• 2 days ago
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#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00:02Senor velez que se siente ser tan exitoso con tan sólo 27 años de mentiría si te digo que no se siente muy bien
00:00:09buenos días Javier disco el paquete
00:00:13Que está haciendo el aquí está su café señor velez
00:00:17disfruten esto sabe muy feo traeme otro por favor
00:00:20si es que el man lleva colombia está aquí en bogotá tu deberías decirle la verdad para que ya pasado mucho tiempo
00:00:28Deja lo mariana tu madre es tu propia carga no le eches eso encima mi hijo
00:00:35Que sentiría algo por una interesada
00:00:38no creo que quizá hubo un malentendido entre ustedes dos
00:00:42tienes novia
00:00:44está celosa porque volviste sabes que si por venganza tú ganas siento que tal vez fue dios
00:00:51que lo soñó otra vez para que tuviera una segunda oportunidad
00:01:01Que te sigo amando
00:01:11Estoy amando porque no me contestaba es porque estuve trabajando nicolás y estaba ocupada se siento rara desde ayer
00:01:19Puedes decir que hice para que seas así conmigo
00:01:21Mira porque mejor no vamos por un helado
00:01:28Nicolás quiero terminar la relación puedes decir que hice nada
00:01:33que somos adolescentes
00:01:35Los hombres de verdad le regalan a sus esposas joyas bolsos ya me lo estuve pensando y no me imaginó pasar el resto de mi vida
00:01:45No es ni de medio filate
00:01:47Tú te quieres casar conmigo pero ni siquiera tienes casa ni carro para ofrecerme
00:01:56Mariana tú no eres así
00:01:59Nunca te interesaron estas cosas
00:02:03Además te dije que iba a trabajar duro para conseguirlo
00:02:10Solo dame tiempo
00:02:13Mi carro llegó
00:02:15Podemos hablar de eso deja de hacerme perder el tiempo nicolás
00:02:20para que te voy a esperar cuando tengo a pedro que ya lo tiene todo
00:02:23solo soy joven una vez
00:02:29Y no quiero usar baratijas como estas nunca más
00:02:42Estás segura de que quieres hacer esto es lo mejor pero
00:02:54Lo siento nicolás estoy haciendo esto por ti
00:03:15Se que me escuchas
00:03:18Estoy tan feliz que quise venir a compartir las buenas noticias contigo nicolás me pidió matrimonio y yo dije que si
00:03:29Estoy tan feliz eres mito
00:03:36Mamá que haces aquí hola señora velez nicolás me podrías hacer el favor de bajar a traerme un café
00:03:48Como sigue tu madre mariana estable no pierdo la esperanza
00:03:53Es curioso que lo menciones porque cuando vi a nicolás proponiendo de matrimonio jamás
00:03:59Me sentí tan desesperada en toda mi vida disculpe señora velez no entiendo lo que me dice
00:04:05nicolás fue aceptado para estudiar en oxford con el programa fútbol
00:04:10Esta es su última oportunidad oportunidad para que para dejar esta puta ciudad y hacer algo con su vida
00:04:17El nunca me dijo claro que nunca te dijo
00:04:21Como tampoco te dijo
00:04:23que hace cuatro años
00:04:26Renunció a una beca para estudiar en una universidad en españa
00:04:31ahora por tu culpa
00:04:33Mi hijo va a tirar todo por la borda
00:04:36para quedarse en esta ciudad
00:04:39olvidada de dios
00:04:41y cuidar de tu madre también olvidada por dios
00:04:49No te das cuenta lo roto que tengo el corazón al ver a mi único hijo sacrificando todo por ti
00:04:57pero señora velez yo lo amo
00:05:00Nos amamos déjalo mariana tu madre es tu propia carga no le eches eso encima mi hijo
00:05:12Qué me haces esto mariana
00:05:21Dios nicolás velez está en directo para su primera entrevista de que llego a colombia
00:05:32Señor velez
00:05:34Su empresa triple y acaba de cotizar en bolsa y está valorada en más de cincuenta mil millones de dólares
00:05:42que se siente ser tan exitoso con tan solo 27 años
00:05:46De mentiría si te dijo que no se siente muy bien y usted podría compartirnos el secreto del éxito
00:05:53porque si mis fuentes son confiables usted es el sam alman colombiano
00:05:57el hombre más exitoso en la industria de la inteligencia artificial en latinoamérica
00:06:02El señor velez nació en una ciudad pequeña de colombia creado por una madre soltera y hoy es un multimillonario
00:06:10no hay secretos para el éxito
00:06:13trabajo duro y
00:06:15algo de suerte
00:06:16nicolás pero debe haber algo más
00:06:19mejor dicho que lo ha ayudado usted a levantarse en los momentos de crisis sólo diré esto
00:06:25en los momentos de crisis
00:06:27pensé en la mujer de la que estaba enamorado
00:06:30Los momentos de crisis pensé en la mujer de la que estaba enamorado
00:06:44Me dijo que dejará de hacerle perder el tiempo
00:06:47luego se fue con un niño rico de un fondo fiduciario y
00:06:51no volvió a responder mis llamadas pues yo creo que si esta mujer está viendo esta entrevista en este momento
00:06:57debe estar
00:06:59entiéndose de esa decisión
00:07:01y usted volvería con ella
00:07:04siento que la respuesta a esa pregunta es demasiado obvia
00:07:08aunque si tengo que darle las gracias
00:07:10porque me enseñó una valiosa lección
00:07:12ahora entiendo que la única persona a la que puedes confiar es en ti mismo
00:07:16señoras y señores palabras sabias
00:07:19no molesta
00:07:21me pregunto quien es la estúpida que dejó a nicolás velez
00:07:24yo me moriría de arrepentimiento
00:07:27total es que es tan sexy
00:07:29yo estaría con él incluso aunque no tuviera dinero
00:07:34espera mariana
00:07:36tú no fuiste también al san patricio
00:07:38el mismo colegio de nicolás velez
00:07:40¿lo conociste?
00:07:42no tengo ni idea de quien es
00:07:44y porque una tonta como mariana conocería a alguien como nicolás velez
00:07:48probablemente solo salía con nervios
00:07:51¿saben qué?
