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Esaret - Episode 445 (English Subtitles) Redemption
00:01:39Do you hear me do you hear me
00:01:48It's very deep
00:02:38What is it
00:02:58Bu çocuk senin çocuğun demek
00:03:05Ne oldu
00:03:07Bu nasıl bir giriş
00:03:09Yekta Bey burada
00:03:11Geri geldi
00:03:13Ölmemiş yaşıyor
00:03:20Ne diyorsun sen
00:03:23Ama iyi değil yaralı
00:03:25Orhan Bey doktor çağırdı
00:03:40Aklım almıyor
00:03:42Nasıl böyle bir zafiyet gösterirsin
00:03:44Gizli görevdeyken aşık oldum da ne demek
00:03:48Sen şimdi gidip Gürbüz'ü vurdun ya
00:03:50İşte o aşk sana ilk dengesizliğini yaptırdı
00:03:52Sırada ne var
00:03:54Kendini deşifre etmek mi
00:03:56Bu yüzden mi görevi riske attın
00:03:58Aşık oldun diye
00:04:00Soğuk kanlılığıyla
00:04:02Nam salmış aziz
00:04:04Aklı mantığı
00:04:06Her şeyden önce gelen sen
00:04:08Nasıl böyle hesapsız kitapsız bir hamle alırsın
00:04:10Ne oldu sana aziz kılıç arslan
00:04:12Artık duygularınla mı hareket etmeye başladın
00:04:16Sen kadınlara güvenmezsin
00:04:18Kadınları yakında bile yaklaştırmaz
00:04:24Ben istedim
00:04:32Bana soran olmadı
00:04:36Benim tanıdığım hazine oldu
00:04:42Ne oldu
00:04:48Nafil avlandık işte
00:04:50Peki kime
00:04:56Yapma be aziz
00:04:58Evdeki o kıza mı
00:05:02Bravo sana
00:05:04Sende üstüne koya koya gidiyorsun
00:05:06Neydi adı
00:05:10Elif çiçek
00:05:12Elif çiçek tabi ya
00:05:14Başlangıçta evine mecburen götürmüştün onu
00:05:16Ama sonra işler değişti
00:05:18Duygularına yenildin
00:05:20O yüzden görevi riske attın
00:05:22Gürbüz'ün kardeşiyle de
00:05:24Görev içinde olsa
00:05:26Bu yüzden evlenmiyorsun
00:05:28Olan oldu
00:05:30Bırakalım şu meseleyi de
00:05:32İş konuşalım
00:05:34İş konuşalım diyecek kadar profesyonelsen
00:05:36İşinin gereğini de yapacak kadar
00:05:38Profesyonel olacaksın aziz efendi
00:05:44Ben sadece bu şeyle
00:05:46Başa çıkamıyorum
00:05:48İşimle değil
00:05:50Var bir planım
00:05:52Gürbüz iyileşene kadar büyük patrona
00:05:54Ulaşmış olacağım zaten
00:05:56O zaman kapanacak bu mevzu
00:05:58Tamam anlat o zaman
00:06:004 yıldır yapamadığımızı 3 günde nasıl yapacaksın
00:06:16Yarabbim sana şükürler olsun
00:06:18Babamın sesini duymayı nasip ettin
00:06:20Sen her şey kuvveti yetensin Allah'ım
00:06:22Devamı da güzel olsun
00:06:24Ne olur
00:06:26Sen çıkmazlarda koyma
00:06:28Aç yollarımı
00:06:38Onlar evlenince
00:06:40Belki beni bırakırlar
00:06:42Gönderirler tehlike geçince
00:06:44Kavuşuruz babamla
00:06:50Ama o kız
00:06:52Akif amcaya iyi bakabilir mi?
00:06:56İlaçları var
00:06:58Yemesi içmesi
00:07:00Yemesi içmesi
00:07:02Yemesi içmesi
00:07:04Yemesi içmesi
00:07:06Yemesi içmesi
00:07:08Konuşunca yüzüne bile bakmıyor
00:07:12Allah'ım sana ona da
00:07:14Doğru yolu göster
00:07:16Kalbine güzellik ver
00:07:24Babam ne yapıyor şimdi acaba?
00:07:26Ne kadar mutlu oldu
00:07:28Sesimi duyunca
00:07:32Teşekkür etmek için
00:07:34Ne yapsam acaba?
