• last month
00:00This is Moses Moody and you're listening to Steini and Guru on 95.7 The Game.
00:05The Crossover is brought to you by Abundant Life Weight Loss. They know the secret to
00:08losing up to one pound of fat every day. Go to AbundantLifeWeightLoss.com. All right,
00:15you get a chance in the next 20 minutes to win a pair of tickets to both the NBA Rising Stars
00:20game at Chase on Friday night and then also All-Star practice in Oakland on Saturday.
00:28You got a chance to win tickets to both events. Here's what you got to do. When you hear this
00:33sounder in the next 20 minutes, John Sally, John Sally, call 415-523-4652 and caller number seven
00:44has tickets to both events, but not until you hear John Sally, John Sally, not then,
00:51somewhere like in the next, like not in the next second or two. Right, right. Like in the next
00:56couple of minutes on 95.7 The Game. What's up, gents? I'm worried about my guy. I am too. By my
01:02guy, I don't mean my partner about whom I'm rarely worried, but I'm worried about my other partner,
01:09Daryl, that not the guru, but the Boohoo Johnson. Wow. That's a four. I'll take a four. And I don't
01:15know if he's making fun of me or if he's really putting his arm around me. No, no, we like,
01:20we started getting sleep last night. When the thing broke, we started getting tweets. They're
01:27like, you guys, are you in the building? Dude, go get him. Yes. And I think he knows it wasn't
01:34just me. I want to hear this now. Like, I don't know what to do, man. I'm hurt. I mean, good
01:40basketball hurt. This is where, you know, as a, as a veteran of countless trade deadlines,
01:47you know, you just never know until it becomes official. Well, look at you. You're a badass
01:52today. I want to tell you that right now. You're a badass. I'm driving around and you bring up
01:58Joe Lacob's name and you come back four minutes later. You're like, Joe Lacob just texted me.
02:04Said he wasn't mad. That was badass. You know what? I just got another text from him. He's pissed
02:09now. I'm kidding. What do you guys make of what happened? It was done. I'm out. I don't,
02:19I don't think it was done. I don't think it was done, but I don't think there's any way around
02:26that. This is a huge wake up call. Number one, um, that the warriors are, are not maybe the
02:35destination that they think they are. And the larger concern would be, um, that it feels to me
02:43many steps to go, but wouldn't this kind of feel like step one toward Steph Curry someday,
02:51not wanting to be here. I have no, if he feels that because of, cause this is what everyone's
02:58saying. We don't know why Durrell doesn't want to come. All we know is Steph is not the reason
03:05he doesn't want to come. It could be anything else, right? It could be Draymond. It could be
03:10culture. It could be Steve Kerr. It could be Joe Lacob. It could be all of those things. We just
03:18know it's not Steph. So if that becomes the narrative and Steph starts to believe, Oh,
03:24nobody wants to, everybody likes me, but nobody, I can't do it here.
03:30That is the gut punch that is today to me. I agree. I mean, I agree. Um,
03:39you know, Butler, we'll, we'll see. They're supposed to be re-engaged now with Jimmy Butler.
03:44I'm about done with re-engaged. Yeah. And like, I don't go to something nefarious so much as
03:50nobody wants to play with Draymond. I just think it's the position they're in right now. Like NBA
03:55players, I don't think are stupid. And I just think they look at golden state right now and
04:00they don't see much other than just the 500 team. I think that's fair, but, but also realize that
04:06you just got called. If that's the case, you got called old by a 36 year old. What do you mean?
04:13Kevin Durant doesn't want to join you because you're, you're going downhill.
04:19He's six months younger than Steph and, and he doesn't, he doesn't want to come. I do think
04:25there might be something. Jimmy Butler's 35. He doesn't want to come. I do think there's some
04:29dibs about, it's not that they, they don't want to come here necessarily. It's that where the
04:36Warriors are right now just happens not to be a great destination. It's not nothing personal.