00:07:52no me puedo concentrar con su chismoseadera
00:07:54así que me voy a trabajar a otro lado
00:07:56chao chicas buen día
00:08:01señor velez muchas gracias por la exclusiva de hoy
00:08:04el placer fue todo mío
00:08:06¿a usted le gustaría irse a tomar un trago conmigo?
00:08:08hay ahí un bar muy bonito
00:08:10lo siento tengo una reunión importante mañana
00:08:12será mejor que me vaya
00:08:17Andres ¿qué dijeron de Crazy Muppet Studio?
00:08:20sí señor ya está todo listo
00:08:22su director general parecía demasiado emocionado
00:08:26pero ¿pero qué?
00:08:27estoy un poco confundido
00:08:29somos una empresa de tecnología
00:08:31y Crazy Muppet Studio está en el negocio del entretenimiento
00:08:35¿por qué queremos invertir con ellos?
00:08:37han pasado 5 años mariana
00:08:40no pienso invertir en ellos Andres
00:08:42pienso adquirir Crazy Muppet Studio
00:08:45así me toque deshacerla o dividirla en partes para conseguirlo
00:08:50atención atención chicas señoritas
00:08:54las necesito a las 3
00:08:56¿dónde está mariana?
00:08:58ay mariana se fue a hacerse las uñas
00:09:01¿en horas de trabajo?
00:09:03bueno después nos encargamos de eso
00:09:05ahora lo urgente y lo importante
00:09:07tenemos un potencial inversor enorme que viene a conocer la empresa
00:09:11las necesito mañana muy temprano
00:09:15las 3
00:09:20hola mariana
00:09:24el jefe te manda a decir que mañana llegues más tarde
00:09:27que llegues a las 10 de la mañana
00:09:29y que traigas café para un invitado muy importante
00:09:33ok bye
00:09:40mariana dios mio adivina lo que vi hoy
00:09:42ya se la entrevista de nicolas velez yo también la vi
00:09:46¿te encuentras bien?
00:09:49si es que el man llego a colombia y esta aquí en bogotá no lo puedo creer
00:09:53no yo
00:09:55¿y si te lo encuentras?
00:09:57¿como que si me lo encuentro?
00:09:59no creo bogotá es una ciudad enorme
00:10:01no hay ni riesgo de que me lo vaya a encontrar
00:10:03además han pasado 5 años
00:10:05ya sabes que el es nicolas velez
00:10:09CEO de AAA
00:10:13yo solo soy una más del montón
00:10:17esto solo demuestra que su mamá tenía razón
00:10:20yo solo lo estaba llevando hacia abajo
00:10:23si sofia
00:10:24no, no puedes decir eso de ti
00:10:26tu sabes que no estaría donde está hoy si no fuese por ti
00:10:29yo creo que tu deberías decirle la verdad
00:10:31¿para que? ya ha pasado mucho tiempo
00:10:34ay amiga hiciste lo que debiste hacer
00:10:38cuidaste de tu mamá
00:10:41estuviste con ella hasta sus últimos días
00:10:45y aparte dejaste ir al bobo ese de nicolas que para que cumpliera sus sueños
00:10:49a ver quien hace eso
00:10:53definitivamente eres una de las personas más generosas que he conocido
00:11:03¿donde carajos esta mariana?
00:11:06ya solo ando en vikings y no ha llegado
00:11:08ayer se fue temprano hoy llega tarde
00:11:10esto no puede ser
00:11:12javier ya la llame
00:11:14y mariana me dijo que se quedo dormida
00:11:16¿puedes creerlo?
00:11:18en un día tan importante como este
00:11:20ya nicolas velez está llegando
00:11:43señor velez esta usted radiante
00:11:47gracias por recibirme señor del baño
00:11:49mucho gusto y bienvenido a crazy maple
00:11:51por aquí por favor
00:12:06mierda obvio la obra me la iba a hacer
00:12:09somos una empresa pequeña
00:12:1135 empleados casi una familia
00:12:14ellas dos por ejemplo son nuestras jefas de redacción
00:12:17ivonne, laura
00:12:19solamente tiene dos jefas de redacción
00:12:22bueno hay una tercera
00:12:25buenos días javier disculpa que
00:12:31ella estaba trayendo los cafés
00:12:33no te quedes ahí parada mariana
00:12:35reparte los cafés
00:12:39mucho gusto
00:12:41nicolás velez
00:12:45señorita rondoño
00:12:49señor velez
00:12:51mucho gusto
00:12:53un placer
00:12:55mariana por acá
00:12:57este es tu lugar ven por favor
00:12:59siéntate acá
00:13:01ven ven ven por favor
00:13:03siéntate acá
00:13:07si si si
00:13:11a ti que carajos te pasa
00:13:13disculpame javier
00:13:15muy bien como le venia diciendo señor velez
00:13:17somos una empresa
00:13:19pequeña pero un equipo
00:13:23me encantaría pasar tiempo con alguien de su equipo
00:13:25que me enseñe bien su empresa antes de tomar una decisión
00:13:27me parece razonable
00:13:29no se alguien que me enseñe
00:13:31las operaciones diarias
00:13:33como funciona la ciudad ya que estuve
00:13:35ausente en el extranjero 5 años
00:13:37entonces alguien que me
00:13:39enseñe los alrededores estaría perfecto
00:13:41pero por supuesto que si
00:13:43chicas alguna voluntaria
00:13:51soy laura montoya
00:13:53y yo soy yvonne gomez
00:13:55y nací aquí en bogotá
00:13:57señor velez a su entera disposición
00:14:01yo creo que laura habló primero
00:14:03señorita londoño
00:14:09yo no soy de bogotá
00:14:11creo que laura seria una mejor candidata
00:14:13de donde eres
00:14:15de cali
00:14:17que casualidad
00:14:19yo tambien soy de cali
00:14:21no todos los dias se conoce
00:14:23una paisana que le pueda mostrar a uno la ciudad
00:14:25mariana sera perfecta
00:14:29por supuesto
00:14:31considere a mariana desde ya como su propia
00:14:43nicolas que estas haciendo aqui
00:14:47a mi tambien me alegra mucho verte
00:14:49excepto que
00:14:51preferiria que no fuera en el baño de hombres
00:14:53deja la bobada
00:14:55me refiero a que estas haciendo aqui en mi empresa
00:14:57tu jefe no te lo dijo
00:14:59pienso invertir
00:15:03o mejor
00:15:07porque? para vendarte
00:15:09vienes a mi empresa y me eliges
00:15:11para que te muestre el lugar para que para torturarme
00:15:13hacer que renuncie
00:15:15quien te crees que eres su mariana
00:15:19crees que todavia perderia mi tiempo contigo
00:15:21estas muy equivocada
00:15:25eso de atormentarte
00:15:27suena divertido
00:15:29si no puedes soportarlo
00:15:33pues si crees que voy a renunciar solo porque tu estas aqui
00:15:35no me conoces en absoluto
00:15:39no te conozco para nada
00:15:41pense que si pero al parecer no se absolutamente nada de ti
00:15:43no sabes que?