00:07:36İnsaf etti
00:07:38Babamla konuşturdu beni
00:07:46Ne yapıyorsun burada?
00:07:48Engerek yılanı gibi çöreklendin kaldın odaya
00:07:50Hadi yapacak bir sürü iş var
00:07:56Bir şey isteyebilir miyim?
00:07:58İsteyemezsin efendim
00:08:00Boğazımıza ortaksın zaten
00:08:02İsteyebilir miymiş?
00:08:04Ama onun için
00:08:08Kimin için?
00:08:22Babam geldi anne
00:08:24Rüya gibi
00:08:26Rüya değil değil mi?
00:08:28Değil canımın içi
00:08:32Babam burada
00:08:36İyi olacak ama değil mi?
00:08:38Ama bir şey olmayacak
00:08:44Doktor içeride
00:08:46İyi olması için elinden gelen her şeyi yapıyor
00:08:48Merak etme
00:08:50Siz gelmeyecek demiştiniz
00:08:52Ben çok üzüldüm diye mi geri geldi babam?
00:08:58Biz yanlış haber almışız bir tanem
00:09:02Baban sadece yaralıymış
00:09:06Yani biz
00:09:08Bilmiyorduk yaşadığını
00:09:26Siz anne konuşalım demiştiniz ya
00:09:30Ne diyecektiniz anne?
00:09:44Kapat artık geçmişin hesabını
00:09:46Sadece kağıt üstünde görünecek bir evlilik için
00:09:48Neden evet diyemiyorsun?
00:09:50Kabul ediyorum
00:09:54Zahra ile ne zaman konuşmamızı istersin?
00:09:56Yarın mı?
00:10:00Anladım ki ne kadar ertelersem erteleyim
00:10:02Her zaman zor olacak
00:10:06Bir an önce bununla yüzleşmem gerek
00:10:10Bu yüzden en iyisi şimdi söylemek
00:10:26Geçmiş olsun
00:10:32Durumu nasıl?
00:10:34Kurşun yarası vardı
00:10:36Dikişe atılmış ancak
00:10:38Zorlanmaktan ve iyi bakılmadığından
00:10:40Yarası açılmış
00:10:42Müdahale ettim
00:10:44Fakat enfeksiyon var
00:10:46Tabi kan kaybı da fazla
00:10:48O yüzden çok güçsüz
00:10:52Hastaneye götürelim o zaman
00:10:54Şu an için gerekli görmüyorum
00:10:56Gerekli takviyeler alınır
00:10:58İyi de bakılırsa
00:11:00Kısa sürede kendine gelecektir
00:11:02Peki şimdi ne yapmamız gerekir?
00:11:04Siz eşiydiniz değil mi?
00:11:16Enfeksiyon için bir ilaç yazdım
00:11:18Bu hastalığa aksatılmamalı
00:11:20Nasıl kullanacağını da belirttim
00:11:22Tabi bol bol dinlenecek
00:11:40Başlangıçta evine
00:11:42Mecburen götürmüştün onu
00:11:44Ama sonra işler değişti
00:11:46Duygularına yenildin
00:11:48O yüzden görevi riske attın
00:11:52Sevgi dediğin şey
00:11:56Gözü kapalı güvenmektir
00:11:58Sevdiği uğruna
00:12:00Her şeyi göze almaktır
00:12:18Ne halt edeceğim ben şimdi
00:12:22Nasıl olacak
00:12:24Ben karaysam o hak
00:12:28Ama oldu işte
00:13:04Zahra da yanında
00:13:06Kendini gelmesini bekliyor
00:13:12Onun yerinde bende olsam ayrılmazdım yanından
00:13:14Babası yaşıyor
00:13:16Geri döndü
00:13:23Nasıl bir işin içinde Yekta
00:13:32Neden öldü sanmamızı istediler ki
00:13:36Neden yaptılar bunu
00:13:42Çünkü Taşkın her şeyden önce itibari temizlemesi gerekiyordu
00:13:46Ama bir yandan
00:13:48Ne pahasına olursa olsun
00:13:50Yekta'nın elinden o bilgileri almak istiyordu
00:13:56Şimdi de o kirli kısmı var
00:14:00O yüzden onu öldürmek yerine ölmüş gibi gösterdi
00:14:04Bilgilerin yerini öğrenmek için hayatta tutmaya mecburdu
00:14:08Ama Yekta'da bir yolunu bulup kaçmaya başardı
00:14:12Taşkın'ın buraya gelmesinin esas sebebi de anlaşılmış oldu böylece
00:14:14Yekta burada mı değil mi onu anlamak istedi aslında
00:14:26Yaşadığını bilseydim sana öyle bir teklif alsaydım
00:14:36Sahra çok mutlu
00:14:40Bir yandan da karma karışık
00:14:44Uykuları haklı
00:14:52Şaşkın olması çok normal
00:14:54Bizde öyle değil miyiz
00:15:02Ben Sahra'ya bakayım
00:15:44Hayatımın en zor anında çıktın karşıma
00:15:46Yardım ile uzattın bana
00:15:50Kızım seni babası bilerek büyüdü
