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(Adnkronos) - Il progetto Buon Fine di Coop Lombardia, che si impegna nel recupero di generi alimentari invenduti per donarli ad associazioni ed enti caritativi sul territorio, compie 20 anni. In occasione dell’anniversario e della Giornata Internazionale contro lo Spreco Alimentare, che ricorre il 5 febbraio, la stessa Cooperativa ha organizzato un evento speciale a Milano.


00:00The project Buon Fine di Copp Lombardia turns 20 years old and a few days after the International Day Against Food Waste on February 5, the Cooperative has presented the results of the initiative that recovers unsold food grains and donates them to charitable associations on the territory.
00:22Born in 2005, the project represents a concrete example of solidarity and sustainability. With a celebratory evening, Copp Lombardia recounts the successes of the last 20 years and renews the commitment to a more solidary future.
00:37I think it's a very positive balance. More than 75 million euros of merchandise donated, 25.5 million meals guaranteed to many people in these 20 years and already only this, I mean, from the size of the important commitment that Copp Lombardia, with its partners, with its customers, has put into place in these first 20 years of the project.
01:01From this project, the habit of donating not only packaged food, boxed food to people, but also and above all, because we are now at about 85-86% of donated food with these characteristics, but we have also started to donate meat, dairy products, fruit and vegetables.
01:25So the people who benefit from the Bonfine project in the various territories of Lombardy really see a complete meal coming, so not just boxed food.
01:36The other very important aspect is that of reducing the environmental impact, because this food, thanks to the two laws that have been in place over the years, has become a waste, because it had to be thrown away, instead it has become a resource and has fed the chain of solidarity.
01:53Milan's food policy has achieved important results in recent years and by integrating projects like Buonfine, an even stronger and more cohesive network between institutions, businesses and the third sector can be built.
02:05I consider that Buonfine is an integral part of Milan's food policy, also because this ability to create a system, a link between the public system and the private system can only be realized if there is the ability to be daily at the service of those who are the biggest objectives.
02:23And then the possibility to reach many families, to reach those who may not know these projects and has the possibility to be sensitized compared to many other behaviors to which it pays attention.
02:36So there is a concrete dimension in the collection, in the redistribution, but there is also a great educational value of communication that we really need today.
