Voici quelque chose de fou : un morceau de la Lune pourrait s'être détaché, et il se trouve plus près de la Terre que vous ne le pensez ! 🌙 Les scientifiques croient que ce mystérieux rocher spatial, appelé Kamo’oalewa, pourrait être un fragment de notre Lune qui se serait détaché il y a fort longtemps, peut-être à cause de l'impact d'un astéroïde. En ce moment, il orbite autour du Soleil selon un schéma qui le maintient assez près de la Terre—un peu comme un partenaire de danse cosmique ! 💫 Il est pourtant si petit qu'il est super difficile à repérer. Les chercheurs essaient encore de comprendre comment il est arrivé là et s'il s'agit vraiment d'une partie de la Lune. Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00An asteroid, detached from the Moon, has recently moved closer to Earth.
00:04Does it represent a threat to us?
00:06Kamoho Alewa, also known as 2016 HO3,
00:11is spinning at an impressive speed, gravitating near our planet.
00:15To simplify, let's call it HO3.
00:18Astronomers spotted it on April 27, 2016.
00:21Compared to other asteroids, it is tiny.
00:24However, on Earth, it would be the size of a small building,
00:28about half the size of the London Eye's big wheel.
00:31Discovered in Hawaii, its name can be roughly translated as
00:35a oscillating fragment.
00:37After studying it, scientists have hypothesized
00:40that it could be a moonburst projected into space following an impact.
00:44There is an area of the Moon called the Giordano-Bruno crater,
00:48named after an Italian philosopher of the 16th century
00:51who paid his ideas at a high price.
00:53Seen from space, this formation is distinguished
00:55by huge rays of matter spreading over more than 150 km
00:59and remaining still luminous.
01:01Their presence suggests that a colossal impact occurred at this place.
01:05A historical testimony evokes an unusual event on this subject.
01:08In 1178, five monks, then on a trip to Canterbury in England,
01:13would have observed a strange phenomenon on the Moon.
01:16According to them, it seemed to be sinking,
01:19accompanied by flames and sparks.
01:21Shortly after, the darkness would have engulfed the entire surface.
01:25In the 20th century, scientists put their hands on these archives
01:29and assumed that these monks had observed the formation of the Giordano-Bruno crater.
01:34However, it was later discovered that this crater
01:37was about 4 million years old.
01:39Fortunately, because such an impact, if it had really occurred in the 12th century,
01:43would have caused a real chaos on our planet,
01:46causing a gigantic storm of meteors.
01:49Anyway, our HO3 is probably a fragment of the detached Moon
01:54during this impact 4 million years ago.
01:57Fortunately, there is no need to panic.
01:59When astronomers detected this lunar fragment,
02:02they quickly traced its orbit.
02:04It turns out that it will not hit us in the near future.
02:07It will be our quasi-satellite for at least 3 more centuries,
02:12which means that it will follow a trajectory around the Sun,
02:15remaining close to the Earth without colliding.
02:18Its orbit, however, remains chaotic.
02:21It seems to follow a circular movement around our planet
02:24with constant oscillations, approaching and moving away,
02:28ascending and descending.
02:29And in the 24th century, its movement will become even more erratic,
02:33adopting an iron-horse orbit that will gradually move it away.
02:37Could HO3 one day collide with Earth?
02:42But such a scenario could occur in millions of years,
02:45when it could leave its current orbit to collide with Earth, Venus or even the Sun.
02:51It could also be totally ejected from the solar system.
02:54Although it is one of the closest asteroids ever observed,
02:58it remains one of the smallest and most stable.
03:01This discovery also opens up fascinating perspectives
03:04concerning life in the universe.
03:06It appears that rocks can travel between celestial bodies.
03:10Some advance the hypothesis that life could spread across the universe
03:15by traveling on these rocks, like a space taxi.
03:18Or, at least, the essential elements of life, like carbon.
03:22Maybe life even arrived on our planet by making stops on rocks from Mars.
03:27Although HO3 probably does not carry life,
03:30the fact that it can travel for millions of years,
03:33carrying matter while remaining intact, reinforces this theory.
03:37Astronomers plan to send a device to study HO3.
03:41In 2017, a group of students suggested using a space ship for this.
03:46The Chinese National Space Administration
03:49plans to send a robotic probe to HO3 around 2025.
