• 2 months ago
👉 Un hombre de 87 años en Pablo Nogués se defendió de un intento de robo disparando a un escopetazo a un individuo que había ingresado en su propiedad. Este es el tercer incidente de este tipo que ocurre en su domicilio en menos de una semana. La justicia aún no ha tomado medidas contra el jubilado, mientras que la violencia y la inseguridad continúan aumentando en la zona.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00of insecurity, violence and death, this time in Pablo Noguez,
00:04where a man is detected by the owner of a home
00:07in the back of his house with an iron in his hand.
00:10This 87-year-old retiree takes his rifle
00:16and ends up shooting him.
00:19A new case of self-defense.
00:24Well, apparently, yes,
00:26justice has not had any temperament with this man
00:30who has apparently defended himself
00:33from an attempt to rob with this iron
00:36that you are seeing on the screen.
00:38But quickly, let's go to the mobile phone
00:40with Marcelo Padovani, who is in the place.
00:44Well, I'll tell you, Pablo, how are you?
00:46Good afternoon. Yes, it is confirmed.
00:47It was an attempt to rob. This is so, huh?
00:50This is so, it was an attempt to rob.
00:52They enter, more or less, and I say they enter,
00:55no, sorry, it enters, because it was one alone.
00:58We are in what is the background, Pablito,
01:00the background of the property that is here,
01:03two houses ahead on the avenue.
01:05But where the bricks are, more or less,
01:08the property would end.
01:10And a person entered there who is investigating who he is.
01:14Why do I say this? Because apparently it was a person
01:16who lived here in the neighborhood in a street situation.
01:19But this is being investigated by the people of the DDI,
01:22who was here from very early, because this,
01:24let's remember, it was today.
01:26Today Wednesday at dawn.
01:27The retired, we could talk to the son,
01:30now we are going to listen to him, surely,
01:32but I'll tell you in advance.
01:34The son says that they had tried to rob him
01:36three times in five days.
01:37And it doesn't surprise me.
01:38The man, 87 years old.
01:41Sure, well, he is 86 years old,
01:44he has a place with tools behind,
01:47and every day he got up, he was missing something.
01:50He was missing something, he was missing something on day one,
01:52he was missing something on day two,
01:53he was missing something on day three.
01:55On day four, which would be today,
01:58on day four, which would be today,
01:59he hears noise, gets up, goes out with the carabiner,
02:03and the thief apparently wanted to attack him
02:06with what he is showing.
02:07An iron, yes.
02:08An iron, of course, well.
02:11With a stick, right?
02:12With a stick.
02:13A stick, he wants to attack him.
02:14Criminals usually use it to scratch.
02:18Of course, to break, to open doors and windows.
02:22And cars too.
02:24But, well, what happened is that apparently
02:27the criminal attacks him, he shoots the retiree.
02:3187 years old.
02:32You know that the colleagues here saw him
02:35the morning he went to the police station
02:37and returned home.
02:39He is at home, assisted by one of his children.
02:42Well, he is an 87-year-old person
02:45without much physical strength, that is,
02:47well, the criminal is shot
02:49and he shoots with the carabiner.
02:51Of course.
02:51He took the precaution of going armed, right?
02:53When he heard the noise.
02:55Well, unfortunately we have to talk
02:57about a death again.
02:58Of course.
02:59And yes, let's see.
02:59Pablito, a death again.
03:01I'm not surprised, Marcelo,
03:02what you're telling me.
03:03Of a person who enters this case to a home, right?
03:04Of course, I'm not surprised
03:05what you're telling me
03:06about the number of attempted robberies
03:10or robberies made
03:12in this last week to this person
03:14there in Pablo Noés,
03:16where he told us, he just told us very well,
03:18Marcelo Padovani,
03:20they would have entered at least three times
03:23if it is not the same criminal,
03:24at least someone else.
03:25But of course, this time this man got tired,
03:28which is what we are seeing, right?
03:29The fatigue of the elderly,
03:31who perhaps has a weapon in hand
03:33and then uses it.
03:34And of course this person gets
03:37into an unknown world for him,
03:40because he clearly has to endure
03:41a death, the threats of the families
03:44of some criminals.
03:46You were telling me until now,
03:47the criminal is not identified,
03:49it will be known how old he was
03:51and if he evidently lived in the neighborhood,
03:54because he was from the neighborhood, right?
03:57Yes, he is identified, he is identified.
