Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00But this woman, it's out there. It's, hey, listen, uh, daddy, this little angel,
00:04mom did something I want you never to do. She banged a thousand guys.
00:10All right, it's the Rundown, January 23rd. Brought to you by Mountain Dew Baja Blast.
00:16Add a blast of refreshing tropical lime flavor to your game day with Mountain Dew Baja Blast.
00:22Mountain Dew Baja Blast is part of my game day ritual. I drink it every, every game day,
00:27and I'd love to drink one with these boys during the AFC and NFC championship games coming up.
00:33Who do you guys have in the Super Bowl? Who do you guys have in the big game?
00:38In the big game? Uh, the Commanders.
00:40Versus, versus, yeah, all right. Okay, well.
00:43I would love for that, but I think we're headed towards another dreadful Eagles-Chiefs rematch.
00:52I don't know what they're going to talk about because you don't have the Kelsey Bowl this time,
00:54so they're going to have to find a new, new talking point.
00:58Uh, tropical lime flavor of Mountain Dew Baja Blast is refreshing as hitting a parlay.
01:06Ride with a Baja Blast wave on game day and grab a Mountain Dew Baja Blast for you
01:11and your crew wherever refreshing beverages are sold.
01:17First topic is we got a new rivalry. Move over, move over Brady Manning,
01:22two OnlyFans models, Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips are both fighting over the fact of who
01:31came up with the idea to sleep with a thousand men in a single day, but I think isn't this?
01:37What are we doing, man? I don't know.
01:39What are we doing as a society?
01:40Aren't they livid, brother?
01:42No, no, this is the opposite.
01:44No, the Romans were getting down with everybody. Nothing's changed. That's, that's on you.
01:49A thousand.
01:51I think the Romans were spreading it out a little more. I don't think.
01:54Yeah, a thousand a day is crazy, but, but wasn't Debbie Does Dallas?
01:57Didn't she sleep with like a thousand dudes in the same day?
02:01I think, I think it was more like a hundred, like back when we were, but before you guys,
02:06when it was only print, uh, when it was my thing, I think a hundred was the number
02:10and I know everything kind of goes up, but now the fact that it's 10 X,
02:14it's sort of like, we're no longer concerned with vaginal integrity.
02:19I can't imagine that this girl, because as it, as it distends,
02:23it grays like, you know, it's sort of like a, like an elephant trunk.
02:27I don't know how the fuck, I don't know why this isn't a concern for people.
02:30Like why this, you know, what's your body count?
02:33Oh, this, what's your body count?
02:35A thousand. Really? Just last night.
02:37I mean, it's fucking crazy.
02:38Who are the guys?
02:39I don't know, man.
02:40Like who are these sick fucks that are, to be a part of history though?
02:46Yo, I, I'm like, I have problem kissing a girl knowing that
02:53someone else's tongue was in her mouth.
02:57I can't even fathom the, the extent we're talking with this.
03:02Do you, do you think they are like going in like loose?
03:07You know what I mean? Like they're like warming up.
03:08It's loose.
03:09You know what I mean? They're warming up. Yeah.
03:10There's fluffers.
03:11Fluff, like, like, cause if they're going in there and doing a whole.
03:13This would take a week. It would take a week.
03:15For this.
03:16Yeah. I don't, I, I don't enjoy.
03:18I have so many questions about this.
03:19Every now and again you go, like if I visit my son in college or something,
03:22if I stay in the dorm, I can't take a shower in a quarter inch of somebody else's water.
03:28Much less put myself in where there could be 800.
03:32That's why, that's why you wear water shoes.
03:34You wear, you wear, you wear some flip flops in the shower.
03:36I couldn't imagine getting that on my torso or stuck in a few hairs.
03:41Did anyone watch? Did anyone watch this?
03:43No, no. I mean.
03:44Do we know anyone that's watched this?
03:46Glennie had to have watched it.
03:48For research purposes, I feel like I should.