04:43No, although it might be personal in the KD case, we don't know. And we're going to play the Mark
04:48Spears sound coming up where Mark Spears clearly had some source reporting and he talked about
04:53reasons why perhaps KD wouldn't want to come. And he ranked him in order of, well, not, he didn't
04:59rank him in order, but the way he said it was, uh, dream on green followed by Stiney's text buddy,
05:05Joe Lakob, followed by Steve Kerr. There's no mention of Steph Curry. So I think the KD case
05:10is different than the Jimmy Butler case. And you know, when Jimmy, when the report is that Jimmy
05:15didn't want to sign an extension with golden state, that to me is really nebulous. There's
05:20gray area because maybe the extension they offered was three years and 75 million. And in which point,
05:26yeah, he's not going to sign that. I don't think that, that, that the Warriors offered him three
05:31and one 50 and he said, no, thank you. I mean, whether or not, if now, if he did that, I'd be
05:35stunned, but who knows? Who knows? But when, when the report is that Jimmy didn't want to sign an
05:40extension with golden state, that to me doesn't mean necessarily that he's out on golden state.
05:46Right. Although I told you yesterday, I felt that way. It's odd that like my first thing,
05:50when I saw that is I, does golden state want to sign Butler doing extension? I mean, we have to
05:55call this what it is. Like we've sort of been playful with this word desperate in the last 48
06:01hours. We've reached a point where that's not a good thing anymore. If you go acquire Brandon
06:06Ingram, every single person, the four of us have talked to for a year and a half has said the same
06:12thing. The Warriors have no interest in Brandon Ingram. Now you do the Warriors have no interest
06:19in Zach Levine, but now you do like, when do we call this? What it is you're out there just
06:25blindly shooting in the dark. And that's why Willard, that report didn't sit well with me.
06:31When the Warriors were attached to it, when sham said they're calling it, I'm like,
06:35I get it, but bibs don't say it out. Like I'm I'm desperate.
06:40Well, they didn't say it, but if you call 29 teams, then those 29 teams and shams is checking
06:46in with everyone. Who've you heard from? Well, we heard from the Warriors. We heard from the
06:49Warriors. We heard from the Warriors. I don't think it's desperation. I think it's due diligence.
06:54Now, if you make a desperate move for Brandon Ingram, or you make a desperate move for
07:00another big swing, then yeah, that's where I think you can talk about desperation.
07:05One quick note, real quick, and I don't have any details. Jonas Valanciunas is moving to the Kings,
07:13to the Kings. He was traded. Wow. Was he the one who was traded for Nerkich? Yeah.
07:17It went, he was in that deal. Yeah. Oh, the Nerkich trade wasn't official.
07:22Okay. So Valanciunas going to the Kings. We don't know what's going on in the other direction.
07:26We don't at this point. And he was with Washington. Yeah. I thought, I thought they
07:30moved him for Nerkich. So you've got Sabonis and Valanciunas in your front line? That's,
07:34that's, that's a lot of, that's a whole lot of stuff. Yeah. And I think about Dallas now,
07:40you know, where you've got AD playing the four and they've got two centers and now Sacramento's
07:44got two legit bigs and Golden State's got Kavon and TJD who suddenly doesn't play.
07:50But what if KD, what, what if Dallas Nikko was able to get Kevin to ran?
07:54Yeah, it's possible. Oh my gosh. All eyes for me on Phoenix. I'm sorry,
07:58Stani. All eyes on Phoenix because you know, you got the three guys making 50 plus and
08:03you don't want to trade Booker and you can't trade Beal. And if you keep KD, well then you're out on
08:09the Jimmy Butler sweepstakes. And then what does that mean for Butler in Miami? Two seconds for
08:14Valanciunas and some filler according to Evan. Valanciunas to the, to the Kings. You know,
08:20the other thing, and I don't know, I don't know how it plays out in the NBA among the players,
08:26but it's been no secret that the Warriors have been advertising for a year. We need to get Steph
08:32help. We need to get another guy, another guy, another guy with Steph, with Steph, with Steph,
08:36maximize window, one more run. I think it's fair to say that maybe some players don't,
08:43didn't, don't want that. Like that doesn't appeal to certain players to come in here
08:50being viewed as maybe the guy who's going to push them over the top. Like that's a lot of that.
08:57That's, those are some big goals to have to fulfill while all these guys are obviously
09:03looking at it through their own lens and each of their situations totally different. And yes,
09:09it gets head scratching at times, not just the fact that like Luca got dealt. I don't even
09:15understand why Phoenix would entertain the idea of swapping out Kevin Durant to turn him into
09:20Jimmy Butler. Why was that ever a thing? Like, and, and, and so it goes, it goes on and on,
09:26but yes, Donnie, you're completely right. You know, I mean, nobody's going to look at this
09:30through a more narrow lens than, than these players who have so much power.
