• 2 months ago
Nate | Barstool Rundown
00:00Um, so we found one that we really liked, we went, met her, loved her, brought her home.
00:06The given name was Nola.
00:07I had already told a couple people on PMT that the given name was Nola, and the looks
00:13on their face were like, oh my god, we have champagne all over again.
00:19Monday, January 27th, Rundown.
00:26We got Max heading to the Super Bowl.
00:28We got Tate fresh off, uh, not fresh off, uh, pretty stale off a national champion.
00:32Still counts.
00:33Old news, old news.
00:34Um, I am Steven Shea.
00:35We were brought to you by Reese's.
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00:40Have you guys had the new Reese's lava cups?
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01:00Again, try Reese's new delicious chocolate lava, big cups available everywhere.
01:05Um, all right, obviously we got to start football congrats, Max headed to the Super Bowl.
01:12You said this was going to be a one score game with like six minutes.
01:15I know a million points.
01:18When you're in the room, that room specifically, you think the only thing that can happen is
01:23like utter heartbreak.
01:25So when I was in there, I was like, I think the, the commanders went on like a little
01:29bit of a drive and I, and I was just thinking, how could this end up being the worst possible
01:35scenario for me on camera in that room that will get brought up to me for the rest of
01:40my life?
01:41Cause I've had so many losses in there that have been like that.
01:43So my brain is just, how can this just be the most heartbreaking?
01:48But it w I mean, it was obviously the math didn't even make sense.
01:50So I was being dumb and I was being nervous, but I'm trying to go to Super Bowl.
01:54I'm a guy, Saquon going off.
01:56You're a fucking guy.
01:57I'm a huge Saquon guy.
01:58I've been out the wazoo.
01:59I mean, he had, there was a time where two carries, two touchdowns.
02:04I mean, that first one was incredible.
02:05He's the best.
02:06I, every time he has like a little bit of space, all I'm thinking of is, Oh my God,
02:11he's going to break this to the house.
02:12Like, and it's not that crazy to think of.
02:15If he has like a little bit of space, it's like he could go.
02:19It happens every game.
02:20It happens every game.
02:22I don't know why you have such a loaded roster.
02:23You're used to that.
02:24What is it?
02:25Why is that a shot at me?
02:26We're talking to NFL.
02:28I have stated the loaded roster.
02:29It must be awesome.
02:30Let's stick NFL.
02:31I'm a Browns fan, but I would say for you, I mean, from an outsider's perspective, there's
02:35no way you were going to lose that game.
02:36I know.
02:37Like no Jane.
02:38Daniel's not going to be there.
02:39There was some doubt.
02:40Like in the, uh, I'm saying right before the Jeremy McNichols fumble, they're down seven
02:45or eight and he fumbles a kickoff.
02:47They're getting the ball back with just under two minutes left.
02:50They have a chance to tie the game going to half.
02:53There was a, there was a ton of plays in that game that first drive, they looked great if
02:57they went one way or the other, that it could have been a completely different ball game,
03:02but we just took advantage of opportunities and that's what good, good teams do.
03:05The shitty part about watching football this weekend and like great championship Sunday
03:09is awesome.
03:12I feel like the least exciting teams want, which is, oh yeah, I agree.
03:19Everyone is like on this, like boycott the Superbowl train.
03:22That's crazy.
03:23I, which obviously like prove it.
03:25No, you're not.
03:26But second of all, I think there's something to be said for a team going for a three Pete,
03:31like that obviously doesn't happen every year.
03:32I'm excited that the chiefs won.
03:34And I think that the Eagles are a, they're a fan favorite, wouldn't you say?
03:37Not as much as the bills, but no, I wouldn't.
03:40People hate people.
03:41They're going to be cheering for you for sure though.
03:42But I do think it's the best team.
03:44It's it's the best teams from each conference.
03:46Like we got the best outcome of like, what will the best game be?
03:54Like the commanders could not make it.
03:55Given the lion, given the lion's injuries is why, is why I say that like the Eagles
03:59were the best team of the NFC and you, and you can't say that the chiefs aren't, they,
04:05they won the most games and then they, and they took care of business in the playoffs
04:08and they have the best player in the planet.
04:11Are you guys going to bring up James Bradbury for the Superbowl?
04:15I hate him.
04:16Juju's playing.