03:49I'll say like the, the girl who did it is, is hot. She's attractive.
03:52Jack Mack had a tweet that was like, she doesn't look like a porn star.
03:56And I'll, and I agree with that.
03:57There's a look you can tell with a porn star.
03:58It's something in the teeth.
04:00You can tell their teeth are fucked up.
04:01They didn't have proper orthodontics.
04:03But no, she's very attractive.
04:06I, I, I would agree with you that she doesn't have a traditional porn star look.
04:10And, you know, you would expect to see her behind like, almost like a,
04:13a perfume counter or something.
04:15She seems to have that going, but she's ruined like for the rest of,
04:20but apparently you don't get ruined, right?
04:21Like the Kardashians built a fucking billion dollar empire
04:25off her getting horse pounded by Ray J.
04:27You know what I mean?
04:27Like he tied her in the balls off her and now they're cultural fucking icons.
04:32I don't understand it anymore.
04:33That tape I have seen.
04:34Yeah, of course, we've seen the tape.
04:36But like that would be something that would put you into no man's land a couple years ago.
04:39Now this woman's going to, she has, she's accommodated a thousand dicks in one day.
04:44And for some reason, that's a fucking good thing.
04:46I'm sad.
04:47This whole story just makes me sad for everybody involved.
04:51I mean, out to her family, like her fucking friends,
04:56just everybody associated with this entire thing is just, it's America 2025.
05:03I'll bring down the room even further.
05:04Like, what are you going to have to explain to your eventual kids that's out there?
05:09Hey, listen, listen, you're going to see the video.
05:11I'm at a phone party and I take my shirt off and I say some stuff.
05:15You know, like you might have something like that.
05:17Listen, daddy was under investigation for insider trade.
05:20You know what I mean?
05:21Like it was a bathhouse.
05:22I thought, you know, but this woman, it's out there.
05:25It's, hey, listen, daddy is a little angel.
05:28Mom did something I want you never to do.
05:30She banged a thousand guys.
05:32Where does it go from here?
05:33Now this other girl says it was her idea first.
05:35So maybe she'll do a thousand and one, a space odyssey.
05:38And then this other girl goes, I'll go 1500.
05:40Like, you know what I mean?
05:41Like there's, there's a natural competitiveness.
05:44You know?
05:45That's yeah.
05:45It's what makes a rivalry.
05:48When did, when did everything flip from women downplaying their body count
05:56and, you know, doing that whole like roundabout math equation where they,
06:01you had to multiply it by three or whatever it was to get to the real number
06:04to this point where they're trying to notch as many.
06:10That's the internet, baby.
06:13But when did this happen?
06:14It had to, it's recent.
06:15This wasn't like, hasn't always been the thing.
06:18I remember when I was a teenager, Stern had a famous porn star on who did,
06:26I want to say like 500.
06:28Something like that.
06:29And that was like huge fucking news at the time.
06:32And this was probably like 20 years ago.
06:35And like her, I think her career was over after that.
06:38Cause nobody wanted to touch her.
06:40And she, except for like sickos.
06:42And now you've people that are like, no, I got, I, I got there first.
06:48It's going to skyrocket her, her career.
06:50I can't remember the girl that you're talking about.
06:52The famous gang bang.
06:53It wasn't a Debbie.
06:54It was something else.
06:54But afterwards she looked like she took a thousand loads to the face.
06:59Like she also looked beat up this girl.
07:00I saw it.
07:01She was like, I have a bruise here.
07:03She's like mainly from just grabbing.
07:04She had fingerprint bruises.
07:06No, it's going to take it.
07:06It's going to take a beating on your, on your body.
07:09Just doing that a thousand times.
07:11By the way, like it's, it's fucking crazy to me.
07:15And where, where does she make money off of this?
07:18Like, I still don't know how every little, they're all look the fucking same.
07:23And they all say they make $15,000 a month on OnlyFans.
07:27Who the fuck is paying for this?
07:29Who the fuck?
