MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 06/01/2025
00:00Let's go back to Médien-TV, it's time for a new newspaper, let's start with the headlines.
00:21The French president has celebrated the unprecedented ambition carried out by the partnership built with Morocco
00:26during his recent state visit in the kingdom, we talk about it in this newspaper.
00:34In Mali, in an audio, one of the terrorist leaders announced the death of Thierno Amadou Hadithal, he was the general caliph of Tijaniyya in the country.
00:49And then the new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour.
00:57Assad al-Shibani aspires to build constructive bilateral relations in the service of the interests of the two countries.
01:07And we start this newspaper in Paris where the French president has celebrated the unprecedented ambition carried out by the partnership built with Morocco during his recent state visit in the kingdom.
01:19One of the important times of these last months has been what we have managed to build with His Majesty King Mohammed VI during the state visit.
01:28Emmanuel Macron has declared at the annual conference of French ambassadors a partnership for decades to come, totally new, he said, constitutive of a new approach.
01:39The president of the French Republic has said that this partnership should be one of our links towards a reinvented African approach.
01:49The French president, who also estimates that Algeria is dishonoring itself by not releasing the writer Boalem Sansal, is not up to what it is, he said in front of the French ambassadors gathered at the Elysee.
02:09And I urge his government to release Boalem Sansal, added the president of the Republic, who is fighting for freedom, is held in a totally arbitrary manner by the Algerian officials, he said, critical of the Algerian power.
02:26The Algerian writer Franco has been arrested, I remind you, in mid-November in Algiers.
02:31He has been incarcerated for breach of state security and is now in a care unit.
02:37Since mid-December, the Algerian president, Abdelmajid Thibune, has mentioned for the first time his arrest.
02:44It was on December 29th, last year, the qualification of an impostor sent by France.
02:51We go to Mali, where, I told you, Thierno Hamadou Hadithal, influential local Muslim leader, was killed following his kidnapping by terrorists.
03:04His death was announced in an audio message attributed to one of the main terrorist leaders circulating on social networks on Monday.
03:13A member of the family considered credible the announcement of his death.
03:17Thierno Hamadou Hadithal was the general caliph of Tijaniyya, one of the main currents of Sufism in West Africa, and preached non-violence.
03:27And for more information on this death, announced by the general caliph, I suggest you listen to our correspondent in Bamako, Mohamed Danyoko.
03:38In an audio of a little more than 4 minutes, we learn about the death of the general caliph of Tijaniyya, Thierno Hamadou Hadithal.
03:47This audio is from Thierno Hamadou Kufa, the leader of the Masina Katiba affiliated to the Muslim and Islamic Support Group, also affiliated to Al-Qaeda.
03:58We know that the Masina Katiba has occupied a large part of the center of Mali since 2016 under the influence of Thierno Hamadou Kufa.
04:07In this audio, we learn that the general caliph of Tijaniyya, who was removed on December 26, at 70 km from Nyoro, would have been injured during the kidnapping.
04:20And it is following this injury that he would have surrendered.
04:24It should also be noted that the general caliph has always been accused, according to the audio, of his relations with the Malian authorities.
04:32But for now, no official statement has come to confirm or authenticate this audio.
04:39But in Bamako, it is already the month within the Muslim community, and more particularly the Tijani community, which maintains strong, secular and fraternal ties with Morocco.
04:52Mohamed Dagnoko for Median TV Afrique, Bamako.
04:58And we stay in Mali, more precisely at the Bamako International Conference Center, where the Malian Imams trained at the Institute, Mohamed Siss de Rabat, have received their diplomas.
05:06From the hands of the Prime Minister and other officials, this ceremony marks the completion of a training in the fundamentals of religion and spirituality for the practice of tolerant Islam.
05:17We meet Mohamed Dagnoko.
05:19They are a number of 100 Imams, who are part of the first wave to be trained at the Institute Mohamed Siss de Rabat on an Islam of dialogue and tolerance.
05:29They are now enlightened to fight effectively against violent extremism.
05:34Opposed to extremist and terrorist ideologies, which constitute a threat to peace and social cohesion in our region.
05:46This training is the result of the agreement signed in 2022 between the two countries in order to strengthen the capacity of the Malian Imams to promote a moderate and just Islam.
05:57This ceremony reflects the secular ties that fortunately exist between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Mali.
06:10We can say that this training for the benefit of the Malian Imams is a sign of solidarity, that His Majesty the King Mohamed Siss de Rabat, may God assist him to the right of the Malian people.
06:28After two years of training, the Malian Imams have distinguished themselves, in particular by taking first place at the national and global level.
06:35Motif of satisfaction for the authorities.
06:38We appreciate in its true value all the assistance and solidarity of Morocco at the place of our country.