04:17I know.
04:18I fucking hate Juju.
04:19He's like probably my most hated guy in the NFL right now.
04:21It was Zeke for a really long time, but he's just old and fat.
04:24So I guess Juju's the worst.
04:27I hope only horrible things for him.
04:30So we're all going down to new Orleans for the big week.
04:33What is the best case week look like for max?
04:37What is the worst case week look like?
04:40Not just the game outcome.
04:42Because I feel like the swing is so drastic.
04:45I mean, I'm, I'm, I'm doing Sunday through Saturday the same way.
04:50I mean, I'm not, I'm not going to drink champagne, but I, if you think that I'm going to new
04:55Orleans and like, I'm there with, I have, I have a couple of friends that are, that
04:59are coming down that are going to the game.
05:01Like you're going to the game, right?
05:04I'm going, I'm going to the game and what am I going to stay in my hotel room?
05:09No, no, no.
05:10You got to live it up.
05:11And then it's a, however the game goes, it's either the best night of your life or, well,
05:15that was a cool week.
05:16But so what I'm, I, I'm putting myself to this rule.
05:19I'm going with Jack McCarthy.
05:20He's doing the clips for me on Sunday.
05:22I'm telling myself now I will not be drinking any, any liquor on Saturday night and, and,
05:29but people are going to see me and just try to get me as drunk as possible because it's
05:34going to be the whole narrative.
05:35It's going to be a battle.
05:36They're going to be trying to get you drunk and you're trying to, I'm just going to be
05:39like, well, but that's the thing.
05:41I am going to be drinking.
05:42I might drink like 50 beers, but I can do, I can do 50 beers.
05:47I just, if, as soon as I start like taking shots, like that's when, that's when it becomes
05:52an issue.
05:53Is Roan going to be by your side at the game?
05:56I'm pretty sure it's, it'll be me, McCarthy and Roan.
05:59I've never seen a vibe switch, not a switch necessarily, but a vibe increase when Roan
06:04showed up to that cave yesterday.
06:06If you looked at PFT's face, he, it was like night and day.
06:11It doesn't matter in the game, but that mattered in the game.
06:14That changed.
06:15That could be felt all the way in Philly.
06:17Big Cat did an unbelievable job keeping that seer because we were, it was just me and him
06:20in the cave.
06:21I was like, runs out the game, right?
06:22He's like, yeah, I think so.
06:23And then 20 minutes later, he's walking into the cave and obviously a pre-planned thing.
06:27Well done.
06:28It was awesome.
06:29I literally had no idea.
06:30It didn't even cross my mind.
06:31I was just thinking that I was going to have to like pretend like Hank was an Eagles fan
06:35that whole time and like go to him when I needed some reassurance after a big play.
06:40But having Roan there completely changed the vibe of the cave.
06:44Watching from afar, I am extremely jealous of you guys and your success right now.
06:50The person I'm most jealous of is Gilly.
06:53The videos of him are unbelievable.
06:57He is the king of that locker room.
07:00Yes, Mike Gilvick.
07:02Have you seen that in like any other sport?
07:06Like a team that's making a championship run, having a guy from the outs, like he leads
07:13the team out to the field.
07:14He leads the postgame locker room, like dance celebrations.
07:19When Hank and Dave were a part of the Celtics celebration, I thought that was the coolest
07:24thing that I had seen at Barstool.
07:25It's like, oh wow, they had Hank on the, Gilly's run, like they don't have like Hurts run out
07:32onto the field.
07:33They have Gilly do it.
07:34He's done it twice now.
07:35And he's a hundred percent has to do it.
07:37Oh, he has to.
07:38He has to.
07:39And then like the postgame, the postgame blow the whistle dance with the team.
07:43Like CD is like running to the locker room.
07:46He's like, you got to put on this shirt.
07:47You got to put on this.
07:48Like imagine like one of the best players on the team are like, is like, you need this
07:52championship shirt of just being like such a good fan and like such a good vibes guy.
07:57I've never like spoken to Gilly like in person or whatever.
08:01I, he just has to be the all time vibes guy on the planet for it to go that way.
08:10We live like all of us are blessed to live this like insane life that like I wouldn't
08:15trade for anything.
08:17That being said, like Gilly is living every fan's dream.
08:22I would argue it's the best experience a fan has ever had in any sport ever.
