• last month
00:00Solomon Wilcots is back with us from Sirius NFL Radio. I talked to you, I think, at every Super Bowl.
00:07Thank God we're still showing up at Super Bowls. That's a good sign that we're still here, right?
00:12It's good to see you.
00:13A lot of energy. Of course, this place just gets bigger and better every single year. We get to come back and do this.
00:19Now listen, I think the last time I talked to you about Macy, about knees. Now you know how I get.
00:25I get real nervous talking about knees and ankles and Achilles. I don't like to talk about those things.
00:31I'm one more knee, Achilles, or ankle from being finished.
00:36And I play tons of basketball. And I have seen some of my best friends blow out their knees.
00:41In football and in basketball. I played with a point guard that played in college basketball up in the Northeast.
00:49And this guy was the greatest point guard I ever played with.
00:52And I won titles with him. He was amazing. And then one Saturday, he landed on his knee and it blew out.
00:59He never played again. He tore his ACL and MCL.
01:03And now he plays golf and smokes weed.
01:07Okay, so he ain't playing no more ball.
01:09But I worry about knees. Now tell everybody what you're doing with Macy.
01:13Yeah, see, I work with this company. It's called Varisail.
01:17And we're here really to promote and educate people about this new procedure to help people who are dealing with injuries to their cartilage in the knee.
01:28So if you have had injury where you have damaged cartilage in the knee, you want to have the Macy Orthoscopic Procedure.
01:37It's an autologous science. What that means is they use your own cells to grow your tissue, to grow new healthy cartilage.
01:46And they do it orthoscopically. They take a piece of healthy tissue out. They grow it in a lab.
01:51And then orthoscopically, they go back in and they reattach it to the healthy tissue and to the bone.
01:58And it keeps you from deteriorating to where you're bone on bone.
02:02And where later you'll have to have a total joint replacement or knee replacement.
02:07So my daughter had it, right? So she's a basketball star up in New York City.
02:11And she had full cartilage damage.
02:15So what happened was when she was a kid, she sat like a genie with her knees underneath her.
02:22And that's how she sat and watched TV. And she would sit awkwardly.
02:26And then when she became a basketball player, her cartilage was damaged.
02:31And she had raw cartilage hanging from the back of her knee like the fish in the water dangling.
02:40You know what I mean? And so I took her to Toronto. I got platelet-rich. And I did prolo.
02:47Now the prolo therapy regenerates the cartilage.
02:50So she had to get like 300 shots in her knees, 150 in each knee.
02:55Ballin', agony. It sucked. But it worked. It regrew.
03:00So the platelet spun the cells and redid the blood.
03:05And then the prolo regrew the cartilage back to its original form.
03:10And she went from having agony playing ball to no knee problems at all.
03:16It sounds like almost the same thing on a different level.
03:19Well, I think that's incredible that your daughter was able to get positive results and that she's doing well.
03:25The orthoscopic, the Macy orthoscopic procedure, again, they pull out your healthy tissue and they grow your tissue.
03:33That's how they grow it. They grow it in a lab and then it goes back in.
03:36I wish they did that with my hair.
03:38That's exactly right. You have that afro going, right?
03:42I mean, honestly, like I got an area of concern over here.
03:46And I'm facing the room here, so everyone walking by gets to see my area of concern.
03:51It's a problem. I mean, it's Monday and I've already got a problem.
03:55But that's how it looks like when your cartilage starts.
03:59Really, which is that smooth cartilage, that smooth stuff around that chicken bone.
04:04But when it's raw, it's like dangling.
04:06That's exactly right. And then it wears down.
04:09And so just like you can have holes in your fro, you can have potholes in your cartilage.
04:15But this Macy orthoscopic procedure.
04:18So all ages can do it?
04:20That's right. Already been FDA approved.
04:22You can go to the website macimacy.com to find out more about the procedure or find a doctor.
04:29My problem was I went to Macy's and no one helped me with my knee pain when I was down on 34th Street.
04:35And they just told me where the men's section was so I could get some underwear.
04:38You could get socks, you could get golf gloves, you could get a sweater.
04:42You can't get that.
04:43These two teams this week, you know, I got to tell you, I hate both of them.
04:48And I really I hope that they well, because I'm from Pittsburgh.
04:51Why would I like the Eagles?
04:53And then Kansas City is the king.
04:56And you always want to slay the king.
04:58And I'm sick and tired of watching them win.
05:00Never Pittsburgh plays Kansas City.
05:02They do beat them.
05:03Like not not Christmas Day.
05:05Yeah, that yeah, that ruined my Christmas Day.
05:08And then my caught my wife sleeping with Santa Claus was unbelievable.
05:12It's a horrible day.
05:13I drank all the eggnog.
05:15But honestly, they I'm sick of them winning.
05:18I'm sick.
05:19I got to be honest.
05:20Don't tell anybody.