06:44This experience calls for more, because the efforts of King Mohamed Siss, commander of the believers, for the revival of the Muslim religion are known to all and supported by concrete actions.
06:55We fully register you in this dynamic.
06:59This partnership is a testimony to our common vision to strengthen the universal values of peaceful coexistence, dialogue and mutual respect.
07:07The good relations between Mali and Morocco were materialized by the signing of a new agreement for the formation of 300 Imams.
07:17In Morocco, the amount to be declared as part of the fiscal amnesty has reached record figures.
07:24According to a first provisional assessment, it is close to 100 billion dirhams and even more.
07:29All categories are confused, but the cash in circulation rises at the end of October 2024 to 425.8 billion dirhams.
07:38In other words, the amount of liquidity still escapes the formal circuit.
07:43To talk about it, to talk about this success of this fiscal amnesty operation, we are live with Ali Ranbouli, president of the Center for Economic and Social Prospection.
07:54Good evening and welcome to you.
07:56Good evening.
07:58So, can we say that this kind of operation, namely the fiscal amnesty, is the only method to shift, according to you, towards a transparent economy in our country?
08:11I think it is an operation to encourage, but we cannot say that it is the only operation or the only way to regularize the situation
08:26and also to gain the trust of Moroccans to contribute effectively to the fiscal system.
08:34I think it is an operation that can encourage, but which must be followed by several operations to fidelize the taxpayer here in Morocco to be up to date with the tax.
08:53So, I think it is a measure of encouragement that has certainly made it possible to achieve significant figures in terms of tax contribution.
09:04We are talking about 100 billion dirhams of declarations, so we will have an estimate of 5 billion in tax contributions.
09:16So, it is a very important thing, but I think it must be followed by other measures in order to guarantee the continuity of the tax contribution of Moroccan citizens.
09:32But how to integrate it into a transparent economy, precisely in our country, according to you?
09:39Yes, of course, I totally agree. Today, we have a lot of problems at the economic level, and among these problems is everything that has to do with the informal.
09:51Today, the informal is measured in terms of volume. According to the study of the Central Bank, it is the equivalent of 30% of the GDP of Morocco.
10:06So, it is huge. We must react to have a healthy economy, to have an economy that can meet the expectations of Morocco and, more precisely, to become an emerging country.
10:21We must solve this issue of the informal at the level of Morocco.
10:28In order to access this mission, we must first of all establish a fiscal system that is transparent, an encouraging fiscal system, a fair fiscal system,
10:43a fiscal system that can guarantee, that can gain the confidence of Moroccan citizens and also of those who work in the informal.
10:56And this can only be achieved by, first of all, easing the tax rate, easing the bureaucratic procedures,
11:10also the establishment of a digital system capable of solving problems related to bureaucracy, and also generalizing everything that has to do with tax information.
11:28Because we noticed during this tax amnesty operation that there was a great lack of information, which led to the speculation of bad information, which almost distorted the whole operation.
11:46So, I think today we are obliged to solve this problem of the informal, because it has a large size that negatively impacts the Moroccan economy.
12:00So, we must establish a fairly clear fiscal system, a fair fiscal system, a fiscal system that can encourage and gain the confidence of the Moroccan taxpayer.
12:13Alirene Boli, you just spoke about clarity, you just spoke about confidence of Moroccan citizens, you also spoke about an imperative of communication through this tax operation.
12:26Is there, according to you today, a conscience of Moroccan taxpayers that is growing in this matter with this operation in this case?
12:34Can we talk about a change of mentality on this point today?
12:40Yes, I think that confidence will be gained by the results, and also by the results at the level of development.
12:50When the taxpayer sees that his participation and his tax contribution goes directly to the big projects,
12:59including improving living conditions, improving social conditions, including all investment projects, I think there will be a conscience.
13:12And also the conscience that the tax will be fair, that is to say that the tax aims at the whole society, it is not intended for a group that does not aim at another group.
13:26So confidence is built, it is built through several elements, including these elements, first of all, it is the generality of the tax, it is also the destination of the tax.
13:41So the tax must contribute to the improvement of the lives of citizens, and also when all those who work in the informal sector find that the payment of the tax will be something that will have a positive impact on them at the level of improving their lives and also improving their working conditions.
14:08In this context, what would be the next steps to be taken to continue to integrate the invisible economy into the formal economic circuit?
14:21I think the first thing is that we have to dig a little at the level of everything related to digitization, because I think it is an essential element at the tax level today.
14:36Among the great challenges we have today in Morocco on the tax side is digitization. There are several contributors who want to contribute, but in the face of the heaviness of bureaucracy, they lack their contribution.