08:30He's, I don't think this is an overstatement.
08:33If they win the super bowl, it's going to get a ring.
08:36I would be shocked if he didn't like a shot.
08:40He weighed absolutely.
08:41I would be.
08:42There are so many like people.
08:43I feel like people who are the guys that carry the flags out.
08:47That's what I'm saying.
08:48Like those guys get a ring.
08:49Like, so we're going to have different quality.
08:51I wouldn't be surprised.
08:52We've got a player's one to be honest.
08:54And that's what I'm saying.
08:55That's what I'm saying.
08:56Like I think he'll he'll pay.
08:57I think he'll actually, I don't know.
08:58I didn't like it.
08:59It depends.
09:00It depends on the owner.
09:01So barstool have two super bowl champions.
09:02We'll have John Gruden and we'll have Gilly.
09:03I mean, I have two simple runs, but we don't need to talk about 22 years ago yesterday.
09:09John Gruden.
09:10Happy anniversary.
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10:35Also awesome factor.
10:36Shout out to them.
10:37Uh, we got to talk about Buffalo.
10:40Don't start with Buffalo, start with the chiefs.
10:45I'm not trying to bully you, but like that seems like what everyone's trying to do right
10:48now is take away from, from homes.
10:52This whole game, one thing stood out to me.
10:55It's like the saying like work harder, not smarter.
10:58The bills ran it so many times in short yardage and just couldn't get it done.
11:02You see the chiefs got the ball at the end of the game, they need to ice it.
11:04They throw it twice in like running, expected running situations and just get two easy first
11:13The bills could not get it done.
11:15Tate, what are your thoughts on, I guess the chiefs overcoming and I love it.
11:20I was a, everyone wants the bills to win.
11:23I think the fan favorites would have been Bill's lions would have been an incredible
11:26like fun super bowl, whatever.
11:29I respect greatness and dynasties and I kind of like cheer for it.
11:35Like I, I want to see him.
11:37He's been to what he's been in league seven years as a starter, five super bowls.
11:41He's been to the AFC title twice and lost in overtime.
11:43Like those are his two worst years.
11:46I want to continue to see him win, win, win.
11:47And then when he loses, it'll be special.
11:50But the fact that like, he, he might be the greatest to ever do it at his position.
11:54Travis Kelsey, the greatest ever do it at his position.
11:56You could argue Andy Reed is one of the greatest to ever do it in his thing.
12:00This is people are, are, are sad that Buffalo lost.
12:03They're almost like shitting on the chief for it being like rigged and they don't want
12:07to see him win.
12:08We are watching greatness and I think that's kind of cool.
12:12How scared are you of the chiefs?
12:14I mean, you can't not be scared of the chiefs.
12:17Patrick Mahomes is grim reaper.
12:21He's the grim reaper, but I will say Eagles only Superbowl took down Tom Brady after losing
12:30to Tom Brady second Superbowl.
12:33If we took down Patrick Mahomes after losing to Patrick Mahomes, it's setting up for something
12:38that I've seen before.
12:39So we've done it before.
12:41I don't think that it's necessarily an, I mean the war one and a half point dogs, Vegas
12:46doesn't see it as, as it's going to be a, so we can win the game.
12:53You just got to go out there and win and play your game, run the football, play good defense,
13:00see what happens at the end of the game.
13:02I've been trying to tell you, like I've seen it before.
13:04Patrick Mahomes.
13:05It's so easy to be in the Superbowl.
13:07Whenever we play them, just no touchdowns, Holdman, nine points, just dominate the playbooks
13:11out there.
13:12Do you have a preference of chiefs bills as you watch it?
13:17Cause you already, I think that like America's rooting for the Eagles.
13:22That was the, like, I think that I think both those, both the teams are really good.
13:26Like the bills and the chiefs are both really good.
13:28It's not like, and, and it's not like there's like a home away.
13:32Like I was rooting for the commanders cause I wanted to have the home conference championship
13:36or home conference championship game.
13:38Like this is, you gotta, you gotta play a good team.
13:41You gotta beat a good team.
13:43Um, I, I, there was the aspect of it would suck going against the bills just because
13:48like every person in America would be rooting against the Eagles.
