• last month
Melanie Fiona, Codie Elaine Oliver, Felicia LaTour and Ashley Chea dish on parenting and being a part of The Mama's Den podcast.
00:00Since we live in LA, it has been quite a new year.
00:05In the, you know, obviously the first two weeks we all spent, we all spent it in an
00:11anxious place.
00:13Thankfully none of us lost our homes, but I would say that for me, recognizing that
00:20anxiety, recognizing that everyone was impacted by knowing multiple people in Los Angeles
00:26who lost homes and by that period of constant evacuation notices to our phones and texting
00:32friends, the wind is picking up, like really just all that uncertainty has left a mark.
00:38And I think the first thing for me is recognizing that, um, and, and letting it be right.
00:44Like breathing through those, those memories that are going to continuously pop up as it's,
00:49as we're still not out of the woods, as they say.
00:53And so I am just trying to stay in that space of gratitude of how can I help those impacted
00:59because I know so many and, um, and taking it one day at a time, one hour at a time.
01:06When we were in that period, it was like one hour at a time.
01:08Now at least it can be one day at a time, but grace and space for myself and my family.
01:15I think for me and my family, it was, it's been, I think a reality check.
01:21I think for the thing that I keep saying is like, it's the possibility of sudden change.
01:26You know, things can be one way, one second, and then they can be another.
01:29So being grateful and present in each moment is really important.
01:34Um, that's very, very important, I think to me on a regular basis, but that really, um,
01:41became amplified during the beginning of the year.
01:43And I also think just understanding and feeling grief in a different way, you know, most times
01:48often we think about grief, um, from losing someone or something like very close to you,
01:54but the, the, um, wave of grief that you can feel for devastation for those around you,
02:00um, the compassion, the empathy, sympathy, all of it, um, you know, I think is also counteracted
02:06by showing up in the ways that you can be mindful, um, keeping those in thoughts, showing
02:12give what you can, how you can, um, energetically what you put back into the world after something's
02:17been lost.
02:18So I think with my children, you know, just trying to find small joys throughout the day
02:22and recognizing that being together and healthy and safe is a joy and a blessing every single
02:29So that's kind of been the, the theme from the beginning of the year for us.
02:32Love that.
02:33Love that.
02:34Love that.