14:59So I think it is an essential project. I think today that we must innovate other types of taxes that can encompass and that can be aimed directly at these citizens who work in the informal sector, such as, for example,
15:20the tax on other groups that have a liberal job. We have the unified tax. We can also innovate another tax that will be aimed strictly at those who work in the informal sector, which can also give advantages, which can facilitate a lot of things,
15:46such as access to construction sites, access to the public market, and we must also dig into everything that has to do with tax control. This is an operation that is mandatory here in Morocco.
16:06Of course, we are going to innovate, we are going to give a lot of things, but if there is no control, if there is no strict control, if there is no coherent control, we can have a negative impact and we can remain in the current state.
16:26So I think that these elements, these three elements that we must highlight, that we must also dig into their installation today in Morocco after this operation of tax amnesty.
16:43Digitalization, innovation and control. So three strategic levers to succeed with this tax amnesty. Thank you very much Ali Ranbouri for answering our questions. I remind you that you are President of the Center for Economic and Social Prospection and that you have been live with us since Rabat.
17:33Thank you very much Ali Ranbouri.
18:04In Qatar, negotiations between Hamas and Israel have resumed in view of ceasefire and the release of hostages held in the Gaza Strip. Hamas has claimed to be ready to release 34 hostages. Israel wants to know if these hostages are dead or alive. This is a subject of Dina Brignan.
18:27In Qatar, no discussions are currently being held on the Gaza Strip. On Sunday, Hamas promised to release 34 Israeli hostages held captive in Gaza during the first phase of an agreement with Israel, which says that it has not yet received a list of the Palestinian movement.
18:47While waiting for a possible agreement, violence has risen sharply in the Palestinian enclave for several days. At least 88 people were killed in Gaza in the space of 24 hours between Saturday and Sunday, according to the civil defense Gazaoui. Several other Israeli strikes across the Gaza Strip have made 12 additional victims.
19:07If Israel emphasizes the release of hostages, Hamas emphasizes the urgency of reaching a ceasefire in Gaza. It also indicated that the discussions would lead to a complete cessation of hostilities and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Palestinian territory.
19:23Despite the diplomatic efforts made by Qatar, Egypt and the United States, no ceasefire has been reached since it intervened at the end of November 2023. It allowed the release of 105 hostages in exchange for 240 Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.
19:43The head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken, is confident that a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip could be achieved in the coming days. On the other hand, the Israeli Defense Minister, Israel Katz, had threatened last week to intensify strikes on Gaza if Hamas continued to fire rockets at Israel.
20:07He accused the Lebanese Hezbollah of not respecting the terms of the ceasefire agreement, which came into force on November 27, and warned that his country could be forced to act.
20:19The new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour. Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
20:33The new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour. Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
21:01The new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour. Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
21:31The new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour. Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
21:51Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
22:17The new head of Syrian diplomacy has arrived in the United Arab Emirates as part of a regional tour. Assad Shibani is accompanied by the Syrian Minister of Defense and the head of the intelligence service.
22:45More than 100 fighters have been killed in Syria in the last two days, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
22:50This is a result of clashes in the north of the country between armed factions supported by Turkey and Syrian Kurdish forces.
22:58Since Friday, there have been fighting in villages around the city of Manbij.
23:03Since Friday, there have been fighting in villages around the city of Manbij.
23:17Justin Trudeau is weaker than ever. The Canadian Prime Minister leaves his position as leader of the Liberal Party. He will remain Prime Minister until his successor is elected.
23:30The Governor-General has accepted to extend the current parliamentary session until March 24.
23:37This announcement comes two days after a meeting of the Liberal Caucus.
23:43Justin Trudeau is in a bad position in the face of the growing popularity of the head of the Conservative Party, Pierre Poitrievre.
23:53The next federal and Canadian elections are due to take place on October 20.
23:58According to a recent poll, the Conservative Party is far ahead of the Liberal Party in terms of voting.
24:07Moscow announces the takeover of the strategic mining city of Kourakove in eastern Ukraine.
24:23A conquest that would allow the control of the entire region.
24:27According to the Kremlin, Russia has accelerated its advance in eastern Ukraine in recent months,
24:32seeking to seize as much territory as possible before the arrival of the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, on January 20.
24:42And on his side, Elon Musk creates controversy in Europe in the face of his growing intervention in the political debates of the old continent.
24:54Several leaders have raised their voices against the billionaire.
24:57The British Prime Minister has thus denounced, I quote,
25:02which spreads misinformation and lies.
25:05End of quote.
25:06This is what Elon Musk replied, accusing the working leader of being completely despicable.
25:11End of quote.
25:12At the same time, the French president regretted seeing the richest man on the planet support an international reactionary in Europe.
25:32This is the end of this newscast. Thank you for watching.
25:39Stay tuned for more news on Mediain TV.