• 2 months ago
En un acto de honestidad que ha conmovido a las redes sociales, un joven en Bariloche eligió sus productos en una dietética sin personal, pagó el monto exacto y se fue. La historia, capturada por las cámaras de seguridad del local, se volvió viral y ha generado un aluvión de mensajes positivos hacia el joven y la dueña del local.


00:00And the good news of the day takes us to Bariloche.
00:03Because look at what happened there in a store,
00:06in a store in this city,
00:10where a young man wanted to buy something dietetic.
00:14Of course, there was no one in the counter,
00:16he realized that there was no one,
00:17but he needed that purchase to have a snack.
00:19Well, he chose the items,
00:22he noticed how much they cost,
00:24and he left, weight by weight, the money on that counter.
00:29And so he left.
00:30And of course, this image on social media went viral,
00:35because, well, unfortunately it draws attention.
00:38It is news that someone does things so well.
00:41He is the most honest client in the world
00:43and he is with Karla Chiaradini.
00:45Hello Karla, good morning.
00:48Hello Lu, and yes, I have the pleasure of meeting him
00:51and being able to share this morning a little while with him,
00:53with Maxi, who we were just about to meet
00:56in what is the business, in this dietetics,
00:59where, as you said yesterday,
01:01he came in, saw that there was no one,
01:04made the accounts.
01:05The truth is that, well, you have it the same,
01:09Lu listens to you, we have Maxi connected too,
01:12in case you want to consult something with him,
01:13because it really is something very nice to highlight, right?
01:16Exactly. Hello Maxi, good morning.
01:18First of all, congratulations.
01:19Hello Maxi, all good.
01:22Hello, how are you? Good morning, thank you very much.
01:24Good morning.
01:25Well, how was the episode?
01:26How did you come up with that kind of, let's say,
01:28self-service, but leaving the money?
01:34Look, the reality was that I came in
01:35and I didn't know the place was closed.
01:39When you came in, the door was open, everything was open.
01:41So, of course, the door was open,
01:44but I thought there was someone in the bathroom,
01:47I don't know, they were attending,
01:48but they weren't in the showroom.
01:50And nothing, I waited a while for them to attend me,
01:52as I saw that they weren't attending me,
01:54I saw how much it was coming out, I took a piece of paper,
01:56a note, I wrote down what was coming out,
01:57what I took, and I left the money.
02:01Do you know why it was closed or why there was no one?
02:04Did the owner tell you more?
02:06Yes, they told me that actually the girl was on break
02:09and had left and had forgotten to lock the door.
02:12In fact, she, the girl, saw that the silent alarm went off
02:16and they thought I was going to steal everything.
02:18And they saw through the cameras that I was not stealing anything,
02:22in fact, I was leaving the money of what I was going to take.
02:24And well, that was what moved them a lot
02:26and that's why they uploaded the video.
02:27Did they contact you right away to thank you?
02:30Tell me, what did they tell you?
02:31They contacted me, a friend who is a friend of theirs
02:34recognized me because they uploaded the reel to Instagram
02:37and they contacted me and obviously thanked me.
02:41And well, nothing, we talked and everything that everyone already knows happened.
02:45You went viral.
02:46I went viral, I went viral for being honest.
02:48Maxi, what did that do?
02:50Yes, obviously, it's a great act.
02:53Listen to me, what do they tell you at home?
02:54What did your friends tell you?
02:56What did your family tell you?
03:00The mother is back here first of all.
03:02Ah, how great.
03:03That mother educated a thief.
03:08No, because you have to raise, you have to raise, it's not that easy.
03:14As it is, as it is.
03:15Yes, the truth is that I received a lot of love, a lot of affection
03:18from many people, from my family, from my friends,
03:21from people I don't know, people from Spain, from missions.
03:24From all over the world.
03:26So well, the truth is that it does me a lot of good.
03:28How good.
03:29I feel that I have generated, you know, like that ...
03:32That good ...
03:34That round of good energy, right?
03:35Like the nuts you were buying, which are good energy.
03:41As it is, yes, I feel that a feeling of hope and faith
03:47in humanity and in love, which is beautiful.
03:49Yes, as it is.
03:50May it be viral, being honest, please.
03:52As it is.
03:53Yes, it is that, well, one of my values is, don't do to others
03:57what you don't want for yourself, let's say.
03:59So, well, based on that, it was like, from where I made the decision.
04:03Well, good, good.
04:04Having that internal maxim always helps.
04:07Not everyone achieves it, but it always helps.
04:10Maxi, and you were there on vacation.
04:14And how was it that you were there in Bari, in Bariloche?
04:18I live here in Bariloche.
04:20You live.
04:21Although I was born in the city of La Plata, I live in Bariloche.
