• 2 months ago
Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Keuangan akhirnya memutuskan untuk memperpanjang kembali pemberian insentif Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah Ditanggung Pemerintah atau PPNBM DTP sebesar 100% untuk mobil listrik.Kebijakan perpanjangan insentif ini disahkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 135 Tahun 2024 Tentang PPNBM DTP 2025. Aturan ini diundangkan pada 31 Desember 2024, dan berlaku untuk masa pajak Januari hingga Desember 2025.

Insentif bebas PPNBM Mobil Listrik ini berlaku untuk dua jenis kendaraan listrik roda empat, yaitu kendaraan yang diimpor dalam kondisi utuh atau Completely Built Up (CBU) dan kendaraan yang dirakit di dalam negeri atau Completely Knocked Down (CKD). Adapun beleid ini diambil guna lebih mendorong masyarakat beralih menggunakan kendaraan listrik, meningkatkan investasi dan mendukung produksi kendaraan listrik nasional.

Sementara itu, Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia atau Gaikindo mencatat, penjualan mobil nasional di sepanjang bulan Januari hingga November 2024 mencapai 784.788 unit. Jumlah ini turun 14,74% atau sebanyak 135.730 unit dari periode yang sama tahun 2023 yang mencapai 920.518 unit.


00:21Hello viewers, how are you today?
00:23Live from IDX Channel Jakarta, I am Prasetya Wibow,
00:26back again in Market Review,
00:28a program that deals with the issues that are the driving force of Indonesia's economy.
00:31Our live streaming can also be watched on IDXChannel.com.
00:35And let's start the complete Market Review.
00:47The government finally continues the policy of tax incentives
00:50for luxury goods in the hands of the government,
00:53or PPNBMDTP, for electric cars up to 100% this year.
00:57The incentives apply for electric cars that are imported in full
01:01and assembled in the country.
01:08The government in this regard, the Ministry of Finance,
01:11finally decided to extend again the tax incentives
01:15for the sale of luxury goods in the hands of the government,
01:18or PPNBMDTP, up to 100% for electric cars in 2025.
01:24The policy of extension of this incentive is verified in the
01:28Ministry of Finance No. 135 of 2024 on PPNBMDTP 2025.
01:34This regulation was enacted on December 31, 2024
01:38and applies for the tax period from January to December 2025.
01:42The PPNBMDTP free incentive applies for two types of four-wheel electric vehicles,
01:48namely vehicles that are imported in full or completely built up
01:52and vehicles that are assembled in the country or completely knocked down.
01:56This built-in incentive is used to encourage people to use electric vehicles,
02:01increase investment and support the production of national electric vehicles.
02:06Meanwhile, the Indonesian Motor Vehicle Industry Association, or Gaikindo,
02:10recorded national car sales throughout January to November 2024
02:14reaching 784,788 units.
02:17This number dropped 14.74% or as many as 135,730 units
02:22from the same period in 2023 which reached 920,518 units.
02:28From Jakarta, Tim Liputan, IDX Channel.
02:35Yes, Mr. Mirso, to discuss our topic this time,
02:37free PPNBMD throughout 2025.
02:40Electric cars are getting more and more.
02:42We have been connected via Zoom with Mr. Yanis Martinus Paseribu.
02:46He is an advisor or a motivator from the Bandung Institute of Technology.
02:48Yes, hello. How are you, Mr. Yanis?
02:51Good news. How are you?
02:53Good news too, Mr. Yanis. Thank you for your time.
02:56This is interesting.
02:57The government finally decided to provide a sales tax incentive for luxury goods or PPNBM
03:03for electric cars up to 100% throughout 2025.
03:08Do you see this again as a fresh wind that blows for the national automotive industry?
03:16Okay. To be honest, this PPNBM incentive for 2025
03:25is part of the program that has been implemented since yesterday.
03:31We are actually pushing for the acceleration of the transition to environmentally friendly vehicles
03:37alongside Indonesia's commitment to reduce carbon emissions.
03:42Okay. Part of Indonesia's transition to renewable energy.
03:47And considering that this 100% PPNBM incentive is implemented until the end of 2025,
03:53what impact will it have on the national automotive industry?
03:59Will there be a shift if we talk about fossil energy from the point of view of vehicle use in Indonesia?
04:06In short, we are not just pushing for BEV in our ecosystem
04:16because Indonesia's policy is that we will continue to strengthen our energy resistance
04:21by using the development of our energy diversity.
04:27For example, if we look at Pertamina, it continues to push for B35, B40, B50,
04:35and then alongside ethanol.
04:37It means that alongside BEV, there is also something related to flexivio.
04:45We also run this together with ANAS.