00:15:45reto aceptado
00:15:47pero ten cuidado nicolas
00:15:49porque puedo ser yo la que te haga la vida imposible
00:15:53eso quiero verlo
00:16:07mariana tu tienes algo
00:16:09yo? que te pasa?
00:16:13nada jefe estoy bien
00:16:15tu conoces a nicolas velez o algo asi?
00:16:17porque tuve una sensacion muy extraña
00:16:19cuando los vi a ustedes dos hoy juntos
00:16:21si le digo a javier lo que pasa
00:16:23solamente voy a complicar las cosas
00:16:25no señor
00:16:27si el es nicolas velez
00:16:29yo porque iba a conocerlo
00:16:31esta bien
00:16:33yo no puedo enfatizarte
00:16:35mas lo importante que es para nosotros
00:16:37que el señor velez invierta en la compañia
00:16:41en estos momentos
00:16:43y ya que el te escogio a ti como su punto de contacto
00:16:45yo necesito que tu te portes muy bien
00:16:49si muestra todo tu profesionalismo
00:16:51da la milla extra
00:16:53pero haz que este trato se cumpla
00:16:57entendido jefe
00:16:59no le voy a fallar
00:17:05estupido imbecil
00:17:07que paso?
00:17:09cual es la literia amiga?
00:17:11como que estoy al borde del colapso
00:17:13pues yo tambien lo estaria
00:17:15si mi prometido se apareciera de la nada
00:17:17en mi oficina
00:17:19mary yo no se porque siento que
00:17:21nicolas esta tramando algo
00:17:23obvio esta tramando algo
00:17:25y nada bueno
00:17:27oye amiga me ayudas a apagar la luz porfa
00:17:29necesito dormir
00:17:39tengo hambre
00:17:43se me antoja
00:17:47o tambien podria hacer algo de sushi
00:17:51pues existe algo que se llama rapi
00:17:55para que pedir un rapi si tengo empleados que trabajan para mi
00:17:57son las 10 y media de la noche nicolas
00:17:59consiguete tu propia comida
00:18:01y no soy tu empleada
00:18:03bien pues llamemos a tu jefe a ver que opina de todo esto
00:18:05espera espera
00:18:07no te vayas
00:18:09tienes 30 minutos
00:18:39vas a pasar o te vas a quedar mirando?
00:18:41no te estaba mirando
00:18:43aqui esta tu comida
00:18:45me voy
00:18:47ponla en la mesa
00:18:55este sitio es muy bonito
00:19:09este sitio es muy bonito
00:19:15quieres una copa?
00:19:19ya es tarde
00:19:21asi que si no es mas señor velez
00:19:23buenas noches
00:19:27han pasado 5 años
00:19:29creo que tenemos mucho de que hablar
00:19:31esto esta delicioso
00:19:33nicolas porque estas aqui?
00:19:35no queda la sede de tu empresa en medellín
00:19:37pero te dije que iba a estar
00:19:39viajando mucho a Bogotá por negocios
00:19:41por eso decidí comprarme esta casa
00:19:43me costo nada mas y nada menos
00:19:45que 20 millones de dolares
00:19:47y un millon en reformas
00:19:49tiene todo de ultima tecnologia
00:19:51una piscina en la parte de atras
00:19:53una cava de vinos
00:19:55todo el mundo sabe que eres rico nicolas
00:19:57A wine cellar.
00:19:58Everyone knows you're rich, Nicolás.
00:20:00No need to show off.
00:20:02No, I'm not showing off.
00:20:03I'm just talking about what I've achieved with my wife.
00:20:08And after leaving me for Pedro...
00:20:12How did it go?
00:20:12That's none of your business.
00:20:13I see you don't have a ring on any finger.
00:20:15He wasn't good enough for you either.
00:20:18Where do you want to go, Nicolás?
00:20:19I never imagined seeing you working.
00:20:22I already imagined you with three kids, housewife.
00:20:27You know, I don't have time or energy to listen to you talk to me with contempt.
00:20:40Good night, Mr. Vélez.
00:20:45Good night, Mr. Vélez.
00:20:48I'm going to be here a long time, so you better get used to it.
00:20:58I'll see you tomorrow at the office.
00:21:18Miss Londoño, the coffee you gave me yesterday was exquisite.
00:21:22Can you bring me another one, please?
00:21:24I want two, Marianita.
00:21:39I don't know what Mr. Vélez sold you,
00:21:41but just so you know, you have no chance with him.
00:21:44I totally agree with you.
00:21:46Do I look like I care about Nicolás Vélez?
00:21:49I have a friend who went to Oxford with Nicolás.
00:21:52And she told me that he has a girlfriend there,
00:21:54and that his girlfriend is going to move to Colombia.
00:21:59And that his girlfriend is going to move to Colombia.
00:22:02Obviously he has a girlfriend.
00:22:04Five years have passed, Mariana.
00:22:06You know I don't give a shit.
00:22:09Hey, Laura, if you make a joke like yesterday again,
00:22:12I won't hesitate to call Javier
00:22:14and tell him about the bribes you've been receiving from the suppliers.
00:22:17Now, if you'll excuse me, girls.
00:22:23Come in.
00:22:25Mr. Vélez,
00:22:26next time you want coffee,
00:22:28please tell your personal assistant,
00:22:30because I have a lot of work to do.
00:22:32Mr. Javier was very kind to lend me his office and an assistant.
00:22:35You mean he made a mistake?
00:22:38Yes, Mariana.
00:22:40Here's your coffee, Mr. Vélez.
00:22:42Enjoy it.
00:22:47This tastes very bad.