09:35I mean, look at the way we just saw this Durant thing play out. It was literally supposedly on
09:42the verge of happening yesterday and what cratered it, what cratered it was apparently the player
09:48himself. All he had to do was be like, no, I don't want to do that. And that was the end of that.
09:54So yeah, man, what these guys, these guys all see themselves as alphas in the room and they are,
10:00and they're ones and, and, and none of them are aware of their own age. And some of them do defy
10:06their own age, LeBron KD to a degree, Steph as well. And so I think that's a very fair point,
10:13you know, but although they, some of them, Jimmy Butler at the front of the list,
10:18they might be creating such a narrow sort of path that it doesn't even exist.
10:24I don't know where he's going to go. You're listening to 95, seven, the game KGM, ZFM and
10:28HD one San Francisco, always live on the free odyssey app, Twitch and YouTube powered by first
10:34NorCal credit union, John Sally. All right, there it is. Ladies and gentlemen, there is your cue.
10:40John Sally. Now's your chance to win a pair of tickets to both the NBA rising stars game at
10:46chase on Friday and the all-star practice in Oakland on Saturday. Call 4 1 5 5 2 3 4 6 5 2
10:54caller. Number seven, number seven, you're getting tickets to the NBA rising stars game
11:00at chase on Friday and the all-star practice Saturday in Oakland caller number 7 4 1 5 5 2 3
11:084 6 5 2. And to get in on all the NBA all-star action in the Bay area, head to NBA events.com
11:17or the NBA events app and purchase tickets for fan events like NBA crossover, rising stars,
11:25NBA all-star practice and the NBA HBCU classic. All right. Wow. Caller number seven. Good luck.
11:36Um, let's see. Oh, Draymond did drop a podcast in the last day or two and he taught, he was
11:44talking about Jimmy Butler and he talked about her dad. Okay. Draymond heard the report that
11:49Butler didn't want to sign here, messing up his mind. His, his response was nothing about
11:56the warriors. It was more like, you know, Jimmy's got to be a little careful that he doesn't
12:00make that window so narrow that they can't move him. And so I do kind of think it's
12:08kind of funny that now they're reengaged with Butler. Maybe Butler has felt,
12:14maybe Butler is feeling the pinch. Like, Oh my God, I may be here. I don't, I don't know.
12:20I don't know what the pitch is when you are making 48 and you have a player opt. So you can
12:25just suddenly be a good soldier and you can opt in and you can tell Miami, guess what? Guess who's
12:31back? Back again. Jimmy's back. Tell a friend. He wants to play ball though. He hasn't been
12:39window goes. He still has the opt and that is an opt in and Miami can't do a thing about it.
12:45No, that's true. But he doesn't want to do the Trent Williams thing and like just not play for
12:50a year, especially at this age. Um, look, the Phoenix thing for Butler was always really,
12:56really layered and complex, big contracts, opt ins, opt outs, like it had to be four or five
13:04teams. And it sounds in this moment like that, that fell apart. So I don't know what the Warriors
13:11level of reengagement here, obviously this changes every hour, but right now, two Oh two
13:18in the afternoon, we got 22 hours to go. It sounds, I mean, how would you feel about Wiggins
13:25and Schroeder for Butler? I don't, I don't like it. I would be in, you'd be. Yeah. I would. Why?
13:32And why don't you like, that's enough financially, but it would have to be some filler. We are now
13:37calling these human beings. What is it? What Butler is 48. Is that right? That sounds about
13:41right. And Wiggins and Schroeder is about 40 and you gotta, you gotta re up Butler too. So he's
13:47going to get some new, you don't gotta. Well, that's, that's, and that's the thing. So you're
13:52going after Jimmy Butler. He says, I don't want to be, I'm not, I'm not promising you I'm signing.
13:58My plan right now is to opt out and become a free agent. You want to sign a long-term extension here?
14:03No, not right now. Okay. Is there any circumstance we'd want to trade for Jimmy Butler
14:10given he could be a rental? Okay. Maybe everyone in there's like no chance, or maybe you create
14:18Butler, you trade salary out. I don't know. And you get flexibility in the off season.
14:23Like I think that's the, everything can be on the table thing now for the Warriors.
14:28I agree. And it's twofold. One that sort of turns it into not only Jimmy Butler, the player, but it
14:34turns Wiggins and Schroeder, Schroeder already is, but it turns Wiggins into an expiring contract.
