• last month
Los bomberos trabajan en la localidad "El Sombrero".


00:00a rural teacher who tried to fight the fire while she was in the Solari station
00:08and there the young woman was, the information says, in her father's room to reintegrate to the rural school
00:16and the fire began to advance
00:18she tried to enter the house where her father lives to rescue him, to see if he was okay
00:25she was surrounded by flames and died
00:28Cintia Alejandra Mendoza
00:30Cintia Mendoza
00:31It is the name of this teacher who became the fatal victim of the fires there in Corrientes
00:37Let's see, they tell me that about 30 houses were preventively evacuated
00:41in Perrugorría and in Curuzú, Coatiá
00:44where people have had to leave their personal belongings, their homes, because of the fire
00:52A dramatic situation at this time
00:56when the temperature rises to almost 38 degrees in that area
01:00Yes, Cecilia said that today the maximum was going to reach 41 with a thermal sensation of 46 degrees
01:07We are live there in Corrientes
01:10We insist, not only the fires are devastating Patagonia
01:15but also the Mesopotamian province of Corrientes
01:18with 200,000 hectares under fire, according to the data that Gabriel Prosperi gave us
01:25We are again with Cecilia, with her, Cecilia is again in the air
01:31Yes, well, that's right, well, they finally managed to put out the fire
01:35these six people who were here, who are surrounding the area
01:40volunteer firefighters, neighbors
01:42Hello, how are you?
01:43What team do you belong to?
01:45Cabaña Los Orígenes
01:46Ok, here, look, look at me in front there
01:49We are here, a kilometer from the cabin
01:53the fire just started, we were leaving and we came to try to put out the fire
01:57You have the backpacks to pay and so on
02:00and well, we were seeing that other people approached with buckets
02:03We are all from here in the cabin, all co-workers
02:06and well, we were in Franco and we came to try to put out the fire
02:10A critical situation, more than 100,000 hectares that have been set on fire
02:15throughout the province, only in January and February
02:19and this is still critical
02:21I hope that around there you can see that it is raining
02:26but around here it has been easy for two months that a millimeter does not fall
02:31Well, thank you very much, thank you for the work you do
02:34Thank you
02:36Well, that's the testimony of the people who are about to be able to try to put out the fire
02:41Well, in this case it turned out that they were able to put out the fire
02:45but it is very hot, we are with a thermal sensation of 43 degrees
02:51Yes, 43 degrees
02:52I wanted to tell you that, I am updating because seeing the images
02:56I went to the meteorological service, 44 at the moment is the thermal
03:01so obviously it is an impressive heat that is being experienced
03:0544 degrees
03:06Before getting out of the car it said 43
03:10Yes, but everything, as I told you this morning, the thermal sensation has reached 46 degrees
03:15both in Corrientes and in Chaco, in the last week
03:18The truth is that there is a lot of heat and this will not improve until April
03:22as you also said on the floor
03:24A situation that worsens day by day, not only because of the heat
03:28but because of this impressive drought
03:32because there are also flakes, but it does not rain enough to suffocate the fires
03:39and the extreme drought that is being experienced
03:41It is a situation that is very similar to the situation that was experienced in 2020 and 2021
03:46Authorities expect that not so many hectares will be burned
03:52but in January and February, as I told you, of this new year
03:56there are already a thousand hectares burned
03:58Is there a detainee? Is there an intentional focus there in Corrientes?
04:04No, at the moment there is no detainee
04:10What the authorities say is that most of these fires are intentional
04:17This is being investigated by the Federal Prosecutor's Office
04:22and the reality is that there is expected to be a concrete answer to this
04:29The firefighters are arriving at the moment
04:33because there are some flames left on
04:40and the firefighters have to finish extinguishing everything
04:43because if not, this will happen again
04:47Cecilia, in addition to firefighters, I imagine there are brigades, aircraft,
04:52we saw the backpacks with water, what do they need, what is missing?
04:56We haven't seen aircraft yet, only neighbors and brigades with backpacks and firefighters
05:08but we haven't seen aircraft or anything like that as we saw in 2020 and 2021
05:15The firefighters have just arrived there, so they will finish extinguishing this fire
05:21which luckily did not spread
05:24Yes, today in Curuzucoatia, when we were in the first department to which we arrived
05:30there were more than 22,000 hectares burned in a single day
05:35Tell me, could you see a hydrant plane, a helicopter, a fire control plane, or not yet?