00:22:49Bring me another one, please.
00:22:51Bring me another one, please.
00:22:53Are you serious?
00:22:55This is how you drink coffee,
00:22:57without cream and with little sugar.
00:22:59It can't change.
00:23:27Here's coffee with cold milk,
00:23:30regular coffee with cream and sugar,
00:23:32and a cappuccino.
00:23:34There's everything you need.
00:23:36Choose whatever you want, Mr. Vélez.
00:23:38See you later.
00:23:39I don't want coffee.
00:23:40I want tea.
00:23:45Miss Londoño.
00:23:48No more, Nicolás.
00:23:52You can be a multimillionaire,
00:23:54but the rest of us have to work.
00:23:56So I won't be able to play with you anymore.
00:23:58Well, then, Javier,
00:24:00maybe I have to say...
00:24:01I know my boss desperately wants me to sign this agreement.
00:24:04I know.
00:24:05But do you also know what my boss wants?
00:24:07That he meets my deadlines.
00:24:09Because what's at stake here is my job.
00:24:12You can be a star wherever you go,
00:24:14but I'm just an average woman with bills to pay.
00:24:22Am I being too hard on her?
00:24:25That was the only thing I told her.
00:24:28I think we're running late.
00:24:33we're going with Mr. Vélez to a wonderful Argentine bistro.
00:24:37All the food you like.
00:24:38Are you coming?
00:24:40No, thank you. I have to finish this.
00:24:42You guys go.
00:24:43Are you sure?
00:24:44Let's go, Mr. Del Valle.
00:24:46We're going to be late.
00:24:47Well, you'll miss it.
00:24:49I was wrong.
00:24:50She doesn't deserve to be treated like this.
00:24:52I have to make it up to her.
00:25:20Get in.
00:25:21I'll take you home.
00:25:23He's been waiting for me all this time?
00:25:26Don't worry.
00:25:27I'm used to taking the bus.
00:25:29What are you so afraid of, Mariana?
00:25:50What does he want from me?
00:25:52Why is he here?
00:25:54Miss Londoño, your address.
00:25:57127th Street, highway.
00:26:11why don't you ever...
00:26:20I love you.
00:26:38Ma'am, we're here to pick up...
00:26:49Why do I still love you?
00:26:51Why do I still love you?
00:26:59Thank you for bringing me here.
00:27:03You're welcome.
00:27:11Good night, Mr. Vélez.
00:27:13Good night.
00:27:19I'll see you tomorrow.
00:27:20I'll see you tomorrow.
00:27:25I love you, honey.
00:27:26See you.
00:27:39Let's see if I understood correctly.
00:27:41He intimidates you,
00:27:42but then he waits for you to bring you home,
00:27:45and then he almost kisses you?
00:27:47I don't know if he kissed me or not.
00:27:49Or if he imagined it.
00:27:51What I hear is that he obviously hates me.
00:27:54Oh, no, honey.
00:27:56You can tell he's still in love with you.
00:27:58That's very clear.
00:27:59No, Sofía.
00:28:01Not after what I did to him, Sofía.
00:28:05Not after what I did to him.
00:28:11Besides, I heard he has a girlfriend.
00:28:14Have you seen her?
00:28:17But she supposedly comes from England to be with him.
00:28:21To see, to believe.
00:28:23Mari, why don't you try something new with him?
00:28:27He's a multimillionaire.
00:28:28I don't think his mom cares about that at this point.
00:28:31Don't you think?
00:28:32No, Sofía.
00:28:33It's been five years.
00:28:34In any case, we're further away than we were before.
00:28:38And he's CEO Nicolas Vélez.
00:28:41And I'm a nobody in this world.
00:28:45Hey, listen to me.
00:28:47You can't think like that.
00:28:48You have to have an open mind about this.
00:28:51Look, I don't know, but I feel like maybe it was God
00:28:54who brought them together again so they could have a second chance.
00:28:58Don't you think so?
00:28:59Don't you think so?
00:29:16And this?
00:29:27Did you receive my delivery?
00:29:30Nicolas, it's Saturday at nine in the morning.
00:29:32What the hell do you want now?
00:29:34I need you to go buy a gift.
00:29:45I can't believe he made me come to my free day
00:29:47to buy a gift for a woman.
00:29:49It's expensive.
00:29:50I wonder who it's for.
00:29:52Did he tell you how much the budget is?
00:29:54No, he just said something expensive and with good taste
00:29:56for a very important woman.
00:29:58I'm sure it's his girlfriend.
00:30:00Oh, girl, I think if he's going to do that,
00:30:02you should take advantage and also buy something expensive.
00:30:05Let's see, he's a multimillionaire.
00:30:06I don't think he'll notice.
00:30:10Can I help you with anything?
00:30:12No, thanks. We're just looking.
00:30:16Make sure you don't touch anything because everything here is very expensive.
00:30:20Excuse me?
00:30:22What do you mean?
00:30:24You might be luckier in the discount store
00:30:26at the end of the street.
00:30:29We're a high-end boutique
00:30:31and I don't think you'll find what you're looking for here.
00:30:35Are you calling us poor?
00:30:37Are you calling us poor?
00:30:40I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.
00:30:42Look, ma'am, I think you're...
00:30:44Show me, please, the most expensive purse you have.
00:30:47Excuse me?
00:30:48You work here, right?
00:30:50I told you I wanted to see the most expensive purse in this store.
00:30:54Let's be realistic, girl.
00:30:57You can't afford it.
00:30:58Don't make me waste my time, okay?
00:31:01Try it on.
00:31:07This purse
00:31:10is a limited edition.
00:31:13Made by hand in Italy.
00:31:15And it's worth $25,000.
00:31:20I'll take it.
00:31:25I can't believe I'm about to pay $25,000 in a stupid purse.
00:31:30Nicolas is going to kill me.
00:31:32Miss, your credit card, please.
00:31:35Of course.
00:31:37But he's a multimillionaire.
00:31:39Buy what he doesn't care about.
00:31:42For such a big transaction, I need your identification.
00:31:47Yes, yes.
00:31:55The card and your identification don't match.
00:32:00So I can't make the transaction.
00:32:03Hey, ma'am, what's your problem with us?
00:32:06Why are you asking for the identification?
00:32:08Company policy, girl.