04:00What we do not have...
04:02Yes, yes, he is identified.
04:04What no one has claimed apparently
04:07at this time,
04:08that is the information we have.
04:10That is why I say, it is assumed that it is a person,
04:12but of course, these are all preliminary issues
04:15that will have to be deepened in the next few hours.
04:17The local DEA was working here
04:19until a while ago,
04:21until a while ago the local DEA was working,
04:23providing support also to the family.
04:25No, poor man, 86, 87 years old,
04:29also having to live this situation, right?
04:31Having to, unfortunately,
04:32kill a person inside his house
04:35and well, because he has no choice.
04:37Legitimate defense, the man is free.
04:39Of course, of course.
04:39He is at home, he is free.
04:41The DA understood that he acted in legitimate defense.
04:43Obviously, he is inside your house.
04:45If he enters your house, you have the right to defend yourself.
04:48Anyway, the son told me,
04:51you tell me when we can hear him.
04:53Yes, yes, yes.
04:54Can we go to the front to see?
04:55Let's go to the front to see for a while.
04:56We listen to the very important testimony of my son Bobby,
04:58who gives us some details of what had happened.
05:01Yes, among the details that Marcelo also gives us from the place,
05:05some points of comparison, some differences.
05:07Because of course, when it comes to a victim,
05:09a person, an adult,
05:10sometimes we talk about retired, right?
05:13If you gather in that category,
05:16any elderly person,
05:18if you establish some points of comparison
05:20with the fact of the last hours in Villa Madero,
05:22that we discussed so much yesterday,
05:25the truth is that they have their big differences, right?
05:27In this case, I think he is chosen.
05:29Of course, exactly.
05:30He is chosen by his age.
05:32I think they have become a vulnerable age group
05:35to robberies, to attacks.
05:36In this case, it is very clear that they also
05:38got into his house.
05:40In the other they approached him without knowing
05:42if there was someone behind the wheel of a 4x4 truck,
05:45parking it.
05:46He was 20, he was 30, he was 80.
05:48It was not known, right?
05:49The day after yesterday, we know later,
05:51that the guy, Nicola,
05:52of whom we have discussed so much,
05:54and in a while we will talk again,
05:55is a 78-year-old person.
05:57But in that case, I don't think he was chosen
06:00for that situation.
06:01Yes, in some cases of the north zone,
06:02of some gangs that come operating there,
06:05they choose them with a previous intelligence work
06:07that, in addition to the age range,
06:09of the age, has to do with the fact that they have
06:11a low level of physical resistance.
06:14If something goes wrong,
06:15also in the case of the north zone,
06:16they choose them, they choose them
06:18because they have an important economic situation, right?
06:21They know that they live alone,
06:23that they do not have the protection of a family member
06:25who can live with them.
06:27Here it seems to me that this is the objective,
06:29someone vulnerable by age,
06:31then it is clear that they entered the house
06:34and this man found them,
06:36grabbed the shotgun that he never thought
06:38to use in his life and had to use it, Marce.
06:41And yes, yes, of course, Bobby,
06:43I had already heard other noises.
06:45Actually, I hadn't heard.
06:47Let's see, the information I have is that the son gave me,
06:49that they had stolen it,
06:50that he got up and saw that he was missing things.
06:53Well, this time,
06:54surely he woke up for some other reason,
06:57he heard the noises,
06:58he took his .22-caliber carbine and well,
07:01the shot acted,
07:02because the man had every right to act.
07:06He was not inside his house.
07:07And on top of that, he was shot.
07:08Yes, of course.
07:09Not even Marce.
07:10You can't do that, you can't.
07:12The criminal cannot enter your house.
07:14You can't do anything,
07:15but much less enter your house.
07:16It is like that case,
07:17that some compare it, Marce,
07:18also with the very remembered case of Quilmes,
07:20where there was some behavior that was also the reason
07:23for a lot of debate,
07:24especially in the media and among lawyers,
07:26because Mr. de Quilmes,
07:28who had been robbed and beaten so much,
07:30also entering his house several times,
07:31he made a maneuver to go out
07:33and run the criminal down the street.
07:35In this case, no.
07:36It is clear that there is no controversy here.
07:38Regarding this, the man was in his house,
07:40they came in to rob him and he defended himself.
07:42Marce, let's see,
07:43we are looking at the front, right?