13:53And one other thing, I think New Orleans will now be very heavily Eagles fans or chiefs
14:02And if it was bills, you know, it would have been Buffalo, all Buffalo.
14:07So that's one thing that I don't hate about playing the chiefs is that I think that Philly
14:12can take over that city, which is, which should in theory should work to your advantage, but
14:18it's still going against Patrick Wilhelms and Patrick Wilhelms is, you know, Patrick
14:23I mean, yesterday's bills game was just bills.
14:24Chiefs game was just like, everything just seems so easy for the chiefs and you know,
14:30they ran it well with cream hunt, uh, Xavier worthy seems to be open.
14:34Every play.
14:35I mean, I guess Kelsey didn't do too much and they did a good job containing him.
14:37But I mean, every time they needed to make a play, it seemed like they did it outside
14:43of the, you know, one kind of a somewhat fluky fumble.
14:47That's just how, that's how, you know, Patrick Holmes is like, I feel like I would be nervous
14:51obviously to go up against him because he can win low scoring games.
14:54He can win high scoring games, whatever happens.
14:56It just seems like if it's a one score game, I don't know how you could be confident with
15:01like giving Patrick Mahomes time left or him finding a way or this whole, like the
15:05game is rigged type thing.
15:07The chiefs just find a way to win.
15:09I think, sorry, I think that the, the, the recipe for the Eagles winning this game, you've
15:14got to come out early and you have to make them play from behind and just rely on the
15:20run game and just try and like every, all Eagles fans go back to that Steelers game.
15:25We were, we were up late and then they, there was 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter
15:28and the Steelers didn't get the ball back.
15:30Like if we can eat, eat clock in the fourth quarter and limit how many times Patrick Mahomes
15:37touches the ball, which we should be the best team to be able to do that.
15:41We have the best O-line.
15:42We have the best running game.
15:43If we can keep the ball out of Patrick Mahomes hand, I think that's our recipe to win.
15:47And it's not completely farfetched to think, to like see that game plan go through.
15:54That's why I like Saquon for MVP because like I can imagine a game plan where he just dominates
16:00and the, the birds win.
16:02It's hard to imagine a game where Jalen Hurts is them and they win in like a shootout because
16:07of Jalen Hurts.
16:09But I will say, I was researching props last night.
16:11The props are already out.
16:12Shout out to DraftKings for that.
16:13In the Super Bowl last time they played, same defensive coordinator for the Chiefs, Steve
16:17Jalen Hurts, 27 of 38, 304 yards, one touchdown, 15 carries, 70 yards, three touchdowns on
16:24the ground.
16:25So I mean, if he does that and they win, he will easily going to be paid.
16:30Yeah, no, I mean, I think the Chiefs defense is probably a little bit better, like the
16:33Chiefs defense has been fantastic this year.
16:36I would say that they're better, the Chiefs defense is better now than they were when
16:40we played them two years ago.
16:43But I think that our defense is way better now than it was two years ago.
16:46And I think that we're, the Eagles are just a better team now.
16:49So I think it's just, I think it's going to, it should be a really good game.
16:53I think it's two teams that are very, very high level.
16:56So we did, Coach Gruden, Dave, and I did the Shred Line last night after the win, the
17:02Chiefs win, and all the Bills fans were calling in, frustrated, obviously with the Dawson
17:07Knox drop.
17:08Josh Allen not being able to get over the hump, even though I don't put a ton of this
17:10on him.
17:12And a lot of them want Sean McDermott out.
17:14He's been obviously very successful.
17:16What do you guys think about that specifically?
17:19Is this, have we reached a point with Sean McDermott where he needs to go?
17:25I'm a hard no on that.
17:27I understand.
17:28And even with the Ohio State, like Ryan Day thing, it's like, Hey, if you can't get over
17:31the hump, do you have to bring in someone that can?
17:33I think the NFL is a different ball game.
17:35Like you can easily go from top to bottom in the NFL.
17:39You can easily go from bottom to top.
17:41The dude's a consistent winner.
17:43He hasn't taken him to the Super Bowl, but my God, there are bottom dwellers and coaches
17:47that just burn down franchises like that.
17:50And he's getting you there consistently every year to the playoffs.
17:53I would say it'd be crazy to get rid of him.
17:56I also think that this past off season, people forget that the bit, like people were going
18:01into this Bill's season being like, Oh, they're, they're rebuilding now because they got rid
18:07of so many guys last off season.