05:43The national aid has not yet arrived
05:48No, the national aid has not yet arrived
05:50What we see are the volunteer firefighters of each locality that are mobilized in the hydrant trucks
05:58that were bought, as I told you, when they experienced the critical situation in 2020 and 2021
06:06Well, let's reiterate then, the province of Corrientes burns in flames
06:10There are forest fires that hit different locations
06:14We are going to reiterate what the locations are
06:17Cecilia, if you can get closer to the firefighters, so we have a little bit of their testimony
06:24I know this situation is difficult with the fire and the heat
06:29but Cecilia, if you can get closer, it would be very good to have their testimony too
06:34Yes, we are going to get closer, there are four affected localities, as you said, on the floor
06:40an extremely critical situation for the entire province
06:44We are going to get closer to the firefighters, if they lose the signal, we will reconnect
06:48Of course
06:50Of course, Cecilia Conesa is alive, from Corrientes, about 20,000 hectares that burn in this province
06:57that are being swept away by the fire, again, two years after what was that great fire
07:02Do you remember? The one that motivated the fight between Governor Valdés and Juan Cabandies, do you remember?
07:09For the fire management plan, two years later, now again, the fire, the fires in this Mesopotamian province
07:18Let's see, we have you again, Cecilia
07:23There she is walking, she is getting closer to the firefighters, while we are showing
07:27I don't know if you can hear me
07:28Yes, yes, we can hear you
07:31Yes, well, to repeat the most affected locations, Curuzú, Coatiá, Mercedes, Perrugorria and Villa Olivari
07:38Well, let's see, let's get closer, what happens is that I can't get close to the firefighters
07:43because if we step on this, which is hot, it will literally melt our shoes
07:49We are going to wait for them to finish their work and then we are going to get closer to them
07:52Yes, yes, of course, with the protection of the case
07:56It is all the corridor of Route 12, they tell me
07:59Yes, they ask us not to get close
08:01Of course, it is the corridor of Route 12, the route of the Mercosur, practically
08:07There we are seeing, in images, on the map, the area of El Sombrero
08:12There it is, you are right there, right? In El Sombrero
08:19And with the word intentional, flying over, in the air
08:22Yes, yes
08:23It is not that they are divine forces
08:25Always, always
08:26What a barbarity
08:27Always the hand of man, Ariel
08:28No, no, that there is a common denominator of what is happening here, also with the bag
08:32The reason is that it is the human being against the human being, our self-destruction
08:36What benefit can be taken from a misfortune?
08:40When a person is in such a serious circumstance, and they even come in to steal his belongings
08:47and they have to stay there to take care not to be stolen
08:50One can think, can you be so miserable to have the lowliness? And it seems that yes
08:56We are witnessing a situation where we are against ourselves
09:00In all orders, in insecurity, in this that we are showing
09:04And it happens every year, and it is repeated again, and we are recurrent
09:09And the truth is that it is hard to understand, it is hard
09:13Let's see, Ariel, you just spoke of the real estate component of this whole area
09:17Of the possibility that maybe certain bad agricultural producers or whatever
09:23Propose the fires to lower the price of the field to be able to buy it
09:29Or to have to finish off the cattle, because you can no longer provide them with grass or water
09:35What you have in the south is the political component
09:38There have been accusations against primitive sectors there in the area, or descendants of Mapuche
09:46It was ratified today, here in 24, Governor Torres
09:50He points to Jones Walla, even more so after the video
09:55Exactly, let's see, let's go to firefighters, let's see, give it to Ceci, all yours
10:02Give me a second, I'm going to put the return here, the firefighters of La Escondida
10:06Excuse me, there he is already listening to you, what is your name?
10:10How are you, good afternoon, my name is Acosta Armando Fidel
10:13I am the current head of the volunteer firefighters here in the locality of El Sombrero
10:18Acosta, how are you doing? We are Nora Briocio and Mariano Yesena 24
10:22Is the fire under control in this place?
10:27Yes, yes, yes, what is here in the area of ​​El Sombrero is under control
10:32We just left, we had two fires at the same time, you saw?
10:38And they were lit at the same time, thank God we were able to suffocate in time
10:44But it's complicated, it's complicated, yesterday we came from a fire of more than 12 hours
10:50Approximately 400 hectares were burned and well, the truth is a devastating reality
10:57And these fires here near the route, what are they due to?
11:01This has to do with the heat, you see that this is intentional
11:08And look, we want to believe that because of the heat, because of the glass
11:15Or out there the motorists who pass by, smoke and throw the cigarette butts
11:20They are not aware of the damage they can cause or cause
11:26I want to believe that it is not caused intentionally
11:29Because the truth is that we are in a horrible situation
11:32I think that anyone who is on the rope would not go to light intentionally
11:39And you would see it, right?
11:41If there is something intentional, surely a strange bottle, some liquid
11:46So far we have not found anything strange
11:52No, not what is on the side of the route
11:55Yes, there is always what is, beer cans, glass containers
11:59Everything, even with the issue of solar radiation
12:05Believe it or not, there has come a time when the temperature is so high
12:09And the grass is so dry that it catches fire
12:13Have you had to resort to this method?