04:48Okay. Can this new ballot, Mr. Yanis, be a booster for global national automotive companies,
04:55especially to plant their investments in Indonesia?
05:00In the sense that we become quite sexy if we talk about electric vehicles.
05:04Yes, that's right. So, in short, if we look at our mineral wealth, it's amazing.
05:10Nickel is one of the largest in the world,
05:13not yet some other mineral materials.
05:16We are very superior.
05:18And if we look at it now, there are already about 15 Chinese brands.
05:24In short, China is the most superior in the world, the most advanced in the world for this technology.
05:30And Japan is already left behind, now there are only 8 left.
05:33And from these 8, these 2 companies are starting to merge with one of the major competing brands in Japan.
05:40This is their difficulty to move on.
05:44What are the challenges, sir, for us to talk about the development of electric vehicles?
05:49Meanwhile, you said that the technology is indeed a pioneer of China that dominates globally.
05:54Because we know that the growth of sales in developed countries from this Chinese brand is also extraordinary, sir.
06:01Yes, frankly, if we look at the number of researches, R&D,
06:05researches that are patented for BV,
06:10China is bigger than the combination of other countries outside China in the world.
06:15So they are really the most advanced.
06:17And then if we also look at the very efficient production capacity,
06:23China is clearly the best in the world right now.
06:27And they took a strategy that started from,
06:31actually not too long ago, if I'm not mistaken, around 2003-2004.
06:36They started to push this EV technology.
06:41But because of the extraordinary support of the government and the involvement of the campus for R&D center,
06:48which requires the industry to work together,
06:51this eventually became a growth that we can see,
06:54now China dominates the entire EV ecosystem in the world.
06:59Without batteries.
07:01Okay, so how about the national automotive industry players,
07:05how do they respond to the growing demand,
07:08and how do the domestic and global market players react?
07:13We will discuss this in the next segment, Mr. Yanis.
07:15We will take a short break.
07:16And the audience, make sure you are still with us.
07:36Yes, thank you for still joining us in Market Review.
07:38In the next segment, we will present data related to the national car sales.
07:43This is the January to November 2024 period.
07:46Data from Gaikindo.
07:48Yes, as you can see on your television screen,
07:50we can see the period of 2024 and 2023.
07:54This is in the year 2024,
07:56recorded 787,788 units for wholesale car sales.
08:02This is in the year 2024, January-November period.
08:06Meanwhile, compared to 2023,
08:10this is 920,518 units,
08:14or a 14.74% decrease in wholesale car sales nationally in Indonesia.
08:22Next, how about production and then national car sales?
08:26This is also January to November.
08:28In January to November, the total production reached 1,097,157 units.
08:35Then the total sales in total was 784,788 units,
08:41while the wholesale sales amounted to 806,721 units.
08:47Next, the production of national electric cars from January to November 2024.
08:53Data also from Gaikindo for the battery electric vehicle, or BEV,
08:58reached 24,655 units.
09:02Yes, 24,655 units.
09:04The hybrid is 65,026 units.
09:08So actually, there is still a possibility of additional production until the end of 2024.
09:13Okay, let's continue our discussion with Mr. Yanis Martinus Pasaribu,
09:18he is an automotive observer from TBI.
09:20Mr. Yanis, based on the data that has been provided,
09:24in terms of sales, there is a decrease in the period from 2024 to January-November.
09:32How do you see it?
09:34Actually, the market force of the national automotive industry in general?
09:41Macro-wise, if we look at it,
09:45it can be said that all over the world,
09:47the sales are not good now.
09:50So compared to Indonesia,
09:52frankly, the impact of COVID-19 yesterday,
09:55we are starting to feel it now in many parts of the world.
09:58Indonesia is considered quite good compared to other countries,
10:02even developed countries.
10:03And then if we look at it,
10:05of course, many people already know
10:08that the current geopolitical and economic crisis is also getting hotter.
10:14And this also creates economic pressures,
10:18one of which is also for Indonesia.
10:21So how about our national automotive production?
10:24This has reached 24,000 for the BEV,
10:28the hybrid is even higher, 65,000.
10:31Is this category really included in the electric car,
10:35both the hybrid and the BEV?
10:39Okay, so if we look at it now,
10:42it is clear from the government policy,
10:45it is clear from the roadmap.
10:47Currently, battery factories are starting to grow,
10:51they are starting to produce.
10:53And some actors,
10:56there are about 15 from China,
11:00the automotive industry, including Indonesia.
11:03And some have signed an agreement
11:07so that they get incentives up to 100%.
11:11It has been committed for at least two years
11:15since they signed an agreement with the Indonesian government.
