• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Il porto di Civitavecchia compie un passo decisivo verso la transizione ecologica con l’avvio del progetto Cold Ironing, un’iniziativa dal valore di 81 milioni di euro finanziata con i fondi PNRR con l'obiettivo di ridurre le emissioni inquinanti consentendo alle navi di spegnere i motori durante la sosta in porto, grazie all’alimentazione elettrica da terra. Alla cerimonia di posa della prima pietra hanno partecipato il Viceministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, Edoardo Rixi, la Vicepresidente della Regione Lazio, Roberta Angelilli, il Sindaco di Civitavecchia, Marco Piendibene, e il Commissario Straordinario dell'Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, Pino Musolino. Tutti hanno sottolineato l'importanza dell’iniziativa per il rilancio del porto e la sua trasformazione in un hub sostenibile e strategico per l’economia italiana. Il cantiere prevede l’elettrificazione delle banchine per 9 accosti (3 dedicati alle navi da crociera di grandi dimensioni, 4 per Navi Ro-RO e Ro-Pax di nuova generazione e 2 polifunzionali utilizzabili sia per Navi Ro-RO e Ro-Pax sia per navi da Crociera di medie grandi dimensioni) per abbattere le emissioni di NOx e SOx e migliorare la qualità dell’aria nella zona portuale.


00:00The Port of Civitavecchia made a decisive step towards the ecological transition with the launch of the Cold Ironing project, an initiative worth 81 million euros financed with the funds of the PNRR, with the aim of reducing polluting emissions, allowing ships to turn off the engines during the stopover, thanks to the power supply from the ground.
00:24At the first stone ceremony, several institutional figures participated, and together with Pino Musolino, extraordinary commissioner of the Port System Authority of the Mar Tirreno Centro Settentrionale, all underlined the importance of the initiative for the relaunch of the port and its transformation into a sustainable and strategic hub for the Italian economy.
00:44What we in Italy call Cold Ironing, or OPS, Onshore Power Supply, that is the supply of electricity from the ground to the ships to prevent them from polluting when they park in the ports.
00:54It may seem like a very simple solution, but in reality it is a solution that many ports struggle to achieve, and it is, if you like, the first stage of that great path of energy revolution in relation to the transition of ports towards greater sustainability and greater energy independence from fossil fuels, which is an inevitable path, thanks also to the strong commitment of the national government with the funds of the so-called Next Generation EU.
01:24The site provides for the electrification of the benches for nine at a cost, to reduce harmful emissions and improve the air quality in the port area. With the start of work and the conclusion scheduled for June 2026, the Port of Civitavecchia prepares to become a model of sustainable development, strengthening its competitiveness and projecting towards a greener and more efficient future.
01:45The future is also the conversion of the power plant of Enel, but possibly also by producing clean energy within the port. We need the ports to be able to manage their own energy capacity, we need better environmental quality, to maintain the occupation and to enhance it.
02:02The national port system is a great asset for us to invest in, also because the development of Civitavecchia strongly conditions the industrial and commercial development of all the surrounding regions, not only of Lazio, but also of much of Tuscany and other regions.
02:20The Cold Ironing represents only the first step of a broader transformation that, according to experts, could include in the future also the production of clean energy directly within the port, contributing to its energy independence and to the reduction of the environmental impact.