00:32:10For a transaction worth more than $1,000,
00:32:13I have to ask for an identification.
00:32:15And I'm glad I did.
00:32:17Because you're clearly credit card thieves.
00:32:22Well, how do you think that card belongs to your husband?
00:32:25Do you want me to tell you who he is?
00:32:26I do.
00:32:27Doesn't he sound like Nicolas Vélez?
00:32:31Director General of AAA.
00:32:33And you think I believe you
00:32:35that Nicolas Vélez is her husband?
00:32:40You know what?
00:32:41You know what, ma'am?
00:32:42If you don't want to make this sale, we're leaving.
00:32:44Not so fast, girl.
00:32:46I'm going to call the police.
00:32:53Officer, I'm glad you're here.
00:32:55These two are trying to commit fraud with this credit card.
00:32:59I knew they were up to something since they got here.
00:33:02Does she say it's her husband's card?
00:33:06Not husband, envoy.
00:33:08The thing is, they're getting married soon.
00:33:11I'm asking you, miss.
00:33:13It's my envoy.
00:33:14First she says it's her husband.
00:33:15Then it's the envoy.
00:33:17So what, miss?
00:33:19She's lying, officer.
00:33:21Then call your fiancé
00:33:22and tell him to come clear this up.
00:33:24No, I can't call him because he's busy.
00:33:26I can't tell him to come here.
00:33:28Miss, either call him
00:33:29or you'll have to come with me to the police station.
00:33:35Give me your cell phone.
00:33:36Give me your cell phone.
00:33:38I'll call him.
00:33:40Calm down.
00:33:41I'll be right back.
00:33:43I'm screwed.
00:33:48I'm screwed.
00:33:50I'm screwed.
00:33:53What do you think?
00:33:54They'll be here in 10 minutes.
00:34:00It's been 15 minutes.
00:34:02Do you think your fiancé will show up?
00:34:05Or more lies?
00:34:06Will he show up or not?
00:34:08God, I don't know what's worse.
00:34:10Okay, that's all.
00:34:11You two come with me to the police station.
00:34:13Take them.
00:34:14Wait, wait.
00:34:15But we've only been here for 15 minutes.
00:34:16Wait a minute.
00:34:25I'm sorry, honey.
00:34:26I'm late.
00:34:28Sofia told me everything.
00:34:29Follow me.
00:34:33what's going on here, officer?
00:34:36Are you Nicolas Vélez?
00:34:38The only one?
00:34:39Don't you recognize me?
00:34:41Yes, yes, of course.
00:34:42It's a pleasure to meet you in person,
00:34:44Mr. Vélez.
00:34:46Sorry for the inconvenience, officer.
00:34:48I'm going to get my future wife
00:34:52a card with your name on it.
00:34:54And I'll make a big donation
00:34:55to the station after this.
00:34:59It will be very well received,
00:35:01Mr. Vélez.
00:35:03here's your card.
00:35:05You can go back to your shopping.
00:35:07Take care.
00:35:08Have a nice day.
00:35:12Now, is it true that someone
00:35:13made you have a bad time, my fiancée?
00:35:26No, thank you.
00:35:28I like it better this way.
00:35:31With what?
00:35:32A purse?
00:35:33My brother said something expensive
00:35:35and with pleasure.
00:35:37Mr. and Mrs. Vélez,
00:35:38I'm going to bring you the purse right now.
00:35:40If you need anything else,
00:35:41please let me know.
00:35:43Do you like anything else
00:35:44about this woman?
00:35:48Why are you asking me that?
00:35:50Are you the one who wants the gift?
00:35:52Bring me your jewelry collection.
00:35:54Of course, right now.
00:35:56Who is she buying all that for?
00:35:58Definitely for some lover.
00:36:01Men really give their wives
00:36:02jewelry, purses.
00:36:07This is our latest collection.
00:36:09We have pearls, diamonds,
00:36:11sapphires and emeralds.
00:36:13And what do you think?
00:36:18They seem pretty normal to me.
00:36:21Mrs. Vélez,
00:36:22I can assure you
00:36:23that our designers
00:36:24are the best in the industry.
00:36:27And I wanted to apologize
00:36:28for the misunderstanding.
00:36:31I feel like
00:36:32I wasn't very professional.
00:36:34It doesn't matter.
00:36:35This isn't for me.
00:36:36I don't think any woman
00:36:37can say no to one of these.
00:36:42It's the most expensive.
00:36:44It's a high quality
00:36:45Colombian emerald ring.
00:36:48We have a promotion
00:36:49for the jewelry.
00:36:50And I can give you...
00:36:51We don't have it.
00:36:53I'll pack it right now.
00:36:54All of it.
00:36:56All of it?
00:36:58But how many girlfriends do you have?
00:37:00I'm going to pack all of it.
00:37:04I want to see you
00:37:05try them all on.
00:37:07Mr. Vélez,
00:37:08it was $295,000.
00:37:15This is my card.
00:37:16My name is Melody Zambrano.
00:37:18You don't have to give me
00:37:19that card.
00:37:20I'm not the one
00:37:21who's going to buy in this store.
00:37:26And when my wife comes back
00:37:27in the future,
00:37:28I hope she knows
00:37:29what she has to do.
00:37:30Of course.
00:37:31But treat her as she deserves.
00:37:32Of course.
00:37:34Boss, I'm going to put
00:37:35these bags in the car.
00:37:36I'm coming with you.
00:37:38Thank you again, Nicolas.
00:37:40Of course.
00:37:42And where are we going now,
00:37:46Can we stop acting, Nicolas?
00:37:47You already have gifts
00:37:48for 20 women.
00:37:49Now, if that's all,
00:37:50I'm going home.
00:37:53No thanks?
00:37:55Even Sofia is more grateful
00:37:56than you.
00:37:58I just saved you from the police.
00:38:00I wouldn't be in this situation
00:38:01in the first place
00:38:02if you hadn't sent me
00:38:03to buy gifts for your girlfriend
00:38:04or girlfriends.
00:38:07Are you jealous?
00:38:17You're dreaming, Nicolas.
00:38:18Let me go.
00:38:20You don't know
00:38:21any of my dreams.
00:38:25A few years ago,
00:38:26you would have said
00:38:27I was a useless loser.
00:38:28Do you regret it now?