00:15:54Ama sen yaptığın hatalarla
00:15:56Sahra'nın hayatını tehlikeye attın
00:16:00Ve ben evladımı koruyabilmek için
00:16:02Asla dönmem diye yemin ettiğim
00:16:04Demirhanlıların yanına sarıldım
00:16:06Sahra'nın hayatını tehlikeye attım
00:16:08Ve ben evladımı koruyabilmek için
00:16:10Asla dönmem diye yemin ettiğim
00:16:12Demirhanlıların yanına sığmak zorunda kaldım
00:16:16Şimdi sana minnet mi duymalıyım
00:16:18Yoksa öfke mi
00:16:48Bugün içmedin ama pek
00:16:56Müsaade var mı
00:16:58Aziz gelsene
00:17:12Nasıl oldun
00:17:14Şahaneyim ya
00:17:18Vurulmuşum güzel
00:17:20Burada böyle yatayım
00:17:22Yedek lastik gibi
00:17:24Ha sonra
00:17:26Dürüm yemem yasak
00:17:28Ha birde en güvendiğim
00:17:32Bacıma göz koymuş
00:17:34Beni kim vurdu
00:17:36Ne oluyor öyle ne yapayım
00:17:38Bir insan daha ne ister der mi
00:17:42Abicim deme böyle ne olur bak
00:17:44Üzüyorsun bizi
00:17:50Sen bir an önce iyileşmene bak
00:17:52Her şey yoluna girer
00:17:56Var mı bir haber
00:17:58Öğrenebildin mi
00:18:00Kim varmış bu işin arkasında
00:18:02Yok bir haber çıkmadı
00:18:04Civarda kameralarda yokmuş
00:18:08Çıldıracağım yeminle
00:18:10Ne oluyor şimdi
00:18:12Beni bu hale getiren kansızlar
00:18:14Elini kolunu sallayarak
00:18:16Dolaşacak mı dışarıda öyle mi
00:18:18İlla ki bulunacak
00:18:20Sen merak etme sakin ol
00:18:30Mevzu haman başı
00:18:32Mantıkası yüzünden patlamış olabilir mi
00:18:34Herkesin gözü oradaydı
00:18:40Bizim çocuklar söyledi
00:18:42Büyük patron sana vermiş orayı
00:18:44Verdi tabi
00:18:46Kime verecekti
00:18:48Zahmet edip gelmedin
00:18:52Ellerle elde
00:18:54Şimdi ondan bundan öğrenirsin işte
00:18:58İyi olmuş hak etmiştin
00:19:00O zaman en büyük şüpheli
00:19:02Akdereli çetesi
00:19:04Seni devreden çıkarıp
00:19:06Oradaki mekanı çökmek istiyor
00:19:10Çok beklerler
00:19:12Orası benim geleceğim ulan
00:19:14Beni tefeci parçası
00:19:16Olmaktan zirveye taşıyacak
00:19:18Büyük patron bana emanet etti
00:19:22Kimseye elini sürdürme
00:19:24Ellerini keser
00:19:26Kimseye elini sürdürme
00:19:28Ellerini keser
00:19:34İyi korunuyor mu
00:19:38Kardeşimi senden
00:19:40Koruyamadım diye
00:19:42Orayı da koruyamayacağım
00:19:44Sandın ha
00:19:46Orası güvende
00:19:48Her önleme
00:19:52Sağlam mı bu önlemler
00:19:54Sen onu söyle
00:19:56Evliyalar iki uçta
00:19:58Kimi simitçi
00:20:00Kimi pilavcı kılığında dolanıyor
00:20:02Ellerinde silahlar
00:20:04Çatılarda adamlarım da var
00:20:10Orada milyonluk uyuşturucu var
00:20:12Tamam mı
00:20:14Depolar ağzına kadar dolu
00:20:16Bu işin şakası yok
00:20:18Orayı tehlikeye atamam
00:20:20Bu işi bağlayana kadar
00:20:22Patronun güvenini kazanana kadar
00:20:24Anam alırdı
00:20:26Orası güvende
00:20:34Bu ne böyle
00:20:36Şimdi iki hafta
00:20:38Böyle yaralı camış gibi yatacakmışım
00:20:42İyileşeceksin abicim
00:20:44Sonra bak düğünümüzde halay başı olacaksın
00:20:46Değil mi Aziz
00:20:52Sen önce iyileşmene bak
00:20:56Ben kaçayım artık
00:20:58Şu işleri araştırmaya devam edeyim
00:21:12Depoda atılacak eşyalar var
00:21:14Onları çıkar oradan at
00:21:16Kalksın arayak altından
00:21:18Ben mi
00:21:26Ben bu konakta bahçıvanım
00:21:30Koca demir halıların konağında
00:21:32Peyyaz müdürüne
00:21:34Hiç böyle angarya işleri yakışır mı
00:21:38Bu ne laubalilik
00:21:40Emrediyorsam yapacaksın
00:21:46Tabii tabii hallederim ben
00:21:48Merak etmeyin
00:21:50Ulan arkadaş
00:21:52Yağmurdan kaçarken oluyor tutulduk iyi bebe
00:21:54Ne geveliyorsun sen ağzının içinde
00:21:58Benim eski kadın