18:10And they were like, we're just going to trust Josh Allen and, and McDermott to like keep
18:15this team competitive.
18:16I like a lot of people thought that like, this wasn't going to be, this would be a fringe
18:21playoff team because they got rid of so many guys on defense.
18:26And now, and then they were right there, right there to go to the Super Bowl.
18:29I think he deserves a lot of credit for that.
18:31The end game management yesterday, I do think was bad.
18:34He has to try.
18:35He just kept trying to the court.
18:37It wasn't even a touch play.
18:38He kept trying to quarterback sneak.
18:40It wasn't working.
18:41The definition of insanity.
18:43Why was he continuing to try a play that was not working in such crucial moments of the
18:49Trust your all pro quarterback to make a play.
18:52Just trust him to make a play.
18:54Because really that, that's mostly on, on the D the offensive line.
18:57If the offensive line is not getting a push all game, why all of a sudden are they going
19:01to get that push now?
19:03I brought up this analogy last time, the shrug line, and I think it's apt about Sean McDermott.
19:06And we saw this with, I'm obviously a Bucs fan in from 1999 to 2001.
19:13The team just could not get over the hump there in the playoffs year after year.
19:17They got smoked by the Eagles a couple of times and they couldn't get over the hump.
19:21They were a good team with really good players.
19:22One of the best defense ever just couldn't get over the hump.
19:24They ended up firing Tony Dungy.
19:26They brought in John Gruden and he won the Super Bowl the very first year with them.
19:31And I was watching, I've seen so many documentaries on that team, but there was one, I forget
19:35who said it exactly.
19:37But when referencing like who gets credit for that Super Bowl, obviously John won it
19:42with a team that Tony and that staff really put together, but he revamped a lot and changed.
19:51And I think it pertains to Sean McDermott.
19:57And that is some guys can build the piano and some guys can play the piano.
20:03Referencing Tony Dungy, he could build a piano, but John Gruden could play the piano.
20:07I don't know that.
20:08That was a great analogy.
20:09That was poetic right there.
20:12I think Sean McDermott can build the piano.
20:14I'm really not sure he can play it.
20:16When you look at the game yesterday, literally a game of inches.
20:20I agree.
20:21But consistently Andy Reid is beating Sean McDermott and you're in that situation year
20:27after year.
20:28But you could say Andy Reid was that same guy.
20:31That was Andy Reid's whole thing before he started to play the piano.
20:34Like when he was in Philly, that was his problem.
20:37He kept getting there, getting there, getting there, and then not winning.
20:41So you can say that like he'll never make that switch, but we've seen it with the guy
20:49who was playing last night.
20:51And I would say what's the common denominator there of Andy Reid flips the switch and McDermott
20:55can't win?
20:56Dude, it's Patrick Mahomes.
20:58Like if at some point you need to realize the Bills are 0-4 against Patrick Mahomes
21:04since 2020 in the playoffs.
21:07That's insane.
21:08So like are you going to, and I know it's a crazy analogy, but the amount of careers
21:11that were like altered because you could just never beat Michael Jordan when he was on his
21:15run with the Bulls.
21:17I mean, what are you going to think?
21:18Like Josh Allen, are they really not able to get over the hump or are they not able
21:22to beat this best quarterback of all time perhaps?
21:26Yeah, it's interesting.
21:27Let's see if he can go for a three-peat, which would just be miserable to watch, but would
21:31be a hell of an accomplishment next week or in two weeks in New Orleans.
21:35All right, post-show, obviously a huge, or sorry, we're brought to you of course by Stella
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22:27Max, you saved a dog this weekend.
22:30Yes, I rescued a dog from paws on Friday.
22:36Great dog.
22:40It's been a little, there's a little adjustment period bringing a rescue into a house, but
22:44she's a good girl.
22:46And 1-0.
22:50If she goes 1-1, is she going back?
22:52Back to paws.
22:53No, no, no.
22:54Jesus, Jake.
22:55No, no, no.
22:56But I mean, we got, we had her in the Eagles jersey yesterday for the game, so right off
23:01the bat.
23:02We got her on Friday.
23:03We had a jersey by Saturday.
23:05What jersey was she wearing?
23:07Not the Michael Vick, I assume.