07:29I, I, I consume as much porn as the guy, as any guy my age.
07:33It's all free now.
07:34Like everything I do is free.
07:36Why can't you be happy with that?
07:37I just saw something that was like per views on like Pornhub compared to like YouTube.
07:42You get paid so much more money on Pornhub than you would YouTube.
07:46I mean, yeah, your views aren't going to be as much.
07:48You're not going to get as many views on Pornhub, but you get paid way more.
07:51Are you curious?
07:52So you're getting paid per like view.
07:53Are you curious to watch that?
07:56I mean, yeah, I'm, I'm, yeah, I'm a little curious.
07:58Would you give it a click?
07:59I'd check it out for research purposes.
08:00Would you give it a click?
08:01No, I can't dude.
08:02You got to.
08:03I don't, I don't like, I don't, that's not a click that I'm even interested in.
08:06I can't watch devil's threesomes.
08:08I get like, it's history.
08:10What's a devil's threesome?
08:11Two guys and a girl.
08:12Two guys and a girl.
08:13There was like two devil's players.
08:16Two dicks is one too many dicks.
08:18I mean, nevermind 99 or 990.
08:21But you're not seeing all the dicks at the same time.
08:24I assume.
08:24You're seeing them at a pretty regular clip.
08:26It's like a machine gun.
08:27You're through a thousand.
08:28I mean, if they have any editing at all, it must be fucking overwhelming.
08:32Each year I'll highlight that.
08:34That editing job has got to be worse than her job.
08:38It's just a spreadsheet on it.
08:39It's a lot of footage.
08:40You ever get a load off of number 691?
08:42That's fucking crazy.
08:44And could they just recirculate loads?
08:46Like, you know, number 391, if he had an extremely, you know, impressive photogenic rope,
08:52use him again.
08:53200 down the fucking line, right?
08:56There's no integrity in that.
08:59Good for you guys.
09:00Congratulations on your fucking.
09:03We'll go to wholesome Nebraska.
09:07Last night, USC played Nebraska.
09:09Nebraska lost.
09:10But the real winner, a guy at halftime hit a full court putt for a new Porsche.
09:16This was awesome.
09:17Are we playing the clip?
09:19Did you watch this?
09:20Oh yeah, it was a beautiful putt.
09:22You know how hard it is to hit?
09:24On hardwood?
09:26Was it an actual golf ball or was that like a golf?
09:29Yeah, it was a golf ball on hardwood.
09:32Look at this.
09:33And then he has a perfect Tiger Woods line.
09:36Oh yeah, it does great fist pump.
09:41It looks like it's too big to be a golf ball.
09:43Right in the clown's mouth.
09:45I think it was golf ball.
09:50Yeah, it's awesome.
09:50I don't mean to yuck anything, but does that guy want a Porsche?
09:54I'm going to look like a Porsche guy.
09:57No, I mean, I'm a Porsche guy.
09:58Are you?
09:59What do you drive though?
10:01I feel like if you're an actual Porsche guy, don't you call it a Porsche?
10:06Or is that, you're just like, no, I'm trying to fit in, but also.
10:10I feel like when you start doing that, you're like.
10:14A hundred percent.
10:15Because I was listening to the clip and they said Porsche in it.
10:19And I was like, ugh.
10:20What did that mean?
10:21No, I just like it.
10:22I was like, that guy doesn't seem like a Porsche guy.
10:24And I got, I'm a Porsche guy.
10:25No fucking big deal.
10:26What was that thing you did?
10:28It's like.
10:28Stick your nose up?
10:30Like fucking sobby trying to.
10:33No, I just like the performance machines.
10:38German engineering at its finest.
10:41Do you got like one of those five point seatbelts?
10:44No, no, but I did go to, they have a racing school in Alabama.
10:51That is highly, highly recommended.
10:54If you are looking for like a boy's trip or bachelor party.
10:58Funnest weekend I've had in so long.
11:01You get to race every model they have straight from the factory.
11:07They have a, like a real race course.
