• 2 months ago
👉 Un hombre de 87 años se defendió de un robo en su hogar, disparando y matando al intruso de un escopetazo. El incidente ocurrió durante la madrugada del miércoles en la localidad de Pablo Nogués, partido de Malvinas Argentinas. El jubilado escuchó ruidos y encontró al delincuente armado con una barreta. La situación recuerda a un caso similar ocurrido recientemente en Villa Madero.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00This is the story of an elderly person, a retired man,
00:04who ended up in the shooting and who killed,
00:08using a shotgun, a criminal who came to steal
00:12inside his house.
00:15The victim has...
00:20I mean, the victim, I mean the retired man,
00:23is 87 years old.
00:26He heard noises in the back of his house
00:30and found a criminal with a stick in his hand.
00:35He opened fire and shot him from his property.
00:39A situation similar to the one we had there in Villa Madero.
00:45The truth is that this happened in the locality of this second episode,
00:50in the locality of Pablo Noguez, in the Argentine Malvinas party,
00:54this Wednesday.
00:57And the victim was an 87-year-old man,
01:00the man who was inside his house, we reiterate,
01:04who slept inside his house, because it happened during the night
01:08in Olivos Street, 300, there in Pablo Noguez.
01:12He heard noises in his house,
01:15he opened fire against a criminal.
01:18This information is in development.
01:20Surely in a little while we will expand it.
