• 2 months ago
Ten South Australian police officers are now in Alice Springs, deployed to answer a call for assistance from the Northern Territory Police Commissioner. The increased police presence comes amid ongoing crime and antisocial behaviour in the outback town.


00:00South Australian Police touching down in Alice Springs, answering calls for help from across
00:07the border.
00:08They'll be basically detecting and preventing crime, engaging with youth and working closely
00:14side by side with our officers.
00:16SA Police will send four deployments of ten officers to Alice Springs over the next month,
00:22ensuring the town's boosted police presence continues and allowing NT officers based in
00:27Alice Springs over the summer to return to the top end.
00:32The NT Police Force says it'll foot the bill for the South Australian deployment, while
00:36SA Police says it'll send the same surge capacity cops as it did to Alice Springs in April last
00:42year and promises there won't be any impact on SA Policing.
00:47Like all good neighbours and like what we've done before, we've been able to accommodate
00:51that request.
00:52While Alice Springs locals have welcomed the support, they have mixed feelings about what
00:57needs to happen next.
00:58It is hard, but locking children up and locking people up generally is not going to resolve
01:05that issue.
01:06And until such time as there's a real consequence, nothing much will change.
01:14What if we sit and work together and look at maybe why there's crime happening?
01:19But others say while it's a Band-Aid measure, any help is welcome.
01:24If a Band-Aid like this is on offer, then why wouldn't we accept it?
01:27I think we're pretty desperate here in Alice Springs.
01:29A community calling for safety.