00:38:30You want to marry me,
00:38:31but you don't even have a house
00:38:32or a car to offer me.
00:38:39I don't regret anything.
00:38:41Your mother is your own burden.
00:38:44Don't put that burden
00:38:45on my son.
00:38:48If you really love him,
00:38:50set him free.
00:38:55Are we going to eat?
00:38:59I have things to do.
00:39:12Don't regret anything.
00:39:18she doesn't know
00:39:19what she's missing.
00:39:21Do you want money?
00:39:23I have money.
00:39:28do you still feel
00:39:29something for Ms. Luna?
00:39:32Why would I feel
00:39:33something for an interested person?
00:39:37because I'm interested
00:39:38in her?
00:39:40I just want her to know
00:39:42what she's missing.
00:39:44I'm sorry.
00:39:45I don't know if I'm in a position
00:39:46to tell you this,
00:39:48but I don't think
00:39:49Ms. Luna is interested.
00:39:51Don't you think
00:39:52there was a misunderstanding
00:39:53between you two?
00:39:56Maybe I should tell her the truth.
00:40:00Tell her why she's here.
00:40:10Good morning, Nicolas.
00:40:11I brought you coffee.
00:40:21Mr. Vélez
00:40:22has decided
00:40:23to return to Medellín.
00:40:25So the deal fell through?
00:40:27Quite the opposite.
00:40:29Mr. Vélez decided
00:40:30to move forward with us.
00:40:31He returned to Medellín
00:40:32to do all the preparations.
00:40:33I can't believe
00:40:34he decided
00:40:35to invest in us.
00:40:36Not only that,
00:40:37he's going to acquire us.
00:40:38I'm going to write
00:40:39an email right now
00:40:40to everyone
00:40:41to let them know.
00:40:42Javier, that means
00:40:43he's going to...
00:40:44Yes! He's going to be our boss!
00:40:46Good job!
00:40:55What am I going to do with you, Nicolas?
00:41:01Sofia, you almost scared me to death!
00:41:02You scared me!
00:41:07What are you doing?
00:41:09You're going to quit your job.
00:41:12I don't know.
00:41:15Because Nicolas Vélez
00:41:16is going to become
00:41:17my new boss.
00:41:19He just bought
00:41:20Crazy Maple Studio.
00:41:22Oh my God,
00:41:23that's amazing!
00:41:24It's not amazing, Sofia.
00:41:25It's horrible.
00:41:27My ex-fiancé
00:41:28is going to become my boss?
00:41:30If I don't quit,
00:41:31I'm going to live an impossible life.
00:41:33Not to mention
00:41:34I don't want to be
00:41:35under his orders.
00:41:36You know what?
00:41:37I would agree with you
00:41:38if he didn't show up
00:41:39on the weekend
00:41:40to save your ass
00:41:41and defend you.
00:41:44You know what I think?
00:41:45I feel like that's like...
00:41:47I don't know,
00:41:48his way of showing you
00:41:49that he still cares about you.
00:41:50You're delirious.
00:41:52Maybe I'm delirious, yes.
00:41:54But tell me,
00:41:55am I right or not?
00:41:59What about this?
00:42:00Why are you hiding it, Mariana?
00:42:02You know why you still have it.
00:42:06Nicolas Vélez' mom.
00:42:08Admit it, please!
00:42:17What happened?
00:42:18Javier just sent a message
00:42:19to the whole company
00:42:20inviting us to Nicolas Vélez' mansion
00:42:22to celebrate the merger.
00:42:26And why are you celebrating?
00:42:27There's nothing to celebrate.
00:42:28Oh, no!
00:42:36I've been away for three whole days
00:42:39without any calls
00:42:41or messages.
00:42:44Boss, everything's ready.
00:42:46We're about to leave for the airport.
00:42:49Give me a second.
00:43:00With Nicolas Vélez.
00:43:03I'm flying back to Bogotá today.
00:43:06Are you still up for the invitation?
00:43:11Girl, I'm so excited
00:43:12to get to know Mr. Vélez' mansion.
00:43:14I know, girl.
00:43:16But it's tomorrow night
00:43:17and I'm not dressed yet.
00:43:19Don't worry, girl.
00:43:20We'll leave early
00:43:21and get our nails done.
00:43:22And tomorrow we'll buy a dress.
00:43:24I love it!
00:43:29Let's go.
00:43:37Are you dressed yet?
00:43:39I'm not interested, Laura.
00:43:40When are you going to get off that pedestal?
00:43:42You act like you don't care about Nicolas.
00:43:44But everyone can see how you look at him.
00:43:46Oh, really?
00:43:47And how do I look at him?
00:43:48Do you think we're blind?
00:43:50Everyone could see
00:43:51how obsessed you are with him.
00:43:53And someone like him
00:43:54would never look at someone like you.
00:43:58Let's go.
00:44:14This again?
00:44:21Sofia, girl.
00:44:22Look what I got.
00:44:25From who?
00:44:26Who do you think?
00:44:28Oh, girl.
00:44:29That man wants to sleep with you.
00:44:31Oh, Sofia.
00:44:32Look at that crazy eye.
00:44:33I don't know what eye.
00:44:36It's beautiful.
00:44:38Girl, try it on.
00:44:42I love it.
00:44:43But I don't know if I'm going.
00:44:45What do you mean?
00:44:46Of course you're going.
00:44:47I'm going too.
00:44:49So you better go.
00:44:50Why are you going?
00:44:52Because Andrés invited me.
00:44:57We have to get ready.
00:44:59But it's noon.
00:45:01We have a lot to do.
00:45:02Believe me.
00:45:20This is the first time
00:45:21I have to help a man
00:45:23make another woman jealous.
00:45:25Thank you again for your help, Claudia.
00:45:27My pleasure.
00:45:28So, who's the lucky one?
00:45:29Tell me.
00:45:48I'm nervous.
00:45:50Just talk to Neil, Mari.
00:45:51You have nothing to lose.
00:45:53Yeah, right?
00:45:56Let's go.
00:45:58It's a mansion.
00:46:02Wow, it's a mansion.
00:46:07I think I see Andrés.
00:46:12Let's go.
00:46:13You can do it.
00:46:14Look at me.
00:46:15You can do it.
00:46:21Hi, Mariana.
00:46:23You look beautiful.
