• last month
Say No to Drugs Programme at Siddhartha College in Vijayawada : రెండు ఎన్డీపీఎస్ కేసుల్లో జైలు శిక్ష పడి, మళ్లీ నేరం చేసిన నిందితులకు మరణశిక్ష పడే అవకాశం ఉందని ఈగల్ విభాగం ఐజీ ఆకె రవికృష్ణ అన్నారు. విద్యార్ధులు గంజాయికి బానిసలై విలువైన భవిష్యత్ ను కోల్పోవద్దని హితవు పలికారు. మత్తు పదార్ధాల వినియోగాన్ని నియంత్రించేందుకు ప్రతీ కళాశాలలో ఈగల్ బృందాలను ఏర్పాటు చేస్తామన్నారు. గంజాయి సేవించినా, విక్రయించినా, రవాణా చేసినా నేరమేనని తెలిపారు. 'సే నో టూ డ్రగ్స్' పేరుతో విజయవాడ పీబీ సిద్ధార్ధ కళాశాలలో ఏర్పాటు చేసిన కార్యక్రమంలో ఈగల్ ఐజీ, ఎన్టీఆర్ జిల్లా సీపీ పాల్గొని విద్యార్ధులకు గంజాయి వల్ల వచ్చే నష్టాలను వివరించారు.


00:00Especially, all the students have been appealed.
00:04Wherever this drug surfer or minium is happening,
00:08the news should be spread by 1st, 9th, 7th and 2nd.
00:11In the same way, the NDPS law is a very strict law,
00:14which does not allow anyone to be addicted to drugs.
00:17They have been appealed to follow the law
00:19without being addicted to it.
00:21In the same way, to the principal who organized
00:24this event for the college students,
00:26I would like to express my gratitude to everyone.
00:28NDPS is the law of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.
00:32It was started in 1985.
00:35It is a very strict law.
00:37If someone is addicted to these drugs,
00:40he can be jailed for 20 years.
00:43In the same way, if they are convicted in two cases,
00:46there is a clause for death penalty.
00:49In the same way,
00:51if anyone is addicted to these drugs,
00:54they can be jailed for 20 years.
00:57In the same way,
00:59if anyone is addicted to these drugs,
01:02they can be jailed for 20 years.
01:05In the same way,
01:07if anyone is addicted to these drugs,
01:10they can be jailed for 20 years.
01:13In the same way,
01:15if anyone is addicted to these drugs,
01:18they can be jailed for 20 years.
01:21Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:24Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:27Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:30Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:33Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:36Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:39Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:42Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:45Students should not be addicted to drugs.
01:48We are starting an EGLE club with 15 students.
01:51We are starting an EGLE club with 15 students.
01:54Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
01:57Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:00Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:03Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:06Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:09Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:12Their aim is to raise awareness against drugs.
02:15Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:18Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:21Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:24Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:27Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:30Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:33Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:36Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:39Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:42Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:45Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:48Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:51Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:54Students should not be addicted to drugs.
02:57Students should not be addicted to drugs.
03:00Students should not be addicted to drugs.
03:03Students should not be addicted to drugs.
03:06Students should not be addicted to drugs.
03:09Students should not be addicted to drugs.