07:45Of this house,
07:46and we see that it has a perimeter of barbed wire.
07:49Where would the criminal who ends up dead have entered?
07:52No, from behind.
07:53From behind.
07:54Ah, from the back.
07:56And from behind, from behind.
07:57And in the background,
07:58it is where ...
07:59On the side that we showed.
08:00In the background, it is where it has ...
08:01Yes, sorry, there is a delay, guys, sorry.
08:03Yes, sorry.
08:04In the background,
08:05it is where the shed has tools
08:06that were missing day after day.
08:11Yes, yes, yes.
08:12It would be in the back of the home.
08:14Let's see, exactly,
08:15we do not have ...
08:16Let's see, it is not confirmed,
08:18the police do not confirm where he entered.
08:20He could have entered through the side street
08:22that we showed,
08:23or directly through the background,
08:24somewhere else.
08:25But there are not many more options.
08:27It must have been here or behind.
08:29Sure, sure.
08:30And ...
08:32what they told us
08:33is that the man was very upset.
08:35That is to say,
08:36as he was ...
08:37this ...
08:38coming to terms
08:39about what had happened to him.
08:41Well, because of course,
08:42in the first place,
08:43I do not know,
08:44he would not have realized
08:45what had happened,
08:46but later,
08:47with the running of the hours,
08:48and he was kind of in a crisis.
08:49Of course, yes, yes,
08:50we see it.
08:52a nervous crisis.
08:53Of course,
08:54we have some image.
08:55It is not for less.
08:56Fito is here with us.
08:59Here he is bringing us
09:00some material
09:01that we are also
09:02being able to observe.
09:03For example,
09:04the images that are
09:05of this carabiner 22
09:06with which this grandfather
09:08defends himself.
09:09We have images.
09:10Now we are going to analyze
09:11whether we put it or not,
09:12because also behind all this
09:14another situation appears,
09:16which is ...
09:17how life continues
09:18regarding this.
09:20how are you different
09:21from yesterday's case,
09:22but bleeding again, right?
09:24but totally different, Pablo.
09:25We are here talking
09:26about a man,
09:27also older,
09:28but in his house
09:29with someone
09:30who gets in
09:31and slaps him.
09:33There is the picture
09:34of the slaps
09:35with whom they want
09:36to enter his house.
09:38it must be one
09:39of the biggest scares
09:40that can take you
09:41to be in your house
09:42and that someone
09:43wants to enter you.
09:44Because there is already
09:45the impunity.
09:46He was already inside.
09:47Yes, well,
09:48but when they already
09:49want to enter you
09:50and when they are inside,
09:51it must be one of the
09:52biggest scares
09:53that can hit you.
09:55Because you go
09:56on the street
09:57and you go
10:00out there with
10:01a dark,
10:02dangerous light,
10:03but in your house
10:04you are relaxed.
10:05You go from 0 to 100.
10:07and further,
10:09in this that you are
10:10analyzing very well
10:11and comparing it
10:12inevitably with
10:13the case of yesterday
10:14in Villa Madero,
10:15of course,
10:16this man himself,
10:17for example,
10:18in the truck,
10:19was armed
10:20and obviously
10:21in his usual maneuver
10:22was to get out
10:23of the truck
10:24with the gun in his hand.
10:25That is why he is
10:26in that situation
10:27when the criminal
10:28breaks in.
10:29This is different.
10:30He got up
10:31to go to the bathroom
10:32and he found him
10:33inside his house
10:34with a stick
10:35in his hand,
10:37So it is very different
10:38what we discussed
10:39so much yesterday.
10:41and I also want to
10:43for justice,
10:44until now,
10:45in both cases,
10:46his legitimate defense
10:47did not adopt
10:48any temperament
10:49except for freedom,
10:50of course,
10:51of these two subjects.
10:52Older people,
10:54I want to go back
10:55to you.
10:56We are with
10:57Leonardo Sigal.
10:58Thank you for coming.
11:00we have a lot
11:01to talk about today.
11:02We have a lot
11:03to talk about.
11:05how are you?
11:06Good, good,
11:07thank you.
11:08Thank you,
11:09thank you for coming.
11:10We are going to talk
11:11about everyone
11:12and we are going
11:13to ask a lot.
11:15you were able
11:16to make a note
11:17with the son
11:18of this man
11:19who was
11:20reminding you
11:21and telling you
11:22that he was already
11:24different robberies.
11:25Can we hear it?