11:10It's fucking unbelievable.
11:11There's one right outside of Vegas where they do a regular oval.
11:16I think they have a small road course.
11:18Then they have an off-road course, like drive Vegas or something.
11:21I went there because it was going to have Annie drive a Sherman tank.
11:23They have a Sherman tank, but it was a hundred and something degrees.
11:26And the guy's like, listen, it gets to 119 inside the tank.
11:29So we'll give you this monster truck.
11:31So she's driving the monster truck and I don't know how to drive a stick.
11:34I'm not much of a man.
11:36And so, and you know that obviously.
11:38But when they had all these Porsche, Lamborghini, Maserati, all that stuff,
11:43the most popular thing to drive on the oval,
11:46by far the guy says it's not even close to the Tesla.
11:49Everybody wants that fucking thing on a car.
11:51And he's like, and the ones that we had at first were all stock.
11:54I still haven't driven a Tesla, so I don't know.
11:56The torque is like, you can't get close to it.
11:59People who are enthusiasts want to try that.
12:01You know what I mean?
12:02As opposed to.
12:02And the braking.
12:04That's like the shocking thing is that it decelerates as quick as it accelerates
12:09just by taking your foot off the pedal.
12:10With no noise.
12:12So it like you can, you can come into a corner flying
12:17and like stop on a dime and take the corner and then take off again.
12:22Can't do that in a monster.
12:23No, you cannot.
12:24I think though, a 94 foot putt in front of how many people?
12:2710,000 people.
12:29I mean, that's got to be one of the best feelings of his life to walk away with a fucking key.
12:32They threw him the keys right there.
12:33I'd almost, I've seen a billion basketball games.
12:36I know what's going to happen.
12:36I'd almost rather watch this than watch the basketball game.
12:39Like, oh, the guy, the guy.
12:42So this makes me long for the days in Chicago when people, when men could be men,
12:49they used to do, they used to do something called shoot the puck in the second intermission.
12:54And they would get three people out.
12:57I think it was red line.
12:59And they set up the same thing, except there were three holes in the board.
13:03And it would be, it would always be the same lineup.
13:05It would be a little kid, boy or girl.
13:08It would be an old person.
13:11And then it would be a smoking hot chick that they would pull out of the crowd every time.
13:17And this went on for years and years and years.
13:19And the Blackhawks like crushed it.
13:21They would get girls that you would just be like, where the fuck did they find these girls?
13:26And then came to a screeching halt a few years ago because we all know.
13:33Women got pissed off and started complaining.
13:37So they ruined it for everybody.
13:39They started fucking guys by the thousands, right?
13:42In one night.
13:42Didn't Frank do this?
13:44Yeah, yeah.
13:44I think he did it in a devil's game.
13:46A puck and like win something.
13:47Was it at the Blackhawk?
13:48I don't think he won a Porsche.
13:49No, no.
13:50It was like a devil's thing, I believe.
13:52Yeah, he did it at the ECHL ad.
13:56I can't say that.
13:57Adrion deck Thunder Game.
13:59But he put it through that tiny hole from center ice.
14:01What did he win?
14:02Five hundred dollars.
14:03Hell yeah.
14:05What a disappointment compared to a Porsche.
14:06ECHL money isn't NIL money.
14:09You turn around, you win that tomorrow, you sell it?
14:12You walk out with it?
14:14I sell it.
14:14But did you see this year a student at Purdue did like a field goal kicking competition?
14:20Where he like won like a two-year lease on a car.
14:23And then the dealership tried to like screw him out of it.
14:25Oh, really?
14:25Like, yeah, you didn't do it in time.
14:27And then everyone went up in arms.
14:28Yeah, everyone went up in arms and they ended up like
14:31going back on it because everyone hated the car dealership.
14:34That's shady, man.
14:35You might, what was it?
14:36Bob Rorman.
14:37Oh, yeah.
14:38Yeah, he has those shitty commercials.
14:40RIP, he's dead.