00:22:00Tıpkı sizin gibiydi
00:22:02O da dediğim dedik de
00:22:04Sululuktan hiç hoşlanmam
00:22:06Kiminle nasıl konuştuğuna dikkat et
00:22:08Bırak gevezeliği de
00:22:10İşine bak
00:22:20Tam bir esnaf
00:22:24Tam bir esnaf
00:23:18Gözümüz aydın
00:23:20Kocası geri dövmüş
00:23:22Ve sen de bu haberi çok sevmiş görünüyorsun
00:23:24Niye sevinmeyeyim
00:23:26Küçük bir çocuk
00:23:28Babasına kavuştu
00:23:30Bir kadın
00:23:46Kocasına kavuştu
00:23:48Bir kadın da kocasına
00:23:50Öyle değil mi
00:23:52Ama ben asıl ki
00:23:54Ailem için mutluyum
00:23:56Çünkü sen eski hatalarının peşinden
00:23:58Koşamayacaksın artık
00:24:00Onlardan uzak duracaksın
00:24:04Konu kapanmış olsa da
00:24:06Onları korumaktan geri durmayacağımı bilmelisin
00:24:10Yalnız atladığın ufak bir detay var
00:24:12Bu saydıkların artık o adamın görevi
00:24:18Bunu kabul etmek zorunda olduğunu
00:24:20Er ya da geç anlayacaksın
00:24:22Eğer o adam onları koruyacak
00:24:24Yine de olsaydı bu durumda olmazlardı
00:24:26Aldığı yanlış kararlarla
00:24:28Bencilliğiyle durumu bu hale getiren o
00:24:32Bu yüzden
00:24:34Bu geldi diye onları korumaktan vazgeçeceğimi düşünme
00:24:38Seni bu yeni gelişmeleri sindirmen için
00:24:40Yalnız bırakayım
00:24:46Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:10Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:14Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:20Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:24Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:40Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:42Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:44Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:46Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:48Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:50Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:52Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:54Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:25:56Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:00Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:02Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:04Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:06Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:08Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:10Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:12Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:14Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:16Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:18Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:20Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:22Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:24Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:26Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:28Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:30Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:32Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:34Sağlıklı düşünmeye başla
00:26:37Akif Amca
00:27:01N'apıyorsun kızım?
00:27:03I'm working on the lace, Uncle Akif. For the dowry.
00:27:07Oh, you're getting married? With whom?
00:27:11With that boy?
00:27:13Did he finally open up to you?
00:27:16No, it's not for me.
00:27:19You know your wedding?
00:27:22I asked for it, they had the materials at home.
00:27:25So I started.
00:27:27Good, good. Well done.
00:27:33Look! A bird! A bird is flying!
00:27:37Look, look!
00:27:43Did you see it?
00:27:46It's beautiful.