11:26Let's hear it.
11:28let's hear it.
11:29Let's hear it.
11:30Let's hear it.
11:31Let's hear it.
11:32Let's hear it.
11:33Let's hear it.
11:34Let's hear it.
11:35Let's hear it.
11:36Let's hear it.
11:37Let's hear it.
11:38Let's hear it.
11:39Let's hear it.
11:40Let's hear it.
11:41Let's hear it.
11:42Let's hear it.
11:43Let's hear it.
11:44Let's hear it.
11:45Let's hear it.
11:46Let's hear it.
11:47Let's hear it.
11:48Let's hear it.
11:49Let's hear it.
11:50Let's hear it.
11:51Let's hear it.
11:52Let's hear it.
11:53Let's hear it.
11:54Let's hear it.
11:55Let's hear it.
11:56Let's hear it.
11:57Let's hear it.
12:20Can we hear it?
12:21Let's hear it.
12:22And now he is becoming aware of what happened, but he was very nervous, he was under a lot of pressure, he was very worried.
12:33Do you think they took advantage of the opportunity? I don't know if you are the one who lives with him?
12:38No, my brother, the youngest.
12:39He is the one who left early and that's why...
12:42He left at 4 or 4.30 in the morning, he saw that he had to leave, and he made the decision to come in and rob him.
12:50It is said that it could have been a glass cleaner, I mean, here taking turns on the avenue...
12:54I don't know, I have no idea, I have no idea, I really have no idea.
12:58But the movement on the avenue, I mean, people usually pass all the time, let's say, not from the neighborhood.
13:02No, apparently I don't know him.
13:04Ruben, sorry, they robbed him three times, you said, and what?
13:07It was the third time in less than a week.
13:09And in the other opportunities, what had he done?
13:11He had not realized, he had not crossed paths with the thieves.
13:14No, no, no, yes, he knew because he was going to the back and he was missing the element that they had stolen from him.
13:21He was a welder and he had a lot of...
13:23He is retired, retired.
13:25When he was young, he was no longer dedicated to any kind of work.
13:32Are they going to leave the house? Are they going to stay?
13:34No, no, no, no, they stay, they stay, we have no other possibility.
13:37There is the police around here, right? Do they have psychological support or something?
13:41Not for now, not for now, but I guess...
13:44Sorry, the last one, is the police going to come here to take a statement?
13:48Apparently yes, apparently yes.
13:50Well, thank you.
13:52Marcelo, we see at this moment a symbol of crime, which is this tool that has a hook, a pick,
14:00and it also has, look at the other end, which is for what is used to open the express doors and the windows.
14:08What strikes me, Marce, is that there the son was telling you, he was telling you, one of the two sons,
14:15that even this 87-year-old man came to tell him, don't attack me, pointing it out,
14:21but he came to tell him, don't attack me, and yet, with the iron, he swung it.
14:26This is what we just heard, I understand.
14:28And well, there is the reaction.
14:30Of course.
14:31Of course, of course, there is the reaction.
14:33There is no other.
14:34Well, that's what the justice understood, the DOC will surely know more than we do,
14:38but the man is free and apparently as it should be.
14:42He defended himself inside his house, nothing more and nothing less.
14:46Of course, Fito, there is nothing to question, at least from the justice, but yes, regarding how we are living.
14:52Regarding the decision of the justice and the legal qualification, this is a clear example of legitimate defense.
14:59If you can't be calm in your house, where are you going to be calm?
15:05With an attenuant or more, the age of this 87-year-old man changes your life,
15:12because taking someone's life is not that it does not bring psychological consequences for this man,
15:19that all he wanted was to live in peace.
15:22This is what when we talk about insecurity,
15:26no matter how much the criminal is dead and this man, thank God, is alive,
15:31he also has to go through another victimization.
15:34Of course.
15:35For a second one, which is to live with the violent event that had to happen.
15:40How do you feel, Leonardo, after this?
15:42No, the saddest thing is that, unfortunately, as always, I hope not,
15:47the criminals hold on to the victim and take revenge every time this happens.
15:54There are hundreds of cases that have had to move from property after an event like this,
15:59as if they were to blame.
16:01And the second analysis that I give you is that he was very lucky,
16:04because the truth is that this is a Maeli, a Maeli 22 carabiner,
16:08it does not have much impact and he was lucky enough to be able to reduce the criminal.
