• 2 months ago
JP and BMitch discuss the areas which they are most scared about ahead of the NFC Championship against Philadelphia.
00:00What are you most concerned about wearing green this weekend?
00:10That simple?
00:14To me, it's not just Saquon.
00:18I think it's Saquon combined with that offensive line.
00:21They're really good.
00:22Cam Juergens missed a practice.
00:24Everybody says he's fine.
00:26He's good to go.
00:27I almost wonder, though, Brian, we expect Saquon.
00:34I mean, look up his rushing prop.
00:39I think it's like 135 or something.
00:41I think the over-under for his rushing numbers are bananas.
00:47But for me, it's like you almost expect
00:49Saquon to have a relatively dominant performance.
00:53And for me, it's almost more important
00:56that they slow Hurts down and just keep
00:58this passing game ineffective.
01:01I might, though, be most concerned about Jalen Carter,
01:06about what interior pressure could do to the commander's
01:16Because I think for them to win, it's
01:18got to be offensively driven.
01:20And I think it's got to be Jaden Daniels driven.
01:23You know what I mean?
01:24So I'm more worried about who can impact him.
01:29Carter might be the top of my list, man.
01:31Well, top of my list is offense because I
01:34think you win by points.
01:35And I think you can move Jaden.
01:37You can have Jaden rolling out a little bit
01:39doing different things to kind of offset what Carter does.
01:42But that offense, I say Saquon.
01:45You say the line and Saquon, I understand.
01:47But Saquon is the one that would have
01:50to run the 50, 60 yards that I don't want to see.
01:55Carter coming off a two sack performance against the Rams,
01:57he was dominant in that thing.
02:00And that's with one of the brightest offensive minds
02:03out there, McVay, just completely able to contain him.
02:08I think everybody's aware of the Cosby situation.
02:11I think it's going to be Trent Scott this week.
02:15Because the way I look at it is, OK,
02:18do you have this option of moving Wiley inside
02:21and then starting Lucas?
02:22Yes, you have that option.
02:23But that is a far more significant disruption
02:27than it is of just keeping Wiley where he's been
02:32and putting Scott in for Cosby.
02:35Do you have a lean one way or the other?
02:38I mean, they said they're going to put the best five out there.
02:40Whoever they put out there, I'm going to go along with it.
02:42But I will say this, whether it's Wiley or Scott,
02:44they're not going to leave the block one on one.
02:47You can't.
02:48But it's harder.
02:51Obviously, you scheme around him.
02:53But to me, it's harder to kind of double and help
03:00an interior guy than it is an edge guy.
03:04Maybe they use that pistol formation more
03:06and you keep your back in to, you know what I'm saying?
03:11A back can be there to help, like checking through the line.
03:16Also, a lot of times, that guy comes right in the gap.
03:20So that center on the tackle can step in and help a little bit
03:26then get back out to the other guy.
03:28It's all types of things you could do.
03:30You can make him think he's going
03:31to be blocked by the guy in front of him
03:33with somebody else ear holding.
03:35It's different ways of getting it done.
03:37It's pretty interesting.
03:38Just like we talk about receivers,
03:39how you want to switch up stuff on him.
03:41You want to switch up on him, too.
03:43Let him realize they could be whamming you from anywhere.
03:47Yeah, make him think about it, too.
