• 2 months ago
कटनी: मध्य प्रदेश के कटनी जिले के शहर स्थित पंजाब सिंध बैंक व एक नव-निर्माण होटल में देर रात भीषण आग लगने की घटना सामने आई है. शहर के रंगनाथ थाना क्षेत्र स्थित देर बरगवा एरिया में इंडियन कॉफी हाउस के बाजू से लगे नव निर्मित बिल्डिंग में संचालित एक रेस्टोरेंट में अचानक आग लग लगने से हड़कंप मच गया. रेस्टोरेंट मालिक योगेश ने बताया कि "रेस्टोरेंट में शार्ट सर्किट से आग लगी. रात में रेस्टोरेंट बंद होने के बंद किचिन से धुआं उठने लगा. कुछ स्टाफ सोने चला गया था, तभी अचानक धुआं उठने से कर्मचारियों में हड़कंप मच गया. कर्मचारियों ने तुरंत होटल मालिक को बुलाया. आग की लपटों ने पंजाब नेशनल बैंक को भी अपनी जद में ले लिया. हालांकि बैंक में तो ज्यादा नुकसान नहीं हुआ, लेकिन बैंक के नीचे मौजूद एटीएम मशीन जल कर खाख हो गए. इसके अलावा रेस्टोरेंट में रखे फर्नीचर सहित सामग्री जल गई है. जिससे लाखों का सामान जल कर राख हो गया. 10 से 12 दमकल की गाड़ियों ने लगभग दो से तीन घंटे की कड़ी में मशक्कत के बाद आप पर काबू पाया.


01:00We got the information yesterday around 1.45 pm that there was a short circuit in the transformer
01:17Because of which the building next to us caught fire.
01:20The building next to us, where the Punjab Sindh Bank is located, caught fire from the bottom
01:24to the top.
01:25As soon as we reached there, the entire building caught fire and by the time we were about to
01:30call the fire brigade, the restaurant next to us, Cafe Olive and Restaurant, caught fire.
01:35As soon as we reached there, after the fire brigade arrived, after a lot of effort, after
01:4010-12 vehicles came, the fire was controlled.
01:43In how many hours did the fire break out?
01:46In about 1.5 to 2 hours.
01:48What is your name?
01:50Yogesh Ravlani.
01:51What do you do?
01:53I am the owner of this building, Cafe Olive and Restaurant.
01:59Around 12.55 pm, we received a call from our management.
02:07By the time I reached there, the fire had already started and the fire brigade had already
02:16At that time, Deepak Tandon Soni ji, who is from the BJP district, saw the fire and
02:23immediately called the administration.
02:28By that time, the fire brigade had already reached here.
02:32Around 4 pm, everything was under control.
02:37The administration cooperated very well.
02:42The commissioner, the ATM, the police, the administration, everyone was there.
02:46Deepak Tandon ji also stayed with us till 3.30 pm.
02:52What was the reason for the fire?
02:57The watchman told us that there was a fire in the ATM.
03:02There was a lot of fire.
03:05The ATM was of the Punjab Sindh Bank.
03:11How many people have lost their lives?
03:13We are doing a survey.
03:15Everything has turned black.
03:19We haven't gone inside yet.
