Ollie Westbury sat down with Jonny Drury on this week's episode of the Shrews Views podcast.
Salop fans are eagerly awaiting updates regarding the club's takeover - after they entered into a period of exclusivity with a prospective buyer.
Jonny and Ollie discuss the current situation and the current state of play.
Salop fans are eagerly awaiting updates regarding the club's takeover - after they entered into a period of exclusivity with a prospective buyer.
Jonny and Ollie discuss the current situation and the current state of play.
00:00I don't think the club were expecting it to happen by a time period. Everybody at Shrewsbury
00:09wants this done. They want it done. It's my understanding that they want it done.
00:15With a matter of urgency, everybody wants it. But it's kind of a process that you have to go
00:21through. I've seen some of the questions that have come in online and spent some time thinking
00:26about them. I was just looking at some stuff this morning about some other potential takeovers. I
00:33looked at clubs that have gone into periods of exclusivity. One of those was Sunderland
00:38went into exclusivity in July 2020. Their takeover then wasn't officially approved by
00:47the AFL until the February after. Obviously, Johnny, you cover West Brom. That was a similar
00:54situation. There were rumblings of a takeover in the summer. That was eventually completed
01:00again with the February timeline. Another one that I found online of an example, and I know
01:05that this is a complicated case because it's Southend. Obviously, there was all manner of
01:10kind of troubles, but they agreed a deal with someone to buy the club in October.
01:16That wasn't signed, sealed and delivered until the following summer. I think what I'm getting
01:21at by this is it's not a linear process. It's not a case of we need to get this takeover completed
01:27so that we can provide a war chest in January. That is just not how it works. Despite how much
01:33both parties might want to get it done, it's like a house sale to within a certain degree.
01:39It doesn't matter how you might want to buy your house and get moved into it and have it completed
01:43before Christmas. There are so many complicated things that have to go into it in order for that
01:48to happen. You can't always be able to provide that kind of clear and concise kind of message
01:58of it will be done at this time. Liam Dooley said himself in a recent Supporters Parliament
02:03meeting that it's unlikely to be completed by the end of January. From my understanding,
02:09that's the situation as I get it.
02:14Yeah, they do take time. Like you said there, I'll cover the West Brom one.
02:18And that was a case, you know, a different situation again, but a case of, you know,
02:22you want updates, you want timelines, but because of the sort of delicate nature of the business
02:28behind these takeovers, information coming out is kind of very scarce and it doesn't come out.
02:34Like you say, you know, a lot of these deals are covered by non-disclosure agreements and there
02:39are things that are kept very, very tightly under wraps. But like Ollie said, there is a massive
02:43urgency with insurers to get this completed as soon as possible. Another question you had, Ollie,
02:47was kind of around Gareth Ainsworth and his link to kind of the takeover and whether he took the
02:52job on the pretense that funds would be available in January. But that's definitely not the case,
02:58which is my understanding of it. Yeah, that's not the case. I think Gareth Ainsworth has come
03:02into this job with his eyes wide open. He understood what it was when he came into it.
03:09And yeah, the fact that I don't think he ever said that there was going to be wholesale changes
03:17in January at any stage really. Kind of what he said was the business in January was dependent
03:22on how the players played in November and December, which at the start of his tenure
03:26was obviously really good against Blues. And then it kind of went backwards from that perspective.
03:33But yeah, I gather that if the takeover wasn't set to be completed, that Gareth Ainsworth was
03:41completely abreast of what was going on at the football club and the prospects of business in
03:46January, and that hasn't changed. So yeah, Gareth Ainsworth knows where Shrewsbury's sitting in the
03:51food chain. He says it quite regularly. He doesn't seem downbeat by that, by the way. It's not like
03:57he's complaining about the funds that Shrewsbury have got available. He seems to have a complete
04:01understanding of what they have to work with. But yeah, so the Gareth thing about what convinced
04:08him to come to Shrewsbury if they can't sign any players, I don't think that's strictly correct.
04:13I think obviously he will, I would have expected, be open to conversations that happen and he will
04:21probably be privy to more information than we are in terms of how exciting the future are,
04:27because he has referenced that on several occasions. But obviously it's an ongoing process
04:32and the club needs to follow it straight through.