00:46:25Well, we were talking about the merger.
00:46:32Mr. Vélez.
00:46:35Well, I think today is a day to celebrate.
00:46:37Shall we make a toast?
00:46:39Let's make a toast
00:46:40because we are the Triple A family.
00:46:46I knew you were going to look good in that dress.
00:46:49It's because you have good taste.
00:46:52Hey, Nicolas.
00:46:53Let's go somewhere else.
00:46:54My love.
00:47:04You are Claudia Serrano.
00:47:06You are the TV presenter of the CMC program.
00:47:10It's great to see you on the show.
00:47:13If we see you, of course.
00:47:14I'm your number one fan.
00:47:15We are.
00:47:16We are your fans.
00:47:17Nice to meet you.
00:47:18Laura Montoya.
00:47:19And I'm Yvonne Gomez.
00:47:20We love you.
00:47:21Well, girls, I think...
00:47:23Mr. Vélez,
00:47:24so you and Miss Serrano are...
00:47:28Call me Nicolas, please.
00:47:30Now we are a big family.
00:47:33Claudia and I are...
00:47:35Well, we want to keep this a secret, right?
00:47:38You will understand me.
00:47:40We are very reserved.
00:47:42Especially Nico.
00:47:44And the truth is that I don't want hate in my networks.
00:47:47Of course, it's totally understandable, Clau.
00:47:51And you?
00:47:52What's your name?
00:47:53I didn't hear your name.
00:47:57Mariana Londoño.
00:48:00A pleasure.
00:48:01Miss Serrano.
00:48:03And how did you meet?
00:48:04Was it on your show?
00:48:07We got in touch
00:48:08when I had a business trip to England, right?
00:48:14I wrote to him,
00:48:15I told him we could meet,
00:48:16and well,
00:48:17since then we've been together.
00:48:18Javier Sosa wrote to me.
00:48:19I'll be right back.
00:48:23You're amazing.
00:48:25I'm sorry.
00:48:35It was obvious I was going to be with a girl like Claudia Serrano.
00:48:39What did you expect?
00:48:50What are you doing here, Nicolás?
00:48:54There are like 30 people outside.
00:48:56They're all enjoying the expensive champagne I'm giving them.
00:49:00Besides, I thought you liked talking in my bathroom.
00:49:03You have a girlfriend.
00:49:07you're jealous.
00:49:10You can tell me, you know?
00:49:12I'm not jealous.
00:49:14I'm not jealous.
00:49:16I'm not jealous.
00:49:17You can tell me, you know?
00:49:19I wouldn't mind having more than two girlfriends.
00:49:24I wasn't serious with Claudia.
00:49:28So you're not only a billionaire,
00:49:30you're also unfaithful.
00:49:32Like when you left me for Pedro?
00:49:35You know what?
00:49:36Yes, I'm the worst in the world.
00:49:39But at least I'm still me.
00:49:42You don't look like the man I met.
00:49:45It's been five years, Nicolás.
00:49:49I had already let you go.
00:49:50What are you doing here?
00:49:52Why did you come back?
00:49:54You know that if it's for revenge, you win.
00:49:57I quit.
00:50:04Mariana, wait.
00:50:09Mariana, wait.
00:50:14Forgive me.
00:50:16I shouldn't have tried to kiss you.
00:50:18And Claudia is not my girlfriend.
00:50:22I just asked her to help me make you jealous.
00:50:25And yes, I know she's stupid and immature,
00:50:27but the truth is...
00:50:31Why are you trying to make me jealous?
00:50:34Isn't it obvious?
00:50:37Because for five damn years,
00:50:40I've been madly in love with you.
00:50:43You want to marry me,
00:50:44but you don't even have a house or a car to offer me.
00:50:48Do you remember that day you broke up with me?
00:50:50You said you had nothing.
00:50:54That you didn't have a house.
00:50:56That you didn't have a car.
00:50:58That men really left their wives
00:51:06I couldn't get those words out of my head.
00:51:09Nicolás, that was five years ago.
00:51:13That crazy idea got stuck in my head
00:51:16that maybe if I managed to get all that,
00:51:19you would ask me to come back to you.
00:51:22Except you didn't.
00:51:24And I come back
00:51:27and it's as if I didn't exist.
00:51:29Mariana, I know I should hate you.
00:51:33I know I shouldn't see you again.
00:51:38But I can't.
00:51:39Do you know what helped me over the past five years
00:51:42to overcome my most difficult moments?
00:51:48I had
00:51:50this idea that if I managed to get
00:51:53everything you could wish for,
00:51:56and if we met in other circumstances,
00:51:59and if
00:52:01I asked you to give me a second chance,
00:52:04you would like it.
00:52:10You would like it.
00:52:18Mariana, what does that mean?
00:52:20Nicolás, I have to explain to you how the...
00:52:23What do I have to explain?
00:52:25I don't care anymore.
00:52:27As long as you're here
00:52:30and as long as I can see you,
00:52:34that's all I care about.
00:52:40I love you.
00:52:59I love you.
00:53:05I love you.
00:53:09You did this?
00:53:12Of course.
00:53:13What do you expect?
00:53:19It's the name of your company.
00:53:21You're very creative.
00:53:24It's in honor of your name.
00:53:33Everything I've done so far
00:53:35has been for this moment.
00:53:39Let's meet again.
00:54:10I love you.
00:54:12I love you.
00:54:14I love you.
00:54:16I love you.
00:54:18I love you.
00:54:20I love you.
00:54:22I love you.
00:54:24I love you.
00:54:26I love you.
00:54:28I love you.
00:54:30I love you.
00:54:32I love you.
00:54:34I love you.
00:54:36I love you.
00:54:38Mariana, Mariana, Mariana.
00:54:43you still think I'm interested?
00:54:46I don't think about that.
00:54:49I thought about it before
00:54:51and I'm thinking about it now.
00:54:59Could you tell me
00:55:01why you left me
00:55:03and what I can do
00:55:05so it won't happen again?
00:55:10I haven't asked myself that question either.
00:55:13Could I go back in time?
00:55:16Would I do things differently?
00:55:18But the answer is no.
00:55:20Do you know why?
00:55:23Because your mom was right.
00:55:28Because it's about making sacrifices.
00:55:31And the truth is, Nicolas,
00:55:33I was dragging you down.