14:41But yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
14:43It was him?
14:43Yeah, it was that dealership.
14:44Oh, that's shady.
14:46What's messed up about that is I feel like they always get that insured.
14:51Right, like you-
14:52So like it's not coming out of their-
14:53Yeah, it's nothing to them.
14:54But it was like a two-year lease and it would have been like $12,000.
14:59But then the bad publicity cost them so much money.
15:03My buddy won a Cadillac on The Price is Right.
15:05Oh, yeah?
15:06That's cool.
15:07Yeah, he got whacked with taxes though because California-
15:11Oh, yeah, they get whacked.
15:12The prize taxes out there are crazy.
15:16California ain't what it used to be.
15:18I would take it.
15:19Yeah, he kept it.
15:21Which was it Drew Carey Price is Right or was it-
15:23Bob Barker.
15:24Bob Barker.
15:25He has a video of it.
15:26It's fucking hilarious.
15:27He like runs up on stage and kisses Bob Barker and Barker's just like looking like-
15:33It's great.
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16:41We got a big event with Paws in Chicago next week.
16:44This is a good time.
16:45It's freezing outside.
16:48Gotta get dogs homes.
16:50Oh, really?
16:54It's tiny.
16:54Oh, we need to start tarring and feathering baseball writers
16:59who submit unexplainable Hall of Fame ballots,
17:02starting with the guy who didn't vote for each row.
17:04This is a Dante blog, I believe.
17:07Talk that shit, Dante.
17:08Yeah, talk that shit.
17:10So this guy never has to come forward?
17:12Just seems like every year we're hearing the same story over and over,
17:17and this time it's extra egregious because I feel like each row is one of those guys that
17:24generational, like everybody in the world would agree
17:30deserves to be in the Hall of Fame on the first ballot.
17:33And there always has to be one loser who, you know,
17:38like, uh, I disagree.
17:40Like, everyone hates that.
17:41Or they have like a vendetta, like each row, like,
17:44didn't give him an interview after a game one time,
17:45and he's like, I'll forever hold a grudge against you.
17:48But each row is the coolest guy in the world.
17:52The nicest dude.
17:52He's in the Ken Burns baseball doc.
17:55Ken Burns doesn't make docs on losers.
17:59But you think it's racism?
18:00Think the guy had like, you know, relatives?
18:04I heard Klemmer say, though,
18:06there is a chance that this guy just threw that vote out there
18:08because he didn't want him to be unanimous.
18:10Because Klemmer was saying, like, I can kind of agree with that.
18:14He might not deserve to be unanimous.
18:16That's baseball writer mentality, though.
18:18That's, they're the worst.
18:20They feel like, I embedded the clip from The Natural in there where, uh,
18:28what the fuck's his name?
18:30No, he's talking to Redford.
18:32Guy from, uh, Godfather.
18:37Oh, Robert Duvall.
18:38Yeah, Robert Duvall is talking to Robert Redford.
18:40And Duvall's the sports writer.
18:42And he's telling Redford, it's our job as guardians of the game to protect the game.
18:48And like, they really think that.
18:50Like, people feel like they're like the gatekeepers to
18:55this upper echelon level of, you know, prestige.
19:00And it's just, it's just, I don't know.
19:03I think the whole system's screwed up and, uh, it needs to be completely overhauled.
19:10I think the players should vote.
19:12Who gets unanimous then?
19:14There's been one player that's been unanimous.
19:16It's Mariano Rivera.
19:18And then, so Ituro didn't get one vote.
19:20Uh, Jeter didn't get one vote.
19:23Ken Griffey didn't get three.
19:25Um, Nolan Ryan didn't get six.
19:29You know, it's, it's.
19:30And then people like, uh, Hank Aaron didn't get nine.
19:34And then like Tony Gwynn, Randy Johnson, Greg Maddox, you know, these like elite, elite,
19:39elite guys that there's no reason to not give them a vote.
19:42None of them are unanimous.
