• 2 months ago
IHSG -0,04% ke 7.080,50 di sesi I Rabu (8/1) dan cenderung stagnan. Sektor energi +0,97% CUAN +11,38% dan sentuh level intraday tertinggi di Rp14.025 per saham atau melesat 6.127,27% sejak IPO. Sektor barang konsumen primer + 0,45% ICBP +2,29%. Sektor barang baku -1,92% MDKA -5,30%. Sektor teknologi -1,06% GOTO -1,25%. Sektor barang konsumen non primer -0,61% ACES -4,08%.


00:00Thank you for joining us in this segment, we will review the movement in the GASAM community throughout today's trade.
00:14And we remind you again, you can still join our interactive WhatsApp at 0812.8788.723, as shown on your television screen later.
00:24And right now we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Hari Suwanda, who is the CEO of Akela Trading System.
00:32Mr. Hari, good afternoon. How are you?
00:36Good afternoon, Mr. D.
00:40Thank you, Mr. Hari, for taking the time to be on IDA Channel.
00:43Today, the GASAM community is moving again.
00:47It was opened in 7083, the highest intraday today at 7100.
00:52There was a deep correction earlier, but the current position is back to the level or approaching the opening level this morning.
01:01What is your analysis?
01:03Yes, so the IHSG is currently experiencing quite a sharp correction.
01:14And this is quite a long time, because it started from October until now.
01:20So if we look at it, starting from September, even September until now, the IHSG is down trend.
01:28And because of that, today it is trying to experience strengthening, but there are many things that are still not conducive to it.
01:41Both from abroad and from within the country.
01:46So what happens is that it stagnates like this.
01:49But hopefully in the future it can get better.
01:54So from abroad, it has been explained by IDA Channel that the data in America shows a much better job opening than expected, 8.1 million.
02:08And this implies that with that, the inflation is worried that it will not immediately fall to the 2% deficit target,
02:19so the chance of the deficit to break the bond should be at the time of the FOMC last September,
02:27in 2025 it should break four times.
02:30But because the inflation is not like what was projected in September,
02:37it turns out that the inflation is still rather tight, resulting in the FOMC last December,
02:43it was revised to break the bond only twice.
02:46Well, if the bond is only twice, while there is a lot of equity there that has been published for quite a long time,
02:56this makes them profit-taking quite deep last night.
03:01And that sentiment also seems to color the IHSG movement today.
03:09Meanwhile, from within the country itself, we know that there is a very successful SRBI fund,
03:20and this draws a lot of liquidity there.
03:24So what happens is that it drains liquidity now, both from the government's obligation and from the IHSG.
03:33Mr. Hari, Indekargasam Kabungan has tried several times to break above the 7,100 level,
03:38but it seems that this position is not yet able to be maintained when it returns to the 7,000 level.
03:46From a technical point of view, what is your opinion on the Indekargasam Kabungan's movement
03:52that is not yet able to survive the 7,100 level?
03:57There are many resistance, Mr. Dave.
03:59So the first resistance is, as you said, the 7,100 level.
04:06Then the 7,200 level is the second resistance.
04:11If I say, the more crucial or more vital to be broken out before it succeeds in confirming that this correction has been completed,
04:26it is at the 7,200 level.
04:29And especially when it succeeds in breaking out the resistance at the 7,530 level.
04:38The 7,530 level is the key to determining whether this bear market has been completed or not.
04:48Sorry, it's not a bear market.
04:50This is a deep correction.
04:53Deep correction, if you say bear market, it means it continues.
04:59But the key is here.
05:02Whether it succeeds in breaking out the 7,530 level.
05:06And for that, the 7,200 level must be broken out first.
05:10The resistance is there.
05:13From the analysis of the technical movement of Indekargasam Kabungan, we move to the sector.
05:18In the first session this afternoon, energy is again leading the strength.
05:22If we review this throughout 2024, energy has experienced a significant increase, even the highest.
05:31Today, it is supported by several stocks.
