• 2 months ago


00:00We are going to the high class.
00:07If you are not coming, then we will go to the high class.
00:10Give me the money sir.
01:09Our length is 5 feet 11 inches.
01:12Today we are going to introduce you to a person whose length is not 6 feet, not 6.5 feet, not 7 feet, but more than that, 7 feet 3 inches.
01:22This is Himanshu Kumar.
01:24Today we will introduce you to him.
01:26He is 7 feet 2 inches tall.
01:29Due to his height, we will get to know about his facilities.
01:35So let's talk to Himanshu ji.
01:37What are his problems?
01:39Where do you buy his clothes from?
01:43What is his diet?
01:44So let's talk to Himanshu ji.
01:46Himanshu ji, come here.
01:48You are the tallest person in Bihar.
01:51What is your height?
01:54My height is 7 feet 2 inches.
01:57If we talk about the problem, it is related to clothes.
02:02I don't have any particular problem.
02:04I do gym for fitness.
02:06I have a problem due to my height.
02:09I don't have any problem.
02:11I just have a problem with my clothes.
02:14I buy clothes online.
02:18I don't have any problem.
02:20How do you sleep?
02:23I have made my own bed.
02:26I sleep on it.
02:28I have made my own bed.
02:30How big is your bed?
02:31It is 7.5 feet.
02:33Do you have any problem in going to the toilet?
02:36No, I don't have any problem.
02:38How do you get out of the house?
02:40There is a 7 feet plus gate in the new house.
02:45In the village, there is a problem in getting out of the gate.
02:49In the olden days, there were gates of 5-6 feet.
02:52There is a problem in that.
02:54In the new house, there is a gate of 7 feet.
02:57There is no problem in that.
02:59What is your weight?
03:01What is your height?
03:03My weight is 140 kg.
03:05My height is 7 feet 2 inches.
03:07How old are you?
03:09I am 22 years old.
03:10What is your diet?
03:12My diet is normal.
03:15If I have a big body, I eat a lot.
03:19But I don't eat a lot.
03:21I eat 5-6 rotis.
03:23I eat a lot of rotis.
03:25I don't eat a lot of rice.
03:27What do you eat in the morning and evening?
03:29I am a vegetarian.
03:31I don't eat chicken.
03:33I eat whatever I want.
03:35I eat chickpeas and moong.
03:37I follow a natural diet.
03:39You are a vegetarian.
03:42What do people call you?
03:45They call me Lumbu.
03:47They call me Khalli.
03:49But I like it.
03:51They call me Bigman.
03:53I like it.
03:55I like it.
03:57I like it.
03:59They call me Bigman.
04:01They call me Bigman.
04:07What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in India?
04:09Because of my height, I have gained popularity.
04:15I feel that I have gained something good.
04:17Because of my height, I have become famous.
04:21People come and see me.
04:23They see me because of my height.
04:25There are many people like this.
04:27But they don't see anyone.
04:29They don't pay attention.
04:31What are the disadvantages?
04:35There is a problem in travelling.
04:37The train is 6 feet tall.
04:39But the height is 7 feet.
04:41There is a problem in travelling.
04:43There is a problem in travelling.
04:45There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
04:47There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
04:49There is a problem in sitting in the bus.
04:51There is a problem in sitting in the bus.
04:53There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
04:55There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
04:57There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
04:59There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
05:01There is a lot of congestion in the bus.
05:03I was able to adjust in the bus.
05:05I can't adjust in the bus now.
05:07I was able to adjust in the bus.
05:09I got a job five to six years ago.
05:11I must have never worked in a bus.
05:13Do you work out?
05:15Do you work out?
05:17I still work out.
05:19I still work out.
05:21It's good.
05:23It's a problem if you don't work out.
05:25I work out to get fit.
05:27Do you play any sport?
05:29I play handball.
05:31We want to make Bihar proud, that's why we are working in sports.
05:37What do you want to become?
05:38If I get popularity in sports, that would be great.
05:41Otherwise, I want to go in the acting line.
05:43What do you mean by acting line?
05:45If I don't get the role of a hero, I will get the role of a villain.
05:49Whatever role I get, I can do it in acting.
05:52Do you want to become a police officer?
05:57In the police department, people take jobs in sports as well.
06:00If that happens, we are ready to do that as well.
06:03So, it's not a problem.
06:09What is your income?
06:12For example, I am a part-time sponsor.
06:14I also run my own company.
06:15So, in that, part-time income is around 15,000 to 20,000 rupees per month.
06:22For my expenses, I work to maintain my body and to maintain my fitness.
06:27What does your father do?
06:28My father runs a network marketing business.
06:31So, it's very difficult to run a family business.
06:33Yes, if you are in the middle class, it's a bit of a problem.
06:35So, I manage on my own.
06:39So, this is Amitabh Bachchan, the great cinema artist.
06:45His height is 6 feet 2 inches.
06:47So, your height is 7 feet 2 inches.
06:49So, what would you say about this?
06:51I don't want to say anything about it.
06:54Because he is a very big superstar in Bollywood.
06:58So, I don't have anything in front of him.
07:01But people know me because of my height.
07:04This is the biggest thing for me.
07:07And what do your family members say?
07:09How many people are there in the house?
07:11In the house, my parents and two brothers and one sister.
07:14So, my elder brother and then me and my sister.
07:17Do you do any job?
07:18No, I just study now.
07:22I was tall since childhood.
07:24I was healthy.
07:25Like, I used to study in the fourth grade.
07:28At that time, people used to study.
07:31So, I was a little taller than that.
07:33Like, I was 3-4 inches tall.
07:35At that time, everyone used to call me tall.
07:39At that time, I thought that my height is too much.
07:43So, I kept growing.
07:45Now, I am 7 feet 2 inches tall.
07:48When did you grow the most?
07:50I grew the most when I was 8-9 years old.
07:55How tall were you?
07:56People used to call me 7-8 inches tall.
07:59At that time, my height was 6 feet 3-4 inches.
08:03At the time of matriculation?
08:05Yes, at the time of matriculation, I was 6.5 feet tall.
08:08Now, I am 2 feet 2 inches tall.
08:11So, what is the scope ahead?
08:14The scope ahead is that I am studying.
08:17I have just finished my graduation.
08:19So, I am doing P.G.
08:20I also play sports.
08:22I am also active on social media.
08:25So, I can do anything from anywhere.
08:27What do people say about you now?
08:31Now, people mostly watch me on social media.
08:36They call me a big man.
08:38Earlier, they used to call me short and tall.
08:41They still call me that.
08:43What about the neighborhood you live in?
08:45Everyone knows me there.
08:47Everyone knows me as Karli.
08:49Big man Karli.
08:50So, you have grown in height?
08:54I have gained popularity because of my height.
08:58I consider it as a God-gifted height.
09:02So, you want to do something big because of your height?
09:07I play handball.
09:10The plus point is height.
09:12So, it is beneficial to walk in the air.
09:15What do you think about this?
09:17Bihar is already famous.
09:19But, I want to make it more famous.
09:21I can also play individual games.
09:25If I get support, I can do that.
09:29What is your name?
09:30Himanshu Sinha.
09:32So, these were Gaya's Himanshu Sinha.
09:35He is 7 feet 2 inches tall.
09:38Because of his height, he is popular.
09:41Because of his height, he is popular.
09:47He is 22 years old.
09:50He weighs 140 kilograms.
09:53He faces some difficulties when he travels by bus.
09:57Or when he crosses the door of his house.
10:01But, when he comes out, everyone looks at him with respect.
10:06I am Ratnesh Kumar from Gaya.
10:11For more information, visit www.osho.com