16:13In other words, he could have missed the shot.
16:15No, it's more, he doesn't stop you, because if he had hit him in the belly with that,
16:19the criminal is still standing and he leaves and continues for another hour and a half
16:23until the bullet starts to run through him.
16:25So he was also lucky to defend himself with that and that it went well for him.
16:29Notice that I was just asking one of the colleagues, with a lot of criteria,
16:33to the son if they were going to go somewhere else.
16:36Because of this, we already inferred, we naturalized the risk, the fear,
16:40how life changes you, the impact that this has from now on.
16:43And the son kind of opened his arms and said, where am I going to take him?
16:47He said, let's go, because it's not a family of resources that you say you have to move.
16:52Look, I'll tell you briefly, once I'm doing a procedure,
16:55comrade, comrade Jiménez, in a place and I have a chat with someone,
16:59you know, you get in a good mood, chat, chat.
17:01After a while of chatting and having a certain degree of proximity,
17:05of empathy, of trust, the man says to me, you are a journalist, right?
17:08I say, yes. He says, do you know who I am?
17:10I say, the truth is, no, I have no idea.
17:13He was the one who had to defend himself from a robbery and killed a criminal
17:18well known for the visibility that this had for the first time on television
17:22and in the coverage of the media, Zopapita Merlin.
17:25Ah, I remember.
17:26It was a case of the first ones.
17:28Of the Gardelite.
17:29Yes, go to Villa del Mercado, that area, Villa Pineral.
17:34Well, this man, we tell people, had to defend himself from a robbery,
17:38he was a greengrocer, defending himself, he kills him.
17:41And he told me everything, the pilgrim, he had to leave the neighborhood,
17:44he had no resources, he had to change, move the whole family,
17:47reinvent himself in life, close the greengrocery.
17:50For some time, until he could get a job somewhere else,
17:53which is in the area where I once met him, he is no longer there either.
17:57He had a really bad time, he died of hunger,
18:00because he did not have, he came from being a neighborhood greengrocer,
18:03from a neighborhood, from a very needed place.
18:05And he had to change everything.
18:07And this happens to him that sometimes we do not know him.
18:09What happens to the victim later?
18:11You made me remember, now even with the comment that I made before.
18:14And the case yesterday, last night, as we commented,
18:18the case of Tano Nicola,
18:20Tano Nicola's family was threatened last night.
18:23We are with Ximena Rijel, how are you?
18:26Look, I also stayed thinking about what happens later, right?
18:31In this, that the victim also has to be afraid
18:34and no longer has the security that, let's say,
18:37he did not have security before the case, nor now.
18:40Because you really have to think that this person
18:42really cannot go home.
18:44He is an 87-year-old person, no matter how much you ...
18:47And well, but I don't know, you have to look for him.
18:49What I would do as a son, look for a place to rent,
18:51I don't know, in another neighborhood.
18:53Really, that person has to ...
18:55Let's see, let's see.
18:57Close it to Marcelo.
19:00Ximena, the state, when you are a collaborator
19:05and you regret it and collaborate with justice,
19:09the state takes care of giving you a new identity,
19:12many times, of renting you something, of moving.
19:16It would have to be of the same application
19:19for people who suffer some kind of violent act in their home.
19:25Because in the street, you don't know where you live, yes, no.
19:29But those who suffer in their home,
19:31this would have to be a legislative modification.
19:33Because the one who participated in a crime and regrets it,
19:36the state helps him.
19:38Today it does not help.
19:40Today it does not help.
19:42Jorge Alarcón, thank you for coming.
19:44You also participate in this debate on a hot day of insecurity
19:47also in the Buenos Aires suburb.
19:49Good afternoon. On a hot day?
19:51Every day is hot in the country.
19:53Today the war is not security forces versus criminals.
19:57Today it is the neighbors versus the criminals.
19:59That's why I'm not going to get tired of saying
20:01that the legislators are in a daze.
20:03They are really in a daze.
20:05If you read the news, you are in a daze.
20:07And they don't regulate the laws that repress these criminals.
20:10They look the other way.
20:12They look the other way.
20:14That's why I'm always going to repeat it,
20:16and I'm not going to get tired of repeating it,
20:18before a citizen or a police officer dies,
20:20I prefer the criminal in the cemetery.
20:22I agree with what Fito just said
20:24about the indifference that victims have
20:26when, for example, they have suffered
20:28a situation like this.