05:33Among them, there is Cuan, a stock from Rayogo Pangestu Group.
05:37Where Cuan today is 12.20% stronger.
05:41Intraday used to be stronger, above 13%.
05:43The highest Intraday level today was created at 14,025.
05:48If we compare it with the price of IPO, the increase is already above thousands of percent, it seems.
05:54What is your analysis and recommendation for Cuan in the midst of significant strength that continues?
06:02In the short term, it is prone to profit-taking if the condition is like this.
06:07So I can't.
06:10That's why when I'm next to him, I don't show this Cuan stock.
06:17Because it is not recommended if it has experienced such strength.
06:26It is very prone to profit-taking.
06:31So it is very overbought from a technical point of view.
06:37And if you are among the investors who already have this stock,
06:42then just increase the trailing stop.
06:47If there is a reverse direction, it's done.
06:51Please profit-taking.
06:53Okay, what is the trailing stop level for Cuan?
06:58Trailing stop at level 11,600 and 12,143.
07:04So the first one, the top one is 12,143.
07:09If it goes down, it is the first sign of profit-taking.
07:15Then after that, it is 11,600.
07:19If it goes down below the key point that I have explained,
07:26it is a signal for profit-taking.
07:29Or even profit-taking has already started there.
07:32Okay, the closing position at 13,800 is strong at 12.20%.
07:38And again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the ADA channel.
07:43Let's move to another energy stock, sir.
07:46We will go to Raja.
07:48Mr. Hari, today it is going down at 2.58%.
07:52The highest intraday level today is at 3,800.
07:55I also tried to preview, sir.
07:57At 3,800, Raja is also the highest intraday created.
08:02According to the big momentum,
08:04Raja is now the king in the IPO of FIQ Indonesia.
08:09What is your analysis for Raja?
08:11Is the reversal still reasonable after it reached 3.8% today?
08:15Yes, this pattern shows the characteristics of profit-taking.
08:23When this stock opened today at level 3,680,
08:30it even went up to 3,800.
08:33But it can't stay true.
08:37At 3,800, it was used by the market or investors
08:47who have made significant profits from this stock for profit-taking.
08:52As a result, there was a selling pressure until the closing.
08:57And finally, this stock was closed and weakened.
09:01Whereas at the opening, it strengthened significantly.
09:06So, profit-taking has actually started if the condition is like this.
09:11What does support and resistance mean?
09:17Support means the resistance that succeeded in the breakout yesterday.
09:22And that is at...
09:33When there is resistance, it now changes to support.
09:39And that is at 2,970.
09:42For Raja, it went down to 2,58% at 3,400.
09:46Can we review the IPO for Ratu today?
09:50Although technically, it is not yet shown,
09:54but today it is at 24,78%, 14,35% closing position.
10:01And the response from the market players is also quite enthusiastic
10:04to experience an oversubscription of more than 300 times.
10:07How do you see the response from the market players for Ratu?
10:14In the short term, this strengthening may still continue, Mr. Dave.
10:22But again, we have to wait until the trend has formed.
10:29Then we will see what the support and resistance are like.
10:34At this stage, it is purely based on sentiment.
10:39Because looking at the financial data, the potential is good, positive,
10:43and even oversubscribed.
10:45So what happens is it gives a positive sentiment.
10:52So when it hits the ground on the first day, it is immediately directed,
10:56immediately auto-rejected.
10:59What is the recommendation like, sir?
11:03I don't recommend trading or buy and hold for Ratu.
11:13Why? Because in terms of valuation, it is not really undervalued.
11:18So there is no recommendation from me, Mr. Dave.
11:23For Ratu, a new investor today who experienced an auto-reject
11:27and the response from the market players is also quite positive.
11:30And hopefully it can be a reference for you.
11:33Mr. Hari, we will not delay any longer.
11:35Later we will try to see what other examples you recommend
11:38and at the same time update the closing of trading in the second session today.
11:41And we will be back shortly.
11:43See you soon.
