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Menteri Koordinator (Menko) Bidang Pangan Zulkifli Hasan memastikan, stok persediaan bahan pokok di pasar menjelang Ramadan aman. Zulhas –sapaan akrab Zulkifli Hasan--juga memastikan harga bahan pokok stabil, dan harga yang berlaku di pasar sesuai dengan harga eceran.

Senada dengan Zulhas, Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag) Budi Santoso juga menegaskan akan berupaya menjaga kestabilan harga bahan pokok menjelang bulan suci Ramadan hingga Idul Fitri 2025. Budi mengatakan pihaknya akan terus memantau perkembangan harga komoditas penting, seperti telur ayam, daging ayam, dan minyak goreng.

Untuk menjaga kestabilan harga, Kemendag telah melakukan koordinasi intensif dengan berbagai pihak, termasuk ID Food dan Perum Bulog. Pertemuan dengan produsen dan distributor juga sering dilakukan untuk memastikan pasokan bahan pangan tetap aman.


00:00Andi Amran Sulaiman, the Minister of Agriculture, has ensured that the National Food Force is in a safe condition after the Ramadan of 1446 Hijri.
00:23He said that the government has prepared enough stocks to maintain the price stability and the availability of raw materials in the market.
00:35Andi Amran Sulaiman, the Minister of Agriculture, has ensured that the National Food Force is in a safe condition after the Ramadan of 1446 Hijri.
00:45Amran said that the government has prepared enough stocks to maintain the price stability and the availability of raw materials in the market.
00:55Minister Amran is optimistic about the stock available in maintaining the price stability of food during Ramadan so that the people do not have to worry.
01:02We are preparing for Ramadan.
01:06We are preparing food, such as fried oil, meat, and rice.
01:14God willing, our stock is safe.
01:16There are 2 million tons in the block.
01:19We are sure that the food will be relatively stable during the holy month of Ramadan.
01:28Amran also said that the rice production in the first quarter of 2025 experienced a significant spike.
01:34The central government statistically announced that by March, the total rice production reached 8 million tons and was expected to reach 13 to 14 million tons by April.
01:43To overcome this condition, the government has taken a quick step by allocating 16.6 trillion rupiah in funds to Tampabunga Block.
01:51According to Amran, President Prabowo also insisted that the rice production period from February to April is a momentum that should not be missed.
01:59The coverage team of IDX Channel.
02:05Meanwhile, the Block Bureau ensured that the government's stock of rice reserves before Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr per February 2025 reached 1.94 million tons.
02:16In addition to rice, flour, flour, fried oil, and eggs, it is also ensured that it is safe before the fasting month.
02:22In a work meeting with the 4th Commission of the DPR RI, the Director-General of Perumbulok Wahyu Suparyono mentioned that the government's stock of rice reserves before Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr per February 2025 reached 1.94 million tons.
02:41The rice stock is distributed in a number of regions, with the largest stock in East Java reaching 458.15 million tons.
02:50BKI Jakarta-Banten reached 322.9 million tons and Sulawesi Selatan-Sulawesi Barat reached 233.29 million tons.
03:02In addition to rice, Perumbulok also ensured other commodity stocks such as flour, fried oil, granulated sugar, eggs, and corn are also in safe condition.
03:11Currently, the flour stock has reached 117 thousand tons, fried oil 5199 kiloliters, granulated sugar 13.61 thousand tons, eggs 5 tons, and corn PSO 54.95 thousand tons.
03:29In general, the government's rice stock is 1.94 million tons, flour 117 tons, fried oil 5199 kiloliters, granulated sugar 13.61 thousand tons, eggs 5 tons, and corn PSO 54.95 thousand tons.
03:56And corn in the commercial context is 18.2 thousand tons.
04:03Even in February 2025, the total rice stock in the country reached 18.35 thousand tons or increased compared to the same period in the previous year, which reached 15.3 thousand tons.
04:18The government targets that Perumbulok is able to absorb 3 million tons of rice in the country this year.
04:25Jakarta, IDX Channel.
04:55Before we discuss further, we will review, as usual, how is the price movement, the need for stocks or stocks, until February?
05:04Has there been a price increase movement or is it still stable?
05:10Yes, overall, I have to admit that the price fluctuation is still going up and down, but in our observation, compared to the last five years, this year is relatively more maintained.
05:25Because after Ramadan, we still have time, about a month, to make sure that some commodities are safe.
05:36If we look at the price, the rice has started to be relatively stable, the oil is a little high, but we have to push it together because the colors are different.
05:47We will explain later. Sugar is still relatively safe at 18 thousand. Eggs are still relatively safe at 28 thousand.