23:09It was not.
23:10It was just, it was just a generic, like, I think it was like a double zero Eagles jersey.
23:15Double zero is a bold number.
23:17Actually, I don't know.
23:18I got it.
23:19It was honestly a gift, so I didn't even see it.
23:21I'm intrigued about the name situation.
23:23If you want to get in.
23:24You took name suggestions on Twitter, right?
23:25I did.
23:26But what was the original name?
23:28Like when you adopted?
23:29So when you go, when you go to paws, they give all of the dogs names.
23:34The given me and my girlfriend have been looking for dogs for a while and like waiting
23:39for a dog that, you know, fit all of our, we want like one small enough that eventually
23:43we can travel with and go home without, you know, being able to bring it on a plane was
23:48like it was like being able to bring her on a plane was a, was a big thing.
23:52So we found one that we really liked.
23:54We went, met her, loved her, brought her home.
23:57The given name was Nola.
24:01So this was on Friday.
24:02That's what I said.
24:04This was on Friday.
24:06The given name was Nola.
24:09I had already told a couple people on PMT that the given name was Nola and the looks
24:14on their face were like, Oh my God, we have champagne all over again that you adopted
24:21a dog named Nola.
24:23You didn't pick the dog due to the name, right?
24:27Of course.
24:28I, I didn't pick the dog.
24:29My girlfriend sent me, sent me the link and she was like, I love her.
24:30And I was like, her name is Nola.
24:32And I was like, that is crazy.
24:34Like right before we're about to play to go to Nola.
24:38And I, I, I read the room.
24:40I saw PFTs face when I said Nola and he was like, he was trying, he just stayed silent
24:47and he was trying so hard not to, you know, make, make a face.
24:54And I just started to be like, all right, what about this name?
24:58What about, and then she was like, yeah, yeah.
25:00What about this name?
25:01What about this name?
25:02So we did end up changing it with the, with the fear of what would happen if the Eagles
25:08were to lose that game, it would be champagne all over again.
25:11Like I was celebrating going to, if you would have lost with a dog named Nola, you would
25:16absolutely have to change it or else like, that's like a reminder for the rest of your
25:22Like loser forever.
25:23You're a loser forever.
25:24Or a winner forever.
25:26I know.
25:27But like when you couldn't risk it, I mean, you could change a dog's name after 10 you
25:30after like two weeks.
25:32So I tried to play, I tried, I tried to play this game.
25:36And then my girlfriend, like kind of fell in love with the name, started calling her
25:40by the name.
25:41And then like, once it starts, it's like, you can't, you can't like switch it.
25:46So what is it?
25:47No, the name is Billy, which I thought about and I was like, holy, holy shit, we're going
25:51to play the bills.
25:53So now, now we're pretty clear of that, but yeah, the name, the name is Billy, Billy,
26:00the girl.
26:01So be, yeah, the I Billy with an IE at the end.
26:06She's like Billie Eilish.
26:08Billie Eilish.
26:10I can't name one Billie Eilish.
26:11Yeah, no.
26:12Um, but I will say she, I, she was a stray.
26:16She was a stray, like maybe two weeks ago when she was living on the street.
26:20They think that she's, she's two years old, bringing a dog like that into a brand new
26:26environment is tough.
26:28She is awesome.
26:29And we're around very playful, very sweet, very cute.
26:33But the second we leave the room, the howls that this girl, like she's 17 pounds, really
26:38small dog.
26:39The howls that she lets out sounds like she, like someone is, is like peeling her fingernails
26:46off and it's like, it's so sad, but you kind of have to let her do it because if you come
26:52out then she thinks that that's how whenever she does that, that, that she gets rewarded.
26:57But so you've got to like find a break.
26:59It's, it's tough where I'm watching tick tocks, reading video, reading articles, more tick
27:05tocks for sure than articles that I'm reading, but I'm trying so hard to like learn how to
27:09become, how to like, you know, take care of a dog like that because it's just like you
27:15have no idea what she came from.
27:19Well, good on you.
27:23Addition to the family.
27:24Uh, Tate, did you have one more thing you want to go over?
27:25Oh no.
27:26I was going to say, fuck you to max for stealing our defensive coordinator.
27:29Oh yeah.
27:30I, I, I, someone texted me that last night.
27:33I was so dialed on the Eagles game.