04:24Yes, about 12, 13 years ago my family came to live here.
04:27So I'm from here, from Bari, let's say.
04:30I was just going to a friend's, I'm a dancer,
04:33and we were about to do a rehearsal.
04:36And well, the dietitian is down here in her house.
04:39So, well, I don't know about you.
04:41You needed that energy.
04:42Yes, I am a dietitian.
04:43Good, good.
04:44As is, as is.
04:45I said, I need the nuts to dance.
04:48Obviously, of course.
04:49You have to be well nourished.
04:50Maxi, and what are you rehearsing?
04:52Because maybe, you saw this, you don't know.
04:55You don't know what this situation that exposed you now
04:58can trigger.
05:00As, well, as someone public these days, at least, right?
05:07We were rehearsing for an event that I am a producer
05:10of an event for the LGTB community called ICONIC
05:13here in Bariloche.
05:15And we were rehearsing dance numbers
05:17that we do in that event, which is like a show,
05:19like a variety show, where there is drag queens,
05:22dance, singing, opera, and other community issues.
05:26Good, good.
05:27And then, well, now tell us where you are going to be.
05:29Let's take advantage.
05:32Of course.
05:33No, the event already happened, actually.
05:35Because this dietitian thing was not two or three days ago.
05:38It was a little while ago, actually.
05:40Ah, all right.
05:41And how was the event?
05:42Was it good?
05:43Did it go well?
05:46It went really well.
05:47The truth is, it went really well.
05:48It was already the third edition that we did
05:50and it was beautiful like all the others.
05:54Well, Carlita, you wanted to ask something.
05:58No, tell me a little bit about the messages.
06:02What was the one that moved you the most, right?
06:04Of all these.
06:05I feel that what moved me the most
06:07was obviously the moment I read what the owner of the place put.
06:10Because she thought that, you know,
06:12when she saw me through the cameras,
06:13she put something like,
06:14I felt that our dream was going overboard, you know?
06:16Like, this must be her dream, to build this place.
06:20By the way, I say that it is in the El Condor neighborhood, Mariloche.
06:24Of course, of course.
06:25And nothing, she, like in the cameras,
06:28when she saw that I was not stealing everything
06:31and that I was paying for what I was taking,
06:33she got very excited.
06:35And in her comment it was very emotional.
06:37And when I read it on Instagram, I was going to cry.
06:40It was like, ah, I can't.
06:42I mean, for me it was a simple action, let's say,
06:45which is what I am.
06:46I didn't see it as anything transcendental, let's say.
06:49But hey, it looks like it impacted.
06:51Of course, of course.
06:53Look if it will have impacted that it went viral, right?
06:56Because, well, in these times that run.
06:58Yes, as it is.
06:59We have to talk about that this is good news.
07:03Unlike what we usually say.
07:05What did your mom tell you?
07:06We have it back there.
07:07Yes, let's see.
07:08What did she tell you?
07:09Mom doesn't want to say anything, I imagine.
07:11Mom is over there, she is divine, but she doesn't want to go out.
07:16No, it's okay.
07:17We're not going to pressure her.
07:19But hey, it's okay.
07:20It's okay, it's okay.
07:21What did she tell you?
07:22No, Mom is very proud.
07:23She loves me and knows how I am too
07:26and what she has taught me.
07:28And well, she tells me nothing is a coincidence.
07:30She told me to give this to you.
07:32Look, look how nice.
07:33So yes.
07:34How great.
07:35Well, Maxi, thank you very much.
07:39No, you're welcome.
07:40Thanks to you.
07:42Do you want to send a message to the people?
07:44I would like to tell people to have faith and trust in humanity
07:49and that we send a lot of love to those who need it.
07:52To the people who are going through health situations,
07:57love to our rulers, love to everyone.
08:01Well, we'll leave you with that message.
08:03Thank you, Maxi.
08:04You're welcome.
08:05A healthy person, right?
08:07Thank you very much.
08:08Yes, exactly.
08:09Healthy body and mind.
08:11It's the most difficult thing these days.
08:12Carla, how is Bari?
08:13Tell us a little bit, since we are there in the center.
08:16I don't know if it's the center, I don't know where the neighborhood is, the condor.
08:19But hey.
08:20Actually, it's a neighborhood far from the center.
08:24It's closer to what is the Omnibus Terminal.
08:27It's like behind.
08:28It's a remote neighborhood, it's very hot.
08:31I would tell you that it will be more or less 27 degrees today.
08:35You are going to live a beautiful day in Bariloche.
08:38There is an approximate 80% of tourism.
08:41This is what they also told us from the Secretariat that this number was to be maintained.
08:45So, well, really to continue enjoying.
08:48To have a great time in Bariloche, which is such a beautiful place.
