• 2 months ago
👉 Elisa Trotta Gamus, defensora de DD.HH. en diálogo con A24 dijo: "En un solo día, se registraron 20 secuestros y desapariciones de activistas y políticos defensores de derechos humanos en Venezuela", y agregó: "Entre los desaparecidos se encuentran Carlos Correa de la Organización de Derechos Humanos Espacio Público y el ex candidato presidencial Enrique Márquez".

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos ha catalogado esta situación como terrorismo de Estado. Se espera que la oposición, liderada por María Corina Machado y González Urrutia, responda a estos actos en los próximos días.

🗣️ @lucianarias
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00:00Kidnappings, threats and very few hours for a situation that we hope will be peaceful
00:07there in the streets of Caracas and all of Venezuela, because tomorrow, January 9,
00:13a very important march by Corina Machado, the leader of the opposition that is there in Venezuela, is called.
00:22And next Friday is the day that Nicolás Maduro is expected to re-assume a new presidential mandate
00:31after the elections of last July 28, so questioned by the whole world, on the other hand.
00:37Some very tense hours in Venezuela because, on the other hand,
00:40the kidnapping of the son-in-law of Edmundo González Urruti has taken place.
00:45We are talking about the main leader of the opposition in exile for now,
00:49but who will return to the country in the next few hours.
00:52Let's remember that there will be nine presidents from all over the region
00:56who will be accompanying González Urruti, a man who carried out a sort of international tour
01:03that had its central point with the meeting with Joe Biden in the United States.
01:08It was also received by President Javier Milei last Saturday here in the city of Buenos Aires,
01:14a moment in which they symbolically went out to greet from the balcony of the Casa Rosada
01:20to the large number of Venezuelans who live here in Argentina.
01:25We are just in telephone communication with Elisa Trota Agamuz.
01:29She is a former Venezuelan ambassador in Argentina,
01:35she is a human rights defender of her country.
01:39Good morning, Elisa.
01:41What is expected for the next few hours,
01:43also taking into account the fact that Maduro mentioned about seven new detainees,
01:51in the same way that the Argentine gendarme Nahuel Gallo is at the moment,
01:57whom he calls mercenaries.
02:01Good morning everyone.
02:03The reality is that only yesterday 20 kidnappings and disappearances were recorded,
02:09at least 20 activists and politicians, human rights defenders,
02:16confirmed during last night the disappearance of Carlos Correa,
02:21of the organization of human rights in public space,
02:24and the ex-candidate of the left, the ex-presidential candidate Enrique Márquez.
02:31This takes into account the levels of repression that is being experienced in Venezuela,
02:38as even the Inter-American Human Rights Commission ratified yesterday,
02:43in a report published yesterday, directly acting with state terrorism.
02:50Today state terrorism, torture, disappearance, kidnapping, death,
02:57is part of a state policy of the regime,
03:00in which they are also trying to imprison the entire population
03:05with the intention of frightening, of scaring, of generating this fear
03:12so that people do not go to the so-called Marched Maricolina tomorrow, Thursday, January 9.
03:19But the firmness that we are seeing on the part of the population,
03:24what is being felt in the streets of the cities, in the municipalities,
03:31in the most popular neighborhoods, is that people are going to turn to the streets,
03:37they are going to go to this call, I don't know if without fear,
03:42but understanding that the greatest fear that we Venezuelans have
03:45is to continue under the regime of terror of this dictatorship.
03:50How are those streets? What can you tell about the militarization
03:55that Maduro himself speaks of and that is observed in the images,
03:59at least those that transcend, because we know that not everything reaches.
04:04Yes, I think that two things must be understood here.
04:07It is true that they have mobilized, but it is also true, and for us it is not new,
04:13that there is a lot of wanting to generate this narrative of fear,
04:18of militarization, of delivery of weapons.
04:22It is not the first time that this happens,
04:24we are not sure that the weapons are real or not.
04:29If you look at the files of any similar or previous situation,
04:35you will always see this type of manifestation,
04:39and above all to divert attention.
04:42I think that the important thing here is that they go in response to the agenda
04:47that the opposition is marking, led by María Colina Machado
04:51and by the elected president of the world, González Urrutia,
04:54who also made a very important call a couple of days ago
04:57to the National Armed Forces, who have the weapons of the Republic,
05:01so that they are not used against the people,
05:04so that they go to this call from him, who will be the commander-in-chief
05:09from January 10, and so that they fulfill their legal and constitutional role
05:15of protecting their nation.
05:18We say that it is a week of particular tension in Venezuela,
05:21first of all because of what you say,
05:23because of everything that we have been reporting,
05:25also because within these 20 people, I don't know if you count
05:29the son-in-law of González Urrutia that we counted,
05:32unfortunately there was also a situation of abduction of this person,
05:39because it is not known where he is,
05:41but according to a statement that the daughter of González Urrutia
05:46made public, he was taking his children to school, right?
05:51That's right, he was kidnapped yesterday,
05:54this is a practice that is unfortunately not new,
05:57it has even been denounced by the independent mission of UN
06:01on Venezuela, and specifically it is a practice called
06:06in German, because it is a practice used by Nazism itself,
06:11in which the relatives of the political opponents are blamed
06:14or persecuted.