14:39So yes, there's financial flexibility there, but let's also call this what it is. We have arrived
14:45at a point where the Warriors have to do something. They're desperate. I think tomorrow,
14:49if we are sitting here tomorrow doing this segment and the Warriors have done nothing,
14:55listen, I am one of these people who believes that great organizations don't worry too much
15:00about what their fans think. This is a rare exception. Yeah, but this is a rare exception.
15:05Oh, you would be hot. You'd be just, I think this fan base, I think they'd be a laugh.
15:10Cause we've been teased though, right? It's not even just the fan base. It's the whole nation
15:14right before all-star weekend comes to your arena. The whole nation, every NBA show has been
15:20talking about this for six months. Wow. If you do nothing, how's that going to play? It's going to
15:25look like nobody wants you. Nobody wants to play for you. It's going to be embarrassing.
15:30Trades are hard. And you know, there's been like eight of them in the last two days.
15:35Well, and again, if you're Miami and you know, you have Jimmy Butler starting to maybe
15:40quiver a little bit about the prospect of 22 hours till the deadline, I don't think that Miami
15:45is going to lower its price at all just to get Jimmy out. That doesn't seem like the Pat Riley
15:51thing to do. So this kind of makes me feel a little bit like the Giants trading Zach Wheeler
15:56for Carlos Beltran. If you end up trading Kaminga, who would be the Zach Wheeler in this conversation?
16:02Giants got Beltran for two months. It didn't work out to be anything. And then he left and
16:07you were left with no Wheeler. My perception coming is back off the table. That was a Durant
16:12thing. Just my perception. Yeah. My gut based on what I've read and who I've talked to. That's my
16:18gut. If Miami was already willing to do a three team deal with Phoenix, where Wiggins ended up
16:24in Miami, why wouldn't they re-engage on the Warriors? Just about Wiggins, just Wiggins and
16:30the rest expiring. Right. Because I wonder what the pit compensation would have been in that.
16:34And you're talking about a possible Kevin Durant, Jimmy Butler, and then Wiggins, I guess,
16:40would be the centerpiece going back to Miami. I think the Warriors would be a lot more interested
16:43in first round picks and Kaminga if they're getting Durant, but not Jimmy Butler. Not Jimmy
16:49Butler. But if you're Miami, what's your motivation then? Well, because you have to get this dude out.
16:53No doubt. You're going to get stuck with him and a malcontent. Like we've watched this. What do
16:58teams usually do when the team, when the player looks at him and goes, get me out of here?
17:02Right. Get him out of there. Well, what this team has done has been different, which is they've
17:06suspended him thrice and look at their record since they suspended him the first time. It's
17:11the exact same team as when they've had Jimmy Butler. Why not turn it into something? Well,
17:16you could do that in the summer. You don't have to panic in the next 21 hours and 50 minutes.
17:20Well, or he could opt out and just leave and then you get nothing. That's all. You get that
17:24salary spot. Yeah. Stein, he was talking about financial flexibility for the Warriors. So that,
17:29isn't that valuable for Miami as well? Yes, but you could get that to at least half of it right
17:33now anyway. Like Wiggins. Not if you trade for Wiggins, he's got two more years. No,
17:37that's only half of the salary. Right. But you'd have to take on, and I guess you'd be taking on
17:41expiring. Schroeder. Theoretically. You did a Schroeder and a Looney there. That turns half
17:45of his salary into an expiring deal. Right. You know, it just doesn't. Yeah. Miami doesn't
17:50normally operate in that way. Stein, he's a big fan of coach Spoh in the, in the, the heat way.
17:57They don't normally make trades that have them go backward in any way. And I think that this
18:02would be a backward move. Wiggins is a good player. Wiggins is a really good player.
18:08But I'll bet the Warriors are being asked for draft picks too for Jimmy Butler. I do.
18:15Well, I'd say no to that. Well, and I think that's what's going on. You can't give up draft
18:20picks if you don't think, if you're not sure, Butler's not going to be here. Right. But when
18:24he says he doesn't want to resign before we find out is that it's like, he's telling us he don't
18:29want us. I mean, like now we're like what that extension was. I got you. If Jimmy can opt in
18:36for 50, if I'm Jimmy and I can opt in for 50 and a team wants to extend me, I want three and one
18:4320 minimum. I don't want to have an extension for three and 75. If I already have 50 for sure,
18:49no matter what I'm getting 50 and I want years, like Stiney said before, and you're right,
18:54Stiney about the NBA player. They want additional years. They want the life, right? I want three
18:59more years of this. So if you're offering me three and a hundred, that's probably not enough.