11:20They are starting to prepare the assembly industry in Indonesia,
11:24including the component industry,
11:25and increase the TKDN by about 40%, if I'm not mistaken.
11:29And our batteries are already ready to produce,
11:32some investments that are already in Indonesia.
11:36So it looks like we are just starting this year,
11:41until 2030,
11:43to accelerate the preparation of the ecosystem.
11:46Of course, this requires strong and consistent support from the government.
11:50Okay, this is interesting.
11:52So how about our automotive producers
11:55who have been in Indonesia for quite a long time?
11:58While you said 15 new brands are from China,
12:01these are new companies that are focused on the electric industry.
12:05How about our local producers who have been in Indonesia for quite a long time?
12:09Well, our old players are from old money countries.
12:13G7 countries,
12:15which are the strongest countries in Indonesia.
12:21They have a policy in 2004
12:25that the transition to renewable energy will be gradual in 2050.
12:32It means that culturally,
12:35they direct this gradation from motorbikes,
12:40to hybrids, then plug-in hybrids,
12:43then finally to fuel cells, and so on,
12:49then to electric cars.
12:51While the revolution that happened yesterday
12:56in the COVID-19 era,
13:00there was an extraordinary leap
13:03because one of the brand names, if I'm not mistaken, Tesla,
13:06made the world change very quickly.
13:09It immediately jumped to the electric battery.
13:12And this is what is expected of countries
13:15that have settled in the automotive motorbike industry.
13:20Germany is not affected.
13:22Okay, okay.
13:23Will this change map also lead to Indonesia?
13:28Will the old players be able to catch up with the new players?
13:32Or will there be a competition that benefits automotive consumers in Indonesia?
13:39Right now,
13:41oh yes,
13:42let's start with the big picture.
13:44So the biggest segment in the world,
13:47including in Indonesia,
13:48this automotive buyer is the middle income.
13:53And frankly, our middle-up income class
13:57is now being filled more and more by the millennial generation.
14:02And this is what makes a change in preferences.
14:06They are more aware of new technology
14:10and they are also very aware of the connectivity
14:15of their vehicles with all the gadgets they have.
14:20So for them,
14:21this electric vehicle is also a moving gadget.
14:25Integrated with them.
14:27And they see BV as a phenomenon
14:32that can represent them.
14:34Moreover, now it has also entered the middle-income class.
14:41They care about the environment and the advancement of technology.
14:44And for them,
14:45motorbikes are often seen as obsolete.
14:51Okay, okay.
14:52If we look at the PMK number 135 in 2024,
14:56this is an incentive for the CBU,
14:59and then the CKD.
15:01What do you think?
15:02Will this be counterproductive?
15:05In other words,
15:06in the end, a lot of producers or automotive players in Indonesia
15:09who are better off just importing.
15:11Even though there must be a commitment to develop investment.
15:18Of course, the CBU is not just a general importer.
15:21So there are requirements and regulations that must be met.
15:25And some have started to prepare the factory infrastructure.
15:29One of the biggest is BYD,
15:30which is starting to prepare in Subang, if I'm not mistaken.
15:33It must be.
15:34Otherwise, all the imported vehicles
15:37will be taxed by the government.
15:41So there must be special requirements.
15:43There are.
15:44If not, they will be fired.
15:45That's it.
15:46So it will still protect the national automotive industry.
15:52And the players in Indonesia
15:54will still be protected by the CKD.
15:58That's our barrier.
16:02After various incentives are given,
16:04then it becomes attractive for global producers
16:07to invest in Indonesian electric vehicles,
16:10the price is interesting.
16:11We will see how big it is,
16:13whether there is a potential decline.
16:15We will discuss it in the next segment, Mr. Yanis.
16:17We will be right back after the break.
16:37We will continue the interesting discussion
16:39with Mr. Yanis Martinus Pasteribu,
16:42automotive expert from Badung Institute of Technology.
16:44Mr. Yanis, this is interesting.
16:46Indeed, what the Indonesian community is waiting for
16:49is the desire to own an electric car.
16:52This is actually very big.
16:54But again,
16:55if we talk about the price,
16:58this is ultimately a consideration that is quite heavy,
17:02which reduces their intention to buy an electric car.
17:06Is there a potential with the incentive policy
17:09that the market will continue to be open as wide as possible?
17:14Is it related to the competitive price?
17:18Of course.
17:19If we look at the end of the last three quarters,
17:25there are more and more electric vehicles
17:28entering the low to middle market segment.
17:35In 2025, there will be more and more electric vehicles
17:39because of China's expertise.
17:42This is in the range of 200 to 500.
17:45And this is the largest segment that is now in the Indonesian market.
17:49And even one of the electronic industries in Indonesia
17:54that made electric motorcycles two years ago,
17:59is now preparing to build an electric vehicle factory
18:03with the Indonesian brand.
