Kekhawatiran akan berbagai kebijakan kontroversial Presiden Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump, menghantui banyak negara. Tak terkecuali Bank Sentral Amerika Serikat/The Federal Reserve dalam mengantisipasi kebijakan Trump,The Fed menahan suku bunga acuannya di level 4,25-4,5 persen. Hal ini tentu saja akan mempengaruhi perekonomian global.
00:00Let's start with the first information.
00:07The U.S. President Donald Trump's controversial policies
00:12have affected many countries.
00:14Yes, except for the Central American Bank, the Federal Reserve.
00:17In anticipation of Trump's policies,
00:19the Fed has held its leverage at 4.25% to 4.5%.
00:25This will certainly affect the global economy.
00:31Worries in the global economic world
00:34are the decision of the government of President Donald Trump,
00:37which has just been appointed.
00:39Policies ranging from immigration policies,
00:41trade, tax policy, to other extreme policies
00:45are considered to interfere with the global economic conditions.
00:48Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Poil, said
00:51his party will not be in a hurry
00:53to cut the flow of flowers again
00:55until the inflation and unemployment data
00:57show significant improvement.
00:59Where the decline in the flow of flowers in the Fed
01:02has been extremely anticipated by many parties since 2024.
01:06However, the Fed still does not cut its flow of flowers.
01:10According to a report from Reuters,
01:12the Fed's policy to contain the flow of flowers
01:14is in a sustainable pattern
01:16when the U.S. economic landscape is unstable.
01:19A series of macroeconomic fundamental data
01:21is quite healthy and has not changed much
01:23in the past few months.
01:25Of course, this can have an impact
01:27on the capital outflow
01:29from developing countries including Indonesia to America.
01:33Jerome Poil insisted
01:35the Fed officials are still waiting
01:37to see what policies are being implemented by President Trump
01:40before assessing the impact on inflation,
01:42employment, and economic activity as a whole.
01:45Indonesia itself has so far anticipated
01:48the impact of the geoeconomic impact
01:50carried out by the United States
01:52with various accommodative policies.
01:54From Jakarta, IDX Channel