12:15The truth is that we discovered it in Córdoba
12:18This of generating fires to put out the fire
12:21Have you had to resort to this?
12:25Yes, depending on the direction of the wind
12:31We evaluate
12:36We have there some other technical inconvenience
12:39But we are talking to the main one on the coast
12:42Which is the chief of firefighters in this area of ​​El Sombrero
12:45In Corrientes, where he just confirmed to us
12:49That they have managed to circumscribe the fire, at least flatten it
12:53In this area of ​​Banquinas de la Ruta 2, Nora
12:56Exactly, we reiterate that Corrientes is also under fire
12:59With a dead teacher and thousands of hectares swept away by the fires
13:04We have exclusive images
13:06In this area called El Sombrero
13:09An area that had been taken by fire, had been put out
13:15And now it is on fire again
13:17An area that also has an experimental station of INTA
13:21A particularly agricultural area
13:24Exactly, well there we are
13:27Live on this Sunday afternoon
13:29We have changed the agenda naturally
13:32This has to do with nature
13:34On the eve of a week that will be scorching
13:37Scorching, tomorrow are forecast temperatures close to 40
13:42Red alert in almost the whole country
13:44Should we take into account climate change worldwide and not underestimate it?
13:48I wonder
13:50However, politically, both the Argentinean government and the United States
13:55Go against the issue of the environment
13:57Well, that's why I question it
13:59The issue of the environment is being underestimated
14:01That's why I ask, it should be taken into account
14:03In fact, let's see, on Friday night we published a tweet by Donald Trump
14:07Where plastic napkins return, for example, in the United States
14:12I say, there is a whole underestimation of the environmental issue
14:14Of course, of course
14:15But here we are clearly facing a drought
14:17Yes, of course
14:18That provokes, in addition to the intentional, the hand of man
14:20I say, it does not rain, this is a reality
14:22What is happening in the entire area of ​​Corrientes
14:24There is something that happens on the planet
14:26It is an extreme drought
14:27Yes, yes, yes, the situations are very extreme
14:30Throughout the month of January they say that it is a historical drought that is being experienced
14:34Not only in Corrientes, but in the north of Santa Fe
14:36They have had serious inconveniences in recent hours
14:39With fires, and what suffers the most in this area
14:43We are talking about the north and center of Santa Fe
14:47They are precisely the cultivation fields
14:49Of course
14:50There, the cultivation fields and the lack of water
14:53Today a producer in the morning told us that there are already producers who have to buy water
14:58For what?
14:59So that the cattle go to graze there
15:01Of course
15:02If they don't buy water, they don't have water to give to the cattle
15:04Some numbers, 30 people were evacuated in Corrientes
15:08And 50 had to be assisted in recent hours
15:12There is also the data of the fatal victim
15:16Of the teacher named Mendoza
15:18Who died there in the middle of a situation where he wanted to rescue his father
15:24I have here, let's ask Cecilia to confirm us
15:27Because we have two data
15:28On the one hand we have the data that Gabriel just provided
15:30Of about 200,000 hectares
15:33There is another data that speaks of 20,000 hectares
15:35I say, let's see if we can adjust this number with Cecilia
15:38I don't know if it's already in contact
15:40Let's see it again in the air, Cecilia
15:46Between January and February, more than 100,000 hectares were affected
15:51Obviously this number increases day by day
15:55In relation to the fires that occur on a daily basis
15:58You are already hearing again
16:01Acosta, the volunteer firefighter
16:04The hat
16:05There it is
16:06We were chatting a few minutes ago
16:08About these fires
16:10And I asked him if it was necessary
16:12To make a fire-stopper to stop them
16:17Yes, as I said before
16:20We evaluate the situation
16:22Depending on the wind
16:26There are times when it is not feasible
16:28Let's say, make a fire-stopper
16:30Or a fire-stopper with the fire itself
16:33Since the fire-stopper is done with machinery
16:37How is the procedure?
16:42Well, as I said
16:44We evaluate the position in which the wind blows
16:48We try to put it at a provisional distance
16:50From what is already the fire itself
16:52And we make a straight line
16:55Parallel to what is the fire
16:57And well, with tools
17:02That are for the use of the fire-stopper
17:07We start the fire
17:09And we take care of the line where we start
17:13And Acosta, do you have enough water
17:15To work in the area?
17:18We just saw people with backpacks
17:21The buses have water
17:23How does the system work?
17:27Yes, thank God
17:28Here in the hat area
17:30We have water
17:31Also, the tenants
17:34The neighbors who have perforations
17:36Are available
17:38Whenever there is a fire nearby
17:43They are always available
17:45Very good
17:46With the perforations
17:47With the machinery
17:48That has the large rooms
17:50So it's a joint work
17:51And the truth is very nice
17:54Because the truth
17:55The joint work is beautiful
17:58It's always essential
18:00To work as a team
18:02Yesterday, the emergency coordinator
18:05Was talking about 100,000 hectares
18:08That they are calculating
18:09That were burned until now
18:11Do you manage that number as well?