19:04If I can make one in 50 and then go, go out there and test the market. Yeah. But can he,
19:08that's the other thing. Like, and that's what his agent and he, that's what they know. I like,
19:13I don't, I don't think, is there a huge thirst around the league right now to give Jimmy Butler
19:19north of $50 million for three or four more years when he's about to turn 36? I mean,
19:23that's how we got here. Miami's like, hell no. See, I think, I think we are at the point where
19:28everything's on the table and that doesn't necessarily mean players, but I actually
19:33see a possibility and I, I'd really need to look at all the money and stuff, but you say,
19:41you know what? We're trading for Jimmy Butler and we don't want him to resign. We're not like,
19:48we know he doesn't want to resign here and we're not resigning him here. In the meantime,
19:54you offload some, some of your longer term deals and maybe you can create something in the off
20:01season by letting Butler walk. I know it like, but I think all that has got to be thought about
20:07at this point. But what you would lose to get them just for that is could be steep. And I know
20:13we don't have much time, but I got to run this by you. Stani doesn't even know. This fascinates me.
20:17So the Luca trade happens. And if I had a dollar for every time somebody said the NBA players have
20:23too much power, they have too much power. Okay. So I hear Ann Edwards and everybody talk about,
20:28oh, you better be on notice. Anybody can get touched. Bradley bill is the only guy that I've
20:33heard floating around name possibly traded that has a no trade clause. Earlier I asked Stani,
20:39okay, Durant doesn't have that, but Stani said Phoenix would look bad. It would be dirty business,
20:45dirty pool. If they were to trade a player that didn't have a no trade clause.
20:49But if you were to ship Katie to the warriors, essentially Katie has a no trade clause. If we're
20:56so worried about Willard doesn't want to go there, then it's a no trade clause for everybody
21:01then. Right? Like I'm just saying, how are the, how are the sons getting their next star?
21:06When the star goes, I'm asking you with that really? Yes. Willer, do you think that would
21:12release the other guys? Like, when is it about the business? If, Hey, we're shipping you here,
21:17deal with it. If you want to play ball, I mean, you can, you can play it that way. I think it's
21:21always been that way though. I like it's, that's always been a thing of either. Would a guy re
21:27sign? Would a guy be happy? Could we convince him? Like, remember Dame Lillard, only Miami,
21:33you have to trade them into Miami. And then Milwaukee is like, no, we're good. Were you
21:37coming to Milwaukee? Is he happy? I don't know. They're not doing that great. But my point is,
21:42I think that's always something teams have had to weigh in this particular case where the 36
21:48year old Kevin Durant, who you have a history with. I think it makes sense to be like,
21:55we don't want to acquire a ticked off Kevin Durant and it was going to cost you a lot,
22:01a lot of assets. So it is about feelings too. Cause essentially,
22:04and it's about like willingness to go there. Like if you trade Kevin Durant to Charlotte,
22:09is he going to show up? And I know he wants to play, but there's a certain part of it where
22:14Andre Iguodala got traded to Memphis and he never even got on a plane. He made it clear.
22:18And I know he was an expiring and all the rest of it, but he didn't even bother to fly out there
22:23and shake a hand and say, guys, I'm not playing here. So there is a certain sort of a no trade
22:28clause. And that's just real quick. We did a little trivia yesterday. You guys probably missed
22:33it. It was late in the show. And I asked Mark who holds the record for number of times being
22:37traded in the league. Now to get the player is almost impossible, but how many times do you
22:43think the most times a player, one guy has been traded? I know who it is. What's his name? Before
22:50you give the name, can I give the number of times? I'm going to say 14. It's a, it's a guy who used
22:55to play for Houston. He did. Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, Chuck Brown, Chuckie Brown. That's a great one.
23:03The answer is 11 and Trevor Ariza. Wow. He got dealt 11 times. So as we get ready for the
23:11deadline, cause Dennis Schroeder yesterday was talking about modern slavery. I mean, I was,
23:18that was heavy history, but they were heavy words. I think a big picture question too,
23:22as it relates to Kevin Durant is, does this do anything as it relates to a future possible
23:29statue? Oh, right. Legacy on 95 seven. Oh, the game. So walk off.