20:30And you said on the street,
20:32but then when a judicial cause is set up,
20:34finally everyone knows where they live
20:36and this happens.
20:38And finally, let's say ...
20:40The protected witnesses do not know where they live either.
20:44That is, when they move you from the place,
20:46then they know where you live.
20:48But I say, look,
20:50the case that we had,
20:52where the Lepueblas themselves took the lead,
20:54which was to cover up,
20:56after a police officer killed two motorcyclists,
20:59they were threatened.
21:01Then the case of yesterday ...
21:03Excuse me, can I stop there for a minute?
21:06That, for me, is like the maximum symbol
21:08of impunity and of who has won,
21:11not only in public space, on the street,
21:13but in everyday life.
21:15You see that the police are still there,
21:18doing examinations,
21:20while the prosecutor,
21:22which I joke that he must be the prosecutor with the most work,
21:24because he is specialized in a unit of investigation of homicides,
21:27in the massacre.
21:29While all that was there,
21:31they felt compelled to go and attack,
21:33live, media that are coming out live,
21:35that broadcast live to the journalists
21:37who were only doing the coverage.
21:39That gives you a bit of the guideline
21:41of who feel like winners of space.
21:44So from there, I even see
21:46the change of life, guys,
21:48the change of life.
21:49This man, such an old man,
21:51I did not describe it there,
21:52Marcelo Padovani showed it very well.
21:54And you see that house,
21:55that once, when he arrived in the neighborhood
21:57and must have bought the lot and the land,
21:59he made a little house.
22:00Then he should not have bars,
22:01but with the passage of time,
22:02he must have added bars.
22:04Today, you see, he also added that wire,
22:06that has become ...
22:07Nobody cares,
22:08that refers to the worst of ...
22:10I do not want to make comparisons, but ...
22:13Of course, we have ...
22:14Wait, tell me one thing.
22:16And we all follow.
22:17It ends up being a ...
22:19They are devouring poor against poor.
22:21Because this man is a person
22:23who is a worker,
22:25who had a little shed,
22:27some tools,
22:28he has nothing left.
22:29The other, who ends up being the criminal,
22:31is a cleaner who is in a street situation
22:33in the area.
22:34They directly go out to steal,
22:36not even far from the neighborhood.
22:38They also attack vulnerable people.
22:40Do you know what else happens?
22:42If you look at the grids,
22:44the police station divides everything by grid.
22:46That is, each police station has
22:48X number of grids at their disposal.
22:50Do you know how many mobile phones there are per grid?
22:530, 0, 2.
22:55That is, it means that a mobile phone
22:57runs through 4 or 5 grids.
22:59A grid has 20 squares by 20 squares.
23:01So it is impossible to give up
23:04to make a prevention.
23:06And logical,
23:07the criminal who is there,
23:09he does not know,
23:10because he does not see the mobile phone pass.
23:11So why is he going to steal another neighborhood
23:13if he can steal in his neighborhood
23:14without anyone doing anything?
23:15And if the mobile phones are not seen?
23:17What I see is that people who are tired,
23:19have weapons or are being armed,
23:22and what is going to happen
23:23is that it is an increase in violence,
23:25where already directly,
23:26the guy who was going to steal you
23:27and was not going to shoot you,
23:28maybe he shoots you for doubts.
23:30Then it is a vicious circle
23:31that never ends.
23:33The problem is that what is increasing,
23:35here where we are going,
23:37was from the robber robbery
23:39to the violent robbery.
23:41You have been marking it.
23:42So we are already seeing it,
23:43I anticipated it.
23:44So now the third phase begins,
23:47where the criminals
23:51get more and more aggressive.
23:54Then the citizens
23:56have to start arming themselves,
23:58they have to start
23:59disinfecting that caravan.
24:00It was when you could still get married.
24:02Do you remember that on May 1,
24:03the months that you do not have a baby,
24:05R I say,
24:06you could go hunting.
24:07May, June, July and August.
24:10In this country.
24:11That caravan is 70 years old.
24:13The months,
24:14here you could get married
24:15the months that you do not have R.
24:17May, June, July and August.
24:20On May 1,
24:21it would open,
24:22I lived in Monte
24:23in a restaurant on the road,
24:24and on May 1
24:25the hunting season would open.
24:27Hunting deers.
24:29You lost.
24:31No, no, deers.
24:32Now we are in the situation.
