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(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo investendo sull’intermodalità, collegando sempre più velocemente ed efficacemente gli scali aeroportuali ai centri cittadini. Questo è fondamentale per un sistema aeroportuale moderno e competitivo.” Lo ha affermato Matteo Salvini, Vicepremier e ministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, intervenendo alla Conferenza Stampa “Aeroporti in pista per il Paese”, che inaugura ufficialmente l’Airport Day presso la sede dell’Associazione Civita, a Roma.


00:00We have on the table the national plan for the development of airports by 2035,
00:09worked with all of you, worked with those in connection, worked with the stakeholders of the next publication.
00:15There is a desire for further openings that we are examining with all the competent entities.
00:22I give the example, since it was mentioned in Sant'Agata,
00:26of the request of the economic community of Agrigento, for example,
00:30to have a further airport scale, rather than, I remember, the growth of Salerno,
00:35where I was physically last year.
00:39So, connecting the railway network to the airport network,
00:43also support, from the marketing point of view, some commitments,
00:50I remember it was connected to the Perugia airport,
00:52which, only five years ago, was closed for dead.
00:55It closes in 2024 with a turnover of 534,000 passengers,
00:59which is absolutely even above the expected potential.
01:03So, it is important to remember that the system is not only Fiumicino and Malpensa,
01:07but, in the eight hundred years of San Francesco,
01:11to implement, to set the goal of reaching one million passengers,
01:15even in an airport like the one in Perugia, can be absolutely fundamental.
01:19We are working on the reform of the governance of the ports,
01:22because, even here, the Trieste-Sentivo system is absolutely fundamental.
01:26Trieste, Genoa, Palermo, Gioia Tauro.
01:30The high speed, which is sometimes clear,
01:34when you have 1,200 construction sites open on the Italian railway network,
01:38which has no precedent in history,
01:40and, at the same time, you have the maximum number of circulating trains on the Italian railway network,
01:44up to 10,000 trains a day,
01:46it is clear that the mix, maximum number of construction sites,
01:50maximum number of circulating trains,
01:52and maximum number of passengers,
01:54can create some problems.
01:56But, if we did not invest today,
01:58we would have problems in the medium term.
02:00And the railway network, of course,
02:02also feeds the airport network,
02:06and also puts in healthy competition.
02:10As now there is the alternative, Milan or Rome,
02:13I take the plane or I take the train,
02:15to the final works of Rome or Naples or Bari.
02:18Today, if one has to go from Rome to Bari,
02:20obviously, the choice is one.
02:22When, in three hours, you arrive from Rome to Bari,
02:25even there, you put in competition,
02:28and, in my opinion, the competition is always healthy.
02:30We are also moving forward on another reform,
02:34which may concern competitiveness,
02:37and I speak here of the economic community,
02:39not only on the airport issue,
02:41not only on the reform of the governance of the ports,
02:43we will renew the 16 port authorities,
02:47with a framework and a single management,
02:50we are also working on the reform of the system
02:52of highway concessions,
02:54which, of course,
02:56themes intermodality, rubber, iron, water and air.
03:01At the Ministry, if you come to my office,
03:03there is a geographical map,
03:06with different colors,
03:08which is trying to put together
03:10what, until a while ago, was disconnected,
03:13because the reform of the national plan of airports,
03:16disconnected from the logistics of the interports,
03:18obviously, does not lead you anywhere.
03:21It was a great 2024,
03:23and I think it could be an even better 2025.
03:28Despite the fact that someone is afraid,
03:31of disputes, of clashes, of geopolitics,
03:34I think the exact opposite will be true.
03:36I think that the end of the conflicts,
03:38and I close with this,
03:40since we called ourselves San Francesco,
03:42of 2025,
03:44will bring new lymph,
03:46new trade, new business,
03:48new sports, cultural exchanges.