27:35I was like, oh, all right, word.
27:36Let's go.
27:37Do you think you'll get Luke fickle?
27:38I told big guys on my short list, I will say I'm not mad at Penn state at all.
27:43That's exactly what you have to do.
27:45What a power move to steal the coordinator from, you know, the team that you're chasing.
27:50With that being said, that dude is dead to me.
27:52Like yeah, it has to be.
27:55I can't believe it.
27:56No problem.
27:57His, his like fiance is DM and people, the real story is apparently there's a fight with
28:03Ryan day.
28:04Coach Gruden said he's got some inside knowledge.
28:06So it looks like it's really messy, but uh, I thought Penn state just gave, gave him a
28:10shit ton of money that he couldn't refuse.
28:13The rumor is that we matched and I haven't him and day got in a fight after Oregon and,
28:18and he was, he, he no showed our celebration, but then his, his sisters on Twitter being
28:23like, he was disinvited from the celebration.
28:27It's, it's a, it's messy.
28:28And I will say you guys come to Columbus November 1st and the narrative I'm starting, I'm gonna
28:33make a tick tock after this.
28:35You guys are national title or bust.
28:37No, you actually are that bring your whole team.
28:42The, the, the wide outs are tough.
28:44We have, we have nobody on the outside and that was the, the, our biggest problem this
28:48year is that Tyler Warren and Nick Singleton were the only ones that, and Katron Allen
28:54were the only ones that were making plays for Drew Aller and we haven't really addressed
28:59So spring portal maybe, yeah.
29:00Spring portal is basically the only option at this point to, you know, improve there.
29:07But I, I just see it being a lot of the same thing.
29:10You bring so many guys back on defense, you bring your quarterback, great offensive coordinator,
29:15defensive coordinator, coaching staff should be well set.
29:18But I, I watched, I watched too many of those wide receivers just not make a play this year
29:25and your best to want, I don't even care that they left because they were both bad.
29:29Amari Evans and I fucking, yeah, you don't have any receivers.
29:35Trey Wallace.
29:37Trey Wallace were not great.
29:38So whatever you can leave, but they just got to address that.
29:41We also have a giant week at Barcelona right now.
29:44So there's the taping something right now to air later with coach Gruden.
29:49Tate, you have a hole in one stream that's starting tonight?
29:51Double hole in one.
29:52Double hole in one.
29:53Passing the torch stream.
29:54So Jerry and I both have to make a hole in one, which apparently is, you know, like waking
29:59up in the morning these days in this office, everyone's fucking hitting hole in ones now.
30:03So we'll see how it goes.
30:05I want to try to do it.
30:06Even on easy.
30:07It'd be a sick accomplishment.
30:09Just to see it.
30:11I'm so bad.
30:12I'm so bad.
30:13Everyone's hitting hole in ones and I'm still, I'm still in the pond behind the hole.
30:17So I've golfed a very minimal amount.
30:20Like if it's like a booster club, like scramble outing with beer, like, oh yeah, I'll play
30:24in it.
30:25I don't go out and golf.
30:26I haven't used that simulator at all for fun.
30:29So it'll be interesting.
30:30Have you prepped for it?
30:31Like since you've been knowing, like I, so beef gave me one lesson and two things that
30:36were funny.
30:37One, we probably hit 10 balls and I was like, damn, this kind of fucks their hand up.
30:44So this is, this is about a week ago.
30:45I'm not complaining.
30:46You went no glove.
30:47I went, no, I went glove on the left and apparently my natural swing rubs it up against the Velcro.
30:54This was after 10 swings.
30:55I'm like bleeding.
30:56And they're like, yeah, that's bad.
30:57That's crazy.
30:58So we got an Evo shield for tonight.
31:00All right.
31:01All right.
31:02Um, and then we, uh, we're taping the case race tomorrow.
31:08Oh hell yeah.
31:09I'm excited.
31:10That's my first case race.
31:11I gotta put it on.
31:13So me and Titus can certainly drink.
31:14Titus did like 21.
31:16I've heard that.
31:17But he also was like, it was my first time jitters.
31:20Like there's, and we did it like staggered.
31:22Like he was the first person to like, some people didn't drink to like 30, 40 minutes
31:26after him.
31:27Got it.
31:28Um, I'm good for somewhere between 10 and 15.