24:33That caravan is from that time, Pablo.
24:35Yes, yes, yes.
24:36He was lucky that it worked.
24:37Yes, that too.
24:38And that it has, it is true,
24:39that it has little impact power.
24:41It is not that it is like the Magnum 357.
24:44It is more like a compressed air, that.
24:47Now, Tito says,
24:49Tito says,
24:50the robber robbery
24:51that increased the violent robbery.
24:52I would say it is a robber robbery,
24:54because they are also robbers.
24:55Those who come today armed,
24:57they are more and more violent.
24:59You see it,
25:00they pocket,
25:01they take out their cell phone,
25:02they steal, you know,
25:03they steal a motorcycle to keep stealing
25:05and they do not steal,
25:06for me they are still robbers,
25:07but with an increase in violence.
25:09Do you know what worries me?
25:10I am worried about the use of the weapon.
25:12It is more and more violent
25:13and every time they shoot,
25:14out of doubt they shoot
25:15and they kill you.
25:16The exhibitions on the networks,
25:17this farewell,
25:18and they take out the photo,
25:20or they take out the photo
25:21with the retired woman
25:22who is being robbed.
25:23Yes, they released it on TV.
25:24They upload it on the networks.
25:25Let's see, it's terrible
25:26because it's the culture of robbery now.
25:28So it's like,
25:29Patricia was the first exhibitor
25:30talking about that, Bobby,
25:31who made the farewell
25:32when his father was killed.
25:33I was just talking,
25:34the case I did not complete out there
25:35for those who did not know him,
25:36his father was the first
25:37who had visibility in the media,
25:38that the media went to cover
25:39and they made a whole farewell
25:40to his companions,
25:44to the shots,
25:46As it was a tribute
25:47to one of his,
25:48who left.
25:49It's been 20 years, Bobby,
25:50of this.
25:52there were no social networks,
25:53there were no social networks
25:54at the time,
25:55but today it has another,
25:56another modality.
25:57Today this is the photo
25:58of the social network,
25:59with the victim next to it,
26:00the one they just tortured,
26:01the one they just gagged,
26:02the 94-year-old lady
26:03in Vicente López,
26:04the three were released,
26:05only the oldest of the 26 was detained.
26:06Tell me, Jorge.
26:08we've been reporting this
26:09for years,
26:10as if we were football reporters,
26:11only here we are talking
26:12about crime,
26:13but years, huh?
26:14And every year we hear
26:15that politicians say,
26:16let's go out with a hard hand,
26:17let's do this,
26:18let's do that,
26:19they do nothing.
26:20The low impunity
26:21that they have been promising
26:22for 20 years
26:23was not violated.
26:24The compliment,
26:26the penalty,
26:27everything is a penalty
26:28and it is reiterated.
26:29The military education
26:30for the ninis,
26:31the issue of drugs,
26:32it was not about anything.
26:33The gendarmerie
26:34that is drinking mate
26:35in the regiment,
26:36why don't they take it out
26:37to the street?
26:38Why don't they take the gendarmerie
26:39out to the street
26:40to defend people?
26:41And it is a lie
26:42that it is poor against poor.
26:43Poor versus criminals,
26:44who are increasingly aggressive,
26:45I will repeat it,
26:46because they don't steal to eat,
26:47they steal to buy drugs,
26:48then they go drugged
26:49and do anything.
26:50Drug plus drug plus drug.
26:51And we also have to
26:52be responsible,
26:53the parents,
26:54because when our children
26:55go to the beach,
26:56as I always say,
26:57they go with alcohol,
26:58they are not going to drink chocolate,
26:59and when they go to the beach,
27:00alcohol and drugs.
27:01And when they come to their house
27:02so drugged and drunk
27:03and you tell them,
27:04baby, are you going to eat?
27:05Baby, I wash your underwear.
27:06This is a great responsibility
27:07also of the parents.
27:08How is a father going to complain
27:09about his 15-year-old son?
27:10He didn't know
27:11what his son was doing.
27:12But that's enough, gentlemen.
27:13Gendarmerie to the street
27:14and Picariello to the south.
27:15This is not planned.
27:16There is a plan
27:17and it is not planned
27:18that the street
27:19and the federal forces
27:21although yes,
27:22previous intelligence,
27:24in some way,
27:25at least to do something.