18:06Very fast.
18:07The disruption is very fast.
18:11This is interesting.
18:12If we look at a lot of local players,
18:14local companies,
18:16which eventually merged into electric cars,
18:18do you see the potential, the challenges, the technology?
18:22Because we know, you said,
18:24the pioneers are still from China and other developed countries.
18:27What is the position of Indonesia itself?
18:30Indonesia is frankly a market country.
18:34The fourth largest in the world at the moment.
18:36Wow. Okay.
18:37In terms of population.
18:38And if we look at vehicle production,
18:41we are the 14th largest in the world.
18:43And don't forget, we are the largest in ASEAN.
18:45Then geographically,
18:48in terms of economy,
18:50we are in two continents.
18:54And this also makes Indonesia
18:57the most interesting hub
18:59if there is a big investment.
19:03Because we are in the middle.
19:05So it can cut the logistical costs
19:09of anyone investing in Indonesia.
19:11With a note, of course.
19:12As long as the regulation is consistent.
19:18Okay, this is interesting.
19:19From January-November 2024,
19:2124,655 units,
19:23for the BHV hybrid, 65,000.
19:25This is the next challenge,
19:27how other regions,
19:29other than maybe the city of Jakarta,
19:31with the SPKL infrastructure,
19:34or how to make the spare parts available,
19:38what do you think?
19:40Is it prepared well enough
19:42for the producers who will plant their investment
19:45or market their electric car products in Indonesia?
19:49So if we look at the growing interest now,
19:52it's actually not just the electric vehicle battery.
19:56So the government also opens as widely as possible
19:59the investment to include hybrid vehicles.
20:02So the transition between motorized vehicles
20:06and battery-based vehicles.
20:10So in 2025, Indonesia will be more and more
20:13filled with hybrid vehicles
20:17with larger batteries.
20:19Or known as PHV.
20:23PHV is indeed another alternative
20:26for electric vehicles in Indonesia,
20:28and also hybrid.
20:30But will this also support
20:32the fact that the Indonesian electric car industry
20:35is finally getting smaller in 2025?
20:38Well, of course,
20:40with the increasing demand,
20:43and the production in the country,
20:46the components,
20:48because the most expensive is 40%,
20:50because the most expensive is 40%,
20:52this is in the battery.
20:55Of course, we hope that the price of this vehicle will continue to fall.
20:59And this is an interesting potential,
21:02especially now,
21:04we are also experiencing
21:06the disruption of groups who have the ability.
21:09So from the millennial generation
21:12and the early generation,
21:14Generation Z,
21:15and what they are looking for
21:18is high-tech vehicles.
21:21Well, related to the projection,
21:24related to the production and sales of electric cars
21:27in 2025,
21:29where do you see the potential, sir?
21:32And how likely is the production
21:34with the increase of more and more foreign brands
21:37who also taste the cake of electric cars?
21:41Indonesian market, right?
21:44So if we look at it,
21:46it will grow together, actually,
21:48until 2035.
21:51In hybrid vehicles
21:53and battery vehicles.
21:56This hybrid is both HEV and PES.
22:01And if we look at it too,
22:05the challenge of BEV itself
22:07is that the resale value is not yet developed.
22:12If people buy, how do they sell it?
22:14It's still in our middle-income mind.
22:18It will be paid.
22:19Can the market or the point be opened again, sir?
22:22Remember, usually second-hand
22:25is also one of the sponsors
22:27or contributes to the automotive industry,
22:30even though not directly to the receiver of the country.
22:32Because it's not new anymore, right?
22:36If we look at it now,
22:38these are some of the big industries,
22:42from BEV China,
22:44they are starting to prepare that strategy
22:47and they are also preparing drafts
22:51that they will arrange for this buy-back concept.
22:56It is hoped that it can protect the value
22:59from the investment used to buy BEV
23:03by the younger generation
23:05from the Indonesian automotive market, sir.
23:07Yes, that's it.
23:08It's interesting if we use the word investment.
23:10Now, cars, as we know, have their time.
23:14But suddenly, if there is a policy
23:17or maybe buy-back innovations,
23:20it can be a drawback later, right?
23:23Mr. Yannes, for consumers in Indonesia.
23:25Okay, Mr. Yannes.
23:26Thank you very much for your time, analysis,
23:28information and updates
23:30related to the development of electric cars in Indonesia.
23:33Good luck with your activities again.
23:35See you again, Mr. Yannes. Thank you.
23:37Okay, Mr. Mirza.
23:38Thank you for your time.
23:39We will be back soon with another interesting topic
23:42related to Apple's investment in Indonesia.