31:30So how many do we need to drink as a team there?
31:33There's not like a defined thing.
31:35It's going to be like a, uh, a fortnight where there's like a cutoff.
31:40So every few minutes.
31:41There's going to be, there's going to be points where we're going to need a good pace,
31:44but then we're going to need to hammer a couple.
31:46Oh my God.
31:47We're going to be, are the teams out?
31:48Like, is it teams are out?
31:49So we have some horses.
31:52I just love the, like Nick Mangold is playing who is the minus 500 favorite to drink the
32:00most beers.
32:01If you were to picture in your brain, a guy who can drink beers, literally like there's
32:07no one more that you could think of other than Nick Mangold.
32:11And he's also hammer beers.
32:15I just love the idea that like, everyone has their like niche here.
32:18Like, Oh, you know, the bucks are playing chail, be front and center.
32:21Oh, when we're drinking beer, Dana beers just flies in.
32:25I mean, he's the best, but he just like, Oh, case race, get beers to Chicago.
32:30I mean, it's literally his name.
32:35It's a, it's going to be a fun time.
32:36Wednesday is going to be just, yeah.
32:38And then we, are you doing the Wednesday morning?
32:44I'm sleeping here Tuesday night.
32:45So Wednesday morning, we have a, we have a volunteer event at pause.
32:49So it's, we're going to be, I am a tentative yes to be, I'm going to be a game game golf
32:55after last time he did the case race, he had to take the next 30 start Wednesday morning.
33:02Keep it down though.
33:03Apparently we will be hitting double hole in ones while you guys are, there could be some
33:08The case here is going to air on Friday.
33:09If I believe, I'm going to ask this question on yak.
33:12I want to get this from you two guys, cause you two are very interesting people to ask
33:19How many bars do you think you eat in a year?
33:21Candy bars, protein bars, everything like full bars, full bars.
33:26I think the, the, the, the range could vary greatly.
33:31I am minimal.
33:32Like, I, I am a big, like, I don't eat candy bars because I'm like, Oh, I can't.
33:38I can't eat a candy bar, but I'll eat 12 of the mini clarifying question.
33:42If like during the holidays you get like mini KitKats or mini Reese's, like is that a bar?
33:48No, I think a bar, I think like if you had a two pack of Reese's, I would count that
33:53as a bar.
33:54It's not technically a bar, but like it's a candy, any protein bar, um, cliff bar, mini
34:01KitKat granola bar.
34:04I would go ahead, Max.
34:07I'm, I'm saying 25 at most, like, and that I, because I don't eat full size candy bars
34:18for whatever reason, because I think that I'm being too fat by eating them.
34:21And then I'll, you know, I've already said it.
34:23And then like, I'm not a huge granola bar guy.
34:25I'd rather, I'm more of like, I don't have any of that in my house.
34:29Some, we have some of it here, but I would rather just like go to the fridge and like
34:33eat some leftover chicken than I would eat a protein bar.
34:37My answer would be, I would say if you're, if you're talking full size bars, granola,
34:41candy, whatever, I'd say like 35.
34:43But if you included like fun size, I'm like 335.
34:47Fun size changes everything.
34:48There's no rules of just like, just like the little Reese's, like either one cup or fun
34:53size, like you might get three Musketeers, Twix, whatever it may be, 300 of those.
34:58I think if we're going and like, it's kind of cheating because like I'm including like
35:03a candy and it's like a bag of Skittles I'm counting as a bar.
35:06But like if, if we're, if we're including that, I'm probably like 180.
35:11Like I have a lot of protein bars, 180 a year, a year.
35:15There's people that a protein bar is like a common occurrence in their day.
35:19Protein bar, candy, like I'll go, yeah, I'll have, there'll be days that I eat a lot of
35:24candy, but it's not in that form, you know, it's, it's just a different form.
35:29It's a messy question.
35:30I got to clean it up.
35:31Um, okay.
35:32All right.
35:33That's been the rundown.
35:33Thank you guys.
35:34Uh, good luck to you guys.
35:36See you next week.
35:38It's nice to have like a, uh, a breather week where you can kind of relax, but they're
35:43going to have so much fun.
35:43Oh, I'm so excited.
35:45So excited.
35:46All right.
35:46Thanks for watching us.
35:46See you.