00:55:35I couldn't let you give up your dreams.
00:55:38That's why I decided to let you go.
00:55:43A few months after you left for England,
00:55:46they called me from the hospital
00:55:48to tell me they were going to disconnect my mom
00:55:50for humanitarian reasons.
00:55:52So I signed the papers,
00:55:54I said goodbye
00:55:56and I left Cali without looking back.
00:55:58Why didn't you tell me?
00:56:01We lost five years.
00:56:02We lost five years.
00:56:04Why didn't you trust me?
00:56:06And what if my company had failed?
00:56:09Or if I had never come back?
00:56:12We would have lost each other forever.
00:56:15And why didn't you tell me
00:56:17you had applied to Oxford?
00:56:19Because you and I are basically
00:56:21the same person, Nicolas.
00:56:23We lied to protect those we love.
00:56:28They say
00:56:30that if you love something, let it go.
00:56:33If it comes back to you, it's yours.
00:56:35If not, it never was.
00:56:37Well, this time,
00:56:39I'm not going to let it go.
00:56:59Good morning.
00:57:02The food is served.
00:57:08And you did that?
00:57:10Of course.
00:57:12And where did you learn to cook?
00:57:14You didn't even know how to make an egg.
00:57:16In England.
00:57:18You'd be surprised how horrible the food there is.
00:57:27Hey, what's that I heard?
00:57:29You never had a girlfriend?
00:57:35Are you...
00:57:44But you really don't have a girlfriend, do you?
00:57:48Just a girl I went to college with.
00:57:50We had a date
00:57:52and she told everyone she was my girlfriend.
00:57:54I blocked her after that.
00:57:56A date?
00:57:59And you?
00:58:01What about Pedro?
00:58:03Did I see him that night?
00:58:05That was a plan.
00:58:08It wasn't true.
00:58:10Besides, Pedro is gay.
00:58:13He's gay.
00:58:14Did you notice?
00:58:17Nico, it was very obvious.
00:58:20Come here.
00:58:22I want to show you something.
00:58:25What is it?
00:58:26I want to show you something.
00:58:28Show me.
00:58:34What is all this, Nico?
00:58:36It's everything I have.
00:58:40I have a house in England,
00:58:42a penthouse in Medellín,
00:58:45a house on the beach in Miami,
00:58:48this house I just bought in Bogotá,
00:58:52four cars,
00:58:53my company,
00:58:54my visa,
00:58:56and the things you bought last weekend.
00:58:59Why are you showing me all this?
00:59:01It's yours.
00:59:07You just have to marry me.
00:59:11This house?
00:59:13It's worth 20 million dollars.
00:59:15It's yours.
00:59:16You have a Ferrari.
00:59:17It's all yours.
00:59:19Your company.
00:59:22it's all mine.
00:59:23It's yours.
00:59:24But you,
00:59:28you're mine.
00:59:30I thank you for all this,
00:59:33but you know that the only thing I care about is you.
00:59:36You know that, right?
00:59:43I'm very excited
00:59:45because today
00:59:47is the day
00:59:49when the Crazy Maple family
00:59:52will officially join
00:59:54the Triple A family.
00:59:57And I know we're going to do wonderful things together,
01:00:00but I want you to say the words, Nicolas.
01:00:04Well, I want to thank everyone
01:00:06who has contributed to make this possible.
01:00:09And I want to give you the news
01:00:10that today is Mariana's last day.
01:00:13I want to propose a toast
01:00:14to everything she has done for the company.
01:00:22Did they fire you or something?
01:00:24No, it's just that I don't want to become
01:00:25the nightmare of human resources.
01:00:28What do you mean? I don't understand.
01:00:29Today is Mariana's last day because
01:00:32she and I
01:00:37are getting married.
01:00:40She is my first love
01:00:43and she will be the last.
01:00:45Thank you, Javier.
01:00:46Because of Crazy Maple Studio,
01:00:48I was able to find her again.
01:00:54I'm very excited, Mariana.
01:00:58We're going to miss you.
01:01:01I just ask you to take care of her, please.
01:01:05And I imagined it, right?
01:01:07We'll leave you
01:01:10because we have a lot of preparations to do.
01:01:28I can finally call you my wife.
01:01:33I love you so much, Mr. Vélez.
01:01:37I love you more,
01:01:38Mrs. Vélez.
01:01:47Let's see.
01:01:49Smile for a photo.
01:02:00What are you doing?
01:02:02I'm going to post this photo
01:02:04in Times Square 24 hours.
01:02:06That way, everyone will know you're my wife
01:02:08and you won't be able to escape.
01:02:12I love you.
01:02:14I love you too.
01:02:16Times Square.
01:02:20Welcome home, miss.
01:02:26What are you doing here, Mom?
01:02:28I can't believe my only son got married
01:02:30and I wasn't invited.
01:02:32And you came from Cali just to tell me that?
01:02:37would you give me a minute alone to talk to Mariana?
01:02:40I'm not going anywhere.
01:02:42I just want to talk, Nicolás.
01:02:44Don't get so tense.
01:02:46In the past, I left you alone with Mariana
01:02:48and I lost five years with her.
01:02:50I'm not going to do it again.
01:02:52And if you come to tell us that we broke up,
01:02:54you can forget about your only son.
01:02:56You're just like your father.
01:02:59A pervert.
01:03:00A pervert.
01:03:02He loved me like that once,
01:03:04and then he died
01:03:06and I was left alone to raise you.
01:03:10That's the ring Nicolás asked me for
01:03:12when we got married five years ago.
01:03:14Mom, I thought you threw it away.
01:03:17I always had the feeling
01:03:19that this day would come
01:03:21and I kept it.
01:03:23I'm sorry, Mariana,
01:03:25for what I said five years ago,
01:03:27but I don't regret it.
01:03:29Someday, when you have children,
01:03:31you'll understand me.
01:03:33No, Mrs. Aveles.
01:03:35You were right.
01:03:37Love is about making sacrifices.
01:03:40Nicolás was giving up everything for me
01:03:42if I hadn't left him,
01:03:44he wouldn't have become
01:03:46the great man I am today.
01:03:50Thank you very much
01:03:52for making my son happy again.
01:04:05I still have them.
01:04:07Because that's how you should always be.
01:04:08Because that's how you should always be.