• 2 months ago


01:01that has we did that shut down of the personally I'm surprised but not
01:10unexpected because you see there's a whole load of scams running in America
01:14one is the short-selling you know there was the DEI diversity equity and all
01:20that nonsense and if you've noticed ever since Trump has won the election all of
01:25these shops are shutting down even Zuckerberg who's one of the most
01:27unreliable untrustworthy people on earth is now suddenly you know he's had
01:32his epiphany and he's realized how bad censorship was and he's implementing
01:36anti-censorship policies on Instagram and Facebook so it's not surprising but
01:42I that said I am surprised because we had always assumed that the
01:49short-selling market was a legal one why are these people shutting down right now
01:54especially it makes you wonder given the non-transparent structure of the
02:00company we don't know who the employees are we don't know who the funders are
02:03and you know for a company that claims to be doing public good bringing
02:08transparency where there is no transparency their own lack of
02:11transparency is pretty worrying I suspect a very significant illegality
02:16out there and I suspect significant political connections to that
02:20illegality which is why they're shutting down so I'm convinced there are
02:37some outside forces behind Hindenburg I always have for one very simple reason
02:41you know when you are when you have nothing to hide you are transparent
02:47about all your funders your employees and everything like that it is only a
02:50person who operates in illegality who tries to hide funding who tries to hide
02:57we don't even know where their offices they don't even have a registered office
03:01listed on their website so it is it has always been a matter of major
03:08speculation who the funders backers are I'm sure there is some external pressure
03:13on this so it's only real big hit was the first Adani hit after that what
03:26happened was if you saw the second time when they released the second report the
03:30market may be dipped for two three hours and then it regained its prior posture
03:37so their impact has literally been zero this was a bunch of you know Sasta
03:45George Soros if you want to call it that trying to become the next George Soros
03:49with short selling and it was a flash in the pan it existed for two three years
03:55two three four years whatever and now it's gone so nothing to be taken too
04:01seriously but at the same time nothing to be ignored as well because you know
04:05these single-purpose vehicles as we call them they can come up and they can
04:11actually wreak a lot of devastation if you're not careful about them
04:27basically what he's trying to do is he's going to tell you how he does his
04:32investigation he's not going to tell you who funds it he's not going to tell
04:36you who his backers are he's not going to tell you who his employees are right
04:39so this is you know it is fake transparency it is transparency without
04:45transparency it's like saying I'm going to conduct Parliament in a glass house
04:49but then you put a one-way glass where people sitting inside can see outside
04:53but people sitting outside can't see inside this is a tamasha don't take it
