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(Adnkronos) - “L’obesità non è una scleta ma una malattia. Una malattia  che non dipende dalla responsabilità delle persone ma è legata a una modificazione patologica dei meccanismi che nel nostro organismo regolano la fame e la sazietà. Si tratta di meccanismi neurologici in gran parte localizzati nel cervello, ma che rispondono anche a segnali che arrivano dal tessuto adiposo e dall'intestino. A questi meccanismi si associano anche fattori genetici, endocrini e ambientali”. Lo ha detto Rocco Barazzoni, presidente della Società italiana di obesità (Sio)  e professore associato di Medicina interna, Dipartimento di Scienze mediche, università degli Studi di Trieste, intervenendo alla conferenza stampa per il lancio della campagna 'Perdere peso non dipende solo da te. Il tuo corpo può fare resistenza', promossa  a Roma da Eli Lilly Italia e realizzata con il patrocinio dell’associazione pazienti Amici Obesi Onlus.


00:00Obesity is a disease simply because it does not depend on the will or responsibility of the people, it depends, in addition to a genetic predisposition, on the alteration, on the loss of capacity of the mechanisms that regulate hunger and satiety to function regularly, to function physiologically.
00:23So people affected by obesity actually lose the possibility of controlling the caloric intake. For this reason, it is not a responsibility or a fault, but a real pathology.
00:34Obesity is a disease that has now reached epidemic proportions, not since today, in fact, for a long time. It is estimated that about 10%, we are now surpassing it of people with obesity in Italy, there are more than 10% of the population, therefore more than 6 million.
00:51Attention because it is also necessary to evaluate the overweight, which, if the fat is distributed especially at the abdominal level, is a risk factor for health, at least as important as obesity.
01:02So with this fraction of the population we get quite close, now we even exceed it, to 50% of the adult population.
01:12So overweight and obesity, let's say, represent almost half of the population. There is certainly an impact in calculating all the complications of obesity, because obesity is a systemic disease, a chronic, progressive disease, which tends to develop very serious complications, cardiovascular, respiratory, pulmonary, renal.
01:34Also many tumors, in addition to disabilities associated with obesity and various types of joint diseases. Here is that obesity, in this vision, represents probably the main challenge for health, for the Italian health system and also globally.
01:51There are many, many systemic and important pathologies. I would say that all the organs and apparatus of the body are affected by obesity. We were talking about cardiovascular disease, heart attack, heart failure, lictus, respiratory diseases, respiratory failure, renal diseases, dialysis, various types of tumors, also gastrointestinal, endocrine, those of the female mammary gland.
02:17There are many pathologies and many of these are also very serious and tend to worsen over time. Let's say that it is therefore important to deal with obesity as a disease. There is no time to be alarmed or not to be alarmed. The disease exists, it is a risk factor for many diseases.
02:36It is necessary to prevent complications and treat obesity when it manifests itself. Excessive weight must be faced as soon as there is awareness that this becomes a problem.