05:57Red onions are large at 40 thousand. White onions are 45 thousand. Cuttings are 50 thousand.
06:10Flour is relatively safe. Maybe that's how it is, some commodities that there are actually three institutions or ministries that are assigned by the government to solve some commodities.
06:29So, if we look from the Ministry of Agriculture, in production in the country, it is relatively safe, even if the chilies have started to fall, the red chilies are in the Ministry of Agriculture, the rice is also in the Ministry of Agriculture, relatively safe.
06:48In the Ministry of Trade, there is indeed a slight spike in fried oil, cheap fried oil. This still has a spare time of about a month to be able to control.
07:01From ministries or institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture, these are also some commodities that must be pushed to be able to decline in the last month.
07:16But overall, we see that compared to last year or the previous years, this year's food handling is much more effective, much more careful than the previous years.
07:35Okay, but if we look at the main driver, if there is still a price increase in the number of tree needs in the community, is it more because of the limited supply from the producer, or do we know that the price is high because of the high demand?
07:52At certain moments, such as New Year's Eve, Ramadan, and Eid, some commodities will definitely fluctuate. There are two things.
08:05The first is the availability of stocks or the safe distribution. The stock is available, but the slow distribution is also dangerous.
08:16The second is the high demand. So the trader's assumption is that today's demand is 1 quintal, but in fact the purchase is more than 1 quintal.
08:26It also affects the price increase. Even so, if the stock is relatively safe, the increase can still be measured, can still be maintained.
08:38There is still an increase. I have confidence in the short time we meet with Mr. Pras every year.
08:48But the increase cannot be avoided because this is a matter of supply and demand.
08:54A matter of high demand when the stock is still not on the market. This also affects the distribution.
09:01Distribution is also one of the factors that determines the increase in Ramadan.
09:08But I'm sure, Mr. Pras, that this year we are relatively more protected because we know that the President is quite concerned about food.
09:18We also have a food bank. We also see that some ministries are more active, more synergistic, and more communicative than the previous years.
09:29If last year or the previous years, there was a mismatch between the Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Industry on frying oil.
09:37This year we are more protected, Mr. Pras.
09:39Okay, so what are the areas that have experienced the highest price increase in stock?
09:45Or at least there are some areas that have experienced a price drop?
09:48We will discuss in the next segment.
09:50Mr. Mansuri, we will be away for a while.
09:52And the judges, we will be right back after the next break.
10:00Indonesia's Food Sector
10:11You are still watching Market Review.
10:13In the next segment, we will provide you with data related to the challenges of the food sector in Indonesia.
10:19As you can see on your television screen, where the productivity of agriculture in Indonesia is still relatively low.
10:26Then there is a change in climate and crop yields.
10:28Next, there is the cost of food distribution related to the geographical conditions of Indonesia.
10:33There is also a disruption of the food supply chain and stability.
10:36As well as increased food needs, along with an increase in the number of residents.
10:42Next, related to the food security budget in the APBN.
10:45Let's see how the number is from 2021 to 2025.
10:53Yes, it tends to increase.
10:54If we look at it, it has been at Rp100 trillion since 2023.
10:58In 2024, it was Rp114.3 trillion.
11:01In 2025, it will be Rp144.6 trillion.
11:05Let's continue our discussion with Mr. Abdullah Mansuri.
11:11Mr. Mansuri, based on the data that has been provided.
11:14Productivity, climate, cost of distribution, supply chain, and increasing needs.
11:21What is it that always happens?
11:24It's a recurring event.
11:26If we talk about the food needs in Indonesia, how is it?
11:29Do you think this is already above the previous points?
11:32Or is it a challenge that will remain every year?
11:38Yes, we appreciate it because the budget continues to increase in the food sector.
11:43Food security.
11:46But indeed, Indonesia has an uncertain climate, Mr. Pras.
11:52We know that some of our commodities still depend on some areas
11:57that we cannot predict the climate.
12:01Maybe the BMKG can predict that today it will rain,
12:06tomorrow it will be sunny, the next day there will be bad weather.
12:11But this cannot be calculated.
12:15So, does this interfere with our food that is being produced?
12:20In some areas, such as Java,
12:25it still happens several times that some commodities are affected by floods.
12:32So it does affect the price of the commodity.
12:39So, planning is important for some ministries or institutions
12:45to prepare a bigger stock.
12:49Indeed, the President wants us to have a big stock,
12:54so that even if there are some areas that experience floods
13:00or bad weather,
13:03some areas that if the flood-affected areas fail to harvest,
13:10can be covered by areas that are indeed prepared to help the troops in Indonesia.