19:43So is there a mindset, a waste of a vote?
19:46Like you don't have to, you know what I mean?
19:49Like he's such a shoo-in with already so many votes.
19:51Let me use my small vote as leverage to get somebody else.
19:56No, it's just an extra level.
19:58Like the hall of fame is obviously super prestigious, but then there's that 1% of 1%
20:07that is the unanimous.
20:09Well, then yeah, there's like the, he was a first ballot hall of famer.
20:11He was a unanimous first ballot hall of famer.
20:13There's like different levels to it.
20:16Seems petty.
20:17I think the only people that care about it are like the baseball purists, the, the, the,
20:21the writers.
20:22I don't, I mean.
20:23Does it happen like this with other sports as much?
20:26It's a good question.
20:26I don't know.
20:27It's a good question.
20:28As I was wondering, like football, like, you know, maintain the integrity.
20:30Jordan didn't get a vote.
20:32I feel like, I feel like the other halls are committees.
20:35I don't think that they're like journalists, just journalists like baseball is.
20:41And there's the whole, it's clouded in, or it's shrouded in anonymity.
20:48Like these guys don't have to.
20:51You should be able to see the balancing.
20:53Yeah, that is, that is, that is wild.
20:54All right.
20:57Uh, bills, chiefs.
21:00Also, I have a question.
21:04Does CeCe Sabathia deserve to get in on first ballot when guys like Manny Ramirez still aren't in?
21:12You're talking to the wrong guy, brother.
21:16CeCe Sabathia.
21:17I liked him as a kid.
21:18He was fun.
21:19Fat pitchers.
21:20We need more fat pitchers.
21:21We don't have any more.
21:22All the fat pitchers belong in the hall of fame.
21:25If you're throwing that much weight around every four days.
21:29All right.
21:30I think like, so that's a better argument, right?
21:34Like all of a sudden who deserves, but it's when somebody who universally deserves to be in and
21:38they don't get recognized unanimously.
21:40I think something's wrong with the system.
21:45System's broken, brother.
21:46Big time.
21:47Uh, Bill's Chiefs this weekend, a reporter asked the Bill's offensive tackle, Spencer Brown,
21:53what he's going to do if they win or lose.
21:56He said he's going to either celebrate or drink a 24 pack by himself, which I feel like
22:03for an offensive tackle, 24 pack.
22:05That's like, that's like a night.
22:07That's a Friday night.
22:09You ever seen the video of Andre the Giant?
22:12Holding beers.
22:14It's sort of like he's holding, um.
22:15Looks like it was like, yeah, six ounce.
22:17Grapefruit juice.
22:18Six ounce Baja blast cans.
22:20I can tell you the first time I went out drinking with Willie, uh, Willie Colon, you know, offensive
22:25lineman, right.
22:25You know, my best friend and we're drinking martinis.
22:28And I realized that, um, when he threw him back, his, uh, he does have an Adam's apple.
22:33Didn't even move.
22:34It was like throwing a drink into a bucket.
22:36Like, you know what I mean?
22:36It's just different.
22:37You know, it's like, and they just go back.
22:40It's almost like breathing in a gin and whatever.
22:43So he's a deep and I'm trying my hardest.
22:45It's a different level.
22:46A 24 pack for that guy.
22:48Shouldn't scare anybody or be a surprise.
22:51I can still throw back a 24 pack.
22:53I saw somewhere where like, like wrestlers, like their liver is just like so big that
22:57they can't like get drunk.
22:59Like they'll drink and drink and drink and they just can't get drunk.
23:02I mean, Andre is a perfect fucking example.
23:05He'd have like eight bottles of wine and he's like, yeah, I'm fine.
23:08He passed out in a, in a lobby during the filming of the Princess Bride and they couldn't
23:12move them.
23:12So they brought out the, um, the cover that they put over pianos, the piano cover just
23:18left in there for the night.
23:19That's awesome.
23:20He's fucking lit.
