• last year
The new chief constable for Lancashire Police went for a walk around Brunswick, to discuss anti-social behaviour and community policing.

She was joined by PCC Andrew Snowden, and members of the neighbourhood policing team.
00:00 I think that the residents themselves will say that by having a closure notice in place,
00:05 by that shop not operating, it is in itself helping to reduce antisocial behaviour in
00:11 the area. It was definitely a focal point. But the information that comes from the community
00:16 means that whether it be police action, whether it be council action, partnership action,
00:22 they're taken together. When you understand the full picture and the full impact that
00:26 that's having on the area, that's when there's a compelling case to have a closure notice.
00:32 So keep the information coming in, keep the intelligence coming in, make sure that there
00:37 is great tasking for my officers, but likewise that intel pictured into the council so they
00:44 have great understanding of what's going on in this area and what the needs are of the
00:48 community in this area.
00:49 Well I was actually just talking to the local cop who walks the beat in this area very regularly
00:54 and he said if you wanted to go and find a gang of kids hanging around, quite often it
00:59 would be right here on the ramp up to the shop, they would often be hanging around here
01:04 and sometimes people get scared of groups of kids and they're not actually causing any
01:08 problems, but sometimes they are. And if you're near a shop that is selling things illegally,
01:14 then the likelihood that antisocial behaviour will be happening is also much higher. And
01:19 the feedback from the community, as I said just talking to the officers now, has been
01:22 overwhelmingly positive that this move has helped to reduce antisocial behaviour on these
01:27 streets.
01:28 What I do think is really important though is how much of a part the community themselves
01:32 have to play and I think when you look at the pact and the work that's been done here
01:37 in Brunswick to try and ensure that there is resilience that is built by the community
01:43 so they've got confidence that they are working with the police, that they're working with
01:48 the council to make a difference in this area is brilliant.
01:52 So you know when we think we talk about up century and we talk about the hot spot policing,
01:58 we talk about high visibility patrols, that's great isn't it because that looks to solve
02:02 an issue in the here and now, but long term sustainability is about how do we get the
02:08 community to be resilient in itself and then call in the police and call in the council
02:14 when it needs that additional support. So it's a partnership and that's in the name
02:19 if you like but you know it's about us assisting and supporting one another to make this area
02:24 safe for the residents in this area.
02:27 Happy International Women's Day, it's fantastic for us to celebrate all of the fantastic women
02:32 that operate in this area. In terms of what are we doing, well I think you will be aware
02:39 Lucinda that we work with the community, with partners for violence against women and girls,
02:45 real initiatives to make the streets safer for women and that's not just about police
02:51 patrols, that's not just working with the night time economy to make sure that people
02:55 feel safe to go out, that's not just working with those partners such as the Women's Aid,
03:02 domestic abuse support agencies to make sure that people feel confident to report those
03:06 kind of crimes to us. But that is also about making sure that we've got safer streets and
03:13 that is about again partnership working with the local authorities, with our communities
03:20 to make sure that we design out where we can those unsafe areas where people feel we need
03:26 to be better.