00:27:48Mevlam created it so beautifully.
00:27:52Aziz loves birds too.
00:27:55Do you know what happened once?
00:27:58He was going to make a nest for the birds when he was a kid.
00:28:02He was going to make a nest for them?
00:28:04Of course, he's merciful, Aziz.
00:28:07He can't spare a cat, a dog or a bird.
00:28:11And then?
00:28:13He collected all the trash to make the nest.
00:28:17He brought it together with the Japanese glue.
00:28:20But he also glued his hands while he was doing it.
00:28:24Oh, dear.
00:28:33And then my hands were all dirty.
00:28:36Right, dad?
00:28:38Yeah, yeah.
00:28:40I had soaped it.
00:28:42It was slowly washed with hot water.
00:28:45Those were the days.
00:28:53Look, do you know what I just remembered?
00:28:58We had a black-haired man on the street.
00:29:01He was noble, innocent.
00:29:03Everyone loved him.
00:29:06One day, a heartless man tried to poison him.
00:29:10He tried to poison him?
00:29:13What cruel people there are.
00:29:15What do you want from the innocent?
00:29:18Well, my daughter, he does all kinds of bad things.
00:29:24And then what happened?
00:29:25Did the black-haired man die?
00:29:27Oh, Aziz never allowed it.
00:29:30He was only five years old.
00:29:33He kept an eye on the dog.
00:29:36Fortunately, he waited.
00:29:38That calamity came again with poison in his hand.
00:29:42Aziz had raised the whole neighborhood.
00:29:45The black-haired man was saved thanks to Aziz.
00:29:50How nice.
00:29:52God bless you.
00:30:00Did you ever think you'd tell me this?
00:30:06May God heal you.
00:30:08I mean, may God bless you.
00:30:12I mean, we forgiven you.
00:30:16Aziz, I didn't hear you coming.
00:30:19How is Mr. Gürlüz? How is Ece?
00:30:21As you know.
00:30:22Oh, good, good. Let everything be fine.
00:30:24Let's talk about this marriage thing this evening, huh?
00:30:27Is dinner ready?
00:30:28I'm doing it.
00:30:29I'm putting it in the stove now.
00:30:59You sleep with my dad.
00:31:02Don't leave him alone.
00:31:14Will my dad sleep a lot, mom?
00:31:19He'll sleep.
00:31:21He'll gather his strength and then he'll get better.
00:31:29I can't open my eyes, dad.
00:31:34It's so nice and cozy, isn't it, mom?
00:31:44Honey, I'm going to be a little warm.
00:31:47I'm going to sit next to my dad.
00:31:49Maybe he'll wake up and want something.
00:31:58I love you.
00:32:00I love you.
00:32:27What's happening to me?
00:32:30I don't know.
00:32:41I didn't want to get out of here.
00:32:53Do you think it's easy?
00:32:55Did you suffer alone?
00:32:58I was devastated every day.
00:33:01Every day for six years.
00:33:07The only day I didn't think of you.
00:33:09The only day I didn't suffer because I lost.
00:33:13It was very difficult to make this decision.
00:33:16But I had to.
00:33:19I could stay for years.
00:33:20I could never get out of those four walls.
00:33:23I couldn't tell you to stay.
00:33:25I destroyed you, yes.
00:33:27But I burned myself, too.
00:33:36I'm not going anywhere.
00:33:38I'm not leaving you, either.
00:33:41Don't even look at my face if necessary.
00:33:43Hate me again.
00:33:45But I'll protect you until the end of my life.
00:33:49I won't leave you face to face again.
00:33:52Did you hear me?
00:33:53I won't leave you.
00:33:58I heard you.
00:34:20Leave them all, Hiram.
00:34:22Leave them all, Hiram.
00:34:27Leave them all.
00:34:37Sera, is something wrong?
00:34:39I'm hungry.
00:34:40Okay, I'll get you something to eat.
00:34:42Go inside.
00:34:52I'm hungry.
00:35:06We didn't do anything wrong.
00:35:17What are they doing to him?
00:35:19Look at him.
00:35:23It's a stone-like chair.
00:35:25How nice.
00:35:28Your dreams are as poor as you.
00:35:33The great Demirhanlis...
00:35:35...won't sit on the same chair for a thousand years, like you.
00:35:40I really liked this.
00:35:45I'll run away from the sultans...
00:35:47...and sit and enjoy this.