18:15We had a fire on Friday
18:18And around 400 hectares were burned
18:21In the sector where we are
18:23Outside of my sector
18:25Let's say what is my jurisdiction
18:26I don't know how to tell you
18:27I don't have that information
18:29Acosta, we are very far
18:31From the images that were lived
18:33Two years ago
18:35In Corrientes
18:36From the point of view
18:37Of the environmental disaster
18:41Yes, totally
18:43But I think
18:45The way we are going
18:48If this doesn't stop
18:50Or people don't become aware
18:51It's going to be much worse
18:53You say it's going to be much worse
18:55If people don't take precautions
18:57Exactly, that's right
18:59Acosta, can we predict
19:01The fire's behavior?
19:02If it's going to expand?
19:03Can we predict
19:04Can we anticipate
19:05An eventual fire evolution?
19:08Can we make a kind of
19:09Guessing of the fire's movement?
19:13From what I know
19:15Or to my knowledge
19:17I don't know how to tell you
19:18That answer
19:19I can't give you
19:21Well, there we are
19:23Let's see
19:24What is the next task?
19:26Where are you going now?
19:28What is the last thing
19:29That you have there
19:30To fight?
19:31Or at least
19:32Where are you going
19:33On this Sunday afternoon?
19:38No, now at this moment
19:40Once we completely suffocate
19:42What is the fire
19:43We are going back to our base
19:45To re-supply the autobomb
19:47To accommodate the tools
19:49To accommodate the tools
19:50To leave it in conditions
19:51And well
19:52To wait
19:53And be waiting
19:54For another possible call for fire
19:57Well, let's be attentive
19:58And congratulations
19:59For the work
20:00Principal Acosta
20:02Thank you very much
20:03Thank you
20:04Thank you for your kindness
20:06Well, we keep working there
20:08Let's see
20:09The relief then
20:10Of the combat fire
20:11At least in this area
20:12Of current, right?
20:14The truth is
20:15That the images are shocking
20:16Right, Cecilia?
20:17The truth is
20:18That what we see
20:19The image you give us
20:20Yes, the truth is
20:21That the images are shocking
20:24There is a cloud
20:25Quite close to the area
20:27It's going to rain
20:28It's what was expected
20:29During the whole last week
20:30And this week
20:31So, well
20:32It is expected
20:33That it rains
20:34And the truth is
20:35That there is
20:36There is good news
20:42Well, there we are
20:44The story of our correspondent
20:47In what has been
20:48And is
20:49A really dramatic afternoon
20:50In current
20:51With the fire
20:52Very close
20:53To the homes
20:56Already extinguished
20:57By the firefighters
20:58In this area
20:59In this area of ​​El Sombrero
21:01We are in the area of ​​El Sombrero
21:04A little
21:05What we were talking about
21:06A while ago
21:07With respect to memory
21:09That also
21:11Between 20 and 21
21:12In this area
21:13In current
21:14The fire
21:15Had reached
21:16A million hectares
21:17Of fields
21:18And wetlands
21:19A million hectares
21:20Here we are
21:21For 100,000
21:24These lights
21:25That go out
21:27They have a replica
21:28In another place
21:29Of course
21:30With these levels
21:31Of dryness
21:32In the absence of rain
21:34The fire can be reactivated
21:35In one place
21:36Or in another
21:37That's how they are today
21:38That is
21:39It is a permanent alert
21:41They will not have rest
21:43If they activate a bench
21:44They turn it off
21:45It will be activated
21:46In another place
21:47They will go there
21:48They will turn it off
21:49And simultaneously
21:50They are working
21:52Various focuses
21:53That are activated
21:54This is what causes
21:55The drought
21:56Those pastures
21:57So dry
21:58That never
21:59They get
22:01Humidify enough
22:02As much as it rains now
22:03As Cecilia says
22:04They never get to
22:05Humidify enough
22:06As for
22:07To green up
22:08And prevent
22:09That the fire is declared
22:11As it is happening now
22:12And we reiterate
22:13That the temperature
22:14At the moment
22:15Is 38 degrees
22:16In this area
22:17But the thermal sensation
22:19At 44 degrees
22:2044 degrees
22:22The thermal
22:24Very, very powerful
22:25Very strong
22:26A scorching summer
22:27The one we have
22:28In this 20-25
22:29And that is causing
22:30As collateral damage
22:31This situation
22:32Of uncontrollable fires
22:33Many times
22:34By the hand of man
22:35Not always the suspicion
22:36Of intentionality
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