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(Adnkronos) - “Con la scorsa legge di Bilancio abbiamo istituito un fondo a mia prima firma come primo e importante passo, grazie a uno stanziamento di oltre 4 milioni di euro, per riconoscere l'obesità come patologia cronica. Chiaramente, deve essere un processo culturale che vede in prima persona i medici di base, le Regioni, il Servizio sanitario nazionale protagonisti di questo percorso che deve portare la nostra società ad essere sempre più in salute”. Lo ha detto all’Adnkronos Salute Stefano Benigni (FI), membro della XII Commissione Affari sociali della Camera dei deputati,  durante la presentazione –  a Roma -  della campagna di sensibilizzazione “Perdere peso non dipende solo da te. Il tuo corpo può fare resistenza”. L’iniziativa è promossa dall’azienda farmaceutica Lilly Italia ed è realizzata con il patrocinio dell’associazione pazienti Amici Obesi Onlus.


00:00With the last law of balance we established a fund to my first signature, which in fact is a small first but important step, thanks to an investment of over 4 million euros to recognize obesity as a chronic pathology.
00:21Obesity clearly has to be a cultural process that sees in the first person the basic doctors, the regions, the national health service, being protagonists of this path that must bring our society to be a healthier society.
00:41Unfortunately, we know that obesity is a pathology that has a strong impact on the cost of the national health service. There are over 14 billion euros of costs, over 120 related pathologies, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes, orthopedic problems, which obviously somehow impact our health system.
01:06It is also necessary to set up educational and informative systems, because there are more and more young people who are unfortunately affected by this disease, and clearly there must be a school path that helps to know what are the correct lifestyles and the correct nutrition styles,
01:28together with the right sports activity, in order to have a society that is healthier and therefore has a state that has less costs and a less serious impact on the treatment of this pathology.
01:43A path has begun with the last balance sheet law, and it is certainly an important first step. After that, we are among the first in Europe to have submitted as a personal commitment of mine, of the Honorable Lopella, of the Group of Forza Italia, a proposal of law dedicated to obesity.
02:04It is clear that there must also be an effort from the government, to which we are asking to include obesity within ILEA and, of course, from the regions, from the basic doctors, in order to integrate obesity, not as something individual, but as a recognition of a collective pathology that must interest the entire national health system.
