• 2 months ago
👉 Un policía de 23 años que custodiaba la Casa de Gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires fue herido con dos tiros en la rodilla tras intentar ayudar a su padre, víctima de un robo. El hecho ocurrió en Ringuelet, cerca de La Favela, única villa de emergencia en La Plata. El joven se encuentra internado con pronóstico reservado. Este incidente pone nuevamente sobre la mesa el tema de la inseguridad en el Conurbano, donde los vecinos han comenzado a instalar puertas adicionales y reflectores para prevenir robos.


00:00In addition to what you told us, Elmira in Moreno and now what Gonzalo is going to tell us in Ringelet with two shots in the knee of a police officer who guards the government house of the province.
00:16Give me details and I'll be back with Cristian.
00:18The fact that we were told by police sources happened in the last hours. It was on 529th Street between 17th and 18th.
00:29That is Ringelet, very close to the only emergency village in the city of La Plata, which is called La Favela.
00:37The 23-year-old security officer who is in the Italian hospital was attacked by the shots. He was injured, let's say hospitalized, with a reserved prognosis.
00:47They attacked him because he went to try to help his father when he had been told that two criminals had stolen him.
00:54A TV and a vehicle in which they escaped.
01:00Automatically, there was a little forcejeo, they took out his gun and shot him with his gun.
01:06Then, obviously, the police found a long .32 caliber revolver.
01:10Here you have the third case, I repeat, Moreno, Bernal, Ringelet. Three police events with three police officers involved.
01:18Look at this.
01:19Sorry, police officers involved.
01:21Look at what we are seeing on the screen.
01:24The route that separates the place of the event from 6th Street, where the headquarters of the provincial government is.
01:34Look at the distance. There are not 40 blocks.
01:37There are not 40 blocks.
01:39All within what is the urban area of ​​the city of La Plata.
01:43And it is not any cash. It was part of the custody of the provincial government house.
01:50I insist, the city of La Plata has no record of this type of crime.
01:58There are robberies, yes, obviously.
02:01It is not exempt from the reality of the entire urban area of ​​Buenos Aires and all of Argentina.
02:07But once a week, once every three or four days, we are counting a crime in the capital of the province of Buenos Aires.
02:16What also draws more attention is the silence of the governor regarding this issue.
02:22Because to get together to talk about the internal politics with Cristina Kirchner and the possibility of dubbing in the elections is a problem.
02:31To criticize the decision of the Casa Rosada to advance with the elimination of the figure of the femicides as a type of crime.
02:40You can talk about any problem.
02:44Quisilofo returned from vacation and still did not refer to the episodes in his life that we are talking about every day.
02:48No, no, in fact, you noted yesterday that in the political agenda what appeared was the issue of the steps.
02:53Nucleating 35 mayors who surely in their district, many of them will also have problems.
02:59But apart, look, I'll give you an example.
03:01One of the mayors who plays with Quisilofo in all this is General Alvarado.
03:08No, Partido de la Costa.
03:11I mean, they did issues related to General Alvarado, who is there, what is Miramar and others.
03:19They allowed him to go on vacation in the first week of January.
03:27So it is not that only Quisilofo falls.
03:29A group of leaders of the Buenos Aires Peronismo who seem to be watching any other movie.
03:36Let's see, I come back to Cristian.
03:37We continue touring. In this case, Bernal.
03:39We already toured Moreno with Selmira.
03:41I continue with Cristian there in the south zone.
03:43Come on, Cris.
03:47Yes, we are on Emisiones Street where this happened.
03:51We have the images of the episode of insecurity.
03:53Yesterday, after 20 hours, when an officer of the city police shot him.
04:00He faced three criminals.
04:03The fourth was at the wheel of the vehicle.
04:06The intention of the officer, we presume, was to protect his son, who had been in the back seat.
04:12There he took out his gun, civilian.
04:15We do not know if he gave the voice of a high police officer.
04:17Well, we can not confirm that.
04:19But yes, the neighbors heard several detonations.
04:21Between 6 and 10.
04:23We have collected several testimonies.
04:25They say they have heard.
04:26Let's see, there he is with his hand in front of the neighbor.
04:28Let's see.
04:30Let's see if we can.
04:31He is entering with the pet.
04:32Ah, he entered the house.
04:34I do not know if he has cameras.
04:37No, he just entered.
04:38He also lives with his hand in front.
04:40But hey, we already had the testimony earlier of Esteban.
04:42Look at what they have placed, right?
04:44Look at this fence that separates from the plate door.
04:48This is also a work of blacksmithing.
04:50Made with the intention of avoiding that they sweep it and others.
04:54To protect the back door.
04:56That does not let me draw attention to the fences.
04:58Well, it's already something classic.
05:00But we are seeing a second door that some neighbors are placing.
05:03To avoid having only the wooden door.
05:07And thus avoid thefts.
05:09Obviously many reflectors we are also seeing.
05:12Many reflectors.
05:14We are observing.
05:17The houses with the fences.
05:19This is what I was saying.
05:20Look at what the neighbors are doing now.
05:21On the wooden door they place a work of blacksmithing.
05:25A second door.
05:26In this case, notice that it has two locks.
05:31One upper and one lower.
05:33This is the door that is now in force here in the urban area.
05:36It is the second door on the main one.
05:38Designed in this way to avoid sweeping.
05:41Notice that it has a whole frame also made.
05:43This already makes it difficult for the criminal to work.
05:46It is more complex to be able to enter.
05:48It is also very in force.
05:50This is seen a lot now.
05:52And those doors are not cheap.
05:54An important blacksmithing job.
05:57That is, cameras are more economical today.
06:00The doors are being more protected today.
06:03Many reflectors also.
06:05That are placed.
06:06Well, everyone trying to access any security measure.
06:10Look here, for example, they have made this gate also in sheet metal.
06:14Here the second door.
06:15Not the second door, Facundo.
06:16Many neighbors of Bernal are watching us.
06:22I want to put on the screen another event in Bernal.
06:25You will see what happens to a woman.
06:27With a lonely criminal on the street.
06:29A man who is missing an arm.
06:31And he is attacking in this way.
06:33Because obviously there is no control.
06:35Look what you are going to see.
06:38A woman who is arriving at her house.
06:41Who is entering.
06:42He puts the key.
06:44And from there the criminal appears.
06:49He throws her to the floor.
06:51He hits her.
06:55Also in Bernal, Christian.
06:57Same fact.
06:58A lonely criminal.
07:01Also captured by the security cameras.
07:03The private cameras.
07:04The municipal cameras.
07:09He throws her to the floor.
07:11To steal her.
07:12The woman is, of course, lying on the floor.
07:14Obviously everything that the merchants and the neighbors are marking.
07:20This is what happens, Chris.
07:23Give me a minute, Christian.
07:24Give me a minute.
07:25I'm going to...
07:27Vicente López.