03:54This probe should go there, collect samples,
03:58then bring them back to Earth for analysis.
04:00Unfortunately, this asteroid is invisible to the naked eye.
04:03With a diameter of just 130 meters,
04:06it would be too small and too weak to be observed without a powerful telescope.
04:10However, there is another asteroid that will be visible,
04:13and promises to be impressive.
04:15In 2029, a large asteroid will pass so close to Earth
04:20that it will be visible to the naked eye.
04:22Do not miss this event,
04:23because it is a unique occasion in a period of 1000 years.
04:27This asteroid, known as 2004 Mn4,
04:32or Apophis for short,
04:34is much larger than HO3,
04:36with a diameter of about 370 meters.
04:39This passage will be the closest ever recorded.
04:42This asteroid had caused some panic in December 2004,
04:46because there was a 2.7% probability that it would hit Earth in 2029.
04:52Fear then seized many people.
04:55The very name, Apophis,
04:57refers to the evil serpent of Egyptian mythology,
05:01a gigantic creature fighting the god Ray
05:03and constantly seeking to swallow the sun to destroy the world.
05:07Fortunately, thanks to more precise data,
05:09scientists have quickly found that it would indeed pass very close to us in 2029,
05:15but that it would only pass without causing any damage,
05:17like a quiet pebble.
05:19Another concern, however,
05:21was linked to the possibility that Apophis would cross a hole in the gravitational lock
05:25during its passage close to our planet.
05:27This could have accidentally changed its orbit.
05:30And if such a phenomenon occurred,
05:32it would return to Earth in 2036,
05:35a bit like the planet in the movie Melancholia.
05:38However, after new calculations,
05:40researchers have ruled out this hypothesis.
05:43Apophis will still approach Earth in 2036,
05:47but at a distance equivalent to that of Venus when it crosses our planet.
05:51After that, Apophis and Earth will follow their respective trajectories.
05:56On average, an asteroid the size of Apophis hits the Earth about once every 80,000 years.
06:01If such an impact occurred,
06:03it would destroy a vast area,
06:05causing earthquakes and tsunamis worldwide.
06:08However, it would not trigger an apocalypse.
06:11Far from it.
06:12Apophis will only be visible in Europe,
06:15and Western Asia.
06:17So, if you want to observe it,
06:19you may not have to travel.
06:21The asteroid will appear like a star moving quickly in the night sky,
06:25and will shine enough to be observed with the naked eye.
06:29It will be relatively easy to spot at night,
06:31although the lights of the cities can complicate its observation.
06:35Consider for a moment that these asteroids are not the only ones to hang around.
06:39So much so that HO3, Capophis are part of the Apollo-class asteroids.
06:43This group of asteroids has trajectories that cross those of the Earth.
06:48They are thus a real threat.
06:50Because by crossing the Earth's orbit,
06:53they could potentially approach our planet,
06:56or even collide with it.
06:58The first asteroid of this group to be observed
07:01is Apollo 1862,
07:03named after the Greek god of the sun.
07:06Discovered in 1932,
07:08it is from him that the group takes its name.
07:10This asteroid is even more imposing.
07:13It measures more than 1 km wide.
07:15It is so large that it even has a small moon in its orbit.
07:18In addition,
07:19Apollo does not only cross the Earth's orbit,
07:22but also that of Venus and Mars.
07:25Funny little fact.
07:26Although it was the first asteroid of this type to be identified,
07:30telescopes have accidentally lost sight of it for more than 40 years.
07:34Scientists have therefore simply continued to census the visible asteroids.
07:39When Apollo was rediscovered in 1973,
07:43it was no longer on the list
07:45and had to settle for a much higher number.
07:48Apollo will continue to pass near the Earth over the next centuries.
07:52In 2075,
07:53it will be somewhere around Venus.
07:57it should spend 100 hours.
07:59In any case,
08:00there is nothing to worry about.
08:02Because astronomers closely monitor these asteroids.
08:05If there was an immediate danger,
08:07we would probably be informed.
08:09For an asteroid to completely destroy life on Earth,
08:12it should have a diameter greater than 10 km.
08:15Like the one that contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs,
08:1866 million years ago.
08:21these asteroids are so extraordinarily rare that by the time they arrive,
08:25it is possible that humanity
08:27has already colonized other planets.