06:16Obviously with the intention of threatening,
06:22of wanting to generate some kind of surrender.
06:27Yesterday they were also besieging, or maybe they continue,
06:31they continue the siege around the house of Maria Corina Machado's mother,
06:37a lady with health conditions, 84 years old.
06:42But well, I think that here it is precisely demonstrated
06:45that cowardice has no limits,
06:49and I think that this is where the gallardía that has been tracing
06:55the Venezuelan people throughout all the last years,
06:58but especially since last year,
07:01in the face of this historic gesture that began on July 28.
07:05Let's remember that Maria Corina Machado is also in an unknown place,
07:11we know that she is in an European embassy,
07:14but it is not known exactly which one, for a matter of security,
07:17she is being asylum-seeked there.
07:20And I wanted to ask you, what do you imagine is going to happen?
07:23I mean, you were explaining to us tomorrow,
07:25but what is going to happen on the 10th, when it is the day of the presidential election,
07:30when there is a Nicolás Maduro who is willing to continue in power,
07:36and where there is an opposing leader,
07:39who, as you consider, and a good part of the world also,
07:43won the elections in Buenos Aires on July 28,
07:47and also has intentions of assuming.
07:50Yes, first of all, Maria Corina Machado is under guard.
07:54That does not mean that she is asylum-seeked in any embassy,
07:58and as she has already said, she is in a secret place.
08:01She will go out on the streets tomorrow to lead that demonstration,
08:05along with all Venezuelans.
08:08Second, of course, we are all looking forward to it,
08:12we are facing a criminal tyranny,
08:15and where I believe that the key thing here
08:19will be, beyond the international support that we have seen throughout this week,
08:25what has to do now with the reaction of the Venezuelan people.
08:29Both those who are going to go out on the streets,
08:32attending that call,
08:34as well as the armed forces that are going to go out on the streets
08:37to see if they attend the call of President González Urrutia
08:41in relation to non-repression.
08:43And I say this because it is important to understand
08:46that the armed forces are made up of a number of people,
08:49most of whom also suffer the clashes and the consequences
08:53of a regime of terror,
08:55of a complex humanitarian emergency,
08:57of a crisis of immigrants that has separated them from their families,
09:01and surely they also want to see that change.
09:04If it had not been for them,
09:06we would not have been able to have the July 28th election
09:11and have the majority of them, the Venezuelan opposition,
09:15because the Republican plan is a military plan
09:19that supposedly protects the elections in Venezuela.
09:25It was a protagonist in being able to protect the acts
09:30and be able to make them give them to the opposition,
09:34which today allows us to reaffirm it to the whole world
09:39with all the evidence and without any doubt
09:42that the winner of the July 28th elections
09:45with almost 30 points of difference
09:47was Edmundo González Urrutia.
09:49Elisa, let's go deeper, if you can, please,
09:51at that point, because maybe not everyone remembers
09:54what happened regarding these acts, right?
09:58That July 28th, where everything, well,
10:01at least the preliminary polls,
10:03many of them were for the winner González Urrutia,
10:07and finally, well, that day of tension
10:11was experienced with the eyes of the opposite world there,
10:14and despite that, Nicolás Maduro finally ended up
10:19assuming himself or self-proclaiming himself
10:22as the winner of the elections.
10:26Yes, well, we decided to attend some elections
10:29even though they were not transparent,
10:32not fair, not with any kind of minimum conditions,
10:36totally authoritarian elections,
10:39where Maria Corina Machado was prescribed,
10:43the registration of Professor Corina Lloris was prohibited,
10:48where most of the cards of the political parties
10:52were stolen, including the left-wing political parties,
10:57where it was not allowed that Venezuelans
11:00who live outside Venezuela,
11:02we are talking about almost 9 million people,
11:05of which at least 5 were enabled,
11:08by their age, to vote in these elections,
11:11they were not allowed to vote.
11:14And despite this, we decided to go with the conviction
11:18that there would be no doubt
11:24about the victory of Mundo González Urrutia.
11:28Unfortunately, in a tyrannical regime,
11:30it does not reach, but it does mark a fundamental milestone,
11:34not only in the face of the international community,
11:38as all governments have expressed,
11:41even allied and close governments to the regime,
11:45international organizations have expressed in relation to it,
11:50because the regime never showed the same acts
11:53that we have today.
11:55And it has been claiming the whole world, Elisa.
11:58Yes, a claim that today has lost all validity,
12:03the opposition has already shown the acts,
12:06and has been convinced that this is enough,
12:08because again they are the same acts,
12:10they are electronic acts.
12:13And on the other hand,
12:15the international community showed that,
12:17but especially the Venezuelans,
12:19with organization, with commitment,
12:23with courage,
12:25this change can be achieved.
12:28And the reality is that,
12:30the idea is that from January 9,
12:33we can just charge that change
12:36that we have been asking for since January 28.
12:38Elisa, thank you very much.
12:40Elisa Trotagamus, thank you very much for this time
12:43and for bringing us light on what is happening in your country.