00:35:49This is nice.
00:35:50I'll sit on this.
00:35:54I'm so tired, right?
00:35:56Will I see a lot of chairs?
00:35:59Let me go.
00:36:03Are you going to the kitchen?
00:36:05I'm ready.
00:36:10He didn't hear me.
00:36:12He's crazy.
00:36:14Today, the people in this mansion...
00:36:16...are in a bad mood.
00:36:18I don't understand.
00:36:22Where were we?
00:36:27Let's have a drink.
00:36:29It would be great if there was coffee.
00:36:42What are you doing here?
00:36:45I'm a little tired.
00:36:47I was going to take a nap.
00:36:49Don't waste time.
00:36:50Get to work.
00:36:52Come on.
00:36:53Of course.
00:36:57We're screwed.
00:36:59We're screwed.
00:37:09Open your eyes wide.
00:37:10Let me know if anything happens.
00:37:18It smells good.
00:37:20What does it smell like?
00:37:22My sister makes sherbet.
00:37:24If you like it.
00:37:31I used to like it when I was a kid.
00:37:33My mother always made it.
00:37:39I'm getting used to the house.
00:37:50It's a wedding gift for you.
00:37:52I talked to my father.
00:37:54Is that all?
00:37:56It's unnecessary.
00:37:58Don't you like it?
00:38:00It looks nice.
00:38:02It looks polite.
00:38:05Anyway, I...
00:38:07Do it.
00:38:11I'll remember when I see it.
00:38:13I'll say there was a strange girl.
00:38:16I locked her in the warehouse.
00:38:18I broke her father's arm.
00:38:20But she still...
00:38:22She was naive enough to give me a wedding gift.
00:38:29You did me a lot of favors later.
00:38:32Actually, you...
00:38:34You're the one who always saves that blackhead.
00:38:36You're the one who makes a nest for the birds.
00:38:48Look, I made Reyhan sherbet.
00:38:50It's great.
00:38:52It's beautiful.
00:38:54You'll like it.
00:38:56I gave it to my father.
00:38:58Let's talk about the wedding.
00:39:00Come on, drink it.
00:39:12I used to like it when I was a kid.
00:39:15My mother always made it.
00:39:37What are you looking at?
00:39:39She doesn't want it.
00:39:41It's a waste.
00:39:45Ece is here.
00:39:47If she wakes up, I'll hit her.
00:40:04What is it?
00:40:11Then drink it.
00:40:14I don't want it.
00:40:16I don't want it.
00:40:18I don't want it.
00:40:20I don't want it.
00:40:22I don't want it.
00:40:24I don't want it.
00:40:26I don't want it.
00:40:28I don't want it.
00:40:30I don't want it.
00:40:32I don't want it.
00:40:34I don't want it.
00:40:36I don't want it.
00:40:38I don't want it.
00:40:40I don't want it.
00:40:42I don't want it.
00:40:44I don't want it.
00:41:12Is there a problem?
00:41:14I was waiting for Ms. Hira's identity for the wedding.
00:41:16This won't work. Cancel.
00:41:42I don't want it.
00:41:44I don't want it.
00:41:46I don't want it.
00:41:48I don't want it.
00:41:50I don't want it.
00:41:52I don't want it.
00:41:54I don't want it.
00:41:56I don't want it.
00:41:58I don't want it.
00:42:00I don't want it.
00:42:02I don't want it.
00:42:04I don't want it.
00:42:06I don't want it.
00:42:08I don't want it.
00:42:10I don't want it.
00:42:12I don't want it.
00:42:14I don't want it.
00:42:16I don't want it.
00:42:18I don't want it.
00:42:20I don't want it.
00:42:22I don't want it.
00:42:24I don't want it.
00:42:26I don't want it.
00:42:28I don't want it.
00:42:30I don't want it.
00:42:32I don't want it.
00:42:34I don't want it.
00:42:36I don't want it.
00:42:38I was passing by.
00:42:40I wanted to see you.
00:42:42I missed my promise.
00:42:44We are so promising now.
00:42:46We are so promising now.
00:42:48Well done.
00:42:50Well done.
00:42:52Well done.
00:42:54I am so excited.
00:42:56I don't know how we came to this point.
00:42:58I don't know how we came to this point.
00:43:00I don't know how we came to this point.
00:43:02First, my brother and you.