05:22I'm sick of coming here every year and talking about the Kansas City Chiefs.
05:26Sick of it.
05:27I could tell you what I wish it was Buffalo, Washington.
05:30Remember when the Steelers had a dynasty?
05:33Yeah, I was happy with that.
05:35What they went for in six years.
05:38That was a great.
05:39It was a great time for all Americans.
05:41Think about that.
05:42You had your time.
05:43I did.
05:44I went to all four.
05:45I went to all.
05:46I went to all eight of their Super Bowl.
05:48I was a kid growing up watching the Steelers.
05:50Who didn't love Frank O'Hara?
05:52I mean, honestly.
05:53Who didn't love Mel Blunt?
05:54Mel Blunt.
05:55Don Stallworth.
05:56Mel Blunt.
05:57Donnie Shell.
05:58He was my all-time favorite.
05:59Joe Green.
06:00Joe Green.
06:01Elsie Greenwood.
06:02Jack Ham.
06:03Lambert was a dude.
06:04I mean, Lambert was.
06:05He was a god.
06:06Of course.
06:07Still is.
06:08I mean, I think he became a park ranger.
06:10You always know when they go up and live in the woods.
06:13You don't mess with those people.
06:14But you know the parks are safe.
06:16And then I went.
06:17I saw Big Ben win two Super Bowls.
06:19There you go.
06:20You've had a good life.
06:21I've had a good life.
06:22No team has more Vince Lombardi trophies hanging in its trophy case than the Pittsburgh Steelers.
06:28And the Patriots have six as well.
06:31They're tied.
06:32They don't have more than the Steelers.
06:33But they don't have more.
06:34That's right.
06:35They're tied.
06:36But Tom Brady, I hate him too because he's got seven and I don't like him at all.
06:40And I'm glad, and I've said this on the air, that his wife found a new boyfriend and is
06:44having a baby with him.
06:45How do you think he's doing?
06:46That would kill me.
06:47If my wife left me and then three months later was pregnant, it would kill me.
06:51I'd probably jump off a bridge.
06:53You might kill, but not Tom Brady.
06:55He's got staying power.
06:56He's better looking than me.
06:58He's got more money.
06:59He's got more rings.
07:00I suspect he's doing okay.
07:01Did you like the way, how about the way he went from New England and still won another
07:06one in Tampa?
07:07It proved.
07:08It proved.
07:09He picked the right team.
07:10He said, I'm going to go there and I'm going to win another one.
07:11It proves he's got the juice too.
07:13How many do you think Mahomes will win?
07:16I mean, he's already about to win his fourth.
07:20And he's, what, 27?
07:21He's got Andy Reid.
07:22Long as Andy stays.
07:23Look, remember a few years ago we were here and people were saying, Andy Reid's going
07:27to retire.
07:28I'm like, no way.
07:29When you're riding Seabiscuit, Secretariat, when you're riding a horse that you know can
07:37win, who would jump off that horse?
07:41Who's walking away from that?
07:42Nobody's walking away from that.
07:43You've got a young, talented quarterback.
07:46That's probably why.
07:47Mahomes, you're not retiring.
07:48That's probably why LeBron won't quit now either, because now he's going to be with
07:52I bet he goes for another year or two.
07:54He plays like he's 30.
07:55Remember Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?
07:56Of course.
07:57Getting to where the end, then here comes the Magic Johnson.
08:00Extended his career.
08:01Invigorated it.
08:02That's exactly right.
08:03And they won.
08:04Exactly right.
08:05And they beat Boston doing it.
08:07And I don't like them either.
08:08Who's that?
08:09I don't like Boston.
08:10I don't like anything from there.
08:12They're teams.
08:13They're city.
08:14They're weather.
08:15They're women.
08:16I grew up in L.A.
08:17Grew up a lifelong Lakers fan.
08:19So, look.
08:21If you don't like Boston.
08:22What do you think of what happened in L.A.?
08:24So I lived in Huntington Beach, and we never had fires in Huntington Beach.
08:27But I lived there for 12 years.
08:29I had a million friends that lived in Palisades and in Pasadena and Altadena and everything.
08:36I got a couple seconds.
08:38What did that do to you, seeing what happened to L.A.?
08:40It was awful.
08:41It broke my heart.
08:42It did.
08:43It broke my heart.
08:44You know, there was a fire in Bel Air decades ago.
08:47This is sort of repeating some of what happened.
08:50But the Santa Ana winds.
08:51They were 30 miles an hour then.
08:52Now they're 100.
08:53Yeah, exactly.
08:54Those Santa Ana winds took down power lines.
08:57Those power lines started fires.
08:59And also, you lost use of the hydrants.
09:03And so, it was a cascading event of multiple things happening.
09:07It was awful.
09:08It was awful.
09:09It caused this disaster.
09:10Solomon, always good to see you.
09:11Check out macimaci.com.
09:13My man, enjoy the Super Bowl.