27:26I want to ask Fito
27:27and then, of course,
27:28open the game
27:29to our prestigious
27:30guest lawyers
27:31to see if,
27:32above all,
27:33if someone thinks
27:34something different.
27:35I feel that,
27:36for a while,
27:37this part
27:38has been indignating me
27:39that they choose
27:40the old men
27:41and the old women
27:42as a goal.
27:43And I think that in that,
27:44in that,
27:45in addition to the fact
27:46that there is a lack of courage,
27:47all social courage
27:48of other cultures
27:49was broken
27:50where it is the symbol
27:51of wisdom,
27:52of experience,
27:53of taking care of them,
27:54of clothing them,
27:55of containing them.
27:56I believe that,
27:57on the contrary,
27:58they are so cowardly
27:59and so HDP
28:00that they are chosen
28:01because they have
28:02a high degree
28:03of vulnerability
28:04and they have no resistance.
28:05They do not have this,
28:06if something goes wrong,
28:07opposition and physical resistance.
28:08So I say,
28:09if at some point
28:10we had a kind of
28:11social consensus,
28:14why don't we create
28:15a legal figure
28:16like the one
28:17of the femicide?
28:18Because there are women
28:19who are attacked,
28:20beaten and killed
28:21because of their condition
28:22as women.
28:23And there was a certain
28:24number of women
28:25who were killed
28:26because of their condition.
28:27Why can't we also
28:28generate a social consensus
28:29and say,
28:31wouldn't there be
28:32a specific figure
28:33in the sense
28:34that there has to be
28:35an aggravating factor
28:36and if someone chooses
28:37a person,
28:3987 years old,
28:40he doesn't go out
28:41to bother anyone
28:42in his house,
28:43maybe the only thing
28:44he goes out to do
28:45is to charge
28:46his retirement,
28:47to buy
28:48the bread
28:49for every day.
28:51isn't there a figure
28:53why don't we
28:54create a legal figure
28:55and say,
28:56I'm the one
28:57who took the law
28:58into my own hands,
28:59not the judges.
29:00Tell him
29:01I don't want justiciers,
29:02you know?
29:03How much do you
29:04fulfill the penal code now?
29:05100 years?
29:06The same penal code?
29:07At least,
29:08tell him
29:09that I want to ask
29:11because in the
29:12middle of the grove
29:13Fito has the question.
29:15I looked for you,
29:16your sweetheart
29:17was born
29:18in 1986,
29:19it was in 1996
29:20that I say,
29:21she was 30 years old.
29:22That's what I saw.
29:23This is the same thing.
29:24We don't even know who Pita Merlo is.
29:26Mostaza Merlo.
29:27Mostaza Merlo's son.
29:28Now, going back to this topic.
29:30First of all, I'm going to answer to the low of imputability, because I always say the
29:35same thing.
29:38You because you're 16, 14 or less than 14, you're not going to stop killing, you're not
29:44going to stop stealing because of your age, because you're a thief because of a mental
29:51You had to be a thief.
29:53With which, and in that I always go to what UNICEF says, first, that the low of imputability
30:00does not solve anything.
30:01I'm not saying it, UNICEF said it.
30:04Second topic that I'm going to tell you.
30:06Just as I told you that 85% of homicides are between neighbors or between relatives,
30:12that only this fact is 15%, which is what we can prevent.
30:16Then, if two brothers grab each other to kill each other inside the house, the police,
30:20little can be done.
30:21This can prevent it.
30:22Much more.
30:23I also have to tell you that minors participate only 2% of the crimes that are committed.
30:30So, in addition to not going down, that 2%, let's focus on 98%.
30:38About the oldest, I agree with you, as long as you know that you are an older person.
30:43No, if I go in to steal, and there was an older person, it would be treating the unequal
30:48as unfair.
30:49Or the one from yesterday who stole a truck, and in reality his goal is the truck, and
30:52he doesn't know who is the driver.
30:53No, not the man.
30:54But I'm going to tell you that this is not new, because I always say, there was a community,
30:59and there is a community in the urban area, that does not have this modality, that you know
31:04that goes out to steal from the elderly, the tortured, has come to tear off their teeth
31:09and nails to get the money from the grandparents.
31:13To get information.
31:14To get that information.
31:15Give me the money.
31:16There is a community that has many prisoners for this type of homicide.
31:26When there is a tortured grandfather, the police, criminal intelligence, points to a
31:33To a community.
31:34One of the communities that operate on them.
31:36I understand.
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