00:43:04Then, the engagement.
00:43:06Then, the engagement.
00:43:08I don't want a ceremony.
00:43:10We can just sign and go.
00:43:12That's not possible.
00:43:14I want a wedding with a beautiful wedding.
00:43:16A wedding with a beautiful wedding.
00:43:18With a wedding with a beautiful wedding.
00:43:20Everyone should be able to talk.
00:43:22Everyone should be able to talk.
00:43:24Everyone should be able to talk.
00:43:26I don't like a wedding.
00:43:28Getting married is a trust.
00:43:30Getting married is a trust.
00:43:32Everything is possible.
00:43:34What you call love is to trust blindly, to risk everything for the sake of love.
00:43:55I mean, okay, that's fine, but let's not get carried away.
00:44:00Oh my God!
00:44:03Oh, Suzan, would you look at what we're talking about? I'm so excited.
00:44:15Oh, my brother is texting.
00:44:18Oh, I have to go.
00:44:23Oh, see you, honey.
00:44:30I love you.
00:44:47Are you listening? Come on, look at the food on the stove.
00:44:52I'm here.
00:45:00I love you, too.
00:45:11Say hello to your brother from us.
00:45:14I will, I will.
00:45:16Come on, bye bye.
00:45:17Shut up.
00:45:29You know, the mouth of the human being is always open.
00:45:33Always a show.
00:45:35He's going to get married, but where's his mind?
00:45:39God, no.
00:45:41What do you care?
00:45:44You look at the soup.
00:45:48God, no.
00:45:53Oh, I didn't tell Ece to stay for dinner, but she was in a hurry anyway.
00:45:57I made dried beans and rice this evening, you asked for it.
00:46:01Don't expect me to eat today.
00:46:03Oh, no.
00:46:17Okay, we'll meet at the place I said.
00:46:20Arrange the guys.
00:46:34God, no.
00:46:53If I didn't trust this man, Zahra's father.
00:46:55God, no.
00:47:02I have a problem.
00:47:04I can't stop it.
00:47:05Are you kidding me?
00:47:07Your family is the subject of conversation.
00:47:09Is it more important than the three or five photos you will use for blackmail?
00:47:13What kind of a man are you?
00:47:15How can you leave them halfway?
00:47:17I have no other choice.
00:47:26God, no.
00:47:38He doesn't deserve them.
00:47:51She could have been our daughter.
00:47:55I wish I was.
00:48:16Admit it.
00:48:19Even if you hide it from yourself.
00:48:21You wanted to be their real family.
00:49:14Are you okay?
00:49:17I'll be fine.
00:49:19I just feel very powerless.
00:49:24But don't worry.
00:49:28I will never leave you.
00:49:33I will not leave.
00:50:18It's not a joke.
00:50:20I keep thinking about this issue.
00:50:24There's something else going on.
00:50:26I'm getting bad vibes.
00:50:29What's going on in your mind?
00:50:32If it's up to me, the one who did this to you has a bigger plan.
00:50:36It's definitely a mess.
00:50:41Let me take care of it.
00:50:43I'll protect it with my own methods.
00:50:44I'll take care of it.
00:50:47Are you teaching me how to do business, Mr. Nazir?
00:50:52I said it's up to me.
00:50:54Take care of the guys.
00:50:56Take care of the other guys, okay?
00:51:08Look, I know you're still mad at me.
00:51:11But I didn't mean to turn my back on you.
00:51:15I just didn't know how to tell the man I see like my brother.
00:51:19That's why I kept quiet.
00:51:22I'm still the Aziz you believe in.
00:51:24The one you trust.
00:51:26The one you know.
00:51:35Tell me.
00:51:41What the hell?
00:51:45What raid?
00:51:47Is it a bathhouse?
00:51:49You were the first ones to come.
00:51:52You're so stupid.
00:51:54I'm done.
00:51:56I'm done.
00:51:58What happened?
00:52:00We were raided.
00:52:02The bathhouse exploded.
00:52:04How? Who did it?
00:52:05The only one in the army.
00:52:07With three men.
00:52:09He came.
00:52:11He took the goods and left.
00:52:13I'm done. They're all gone.
00:52:16That's what I'm afraid of.
00:52:23There's a video.
00:52:25What the hell is this?
00:52:28The bullet you shot in the bathhouse was just the beginning.
00:52:31We'll take whatever you have.
