• 2 months ago
Intro:एक्सक्लूसिव: 10 सालों में गेल को दिए 17 हजार करोड़ रुपये, अब 305 करोड़ रुपये के लिए रोकी गैस सप्लाई - कानपुर फर्टिलाइजर में 18 दिसंबर से उत्पादन पूरी तरह से बंद, केंद्र को देनी है 700 करोड़ रुपये सब्सिडी- गेल व केएफसीएल प्रबंधन के आला अफसरों ने आपस में की वार्ता, हजारों किसानों तक पहुंचनी है यूरिया


00:00Sir, in Kanpur, we have received information that Kanpur Fertilizer Chemicals Ltd. is facing an unconfirmed lock-down.
00:09So, can you tell us in detail about the activities that are taking place at the moment?
00:16See, on 20th December, Gael Gas India Ltd. cut off their gas supply.
00:23That's why this plant is not functioning under compulsion.
00:27Gael India Ltd. had a surplus of Rs. 600 crores.
00:31But, in the last 10 years, they have already spent Rs. 17,000 crores on gas.
00:36So, they have already spent Rs. 2.5 crores and Rs. 85 crores on gas.
00:41They also get subsidies from the Indian government.
00:44As far as I know, they will also get Rs. 700 crores in subsidies.
00:48Their company's MD has met Gael India Ltd.'s MD.
00:53Both of them are still there.
00:552,000 employees work there.
00:58So, it is definitely a matter of great employment.
01:02They are working so hard.
01:04In a way, it is a subsidized unit of the Indian government.
01:08Because it produces urea for the farmers.
01:10And it is a good unit.
01:12So, we are trying.
01:14It will start again soon.
