• 2 months ago
दिल्ली बीजेपी लगातार केजरीवाल पर हावी ,दिल्ली बीजेपी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष वीरेंद्र सचदेवा ने एक नया शीश वीडियो सॉन्ग शीशमहल को लेकर लॉन्च किया


00:00Ravind Kejriwal has looted Delhi and has made this Shish Mahal with the help of Dalali and commission
00:10The people of Delhi are asking for the account of this Shish Mahal
00:13and Ravind Kejriwal is asking the people of Delhi who have come to Delhi as a nuisance
00:18that who has cast an evil eye on our Delhi, why have you ruined Delhi?
00:22Sir, Ateeshi has also declared the same face of BJP
00:24It is my experience that Ateeshi was killed
00:27He is trying to play an emotional card but he is not able to
00:30But I congratulate him that despite being insulted in the name of women's honour
00:35he is still smiling
00:37Ravind Kejriwal himself stands by him and says that he is the Chief Minister,
00:42what can be a bigger insult to women than this?