00:52:35You bastard! Who the hell are you?
00:52:41Stop, stop. What are you doing?
00:52:43You'll get worse.
00:52:45Who the hell is he scaring?
00:52:47If he walks, he'll go.
00:52:49If he takes off his mask, he'll talk like that.
00:52:54Pull yourself together.
00:52:56Let's not act recklessly.
00:52:58Then we won't get hurt.
00:52:59I'm in the middle of something.
00:53:01Since it's urgent,
00:53:03let's leave the tension between us.
00:53:06Let's get down to business.
00:53:13I told you.
00:53:15It could be because of the bathhouse.
00:53:17Let me go and get the goods back.
00:53:24How will you get it?
00:53:26I'm Aziz.
00:53:27I'm Aziz.
00:53:29What haven't I solved so far?
00:53:33You're right.
00:53:35You're Aziz.
00:53:37Let's go.
00:53:39Come on.
00:53:41Let me see you.
00:53:48Aziz will take care of it.
00:53:50He will.
00:53:57Who the hell is this soldier?
00:53:59Look at his face.
00:54:01Don't come out.
00:54:03I'll burn you.
00:54:05I'll burn you.
00:54:07You bastard.
00:54:22The bathhouse is in Gürbüz's hands.
00:54:24One of the main warehouses of the big boss.
00:54:27I mean, the watchdog.
00:54:29First, I'll go and check the security.
00:54:32Then I'll go and get the goods.
00:54:35Won't they follow you?
00:54:37It's easy.
00:54:39The blame will be on the Akdere gang.
00:54:41By the time Gürbüz recovers,
00:54:43he'll have to give the job to me.
00:54:45I'll get the goods back.
00:54:47When you get the goods back,
00:54:50you'll gain both Gürbüz's trust
00:54:52and the attention of the big boss.
00:54:54Then the way to him will be clear.
00:55:03There are two sides of the coin.
00:55:05Some are smugglers,
00:55:07some are rice traders.
00:55:10Some have guns in their hands.
00:55:13Some have men on the roofs.
00:55:16I'll get out of here.
00:55:18I'll keep investigating this.
00:55:21See you.
00:55:24See you.
00:55:51I got detailed information about Amanbas.
00:55:54He said his men were rice traders,
00:55:58He said he had men on the roofs.
00:56:00We're doing the operation tonight.
00:56:04The bullet you shot at Amanbas
00:56:06was just the beginning.
00:56:08We'll take whatever you have.
00:56:17Wait for me, big boss.
00:56:20We'll meet soon.
00:56:24We'll meet soon.
00:56:45the plan is working like clockwork.
00:56:47The news of the raid has reached.
00:56:49Now it's time to solve the problem
00:56:51and reach the big boss.
00:56:54We'll meet soon.
00:57:16I will never leave you.
00:57:55How is he?
00:57:57Has he regained consciousness?
00:58:00Just now.
00:58:03Then he fainted again.
00:58:08I talked to the doctor.
00:58:10He'll be back tomorrow.
00:58:13He'll get up.
00:58:39He doesn't need this anymore.
00:58:54Good night.
00:58:56Good night.
00:59:24Good night.
00:59:54To be continued...
01:00:24To be continued...
01:00:54To be continued...
01:01:10I lost you.
01:01:15I lost you forever.
01:01:24I lost you forever.
01:01:26I lost you forever.
01:01:28I lost you forever.
01:01:30I lost you forever.
01:01:32I lost you forever.
01:01:34I lost you forever.
01:01:36I lost you forever.
01:01:38I lost you forever.
01:01:40I lost you forever.
01:01:42I lost you forever.
01:01:44I lost you forever.
01:01:46I lost you forever.
01:01:48I lost you forever.
01:01:50I lost you forever.
01:01:52I lost you forever.
01:01:54I lost you forever.
01:01:56I lost you forever.
01:01:58I lost you forever.
01:02:00I lost you forever.
01:02:02I lost you forever.
01:02:04I lost you forever.
01:02:06I lost you forever.
01:02:08I lost you forever.
01:02:10I lost you forever.
01:02:12I lost you forever.
01:02:14I lost you forever.
01:02:16I lost you forever.
01:02:18I lost you forever.
01:02:20I lost you forever.
01:02:22I lost you forever.
01:02:24I lost you forever.
01:02:26I lost you forever.
01:02:28I lost you forever.
