• 2 months ago
We take to Sauchiehall Street to find out the view of Glaswegians on the rising cost of chippy classics.
00:00Well, my husband would have got one every week for Fish and Chip Friday, but not anymore.
00:05I would still buy it.
00:09It's probably reflective of the way prices are, but it is a bit scandalous.
00:14But I mean, if you want it and you can afford it, you're probably still going to buy it.
00:19I think everything's expensive. I think fish and chips, no matter where you go, are expensive.
00:25Honestly, I don't notice them much, because I'm going to buy a fish supper and I'm going to pay
00:30what the price is.
00:32I would imagine that people who are supplying that have got hidden costs or extra costs,
00:36and we just have to meet that at the moment.
00:38I do not buy a fish supper regularly now. I only buy it about once or twice a year.
00:43So when I go in, it's always a bit hit or miss the prices.
00:47I wouldn't limit it from the point of view of cost.
00:50In the early 70s or whatever, when I was really young,
00:53there was just loads of fish and chip shops and it was part of everybody's stable diet.
00:57I don't know if that's necessarily the case now.