23:21That was towards, that was towards the end of his career too.
23:22When he's like, let himself go.
23:26Andre Romanoff.
23:27God, what a great movie.
23:28I wonder if the kid gets backlash for saying that he's going to take down a 24 pack in
23:33You know, it's kind of fucked up.
23:34They asked him like before the game, like, what are you going to do if you win or lose?
23:37Like, just ask me after what I'm going to do, you know, like before the game is kind
23:40of crazy.
23:41I don't think I watched the clip.
23:42I don't think he was even bragging.
23:43I think it would, it was like, just like, what do you, I would be like, oh, I'm gonna
23:47have a glass of wine and go to bed.
23:48Like, I think he is just like, yeah, I'm going to crush a case and call it a night, throw
23:53Netflix on.
23:54I don't think he was like, I'm going to get wasted.
23:56And right.
23:58Like he's fucking 350 pound guy.
24:01Like, so where are we then with wheat?
24:03Like, what if the guy said, I'm going to smoke the fattest blunt I could find and just, you
24:07know, put on the other guys.
24:08I would take that different as, as in, he's going to like numb his right.
24:14Are you allowed?
24:15You're not allowed to smoke in the NFL.
24:16You can do it in the NBA, right?
24:19I don't know.
24:19Like, I don't know what the legality of it.
24:21They don't, they don't, they don't care anymore.
24:23I don't think so.
24:24Oh yeah.
24:24Because, uh, was it Josh Gordon?
24:26I got absolutely screwed.
24:27And then now I think it's just like, yeah, whatever, do whatever you want.
24:29That fucking kid who like night before draft, they, they put out the pictures of him smoking
24:34out of a fucking.
24:34Oh yeah.
24:36Tunzel or whatever.
24:38Um, bar stool after, uh, after rundown after show after show, you got it.
24:46You got what I was getting at anything.
24:49I would say, uh, my recommendation for people not to watch these gangbang videos, but to
24:54really get involved with this breastfeeding Tik TOK that I've been going down.
24:58I'm glad you, I'm glad you reminded me of that.
25:00Larger was showing me on his phone before we started recording that they can show.
25:06Nipple on Instagram.
25:08That's big too.
25:09I got a weird algo.
25:10I can tell you right now, but now what they're doing is beautiful women.
25:13They're not, they're not just showing nipple.
25:14They're showing beautiful women who have no children.
25:18They're holding a fake doll and obviously rigid plastic doll.
25:22Boom knob out to it.
25:23You know, it's like American sniper.
25:26That doll is fake.
25:26Let's keep an eye out for that.
25:28What do you think the reasoning was behind that?
25:31Do you think that they're like saying you can't take down me breastfeeding?
25:37I think that's, that's the loophole.
25:40And they're just trying to be that badly that they're faking breastfeeding.
25:46Cause they want to show their tit that bad.
25:48I love that word.
25:48Every time it pops out, it's so fucking old school.
25:51I wish you would've said, um, yeah, I love the fact that they're fine.
25:55So I'm, um, um, I feel like this has come full circle.
25:58I'm hypnotized with it.
25:59So there's a lot of it now where like, you'll just see a spoon in the foreground and a naked
26:06girl walk by and you can see her reflection in the spoon.
26:09And because it's in the spoon, it doesn't count.
26:12And you know, you just felt around the spoon and that's like, they're finding all these
26:16things, you know, it's good.
26:18Like for an older school guy, like I used to beat off to Elaine, Brian, I can beat off
26:22to a sunset.
26:23So like to see how they're going, like fun, you know what I mean?
26:26Like he grew up a little different.
26:28And like to see all the trickeration and stuff that's going on.
26:32I kind of admire it because that's actually, um, it's like a Stanley Kubrick shot just
26:37to get some thought into it.
26:40Other than, you know what, I need a couple of bucks.
26:42I'm going to bang a thousand guys before she does next.
26:44Dude, I got a bad one though.
26:46I used to print out pictures on the family printer and hide them under my dresser.