13:17Well, that is one of the factors.
13:19But indeed, the preparation or design of the food will be able to help
13:27if the government is serious in making a bigger design.
13:33Wherever the production area is,
13:36wherever the production area is affected,
13:39it can be subsidized in areas that are always in our control
13:46experiencing floods.
13:48Okay, and using the momentum, especially after Ramadan,
13:52after Eid,
13:53how do you see the efforts of IKP to maintain the stock available
13:59and the price fluctuation is not too high,
14:02especially in areas that may have difficulties with the availability of distribution?
14:09We continue to communicate with the ministries and institutions
14:14in this matter, the head of the food body,
14:17to discuss areas where the price is relatively high
14:22or the fluctuation cannot be maintained,
14:24it can be covered by several commodities
14:30that are abundant in the area.
14:32This often happens if Cabe Tinggi, Jakarta or outside Java,
14:38because the two areas are always,
14:41the two places are always experiencing a price increase
14:45when in other areas there is no increase.
14:48There are two, the first is the areas where the population is large,
14:52such as Jabodutabek, Bandung, and so on,
14:56big cities.
14:57The second is in areas outside Java,
15:01Maluku, Papua, NTT, and so on.
15:04This must continue to be maintained
15:06and we continue to provide reports
15:09on commodities that have high prices
15:14so that they can be subsidized
15:16or can get acceleration steps from the government.
15:20Several times we have tried to do efforts
15:23together with the national food body,
15:25such as Cabe, at times that were quite high,
15:30we together with the food body to help distribute
15:35distribution subsidies,
15:37so we take from farmers in the outside region,
15:42the distribution is subsidized by the food body,
15:46so that the goods arrive in Jakarta,
15:48the commodities can add stock in Jakarta
15:52and the price is monitored relatively slowly decreasing.
15:56In some commodities it happens,
15:58such as eggs, Sempak Tinggi,
16:00we bring eggs, the distribution is assisted by the food body,
16:04and Alhamdulillah, it can accelerate the price drop.
16:09What is your projection after Ramadan?
16:12Will the price fluctuate more?
16:15Or is it really like what you said earlier,
16:18we keep it at the beginning,
16:20don't let the price experience a surge,
16:22even though we know that there are sometimes stocks,
16:24but there are also those who may speculate there.
16:29If the demand is high,
16:32there are always moments when some prices go up,
16:37and we can't avoid it.
16:39Always if Ramadan and New Year,
16:42there are some commodities that are quite high,
16:45even though we have prepared the stock.
16:47The government said that the stock has been prepared,
16:50but indeed at the time of the Ramadan journey,
16:53there are always some commodities that
16:56either the stock is late,
17:00or this is what needs to be anticipated in this matter,
17:05or there are commodities that deliberately
17:08play the role of taking advantage.
17:13This is in line with what we said,
17:15but once again,
17:17demand is quite high, it affects the price fluctuation.
17:21We don't know that the demand for sugar
17:27turns out to be what we predicted,
17:29only one ton in one market,
17:32but the demand is more than one ton,
17:34so our farmers panic.
17:38This is what we keep telling the community,
17:41don't panic, buy as usual,
17:45still shop in the market as it should be,
17:48we believe that the stock is relatively safe,
17:51even if there is an increase,
17:53one day, two days, we make sure it won't be long,
17:56because the government guarantees that the stock is there.
18:00This is actually what we need to be vigilant about together,
18:04especially once again,
18:06the increase cannot be avoided,
18:08even though it is still within the safety limit.
18:11Yes, that's what needs to be observed
18:14by farmers and the community
18:16about how the price movement,
18:18the need for raw materials during Ramadan,
18:21there is indeed a potential for an increase,
18:23but hopefully the efforts made by the government
18:25and also friends of the IKP can reduce the price,
18:28so that the demand does not rise too high,
18:30so that it can still maintain the ability of the community to buy.
18:34Alright, Mr. Mansuri, thank you very much for the information,
18:37updates, and also the analysis that you have provided,
18:39about the movement of the price of raw materials at this time
18:42and after Ramadan.
18:44Good luck with your activities.
18:46Stay healthy. Thank you, Mr. Mansuri.
18:49Alright, Mr. Mirza,
18:50Satu Jam Sudahasya accompanies you in the market review
18:52and continues to share your information
18:54only on IDX channel,
18:55your transparency and comprehensive investment reference.
18:58Because the future must move forward.
19:00I am investor of stock,
19:02I am Prasetyo Wibowo,
19:03along with all the employees on duty.
19:05I take my leave.
19:06Thank you. See you.
