:11with the age she has
24:13had to see her grandson bleeding
24:15then it was something very, very sad
24:17I then the videos to my mother
24:19I did not show them
24:21although she asked me
24:23and well, now as I offered them
24:25to the television media
24:27well, she must be aware of all this
24:29and Andrea
24:31today luckily
24:33she already said she wants to stay to fight
24:35Argentina, the affections
24:37you who must have missed them horrors
24:39while he lived a long time in Italy
24:41the friends with whom he is meeting again
24:43but if I came to you with the same approach
24:45of that moment, right?
24:47I prefer you to cry because you miss me
24:49and not because you have to see me
24:51in a drawer
24:53if I came to you with that approach today
24:55and there is little margin to fight
24:57or say something, right?
24:59no, no, zero margin
25:01I would tell him to come back
25:03in fact with my husband
25:05I would tell him to break up
25:07because I'm like this all the time
25:09and nothing
25:11when Ian tells me that
25:13Mom always told me the same
25:15Mom, I prefer you to cry at a distance
25:17because I was seven months of depression
25:19lying in a bed
25:21because he had left
25:23and well
25:25now if he comes to me to ask
25:27and I say yes, son, go
25:29I prefer you to be there
25:31and that you are safe
25:33as you called me every day
25:35walking, the beach
25:37working, yes, making an effort
25:39I know how to make an effort here
25:41but I was at peace
25:43I was calm, I was safe
25:45I was really in a place where I was safe
25:47today if he comes to me to ask
25:49and I say yes, son, go
25:51and if I could tell my daughter
25:53also go
25:55I would tell her to go too
25:57and not talk if we could all go
25:59the truth, I would go back
26:01I would leave here
26:03I would not go back
26:05how sad to hear it
26:07I realize that we do not have a future here
26:09we are already old
26:11my husband is 55 years old
26:13I am 53
26:15my mom is almost 80
26:17it's like we already have a half-done life
26:19to be able to start somewhere else
26:21I have my animals
26:23which is like it slows me down
26:25to go somewhere else
26:27but if I had the possibility
26:29I would have it for sure
26:31that I am the first one to leave
26:33because mentally this is not doing me well
26:35Andy, this wacky episode
26:37something has happened in the neighborhood
26:40Or do you have something similar
26:42to what happened to Ian?
26:46Similar, no
26:48if some time ago
26:50foodies opened the gate of my house
26:53they tried to open the gate
26:55we did'nt realize
26:57it was just my birthday
26:59they came August 24
27:01and they tried to open the gate
27:03we heard the noise
27:05He came back in a few minutes, opened the gate, stole, and left.
27:09We ran after him.
27:11We thought he was a thief, but nothing more than that.
27:14Then there was another one in front of us who tried to steal our vehicle.
27:18But now we are hearing more and more cases.
27:22In fact, the day after this happened to my son,
27:25a block and a half from where we live,
27:28I mobilized all the media
27:31to make letters to each business,
27:34to raise signatures,
27:37to take them to the municipality, to the police station, and everywhere.
27:41I made this letter for the neighbors to sign.
27:45And well, we realized that the next day
27:48another neighbor was stolen, his vehicle, his bicycle.
27:52And last night, the police officer contacted me.
27:56I am in telephone communication from my kitchen,
27:59and my husband and my son hear screams from a girl
28:02and they were trying to steal a girl's cell phone.
28:06A motorcycle guy, again.
28:09So I told the police officer,
28:11please contact me by cell phone,
28:13because right now they are trying to steal.
28:16Well, Andrea, we thank you very much.
28:18I hope justice can do its job.
28:20Find those responsible.
28:22And the truth is, I was left with your phrase,
28:25that if we could leave, we would all leave.
28:27And I think we are deeply sorry,
28:29but no one could say anything against you,
28:31or complain about you.
28:33No, no, no.
28:34As it is, as it is.
28:35One no longer knows where to go.
28:38We already have to think about living better.
28:41Andrea, well, may the dog Ryan recover.
28:44Thank you for having him close to you.
28:46May he recover in the best possible way.
28:48I send you a kiss.
28:49Thank you again for attending us.
28:51Here we are pampering him and containing him.
28:53Of course.