26:53Hey, I did the exact same thing.
26:55Jessica Alba, like blue crush days.
26:57I had, my mom found it though.
27:01I came home, my mom moved my furniture around and just found my mound of printed out pictures.
27:07Couldn't expect me for like a month.
27:10You go in to do the deed and you open the drawer to look for it and it's gone.
27:14You're like, oh, surely I misplaced it.
27:15And then you're like, oh wait, my mom does my laundry.
27:18She went in here and was putting socks away and found the picture.
27:21And now it's just like, well, I can't look her in the eyes.
27:23I had hundreds of pictures of Carmen Electra in there.
27:26By the way, I just started following her.
27:28Still fastball.
27:30Yeah, still fastball.
27:32We've come a long way.
27:34Bill Burr?
27:37Do you think this Bill Burr thing is fake or real?
27:41One Minute Man does a great background on it and saying whether or not it would be in
27:46But the crux of it is, is that Howie Mandel, who from all accounts, from everyone who's ever met
27:50him, seems to be a huge douchebag.
27:52He had Billy Corgan on.
27:54Billy Corgan, lead singer of Smashing Pumpkins.
27:56And Billy Corgan had said in the podcast that his dad was a traveling musician and his dad
28:02had other kids other places.
28:04And one of those kids, he's pretty sure, is Bill Burr.
28:08And then Bill Burr came on Howie Mandel's podcast a month later or so.
28:12And they had Billy Corgan walk out unexpectedly.
28:15And Bill Burr did seem, it was extremely uncomfortable to watch.
28:19But I bought it.
28:20Like, I bought it because Bill Burr was like, why the fuck are you even talking about this?
28:23You don't think I know about this?
28:25But there's no reason.
28:26The dad's a douchebag.
28:27He has two kids.
28:28They look like each other, Bill Burr and Billy Corgan.
28:31They're both the same age.
28:33And Howie's like a scumbag.
28:35Everyone's like, he's a scumbag for doing it.
28:37I'm right away like, yeah, he's a scumbag.
28:39But I don't know.
28:40You had said to the point, if it's coming down the pipe, that they're going to do a movie
28:44where a famous musician and a famous comedian are now brothers.
28:48Yeah, I did not say that.
28:50But did you?
28:51No, that was not.
28:51I think it's in the blog.
28:52I think it might be in the blog.
28:53But no, no, no.
28:54That's what Kevin said on the one minute.
28:56Yeah, yeah.
28:57But yeah, that could be the conspiracy theory.
29:00But I just don't think Bill Burr is like a bits guy like that.
29:03Like, why would he?
29:04I don't know.
29:05But yeah, Dante, you're like a good conspiracy theory.
29:09How talented do you find a good music guy?
29:11So I loved Billy Corgan until I moved to Chicago and heard, just through the grapevine,
29:18how bad of a dude he is in real life.
29:22It's kind of affected.
29:23I mean, I still love Zero and 1979, all their fucking...
29:33Gitch, Bury Me.
29:33I mean, they got some fucking bangers, as kids say.
29:36I mean, that Melancholy double album is one of the best of my lifetime.
29:41But yeah, he's by all accounts, he's just a shitbag.
29:47Nobody likes him.
29:49But Bill Burr, I feel, is the complete opposite of that.
29:52It's one of those things where it's like nature versus nurture, you know?
29:55You take someone with the same genetics and they can be totally, totally different people.
30:02It's kind of wild.
30:04I don't see the resemblance, though.
30:07Both being like bald white guys.
30:10In the face, though, they kind of have the same...
30:12I just think that if it's true, this whole thing is true,
30:15then it is kind of despicable on Howie Mandel's part.
30:19You know, do something as fucking weird as that.
30:21So anyway, take a look at it.
30:22One Minute Man's got the best clip from it.
30:25And then you make your own decision whether or not I'm being catfish.
30:27But Howie Mandel's a douchebag.
30:29All right, that's the rundown.